Asset | Content | Location | People | Comments |
Description of a summer excursion to Debenham in 1905 by members of the Suffolk Institute hosted by MSLR Unknown | F. S. Stevenson , Philip Turner , W Freeman , H Capon , Rev. G Allan , Rev. C W D Chevallier , V B Redstone , Robert Cheke ,William Baldewyn , Charles Gawdy , John Sheppard ,Mrs. Moore , J B T Chevallier , | Description of a visit hosted by Mid Suffolk Light Railway | ||
Dove book | John Abbott is mentioned on page(s) 26, 84,135,138 | John Abbott | ||
Dove book | John Aldrich is mentioned on page(s) 108, 109 | John Aldrich | ||
Dove book | John Allen is mentioned on page(s) 104 | John Allen | ||
Dove book | Widow John Allen is mentioned on page(s) 104 | Widow John Allen | ||
Dove book | John Andrews is mentioned on page(s) 127 | John Andrews | ||
Dove book | John Ashford is mentioned on page(s) 104 | John Ashford | ||
Dove book | John Barker is mentioned on page(s) 111, 138 | John Barker | ||
Dove book | John Barratt Jnr is mentioned on page(s) 138 | John Barratt Jnr | ||
Dove book | John Barton is mentioned on page(s) 104 | John Barton | ||
Dove book | John Bennett is mentioned on page(s) 138 | John Bennett | Winston | |
Dove book | John Bennett Snr is mentioned on page(s) 138 | John Bennett Snr | ||
Dove book | John Bethel is mentioned on page(s) 66 | John Bethel | ||
Dove book | John Bone is mentioned on page(s) 104 | John Bone | ||
Dove book | John Braham is mentioned on page(s) 104 | John Braham | ||
Dove book | John Buckenham is mentioned on page(s) 115 | John Buckenham | ||
Dove book | John of Bukenheth is mentioned on page(s) 44 | John of Bukenheth | ||
Dove book | Rev John Bull is mentioned on page(s) 123 | Rev John Bull | ||
Dove book | John Catchpole is mentioned on page(s) 115 | John Catchpole | ||
Dove book | John Cheke is mentioned on page(s) 46-49, 66 | John Cheke | ||
Dove book | Rev John Chevallier is mentioned on page(s) 29, 122 | Rev John Chevallier | ||
Dove book | John Clark is mentioned on page(s) 104 | John Clark | ||
Dove book | Rev John Clubbe is mentioned on page(s) 8, 80-84, 89, 115, 120, 122 | Rev John Clubbe | ||
Dove book | John de Codyngton is mentioned on page(s) 44 | John de Codyngton | ||
Dove book | John Crampton is mentioned on page(s) 104 | John Crampton | ||
Dove book | John Davie is mentioned on page(s) 120, 121 | John Davie | ||
Dove book | Rev John Davie is mentioned on page(s) 67 | Rev John Davie | ||
Dove book | John Denant is mentioned on page(s) 104, 121 | John Denant | ||
Dove book | John Denny is mentioned on page(s) 72 | John Denny | ||
Dove book | John Dobly is mentioned on page(s) 104 | John Dobly | ||
Dove book | John Dow is mentioned on page(s) 104 | John Dow | ||
Dove book | John Eames is mentioned on page(s) 100 | John Eames | ||
Dove book | John Fairweather is mentioned on page(s) 132 | John Fairweather | ||
Dove book | John Fisher is mentioned on page(s) 108 | John Fisher | ||
Dove book | John Framlingham is mentioned on page(s) 61, 64, 66, 76 | John Framlingham | ||
Dove book | Mr John Freeman is mentioned on page(s) 2 | Mr John Freeman | ||
Dove book | John Gardnar is mentioned on page(s) 104 | John Gardnar | ||
Dove book | John Giles is mentioned on page(s) 138 | John Giles | ||
Dove book | John Glemham is mentioned on page(s) 45 | John Glemham | ||
Dove book | John Sibborn Gonner is mentioned on page(s) 2, 33 | John Sibborn Gonner | ||
Dove book | John Gooding is mentioned on page(s) 104, 109, 138 | John Gooding | ||
Dove book | John Guypher is mentioned on page(s) 25 | John Guypher | ||
Dove book | John Hales is mentioned on page(s) 44 | John Hales | ||
Dove book | John Harvey is mentioned on page(s) 48 | John Harvey | ||
Dove book | John Hayward is mentioned on page(s) 3, 117 | John Hayward | ||
Dove book | John Holbrook is mentioned on page(s) 42 | John Holbrook | ||
Dove book | John Howlett is mentioned on page(s) 104 | John Howlett | child | |
Dove book | John Howlett is mentioned on page(s) 104 | John Howlett | ||
Dove book | John Hudson is mentioned on page(s) 118 | John Hudson | ||
Dove book | John Jacob is mentioned on page(s) 132 | John Jacob | ||
Dove book | John Jessup is mentioned on page(s) 30, 84, 85 | John Jessup | ||
Dove book | John Kerretch is mentioned on page(s) 72 | John Kerretch | ||
Dove book | John King is mentioned on page(s) 99 | John King | ||
Dove book | John Ladbroke is mentioned on page(s) 138 | John Ladbroke | ||
Dove book | John de Langley is mentioned on page(s) 138 | John de Langley | ||
Dove book | John Last is mentioned on page(s) 25 | John Last | ||
Dove book | Kt John de Lisle is mentioned on page(s) 44 | Kt John de Lisle | ||
Dove book | John Love is mentioned on page(s) 66 | John Love | ||
Dove book | John de Mowbray is mentioned on page(s) 44 | John de Mowbray | ||
Dove book | John Nevile is mentioned on page(s) 66 | John Nevile | ||
Dove book | John Nevill is mentioned on page(s) 45 | John Nevill | ||
Dove book | John Nicol is mentioned on page(s) 66 | John Nicol | ||
Dove book | John Nun is mentioned on page(s) 105 | John Nun | ||
Dove book | Sir John Oldcastle is mentioned on page(s) 45 | Sir John Oldcastle | ||
Dove book | John Orford is mentioned on page(s) 68 | John Orford | ||
Dove book | Rev John Owen is mentioned on page(s) 101, 138 | Rev John Owen | ||
Dove book | John Pack Jnr is mentioned on page(s) 105 | John Pack Jnr | ||
Dove book | John Packard is mentioned on page(s) 2 | John Packard | ||
Dove book | John Page is mentioned on page(s) 138 | John Page | ||
Dove book | John Percy is mentioned on page(s) 9 | John Percy | ||
Dove book | John Pettitt is mentioned on page(s) 30, 84 | John Pettitt | ||
Dove book | Mr John Pooley is mentioned on page(s) 138 | Mr John Pooley | ||
Dove book | John Primrose is mentioned on page(s) 109 | John Primrose | ||
Dove book | John Quinton is mentioned on page(s) 105 | John Quinton | ||
Dove book | John Reeve is mentioned on page(s) 116 | John Reeve | ||
Dove book | John Revet is mentioned on page(s) 61 | John Revet | ||
Dove book | John Richarson Jun is mentioned on page(s) 105 | John Richarson Jun | ||
Dove book | John Richarson Snr is mentioned on page(s) 105 | John Richarson Snr | ||
Dove book | Surgeon John Rodbard is mentioned on page(s) 110 | Surgeon John Rodbard | ||
Dove book | John de Sekeford is mentioned on page(s) 43 | John de Sekeford | ||
Dove book | John Seyet is mentioned on page(s) 105 | John Seyet | ||
Dove book | John Sharman is mentioned on page(s) 115 | John Sharman | ||
Dove book | John Sheppard is mentioned on page(s) 107 | John Sheppard | ||
Dove book | John Simpson is mentioned on page(s) 82, 106-109 | John Simpson | ||
Dove book | John Smith is mentioned on page(s) 120 | John Smith | ||
Dove book | John Stokey is mentioned on page(s) 66 | John Stokey | ||
Dove book | John Stork is mentioned on page(s) 105 | John Stork | ||
Dove book | John Suter is mentioned on page(s) 105 | John Suter | ||
Dove book | John Thurkettle is mentioned on page(s) 138 | John Thurkettle | ||
Dove book | John Turner is mentioned on page(s) 115 | John Turner | ||
Dove book | Sir John Tyrrell is mentioned on page(s) 72 | Sir John Tyrrell | ||
Dove book | John de Wateville is mentioned on page(s) 44 | John de Wateville | ||
Dove book | John Whit is mentioned on page(s) 105 | John Whit | ||
Dove book | John Whiting is mentioned on page(s) 105 | John Whiting | ||
Dove book | John Wilson is mentioned on page(s) 105 | John Wilson | ||
Dove book | John Winford is mentioned on page(s) 105 | John Winford | ||
Peter Northeast extract from the 1621 survey of Butley Manor | Butley Manor | James Aldrich, John Aldrich, Thomas Aldrich, John Alefounder, John Allen, Robert Allfounder, William Allome, Robert Applewayte, Peter Ardely, Robert Ashwell, Charles Assey, William Awstyn, Robert Ballard, William Banister, Samuel Bannister, Paul Banyngs, Anna BardweIl, Robert BardweIl, James Bardwell, Barnaby Barker, John Barker, John Barker, Thomas Barker, Robert Barrett, William Batts, Jonathan Beadwell, Philip Bedingfeld, Robert Bedingfeld, Thomas Bedingfelde, Nicholas Bell, William Bence, Simon Bennett, John Bertlott, Walter Blower, John Bobbett, Elizabeth Bond, James Bond, John Bond, Robert Bond, Thomas Bond, William Bond, Richard Bonde, Thomas Bonde, Robert Braham, Mary Bransby, George Brcoke, Robert Brewster, John Britton, Francis Brooke, George Brooke, John Brytten, Thomas Buck, Henry Bucknam, Robert Bucknam, William Bunnan, Samuel Bury, Edward Calver, Alan Catchpoll, Allan Catchpoll, Elizabeth Catchpoll, Mark Catchpoll, Nicholas Chandler, John Chapman, Stephen Chechely, Ralph Cheeke, Robert Cheeke, Robert Chester, Temple Chevelier, James Chrispe, Jane Clodd, Thomas Clodd, John Cock, Andrew Conyngham, Edward Corbold, Thomas Corbold, Christopher Cowper, William Cracknell, James Culham, John Culham, Richard Culharn, John Cully, Margaret Curdy, John Curtyes, Thomas Dade, Dorothy Daldy, Dorothy Daldy, Samuel Daldy, Thomas Dandy, Sara Davie, John Davy, John Davy, John Dawling, Susan Dawling, Robert de Hoo, John Dobbes, John Dobbs, Frances Dove, William Dove, William Drane, John Dunckon, Reginald Eade, John Easterson, William Edgar, John Fayerweather, Thomas Fen, Charles Fenn, Reuben Feveryere, Rubin Feveryere, Lawrence Fideon, Charles Flowerdewe, John Flowerdewe, John Folkard, William Folkard, Lionel Fosdick, Gregory Frinde, James Fuller, John Fuller, Joseph Fuller, Nicholas Game, Henry Gardiner, John Gardiner, Jane Garneys, Nicholas Garnies, Robert Garnies, Wentworth Garnies, Charles Garnys, Thomas Garwood, Charles Gaudy, Barnaby Gibson, Charles Gibson, Richard Girling, John Girlyng, Robert Girlyng, Sarah Glamfeld, John Glamlfeld, John Godbold, Simon Goddard, George Goody, John Gowen, Robert Gowen, Thomas Gowen, John Gowyn, Harbottle Grimston, Robert Grymble, Edward Grymston, William Gwuys, James Harison, George Harrison, Henry Harrison, James Harrison, James Harrison, William Harrison, John Harsant, Thomas Harvy, Walter Harvy, Robert Hastings, Thomas Hayes, Robert Hempson, Roger Holbecks, Roger Holberts, John Hoo, Thomas Horseman, Geoffrey Howlett, Mary Howlett, Thomas Howlett, John Hubberd, Francis Hunting, Francis Huntyng, Jnhn Ide, Robert Jackson, Nicholas Jeffery, Richard Jefferyes, Simon Jefferyes, John Jeffrey, Simon Jeffreys, Margery Karsy, Margery Kempe, Joseph Kersey, Jane Kettle, Francis Kilderbey, Mary King, Phil King, Roger Lake, Robert Lance, Martha Leader, John List , Robert List, William List, Fenhias Lock, John Lock, Thomas Lockwood, John Lomax, Elizabeth Lorde, Thomas Maddock, Edward Major, Andrew Manns, Francis Masham, William Masham, Howes Mayhewe, John Mayhewe, Lawrence Mayhewe, Reginald Mayhewe, Edward Mayor, Richard Motts, William Motts, Alice Moyse, Richard Moyse, Smauel Moyse, William Moyse, Richard Mutley, Thomas Nichols, Margery Nunn, Anthony Ocle, William Ownys, Grace Peake, Thomas Peake, Thomas Pecke, Thomas Pecke, Anthony Pennyng, Robert Pett, George Philips, Isaac Phillips, James Phillips, Nicholas Phillips, John Picknott, Osbert Picknott, George Potter, John Pulham, John Punchard, John Purpelt, John Purpett, John Pyne, Robert Reade, Christopher Rivett, Thomas Rodbard, Robert Runkattle, Henry Runkettle, John Salmon, George Savage, Francis Shardelowe, Richard Sharman, Thomas Sharman, Francis Shennan, Christopher Shepe, Martha Sherman, Nicholas Sherman, Thomas Sherman, John Shulvard, Peter Sidebottom, Sarah Sidebottom, John Simpson, Agnes Skargate, Anne Smith, Christopher Smith, Henry Smith, John Smith, Riseing Smith, Anne Smyth, John Smyth, Nicholas Smyth, John Smythe, Robert Sparham, Nicholas Sparhawke, Richard Sparhawkes, John Spech, Thomas Spillisby, Richard Sponer, Simon Sponer, John Stele, William Stevens, Ralph Styles, John Tanen, Oliver Taster, John Thresher, Robert Thrower, William Thwayt, Thomas Tillet, John Toke, George Tovell, Robert Tovell, John Turbald, Hannah Turner, William Turpetine, Samuel Tuthill, Peter Tyler, Edward Unger, Elizabeth Unger, Elizabeth Utting, Rev. Walton, Sarah Walton, John Warde, John Warren, John Webber, Robert Whaymond, Thomas Whaymond, Thomas Wills, Thomas Willson, John Wilson, James Woode, James Woode, John Woode, Margaret Woode, Robert Woode, Thomasin Woode, Thomasine Woode, John Woodeard, Anne Woods, George Woods, William Woods, Anthony Wrethoke, John Wrethoke, Edward Yellopp, Alston, Browne, Glascock, Turpen | ||
Notes made from a conversation between John Brodribb and Russell Bloomfield on the cutting for the Mid Suffolk Light Railway in Debenham and Kenton. Details how goods were transported, machinery. | Johnny List, Gig Eade, Jack Godbold, Mr Eagle, Donald Goose, Daisy Tawle | From the Wendy Bloomfield Collection. Photos referred to in notes have not been located. This document give a good description of activities of the time c1919 | ||
Gooding's shop | Church Row | Information from Steve Gooding suggests that John Gooding and his father William Gooding were butchers in Debenham in the 19th century and the doors in the photo would seem to be more appropriate to this trade. | ||
The Goodings of Debenham. | Back Row L-R is Mabel Edith, William George, Leonard Elworthy and John Frederick. Seated is Frederick (the tailor) and his wife Grace, with their youngest daughter Freda Grace. | |||
Debenham.... A Village For All Ages | From the Wendy Bloomfield Collection. VHS Narrated by John Mountford looking at the history of Debenham using aerial shots and material recorded at the annual Debenham Street Fair. Due to copyright unable to display on Archive. Please contact Debenham History Society via the email link at the bottom of this page for more information. | |||
The Village Show - Debenham presented by Paul Barnes, first broadcast by Anglia Television in 1996 | Paul Barnes , Keith Patterson (Irvine Plastics), Jane Roberts , Tom Dallison , David Allen (Neaves Butchers), Rhona Allen , Lynden Jackson (clock mender), Will Hutt (Armourer), Crawford Balch (Osiers), John Arbon , Trevor Arbon , Barry Chevallier-Guild , Lawrence LeMay , Caroline Hutt (widow of Dr Charles Hutt ), Jack Holman , Pam Vinten , Tony Mowles (shoemaker) | Fire engine |
Card | Date | Type | Name | Event | 22/01/1559 | Baptism | Winnefrid Whitton | Winnefrid Whitton a daughter of John Whitton was baptised on 22nd January 1559/1560 | 05/02/1559 | Baptism | Thomas Ffrynde | Thomas Ffrynde a son of John Ffrynde was baptised on 5th February 1559/1560 Note: See F87-10 | 05/02/1559 | Baptism | Thomas Ffrynde | Thomas Ffrynde a son of John Ffrynde was baptised on 5th February 1559/1560 Note: See F87-9 | 05/03/1559 | Baptism | John Green | John Green a son of Robert Green was baptised on 5th March 1559/1560 Note: See G105-6 | 05/03/1559 | Baptism | John Greene | John Greene a son of Robert Greene was baptised on 5th March 1559/1560 Note: See G105-7 | 27/11/1559 | Baptism | Susan Fuller | Susan Fuller a daughter of John Fuller was baptised on 27th November 1559 | 08/01/1560 | Marriage | Elizabeth Hevewood | Elizabeth Hevewood aka "Elizabethe Hevewod" was married on 8th January 1560 to John Porter | 08/01/1560 | Marriage | John Porter | John Porter was married on 8th January 1560 to Elizabeth Hevewood | 14/06/1560 | Baptism | Mychaell Nutts | Mychaell Nutts a son of John Nutts was baptised on 14th June 1560 | 04/09/1560 | Marriage | John Ffuller | John Ffuller was married on 4th September 1560 to Margaret Sucklinge Note: Margaret ye wyffe of Jo Fffuller buried 7 Dec 1586 | 04/09/1560 | Multiple | Margaret Sucklinge | Margaret Sucklinge was married on 4th September 1560 to John Ffuller and was buried on 7th December 1586 | 29/09/1560 | Baptism | Jacthe Topplyne | Jacthe Topplyne a daughter of John Topplyne was baptised on 29th September 1560 | 21/12/1560 | Baptism | John Owlnye | John Owlnye a son of Peter Owlnye was baptised on 21st December 1560 | 01/01/1561 | Marriage | William Johnson | William Johnson was married in 1561 to Agnyes Note: No full name for spouse | 28/02/1561 | Baptism | Margarett Colson | Margarett Colson aka "Frevenly" a daughter of John Colson aka "Frevenly" was baptised on 28th February 1561/1561 Note: Frevenly | 28/02/1561 | Baptism | Margaret Frevenly | Margaret Frevenly a daughter of John Frevenly aka "John Colson" was baptised on 28th February 1561 Note: Colson See F87-4 | 28/02/1561 | Baptism | Margaret Frevenly | Margaret Frevenly aka "Margaret Colson" a daughter of John Colson aka "John Frevenly" was baptised on 28th February 1561 Note: See F87-3 | 10/04/1561 | Baptism | John Catchpoll | John Catchpoll a son of John Catchpoll was baptised on 10th April 1561 | 05/05/1561 | Baptism | Barker | A son of John Barker was baptised on 5th May 1561 Note: See B28-6 | 05/05/1561 | Baptism | Barker | A son of John Barker was baptised on 5th May 1561 Note: See B28-5 | 14/05/1561 | Baptism | John Bardwell | John Bardwell aka "Skott" a son of William Bardwell aka "Skott" and Margaret Bardwell aka "Skott" was baptised on 14th May 1561 Note: See B22-1 | 14/05/1561 | Baptism | John Bardwell | John Bardwell aka "Skott" a son of William Bardwell aka "Skott" and Margaret Bardwell aka "SKott" was baptised on 14th May 1561 Note: See B21-10 | 11/08/1561 | Baptism | John Woode | John Woode a son of Rychard Woode was baptised on 11th August 1561 | 29/09/1561 | Baptism | Hownye | A son of John Hownye aka "Owlnye" was baptised on 29th September 1561 | 10/10/1561 | Baptism | John Cheke | John Cheke a son of Jo Cheke aka "Jo Cheke Senior" was baptised on 10th October 1561 Note: They owned and resided at Blood Hall | 10/10/1561 | Baptism | John Cheke | John Cheke a son of Jo Cheke aka "Jo Cheke Senior" was baptised on 10th October 1561 | 21/10/1561 | Baptism | John Whittinge | John Whittinge a son of John Whittinge was baptised on 21st October 1561 | 04/01/1562 | Baptism | Robert Johnson | Robert Johnson a son of William Johnson was baptised on 4th January 1562/1563 | 22/02/1562 | Baptism | George Savage | George Savage a son of John Savage (Carpenter) was baptised on 22nd February 1562/1563 | 26/04/1562 | Marriage | John Bardwell | John Bardwell aka "Skotte" was married on 26th April 1562 to Ann Harrison , daughter of George Harrison | 26/04/1562 | Marriage | Ann Harrison | Ann Harrison a daughter of George Harrison aka "George Harrison Snr" was married on 26th April 1562 to John Bardwell aka "Skotte" Note: See H15-6 and H15-9 | 26/04/1562 | Marriage | Ann Harrison | Ann Harrison a daughter of George Harrison aka "George Harrison Snr" was married on 26th April 1562 to John Bardwell aka "Skotte" Note: See H15-8 and H15-6 | 26/04/1562 | Marriage | Anne Harrison | Anne Harrison a daughter of George Harrison aka "George Harrison Snr" was married on 26th April 1562 to John Skotte aka "Bardwell" Note: See H15-8 and H15-9 | 26/04/1562 | Marriage | John Skotte | John Skotte aka "Bardwell" was married on 26th April 1562 to Anne Harrison , daughter of George Harrison | 25/07/1562 | Baptism | Thomas Bond | Thomas Bond a son of John Bond aka "Ye Myller" (Miller) and Margaret Bond was baptised on 25th July 1562 | 25/07/1562 | Baptism | Thomas Bond | Thomas Bond a son of John Bond aka "Ye Myller" (Miller) was baptised on 25th July 1562 | 11/10/1562 | Burial | Thomas Ffrynde | Thomas Ffrynde son of John Ffrynde and Margaret Ffrynde was buried on 11th October 1562 | 11/10/1562 | Burial | Thomas Ffrynde | Thomas Ffrynde son of John Ffrend and Margaret Ffrend was buried on 11th October 1562 | 15/11/1562 | Burial | Elizabeth Porter | Elizabeth Porter wife of John Porter was buried on 15th November 1562 | 05/12/1562 | Burial | John Owlnye | John Owlnye son of John Owlnye and Elizabeth Owlnye was buried on 5th December 1562 | 13/12/1562 | Baptism | John Gowyne | John Gowyne a son of Robert Gowne was baptised on 13th December 1562 | 14/02/1563 | Baptism | Margaret Catchpoll | Margaret Catchpoll a daughter of John Catchpoll and Elizabeth Catchpoll was baptised on 14th February 1563/1564 Note: See C23-4 | 14/02/1563 | Baptism | Margarett Catchpoll | Margarett Catchpoll a daughter of John Catchpoll and Elizabeth Catchpoll was baptised on 14th February 1563/1564 Note: See C23-3 | 28/02/1563 | Baptism | Elizabeth Betts | Elizabeth Betts a daughter of John Betts and Margaret Betts was baptised on 28th February 1563/1564 Note: See B100-10 | 28/02/1563 | Baptism | Elizabeth Betts | Elizabeth Betts a daughter of John Betts and Margaret Betts was baptised on 28th February 1563/1564 Note: See B100-09 | 09/05/1563 | Baptism | Bardwell | Bardwell aka "Skott" a son of Bardwell aka "Skott" and Bardwell aka "Skott" was baptised on 9th May 1563 Note: Additional record of baptism of son John Bardwell on 31 May 1565 - See B21-3 | 25/05/1563 | Baptism | Elizabeth Rycharde Rychardsonne | Elizabeth Rycharde Rychardsonne a daughter of John Rychardsonne and Margerye Rychardsonne was baptised on 25th May 1563 | 24/06/1563 | Baptism | Thomas Matthewe | Thomas Matthewe a son of Ffrancis Matthewe and John Matthewe aka "Johan" was baptised on 24th June 1563 | 05/09/1563 | Burial | John Button | John Button son of Nycholas Button and Kathering Button was buried on 5th September 1563 | 09/10/1563 | Baptism | Thomas Cheke | Thomas Cheke a son of John Cheke and Cyssely Cheke was baptised on 9th October 1563 Note: See C32-4 | 09/10/1563 | Baptism | Thomas Cheke | Thomas Cheke a son of John Cheke and Cyssely Cheke was baptised on 9th October 1563 Note: See C32-3 | 20/11/1563 | Baptism | John Owlnye | John Owlnye a son of Elizabeth Owlnye was baptised on 20th November 1563 Note: father's name not noted | 20/12/1563 | Baptism | Barnaby Barker | Barnaby Barker a son of John Barker and Margaret Barker was baptised on 20th December 1563 Note: See B28-8 | 20/12/1563 | Baptism | Barnaby Barker | Barnaby Barker a son of John Barker and Margaret Barker was baptised on 20th December 1563 Note: See B28-7 | 28/01/1564 | Baptism | John Cooper | John Cooper a son of Thomas Cooper and Elizabeth Cooper was baptised on 28th January 1564/1565 | 17/02/1564 | Burial | John Cooper | John Cooper son of Thomas Cooper and Elizabeth Cooper was buried on 17th February 1564/1565 | 12/03/1564 | Baptism | Robert Bonde | Robert Bonde a son of John Bond (Miller) and Margaret Bond was baptised on 12th March 1564 | 14/03/1564 | Burial | John Chrispe | John Chrispe was buried on 14th March 1564 | 22/03/1564 | Baptism | Marye Cheke | Marye Cheke a daughter of John Cheke and Cysselye Cheke was baptised on 22nd March 1564/1565 | 26/03/1564 | Baptism | Cysslye Ffuller | Cysslye Ffuller a daughter of John Ffuller and Katheringe Ffuller was baptised on 26th March 1564 Note: See F94-5 | 26/03/1564 | Baptism | Cysslye Ffuller | Cysslye Ffuller a daughter of John Ffuller and Katheringe Ffuller was baptised on 26th March 1564 Note: See F94-4 | 23/04/1564 | Baptism | Marye Colson | Marye Colson a daughter of John Colson and Margaret Colson was baptised on 23rd April 1564 | 23/04/1564 | Baptism | Marye Colson | Marye Colson a daughter of John Colson and Margaret Colson was baptised on 23rd April 1564 | 24/04/1564 | Baptism | Thomas Lacye | Thomas Lacye a son of John Lacye and Elizabeth Lacye was baptised on 24th April 1564 | 06/08/1564 | Baptism & Burial | Thomas Ffrynd | Thomas Ffrynd son of John Ffrend and Margaret Ffrend was baptised on 6th August 1564 and was buried on 20th August 1564 | 26/09/1564 | Burial | Elizabeth Jackson | Elizabeth Jackson wife of Rychard Jackson was buried on 26th September 1564 | 30/09/1564 | Baptism | Allyce Owlnye | Allyce Owlnye a daughter of John Owlnye and Elizabeth Owlnye was baptised on 30th September 1564 | 02/10/1564 | Baptism | John Grene | John Grene a son of Edward Grene was baptised on 2nd October 1564 | 22/10/1564 | Marriage | John Bond | John Bond a son of Margaret Bond aka "Widow Margaret Bond" was married on 22nd October 1564 Note: name of spouse not noted | 29/10/1564 | Baptism & Burial | Rosse Bond | Rosse Bond daughter of John Bond and Cysselye Bond was baptised on 29th October 1564 and was buried on 9th February 1565 Note: ?1564 buried? | 05/11/1564 | Baptism | Amye Whyttinge | Amye Whyttinge a daughter of John Whyttinge and Elizabeth Whyttinge was baptised on 5th November 1564 | 12/11/1564 | Baptism | John Cooper | John Cooper a son of William Cooper and Wennefred Cooper was baptised on 12th November 1564 Note: See C97-7 | 12/11/1564 | Baptism | John Cooper | John Cooper a son of William Cooper and Wennefred Cooper was baptised on 12th November 1564 Note: See C97-6 | 03/02/1565 | Baptism | John Lysse | John Lysse a son of Thomas Lysse and Katheringe Lysse was baptised on 3rd February 1565/1566 | 04/03/1565 | Baptism | Katheringe Bond | Katheringe Bond a daughter of John Bond and Cysslye Bond was baptised on 4th March 1565/1566 Note: See B126-8 | 04/03/1565 | Baptism | Katheringe Bonnd | Katheringe Bonnd a daughter of John Bonnd and Cysslye Bonnd was baptised on 4th March 1565/1566 Note: See B126-7 | 26/03/1565 | Baptism | John Gowinge | John Gowinge a son of Robert Gowinge and Johane Gowinge was baptised on 26th March 1565 | 29/04/1565 | Baptism | John Cooe | John Cooe a daughter of Rychard Cooe and Elizabeth Cooe was baptised on 29th April 1565 Note: Kew ?Johan? See C70-3 | 14/05/1565 | Baptism | John Skott | John Skott aka "Bardwell" a son of William Skott and Margarett Skott was baptised on 14th May 1565 | 31/05/1565 | Baptism | John Bardwell | John Bardwell aka "Skott" a son of James Bardwell aka "Skott" and Johane Bardwell aka "Skott" was baptised on 31st May 1565 Note: See B21-2 | 31/05/1565 | Baptism | John Skott | John Skott aka "Bardwell" a son of James Skott and Johane Skott was baptised on 31st May 1565 | 29/07/1565 | Baptism | John Betts | John Betts a son of John Betts and Margaret Betts was baptised on 29th July 1565 | 30/09/1565 | Baptism | George Bond | George Bond a son of John Bond and Johanne Bond was baptised on 30th September 1565 Note: See B127-7 | 30/09/1565 | Baptism | George Bond | George Bond a son of John Bond and Johanne Bond was baptised on 30th September 1565 Note: See B127-6 | 03/12/1565 | Baptism & Burial | Edmunde Ffrynd | Edmunde Ffrynd son of John Ffrynde and Margaret Ffrynde was baptised on 3rd December 1565 and was buried on 25th December 1565 | 09/12/1565 | Baptism | Edward Ffuller | Edward Ffuller a son of John Ffuller and Margaret Ffuller was baptised on 9th December 1565 | 16/12/1565 | Baptism | Robert Catchpoll | Robert Catchpoll a son of John Catchpoll and Elizabeth Catchpoll was baptised on 16th December 1565 | 30/12/1565 | Baptism | John Johnston | John Johnston a son of William Johnston and Agnys Johnston was baptised on 30th December 1565 | 01/01/1566 | Baptism | Thomas Whyttinge | Thomas Whyttinge a son of John Whyttinge and Elizabeth Whyttinge was baptised on 1st January 1566/1567 | 17/02/1566 | Baptism | Thomas Cheke | Thomas Cheke a son of John Cheke and Cysslye Cheke was baptised on 17th February 1566/1567 | 06/03/1566 | Baptism | John Bucke | John Bucke a son of Gyllarde Bucke and Katheringe Bucke was baptised on 6th March 1566/1567 | 06/03/1566 | Burial | John Bucke | John Bucke son of Gylbarte Bucke and Katheringe Bucke was buried on 6th March 1566/1567 | 03/05/1566 | Baptism | John Barboar | John Barboar aka "Barber" a son of John Barboar aka "Barber" and Margaret Barboar aka "Barber" was baptised on 3rd May 1566 | 03/05/1566 | Burial | John Barboar | John Barboar aka "Barber" son of John Barboar aka "Barber" and Margaret Barboar aka "Barber" was buried on 3rd May 1566 | 18/05/1566 | Burial | John Butcher | John Butcher (Tyller) was buried on 18th May 1566 | 25/06/1566 | Baptism | George Scevey | George Scevey aka "Colson" a son of John Scevey and Margaret Scevey was baptised on 25th June 1566 Note: see Colson, Frevenly and Stevens | 22/07/1566 | Baptism | Charles Blower | Charles Blower a son of John Blower and Agnyes Blower was baptised on 22nd July 1566 | 30/08/1566 | Baptism | John Tavell | John Tavell a son of Symone Tavell and Anne Tavell was baptised on 30th August 1566 | 07/10/1566 | Baptism | Elizabeth Harrison | Elizabeth Harrison a daughter of John Harrison and Marryon Harrison was baptised on 7th October 1566 Note: See H17-8 | 07/10/1566 | Baptism | Elizabeth Harrison | Elizabeth Harrison a daughter of John Harrison and Marryon Harrison was baptised on 7th October 1566 Note: See H17-7 | 12/11/1566 | Marriage | John Blowers | John Blowers was married on 12th November 1566 to Agnys Fflynte | 12/11/1566 | Multiple | Agnys Fflynte | Agnys Fflynte was married on 12th November 1566 to John Blowers and was buried on 10th April 1572 | 02/01/1567 | Burial | Edenye Bond | Edenye Bond daughter of John Bond and Johanne Bond was buried on 2nd January 1567/1568 | 11/02/1567 | Baptism | James Betts | James Betts a son of John Betts and Margaret Betts was baptised on 11th February 1567/1568 | 28/02/1567 | Baptism | Marye Blower | Marye Blower a daughter of John Blower and Agnes Blower was baptised on 28th February 1567/1568 | 27/03/1567 | Baptism | George Lacye | George Lacye a son of John Lacye and Elizabeth Lacye was baptised on 27th March 1567 Note: Also Cystelye Lacye | 06/05/1567 | Baptism | John Jenner | John Jenner an illegitmate son of Johane Jenner was baptised on 6th May 1567 | 15/05/1567 | Baptism | Susanne Lynge | Susanne Lynge a daughter of John Lynge and Katheringe Lynge was baptised on 15th May 1567 | 09/06/1567 | Marriage | Marye Baylle | Marye Baylle was married on 9th June 1567 to John Hearn | 09/06/1567 | Marriage | John Hearn | John Hearn was married on 9th June 1567 to Marye Baylle | 03/07/1567 | Burial | George Laccye | George Laccye son of John Laccye and Elizabeth Laccye was buried on 3rd July 1567 | 07/08/1567 | Baptism | Evenye Bond | Evenye Bond aka "edenye" a daughter of John Bond and Johanne Bond was baptised on 7th August 1567 | 22/08/1567 | Baptism | John Gowinge | John Gowinge a son of Robert Gowinge and Johane Gowinge was baptised on 22nd August 1567 | 02/11/1567 | Baptism | William Ffrend | William Ffrend a son of John Ffrynde was baptised on 2nd November 1567 | 23/11/1567 | Marriage | John Harrison | John Harrison was married on 23rd November 1567 to Agnyes Lorde | 23/11/1567 | Marriage | Agnyes Lorde | Agnyes Lorde was married on 23rd November 1567 to John Harrison | 16/01/1568 | Baptism | Dorryte Bond | Dorryte Bond a daughter of John Bond and Allyce Bond was baptised on 16th January 1568/1569 | 12/03/1568 | Baptism | Symond Whyttinge | Symond Whyttinge a son of John Whyttinge and Elizabeth Whyttinge was baptised on 12th March 1568/1569 | 27/03/1568 | Marriage | John Chamber | John Chamber was married on 27th March 1568 to Elizabeth Spare | 27/03/1568 | Marriage | Elizabeth Spare | Elizabeth Spare was married on 27th March 1568 to John Chamber | 15/04/1568 | Burial | Margerye Cheke | Margerye Cheke daughter of Bartholomew Cheke and Johan Cheke was buried on 15th April 1568 Note: Son, John Cheke was also buried on the same day | 16/05/1568 | Baptism | George Harrison | George Harrison a son of John Harrison and Marryon Harrison was baptised on 16th May 1568 | 30/05/1568 | Baptism | Lyonell Cheke | Lyonell Cheke a son of John Cheke and Cecelye Cheke was baptised on 30th May 1568 | 01/07/1568 | Baptism | Elizabeth Harryson | Elizabeth Harryson a daughter of John Harryson and Margaret Harryson was baptised on 1st July 1568 | 24/10/1568 | Baptism | Thomas Bond | Thomas Bond a son of John Bond and Cyselye Bond was baptised on 24th October 1568 | 24/10/1568 | Baptism | Cisselye Gardener | Cisselye Gardener a daughter of John Gardener and Marye Gardener was baptised on 24th October 1568 Note: See G2-8 | 24/10/1568 | Baptism & Burial | Cisselye Gardener | Cisselye Gardener daughter of John Gardener and Marye Gardener was baptised on 24th October 1568 and was buried on 10th January 1569 Note: See G2-7 | 19/11/1568 | Marriage | Maulte Bonnye | Maulte Bonnye was married on 19th November 1568 to John Oulnye | 19/11/1568 | Marriage | John Oulnye | John Oulnye was married on 19th November 1568 to Maulte Bonnye | 03/04/1569 | Baptism | Allice Colson | Allice Colson a daughter of John Colson and Margaret Colson was baptised on 3rd April 1569 | 27/05/1569 | Marriage | John Blowers | John Blowers was married on 27th May 1569 to Dorratye Gilbert | 27/05/1569 | Marriage | Dorratye Gilbert | Dorratye Gilbert was married on 27th May 1569 to John Blowers | 27/05/1569 | Marriage | John Robtsone | John Robtsone was married on 27th May 1569 to Margaret Whayman | 27/05/1569 | Marriage | Margaret Whayman | Margaret Whayman was married on 27th May 1569 to John Robtsone | 30/10/1569 | Baptism | Marye Herne | Marye Herne a daughter of John Herne and Marye Herne was baptised on 30th October 1569 | 16/04/1570 | Baptism | Johane Harrison | Johane Harrison a daughter of John Harrison and Marryon Harrison was baptised on 16th April 1570 | 05/05/1570 | Baptism | John Palmer | John Palmer a son of Thomas Palmer and Johane Palmer was baptised on 5th May 1570 | 15/06/1570 | Multiple | Agnys Baldrye | Agnys Baldrye was married on 15th June 1570 to John Bugge and was buried on 19th May 1610 | 15/06/1570 | Marriage | John Bugge | John Bugge was married on 15th June 1570 to Agnys Baldrye | 01/07/1570 | Baptism & Burial | Marye Leame | Marye Leame daughter of John Leame and Agnys Leame was baptised on 1st July 1570 and was buried on 12th July 1570 | 23/07/1570 | Baptism | Thomas Allyne | Thomas Allyne a son of John Allyne and Katherine Allyne was baptised on 23rd July 1570 | 13/08/1570 | Baptism | Margarett Betts | Margarett Betts aka "see note" a daughter of John Betts and Margaret Betts was baptised on 13th August 1570 Note: sonne (it is so) | 13/08/1570 | Baptism | Thomas Gardener | Thomas Gardener a son of John Gardener and Marye Gardener was baptised on 13th August 1570 | 20/08/1570 | Baptism | Anne Bond | Anne Bond a daughter of John Bonde and Cyssely Bonde was baptised on 20th August 1570 | 05/11/1570 | Baptism | Anne Harryson | Anne Harryson a daughter of John Harryson and Anne Harryson was baptised on 5th November 1570 Note: ?Measure? | 21/12/1570 | Marriage | Margaret Kempstuer | Margaret Kempstuer Widow was married on 21st December 1570 to John Pylgram | 21/12/1570 | Marriage | John Pylgram | John Pylgram was married on 21st December 1570 to Margaret Kempstuer Widow | 09/01/1571 | Burial | Thomas Lynge | Thomas Lynge son of John Lynge and Katheringe Lynge was buried on 9th January 1571/1572 | 09/02/1571 | Marriage | John Brame | John Brame was married on 9th February 1571 to Elizabeth Holbecke | 09/02/1571 | Marriage | John Brame | John Brame was married on 9th February 1571 to Elizabeth Holbecke | 09/02/1571 | Marriage | Elizabeth Holbecke | Elizabeth Holbecke was married on 9th February 1571 to John Brame | 16/03/1571 | Baptism | John Harryson | John Harryson a son of John Harryson and Marryon Harryson was baptised on 16th March 1571/1572 | 16/03/1571 | Baptism | Johanne Leame | Johanne Leame a daughter of John Leame and Amie Leame was baptised on 16th March 1571/1572 | 13/05/1571 | Baptism | Parnell Bonde | Parnell Bonde a daughter of John Bonde and Johanne Bonde was baptised on 13th May 1571 | 17/10/1571 | Baptism | Grace Whyttinge | Grace Whyttinge a daughter of John Whyttinge and Elizabeth Whyttinge was baptised on 17th October 1571 | 24/10/1571 | Marriage | Alycce Bardwell | Alycce Bardwell was married on 24th October 1571 to John Gagge | 24/10/1571 | Marriage | John Gagge | John Gagge was married on 24th October 1571 to Alycce Bardwell | 25/11/1571 | Baptism & Burial | Parnell Oulnye | Parnell Oulnye daughter of John Oulnye and Maulte Oulnye was baptised on 25th November 1571 and was buried on 4th December 1571 Note: Owlnye Parnell howye daughter of John Owlnye and Maulte his wife. Buried 4 Dec 1571 | 04/12/1571 | Baptism | Parnall Howye | Parnall Howye a daughter of John Owlnye and Maulte Owlnye was baptised on 4th December 1571 | 07/01/1572 | Burial | Raynold Fosdycke | Raynold Fosdycke son of John Ffosdicke and Dorrytie Ffosdicke was buried on 7th January 1572/1573 Note: See F68-3 | 11/01/1572 | Baptism | John Bonde | John Bonde a son of John Bonde and Cysslye Bonde was baptised on 11th January 1572/1573 | 21/01/1572 | Burial | Anne Owlnye | Anne Owlnye daughter of John Owlnye and Mawlte Owlnye was buried on 21st January 1572/1573 | 31/01/1572 | Baptism | Ffeldgate | A child of John Ffeldgate and Dorrytie Ffeldgate was baptised on 31st January 1572/1573 Note: sons were baptised | 31/01/1572 | Baptism | Larrence Ffeldgate | Larrence Ffeldgate a son of John Ffeldgate and Dorrytie Ffeldgate was baptised on 31st January 1572/1573 Note: baptised with brother raynolde See F68-1 | 31/01/1572 | Baptism & Burial | Raynolde Ffeldgate | Raynolde Ffeldgate son of John Ffeldgate and Dorryhe Ffeldgate was baptised on 31st January 1572/1573 and was buried on 7th January 1573 Note: buried 1572? Also baptised with brother Larrence Ffeldgate See F68-2 | 02/02/1572 | Baptism | Anne Oulnye | Anne Oulnye a daughter of John Oulnye and Maulte Oulnye was baptised on 2nd February 1572/1573 | 04/03/1572 | Burial | John Harryson | John Harryson was buried on 4th March 1572/1573 | 10/04/1572 | Burial | Agnys Blower | Agnys Blower wife of John was buried on 10th April 1572 | 12/04/1572 | Marriage | John Mayse | John Mayse was married on 12th April 1572 to Elizabeth Shearman | 12/04/1572 | Marriage | Elizabeth Shearman | Elizabeth Shearman was married on 12th April 1572 to John Mayse | 20/04/1572 | Baptism | Susanne Mylles | Susanne Mylles a daughter of John Mylles and Agnes Mylles was baptised on 20th April 1572 | 27/04/1572 | Baptism & Burial | Marye Betts | Marye Betts daughter of John Betts and Margaret Betts was baptised on 27th April 1572 and was buried on 27th May 1610 | 22/05/1572 | Baptism | Marye Robtsone | Marye Robtsone a daughter of John Robtsone and Margaret Robtsone was baptised on 22nd May 1572 | 11/06/1572 | Burial | Xpafer Baymount | Xpafer Baymount son of John Baymount and Marrion Baymount was buried on 11th June 1572 Note: See B68-8 | 11/06/1572 | Burial | Xpafer Baymount | Xpafer Baymount son of John Baymount and Marrion Baymount was buried on 11th June 1572 Note: See B68-7 | 30/11/1572 | Baptism | Rychard Allyne | Rychard Allyne a son of John Allyne and Katherine Allyne was baptised on 30th November 1572 Note: Thomas Allyne baptised 23/7/1570 See A35-3 | 30/11/1572 | Baptism | Rychard Allyne | Rychard Allyne a son of John Allyne and Katheringe Allyne was baptised on 30th November 1572 Note: See A35-2 and A35-3 | 12/04/1573 | Baptism | Elizabeth Leame | Elizabeth Leame a daughter of John Leame and Anne Leame was baptised on 12th April 1573 | 26/04/1573 | Baptism & Burial | William Blowers | William Blowers son of John Blowers and Dorrytie Blowers was baptised on 26th April 1573 and was buried on 2nd May 1578 | 05/06/1573 | Baptism | John Semper | John Semper a son of Susanne Semper a single woman was baptised on 5th June 1573 | 08/06/1573 | Baptism | John Gylles | John Gylles a son of William Gylles and Rose Gylles was baptised on 8th June 1573 | 19/06/1573 | Burial | John Cullye | John Cullye was buried on 19th June 1573 | 20/09/1573 | Baptism | John Bond | John Bond a son of John Bond and Johanne Bond was baptised on 20th September 1573 | 22/11/1573 | Baptism | Grace Pylgrym | Grace Pylgrym a daughter of John Pilgryme and Margaret Pilgryme was baptised on 22nd November 1573 | 10/12/1573 | Burial | John Dennye | John Dennye was buried on 10th December 1573 | 16/04/1574 | Baptism & Burial | Robert Mayse | Robert Mayse son of John Mayse and Elizabeth Mayse was baptised on 16th April 1574 and was buried on 6th May 1574 | 28/07/1574 | Burial | Thomas Cheke | Thomas Cheke son of John Cheke and Margaret Cheke was buried on 28th July 1574 Note: See C32-10 | 28/07/1574 | Burial | Thomas Cheke | Thomas Cheke son of John Cheke and Margaret Cheke was buried on 28th July 1574 Note: See C32-9 | 01/08/1574 | Baptism | John Oulnye | John Oulnye a son of John Oulnye and Maulte Oulnye was baptised on 1st August 1574 | 22/01/1575 | Baptism | Anne Leame | Anne Leame a daughter of John Leame and Anne Leame was baptised on 22nd January 1575/1576 | 06/03/1575 | Baptism | Thomas Cheke | Thomas Cheke a son of John Cheke (Gentleman) and Margaret Cheke was baptised on 6th March 1575 | 10/03/1575 | Baptism | Robert Whyttinge | Robert Whyttinge a son of John Whyttinge and Elizabeth Whyttinge was baptised on 10th March 1575 | 26/06/1575 | Baptism | John Walton | John Walton a son of Robert Walton was baptised on 26th June 1575 | 21/08/1575 | Baptism | Cysselye Robtsone | Cysselye Robtsone a daughter of John Robtsone and Margaret Robtsone was baptised on 21st August 1575 | 28/08/1575 | Baptism | Myllyssent Dennant | Myllyssent Dennant a daughter of John Dennant and Margerye Dennant was baptised on 28th August 1575 Note: See D23-5 | 28/08/1575 | Baptism | Myllyssent Dennant | Myllyssent Dennant a daughter of John Dennant and Margerye Dennant was baptised on 28th August 1575 Note: See D23-4 | 03/09/1575 | Baptism | John Blower | John Blower a son of John Blower and Dorrytie Blower was baptised on 3rd September 1575 | 03/09/1575 | Baptism | Margaret Pylgrame | Margaret Pylgrame a daughter of John Pilgram and Margaret Pilgram was baptised on 3rd September 1575 | 13/01/1576 | Burial | John Barboure | John Barboure was buried on 13th January 1576/1577 | 06/05/1576 | Baptism | Elizabeth Bond | Elizabeth Bond a daughter of John Bonde and Cysselye Bonde was baptised on 6th May 1576 | 13/05/1576 | Baptism | Elizabeth Bond | Elizabeth Bond a daughter of John Bond and Johane Bond was baptised on 13th May 1576 | 13/05/1576 | Burial | Agnyes Owlnye | Agnyes Owlnye daughter of Johne Owlnye and Mawlte Owlnye was buried on 13th May 1576/1577 | 01/07/1576 | Baptism | John Slade | John Slade a son of Thomas Slade and Johanne Slade was baptised in July 1576 | 06/09/1576 | Marriage | Agnys Barbare | Agnys Barbare was married on 6th September 1576 to John Browne | 06/09/1576 | Marriage | John Browne | John Browne was married on 6th September 1576 to Agnys Barbare | 06/09/1576 | Marriage | John Browne | John Browne was married on 6th September 1576 to Agnys Barbare | 13/09/1576 | Burial | John Catchpoll | John Catchpoll was buried on 13th September 1576 | 05/12/1576 | Baptism | John Motts | John Motts a son of Rychard Motts and Siblye Motts was baptised on 5th December 1576 | 30/12/1576 | Baptism | Marye Riche | Marye Riche a daughter of John Riche and Margaret Riche was baptised on 30th December 1576 Note: ?Robertson ? | 18/03/1577 | Baptism | Elizabeth Ffosdycke | Elizabeth Ffosdycke a daughter of John Ffosdycke and Dorrytie Ffosdycke was baptised on 18th March 1577/1578 | 01/05/1577 | Baptism | Agnyes Oulnye | Agnyes Oulnye a daughter of John Oulnye and Maulte Oulnye was baptised on 1st May 1577 | 01/06/1577 | Baptism | Jefferye Blowers | Jefferye Blowers a son of John Blowers and Dorrytie Blowers was baptised on 1st June 1577 | 24/06/1577 | Marriage | John Cootterll | John Cootterll was married on 24th June 1577 to Allyce Stylle | 24/06/1577 | Marriage | Allyce Stylle | Allyce Stylle was married on 24th June 1577 to John Cootterll | 14/07/1577 | Marriage | John Garrett | John Garrett was married on 14th July 1577 to Weneffred Turner Note: see Barrrett | 14/07/1577 | Marriage | John Garrett | John Garrett aka "Barrett" was married on 14th July 1577 to Weneffred Turner | 14/07/1577 | Marriage | Weneffred Turner | Weneffred Turner was married on 14th July 1577 to John Garrett Note: ?Barrett | 03/11/1577 | Marriage | Anne Charndler | Anne Charndler was married on 3rd November 1577 to John Marshall | 03/11/1577 | Marriage | John Marshall | John Marshall was married on 3rd November 1577 to Anne Charndler | 02/02/1578 | Baptism | John Lycce | John Lycce a son of Rychard Lycce and Elizabeth Lycce was baptised on 2nd February 1578/1579 | 28/04/1578 | Baptism | Anne Cotterell | Anne Cotterell a daughter of John Cotterell and Allice Cotterell was baptised on 28th April 1578 | 08/06/1578 | Baptism | Susanne Pylgram | Susanne Pylgram a daughter of John Pylgram was baptised on 8th June 1578 | 15/06/1578 | Baptism | Elizabeth Dennant | Elizabeth Dennant a daughter of John Dennant and Marryen Dennant was baptised on 15th June 1578 | 15/06/1578 | Baptism | Elizabeth Dennant | Elizabeth Dennant a daughter of John Dennant and Marryen Dennant was baptised on 15th June 1578 | 10/07/1578 | Baptism | John Leame | John Leame a son of John Leame and Anne Leame was baptised on 10th July 1578 | 18/07/1578 | Burial | John Blower | John Blower was buried on 18th July 1578 | 09/09/1578 | Marriage | Marye Ashlye | Marye Ashlye was married on 9th September 1578 to John Ffykoe aka "Philow" | 09/09/1578 | Marriage | John Ffykoe | John Ffykoe was married on 9th September 1578 to Marye Ashlye Note: Philow | 06/12/1578 | Baptism | Edward Bonde | Edward Bonde a son of John Bonde and Johane Bonde was baptised on 6th December 1578 | 13/03/1579 | Baptism | Mary Allyne | Mary Allyne a daughter of John Allyne and Anne Allyne was baptised on 13th March 1579/1580 | 13/03/1579 | Baptism | Mary Allyne | Mary Allyne a daughter of John Allyne and Anne Allyne was baptised on 13th March 1579/1580 Note: See A34-6 | 15/05/1579 | Baptism | John Macklytt | John Macklytt a son of Gylles Macklytt and Alice Macklytt was baptised on 15th May 1579 | 30/05/1579 | Burial | John Cheke | John Cheke was buried on 30th May 1579/1580 | 06/07/1579 | Baptism | Eve Cheke | Eve Cheke a daughter of John Cheke and Cysselye Cheke was baptised on 6th July 1579 | 20/08/1579 | Baptism | John Tovell | John Tovell a son of George Tovell and Anne Tovell was baptised on 20th August 1579 Note: Also Mary Tovell | 27/09/1579 | Baptism | Mary Ffiloe | Mary Ffiloe a daughter of John Ffiloe and Marye Ffiloe was baptised on 27th September 1579 | 15/10/1579 | Marriage | John Burrow | John Burrow was married on 15th October 1579 to Elizabeth Stille | 15/10/1579 | Marriage | Elizabeth Stille | Elizabeth Stille was married on 15th October 1579 to John Burrow | 05/03/1580 | Baptism | John Ffosdicke | John Ffosdicke a son of John Ffosdicke was baptised on 5th March 1580/1581 | 05/07/1580 | Baptism | John Ffever | John Ffever a son of Robert Ffever and Katteringe Ffever was baptised on 5th July 1580 | 06/08/1580 | Marriage | George Johnson | George Johnson was married on 6th August 1580 to Christen Wood | 06/08/1580 | Marriage | Christen Wood | Christen Wood was married on 6th August 1580 to George Johnson | 08/09/1580 | Burial | John Owlnye | John Owlnye son of John Owlnye and Maulte Owlnye was buried on 8th September 1580 | 25/09/1580 | Baptism | Johne Waynforde | Johne Waynforde a son of Thomas Waynforde and Johane Waynforde was baptised on 25th September 1580 | 02/11/1580 | Burial | Johne Sene | Johne Sene was buried on 2nd November 1580 | 10/04/1581 | Baptism | John Cotterell | John Cotterell a son of John Cotterell and Allice Cotterell was baptised on 10th April 1581 | 10/04/1581 | Baptism | John Tyllytt | John Tyllytt a son of John Tyllytt and Elizabeth Tyllytt was baptised on 10th April 1581 | 24/07/1581 | Baptism | John Cheke | John Cheke a son of Jo Cheke (Gentleman) and Margaret Cheke was baptised on 24th July 1581 | 30/07/1581 | Baptism | John Tooke | John Tooke was baptised on 30th July 1581 | 11/10/1581 | Baptism | Luke Bond | Luke Bond a son of John Bond and Cysselye Bond was baptised on 11th October 1581 |
Maxumum number of rows exceeded (250), please refine your search |
Grave | Date | Name | Event | Comments |
12/06/1425 | John Framlingham | Died on Sunday 12th June 1425 and is buried in the Churchyard | Internal, church floor | |
09/09/1681 | Jonathan Davie | Died on Tuesday 9th September 1681 aged 56 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
01/03/1716 | Sarah Davie | Died on Sunday 1st March 1716 aged 87 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
25/01/1717 | John Davie | Died on Monday 25th January 1717 aged 53 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
23/12/1736 | John Fisher | Died on Sunday 23rd December 1736 aged 72 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
03/11/1743 | John Nunn | Died on Sunday 3rd November 1743 aged 58 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
03/06/1751 | Mary Davie | Died on Thursday 3rd June 1751 aged 84 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
12/04/1763 | Rose Edwards | Died on Tuesday 12th April 1763 aged 37 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
29/01/1767 | John Harvey | Died on Thursday 29th January 1767 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
19/07/1773 | Mary Heyward | Died on Monday 19th July 1773 aged 56 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
19/07/1773 | John Heyward | Died on Monday 19th July 1773 aged 56 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
23/09/1776 | John Mills | Died on Monday 23rd September 1776 aged 63 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
30/09/1779 | Vitrice Harvey | Died on Thursday 30th September 1779 aged 63 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
04/09/1780 | John Harvey | Died on Monday 4th September 1780 aged 65 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
25/11/1780 | Henry Gardener | Died on Saturday 25th November 1780 aged 26 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
23/04/1782 | Mary Edwards | Died on Tuesday 23rd April 1782 aged 40 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
23/02/1784 | John Edwards | Died on Monday 23rd February 1784 aged 57 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
21/04/1785 | Richard Orford | Died on Thursday 21st April 1785 aged 18 and is buried in the Churchyard | Internal, church floor | |
01/09/1785 | Samuel Thurkettle | Died on Thursday 1st September 1785 aged 11 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
22/03/1786 | John Gardener | Died on Wednesday 22nd March 1786 aged 55 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
15/09/1788 | Mary Gardener | Died on Monday 15th September 1788 aged 28 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
13/10/1788 | John Kersey | Died on Monday 13th October 1788 aged 48 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
01/01/1789 | Rachel Orford | Died on Thursday 1st January 1789 aged 60 and is buried in the Churchyard | Internal, church floor | |
01/01/1791 | John Orford | Died on Saturday 1st January 1791 aged 60 and is buried in the Churchyard | Internal, church floor | |
29/06/1793 | John Edwards | Died on Saturday 29th June 1793 aged 77 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
04/10/1794 | Mary Harvey | Died on Saturday 4th October 1794 aged 56 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
08/07/1795 | Martha Gardener | Died on Wednesday 8th July 1795 aged 66 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
22/12/1795 | John Harvey | Died on Tuesday 22nd December 1795 aged 57 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
22/05/1800 | John Davie | Died on Thursday 22nd May 1800 aged 74 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
11/08/1800 | Mary Brown | Died on Monday 11th August 1800 aged 56 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
01/02/1804 | Mary Seaman | Died on Wednesday 1st February 1804 aged 38 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
07/11/1804 | Jane Pooley | Died on Wednesday 7th November 1804 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
16/08/1806 | John Kersey | Died on Saturday 16th August 1806 aged 41 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
18/05/1807 | Catherine Ling | Died on Monday 18th May 1807 aged 0d and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
16/07/1808 | Rebecca Ling | Died on Saturday 16th July 1808 aged 3w and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
15/06/1810 | John Revett | Died on Friday 15th June 1810 aged 40 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
21/06/1810 | Matilda Pooley | Died on Thursday 21st June 1810 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
21/06/1810 | John Pooley | Died on Thursday 21st June 1810 aged 4 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
05/11/1810 | Martha Ling | Died on Monday 5th November 1810 aged 9 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
25/04/1816 | John Ling | Died on Thursday 25th April 1816 aged 17 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
03/08/1817 | John Fairweather | Died on Sunday 3rd August 1817 aged 58 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
18/02/1818 | John Thurkettle | Died on Wednesday 18th February 1818 aged 49 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
11/03/1818 | John Turner | Died on Wednesday 11th March 1818 aged 38 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
19/04/1819 | Sarah Thurkettle | Died on Monday 19th April 1819 aged 77 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
21/06/1820 | Sarah Davie | Died on Wednesday 21st June 1820 aged 87 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
18/03/1821 | Charles Ringe | Died on Sunday 18th March 1821 aged 12 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
04/04/1821 | Margaret Giles | Died on Wednesday 4th April 1821 aged 58 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
15/12/1821 | John Thurkettle | Died on Saturday 15th December 1821 aged 80 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
17/05/1823 | Mary Ling | Died on Saturday 17th May 1823 aged 6 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
11/02/1824 | George Curtis | Died on Wednesday 11th February 1824 aged 17 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
18/12/1824 | John Curtis | Died on Saturday 18th December 1824 aged 22 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
14/09/1825 | Mary Fairweather | Died on Wednesday 14th September 1825 aged 68 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
24/05/1827 | John Giles | Died on Thursday 24th May 1827 aged 74 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
01/03/1829 | Martha Ling | Died on Sunday 1st March 1829 aged 58 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
01/05/1829 | Lavinia Ling | Died on Friday 1st May 1829 aged 1 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
31/12/1830 | John Ling | Died on Friday 31st December 1830 aged 66 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
12/04/1832 | Susan Giles | Died on Thursday 12th April 1832 aged 5 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
23/02/1835 | Maria Summers | Died on Monday 23rd February 1835 aged 63 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
21/09/1839 | Elizabeth Noller | Died on Saturday 21st September 1839 aged 79 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
15/10/1839 | Maria Seamen | Died on Tuesday 15th October 1839 aged 36 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
17/10/1839 | John Noller | Died on Thursday 17th October 1839 aged 82 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
01/03/1840 | Jane Palmer | Died on Sunday 1st March 1840 aged 63 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
11/01/1843 | John Harvey | Died on Wednesday 11th January 1843 aged 73 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
31/01/1845 | Martha Jeffries | Died on Friday 31st January 1845 aged 44 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
23/12/1845 | Mary Palmer | Died on Tuesday 23rd December 1845 aged 36 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
04/11/1846 | John Gooding | Died on Wednesday 4th November 1846 aged 78 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
24/04/1847 | Elizabeth Jacob | Died on Saturday 24th April 1847 aged 78 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
25/03/1848 | John Pooley | Died on Saturday 25th March 1848 aged 69 and is buried in the Churchyard | flat | |
21/09/1848 | John Cater | Died on Thursday 21st September 1848 aged 38 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
10/07/1851 | John Palmer | Died on Thursday 10th July 1851 aged 80 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
07/11/1854 | John Page | Died on Tuesday 7th November 1854 aged 31 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
27/02/1855 | John Summers | Died on Tuesday 27th February 1855 aged 85 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
08/11/1856 | John Jacob | Died on Saturday 8th November 1856 aged 83 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
26/06/1858 | Mary Ann Gooding | Died on Saturday 26th June 1858 aged 36 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
26/06/1858 | John Gooding | Died on Saturday 26th June 1858 aged 4 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
18/09/1866 | John or Joseph (Holiday) | Died on Tuesday 18th September 1866 aged 4 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
01/10/1866 | John Wicks | Died on Monday 1st October 1866 aged 5 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
17/11/1870 | Naomi Sterry | Died on Thursday 17th November 1870 aged 25 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
16/07/1871 | John Sterry | Died on Sunday 16th July 1871 aged 22 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
22/01/1872 | William Gooding | Died on Monday 22nd January 1872 aged 15 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
28/04/1874 | Maria Wythe | Died on Tuesday 28th April 1874 aged 85 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
29/09/1874 | John Wythe | Died on Tuesday 29th September 1874 aged 85 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
18/10/1877 | John Sterry | Died on Thursday 18th October 1877 aged 1 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
05/09/1881 | John Gooding | Died on Monday 5th September 1881 aged 57 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
10/05/1883 | Phoebe Capon | Died on Thursday 10th May 1883 aged 26 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
04/06/1883 | Thomas Capon | Died on Monday 4th June 1883 aged 6w and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
03/05/1889 | Louisa Gooding | Died on Friday 3rd May 1889 aged 32 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
20/06/1889 | Mary Ann Cabburn | Died on Thursday 20th June 1889 aged 78 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
12/03/1890 | John Walne | Died on Wednesday 12th March 1890 aged 78 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
23/12/1891 | Giles Gooding | Died on Wednesday 23rd December 1891 aged 44 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
28/06/1895 | Edna Gooding | Died on Friday 28th June 1895 aged 44 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
31/12/1896 | John Jessop | Died on Thursday 31st December 1896 aged 55 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
06/01/1899 | John Cabburn | Died on Friday 6th January 1899 aged 75 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
14/04/1899 | John Pallant | Was buried on Friday 14th April 1899 aged 67 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
12/07/1900 | John Wythe | Was buried on Thursday 12th July 1900 aged 86 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
22/03/1901 | John Fox | Was buried on Friday 22nd March 1901 aged 74 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
06/10/1902 | John Amass | Was buried on Monday 6th October 1902 aged 65 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
30/01/1903 | John Gillings | Was buried on Friday 30th January 1903 aged 83 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
02/11/1904 | John Gillings | Was buried on Wednesday 2nd November 1904 aged 39 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
16/11/1904 | John William Taylor | Was buried on Wednesday 16th November 1904 aged 42 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
12/12/1904 | John Hunt | Was buried on Monday 12th December 1904 aged 70 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
21/09/1905 | John Mills | Was buried on Thursday 21st September 1905 aged 88 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
03/06/1906 | John Andrews | Was buried on Sunday 3rd June 1906 aged 29 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
14/06/1907 | John Farrow | Was buried on Friday 14th June 1907 aged 85 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
23/01/1909 | John Marjoram | Was buried on Saturday 23rd January 1909 aged 89 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
16/03/1910 | John Denny | Was buried on Wednesday 16th March 1910 aged 58 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
08/03/1913 | John Scott | Was buried on Saturday 8th March 1913 aged 74 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
09/08/1913 | John Ready | Was buried on Saturday 9th August 1913 aged 73 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
07/06/1914 | John Henry Pleasance | Was buried on Sunday 7th June 1914 aged 57 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
12/08/1914 | Alfred John Hammond | Was buried on Wednesday 12th August 1914 aged 5m and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
04/03/1915 | John Smith | Was buried on Thursday 4th March 1915 aged 85 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
18/05/1916 | John Balaam | Was buried on Thursday 18th May 1916 aged 53 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
04/08/1917 | John Henry Artiss | Was buried on Saturday 4th August 1917 aged 30 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
27/11/1917 | John Brady | Was buried on Tuesday 27th November 1917 aged 82 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
29/12/1917 | John Atkins | Was buried on Saturday 29th December 1917 aged 71 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
25/04/1919 | Susan Gooding | Died on Friday 25th April 1919 aged 80 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
04/06/1921 | John Church | Was buried on Saturday 4th June 1921 aged 72 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
13/01/1922 | William John Sallows | Was buried on Friday 13th January 1922 aged 41 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
13/02/1922 | John Frederick Gooding | Was buried on Monday 13th February 1922 aged 1 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
16/07/1922 | Alfred John Bull | Was buried on Sunday 16th July 1922 aged 49 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
02/04/1923 | John Woods | Was buried on Monday 2nd April 1923 aged 80 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
21/09/1923 | John Smith | Was buried on Friday 21st September 1923 aged 87 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
04/09/1928 | John Staff | Was buried on Tuesday 4th September 1928 aged 66 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
04/12/1928 | John Pallant | Was buried on Tuesday 4th December 1928 aged 62 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
06/03/1930 | John List | Was buried on Thursday 6th March 1930 aged 74 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
29/04/1932 | John Green | Was buried on Friday 29th April 1932 aged 85 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
30/01/1933 | John Thomas Shiulver | Was buried on Monday 30th January 1933 aged 37 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
11/04/1936 | John Ager | Was buried on Saturday 11th April 1936 aged 83 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
31/07/1937 | Clement John Sayer | Was buried on Saturday 31st July 1937 aged 33 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
02/03/1938 | John Gillings | Was buried on Wednesday 2nd March 1938 aged 88 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
30/08/1938 | John Frederick Hammond | Was buried on Tuesday 30th August 1938 aged 78 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
29/05/1941 | John Francis Taylor | Was buried on Thursday 29th May 1941 aged 51 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
20/12/1944 | Michael John Whiting | Was buried on Wednesday 20th December 1944 aged 3 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
26/02/1947 | Ernest John Dale | Was buried on Wednesday 26th February 1947 aged 84 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
04/05/1949 | Stillborn child of John William and Joyce Margaret Woods Woods | Was buried on Wednesday 4th May 1949 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
09/09/1949 | Arthur John Mills | Was buried on Friday 9th September 1949 aged 54 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
05/10/1949 | William John Groom | Was buried on Wednesday 5th October 1949 aged 68 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
06/10/1949 | John David Abbott | Was buried on Thursday 6th October 1949 aged 95 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
15/03/1951 | John Bright Austin | Was buried on Thursday 15th March 1951 aged 77 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
10/09/1951 | Herbert John Gillings | Was buried on Monday 10th September 1951 aged 71 and is buried in the Cemetary | Double Entry - see 21F (Page 94) | |
10/09/1951 | Herbert John Gillings | Was buried on Monday 10th September 1951 aged 71 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
06/01/1954 | John Curtis | Was buried on Wednesday 6th January 1954 aged 83 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
22/04/1954 | Andrew John Bartz | Was buried on Thursday 22nd April 1954 aged 1w and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
23/09/1954 | John Albert Harries | Was buried on Thursday 23rd September 1954 aged 73 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
16/05/1960 | Henry John Dodson | Was buried on Monday 16th May 1960 aged 91 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
27/05/1963 | John S Freeman | Was buried on Monday 27th May 1963 aged 82 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
06/12/1969 | William Johnson | Was buried on Saturday 6th December 1969 aged 83 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
06/04/1972 | Anne Johnson | Was buried on Thursday 6th April 1972 aged 79 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
22/11/1974 | Mark John Smith | Was buried on Friday 22nd November 1974 aged 3 9m and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
22/01/1977 | John Pallant | Was buried on Saturday 22nd January 1977 aged 78 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
04/07/1977 | John Frederick Simmons | Was buried on Monday 4th July 1977 aged 67 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
23/06/1982 | Herbert John Timbrell | Was buried on Wednesday 23rd June 1982 aged 69 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
24/06/1982 | Ernest John Golding Potter | Was buried on Thursday 24th June 1982 aged 71 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
11/08/1983 | John William Cowland | Was buried on Thursday 11th August 1983 aged 76 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
09/04/1986 | Sylvia May Johnson | Was buried on Wednesday 9th April 1986 aged 59 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
24/02/1987 | John Sparrow | Died on Thursday 19th February 1987 and was buried on Tuesday 24th February 1987 aged 53 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
12/12/1989 | John Edwin Shelley | Died on Monday 20th November 1989 and was buried on Tuesday 12th December 1989 aged 63 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
18/01/1990 | Peter John Lomax | Died on Thursday 14th December 1989 and was buried on Thursday 18th January 1990 aged 64 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
30/09/1993 | John F W Wells | Died on Friday 17th September 1993 and was buried on Thursday 30th September 1993 aged 72 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
31/01/1994 | John Edward Grimwood | Died on Sunday 19th December 1993 and was buried on Monday 31st January 1994 aged 83 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
24/10/1994 | Frederick John Bloomfield | Died on Thursday 29th September 1994 and was buried on Monday 24th October 1994 aged 73 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
01/03/1995 | Walter Johnson | Died on Tuesday 21st February 1995 and was buried on Wednesday 1st March 1995 aged 79 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
04/04/1995 | John Boby McGowan | Died on Thursday 16th March 1995 and was buried on Tuesday 4th April 1995 aged 83 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
04/10/1996 | Allan John Hurren | Died on Friday 4th October 1996 aged 77 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
15/05/1997 | John William Bestford | Died on Friday 9th May 1997 and was buried on Thursday 15th May 1997 aged 89 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
04/11/2010 | Vera Elizabeth Howard Jackson | Died on Sunday 19th October 1997 and was buried on Thursday 4th November 2010 aged 80 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
11/09/1998 | John Clover | Died on Thursday 3rd September 1998 and was buried on Friday 11th September 1998 aged 78 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
24/09/2000 | John Cookson | Died on Wednesday 2nd August 2000 and was buried on Sunday 24th September 2000 aged 72 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
18/01/2002 | Ernest John Saych | Died on Friday 4th January 2002 and was buried on Friday 18th January 2002 aged 89 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
21/01/2002 | George John Akenhead Wardlaw | Died on Wednesday 16th January 2002 and was buried on Monday 21st January 2002 aged 76 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
26/09/2005 | Barry Patrick John Farrell | Died on Thursday 8th September 2005 and was buried on Monday 26th September 2005 aged 59 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
19/10/2005 | Douglas Arthur Rigby Jackson | Died on Monday 10th October 2005 and was buried on Wednesday 19th October 2005 aged 88 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
31/10/2006 | John Frank Fodor | Died on Thursday 11th May 2006 and was buried on Tuesday 31st October 2006 aged 86 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
07/09/2006 | John Lewis Isaac Evans | Died on Sunday 27th August 2006 and was buried on Thursday 7th September 2006 aged 70 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
19/08/2009 | John Eade | Died on Saturday 8th August 2009 and was buried on Wednesday 19th August 2009 aged 73 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
15/03/2010 | Stephen John Stoner | Died on Wednesday 13th January 2010 and was buried on Monday 15th March 2010 aged 67 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
04/11/2010 | Eric George Jackson | Died on Friday 30th July 2010 and was buried on Thursday 4th November 2010 aged 94 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
27/11/2013 | Kathleen Mary Johnson | Died on Wednesday 27th November 2013 aged 97 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
11/08/2014 | Neville Alfred John Lancaster | Died on Sunday 13th July 2014 and was buried on Monday 11th August 2014 aged 79 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
22/09/2017 | Gordon John Avery Holloway | Died on Tuesday 22nd August 2017 and was buried on Friday 22nd September 2017 aged 52 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
03/10/2018 | John Marson Raper | Died on Saturday 20th January 2018 and was buried on Wednesday 3rd October 2018 aged 85 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
07/09/2018 | John Fuller | Died on Saturday 16th June 2018 and was buried on Friday 7th September 2018 aged 81 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
23/11/2018 | Peter John Rutherford | Died on Wednesday 31st October 2018 and was buried on Friday 23rd November 2018 aged 82 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
08/06/2019 | David John Smith | Died on Saturday 5th January 2019 and was buried on Saturday 8th June 2019 aged 73 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
Unknown | Margaret Framlingham | Was buried in the Churchyard | Internal, church floor | |
Unknown | Martha Smith | Was buried in the Churchyard | ||
Unknown | John Carlos Rainey | aged 79 and is buried in the Cemetary | Died 1911-1990 | |
Unknown | John Smith | aged 21 and is buried in the Churchyard | ||
Unknown | Anthony Noller | Was buried in the Churchyard | ||
Unknown | Thomas Johnson | Was buried in the Churchyard | Internal, church floor | |
Unknown | Sarah Heyward | Was buried in the Churchyard | ||
Unknown | John Abbott | Was buried in the Cemetary |
Details | Landowner | Occupier | Holding Name | Sheet | Acres | Vicar's rent | Impropriator's rent | notes |
John Abbott Snr | John Abbott Jnr | unknown | 1 | 31.419 | £2 16s. 0d. | £6 1s. 3d. | ||
John Abbott Jnr | John Abbott Jnr | unknown | 1 | 1.625 | £0 16s. 6d. | £0 0s. 0d. | ||
Revs Rev. John Cobbold Aldrich, Rev. Mileson Gery Edgar & Rev. J. Kitchen | John Peck | unknown | 2 | 46.713 | £4 6s. 3d. | £11 7s. 4d. | ||
Messrs. Thomas & Edmund Barker | John Andrews | Brice's Farm ? | 4 | 1.356 | £0 7s. 6d. | £0 0s. 0d. | ||
John Barnes | William Thurkettle | Gull Farm? | 4 | 14.925 | £0 14s. 9d. | £3 5s. 10d. | ||
Bedingfield Parish | John Clarke | unknown | 4 | 23.031 | £1 9s. 0d. | £4 15s. 0d. | ||
John Chevallier | William Hayward | unknown | 7 | 15.069 | £0 15s. 4d. | £3 19s. 0d. | ||
John Chevallier | Elizabeth Fosdyke | Cottage and Garden | 7 | 0.306 | £0 1s. 6d. | £0 0s. 0d. | ||
John Freeman Snr | George Freeman | unknown | 8 | 48.725 | £1 18s. 0d. | £12 12s. 10d. | ||
Rebekah Johnson | John Firman | unknown | 16 | 13.875 | £0 17s. 9d. | £3 12s. 6d. | ||
Rebekah Johnson | John Summers | unknown | 16 | 15.363 | £1 2s. 6d. | £3 19s. 0d. | PNE: Pencilled "R" | |
The Rev. William Kirby | John Abbott Jnr | unknown | 18 | 9.875 | £2 10s. 0d. | £0 0s. 0d. | ||
John Driver | Cottage and Garden | 18 | 0.281 | £0 1s. 6d. | £0 0s. 0d. | PNE: Pencilled "Howes" [Sue's note: not clear whether this belongs to Rev. W. Kirby. No further totals at end of page.] | ||
William Mills | John Bloomfield | Blood House Farm | 23 | 207.781 | £17 6s. 3d. | £42 13s. 3d. | ||
Poole - Executors of John Palmer | Robert Simpson | unknown | 23 | 17.725 | £1 16s. 0d. | £3 6s. 0d. | ||
Poole - Executors of John Palmer | William Amass | Town Cottage Piece | 23 | 2.750 | £0 14s. 6d. | £0 0s. 0d. | ||
William Ringe | John Ringe | unknown | 23 | 37.769 | £2 17s. 3d. | £7 18s. 0d. | ||
Nathaniel Mosling Steptoe | John Peck | unknown | 24 | 52.725 | £5 0s. 0d. | £13 2s. 0d. | PNE: Potash Farm (Aldred) note in pencil. | |
Tacon & Co. | John Summers | Angel Inn and Yards | 25 | 1.881 | £0 10s. 3d. | £0 0s. 0d. | ||
William Mills | John Clarke | Knotts (or Knolls) Field | 21 | 11.656 | £0 6s. 3d. | £3 1s. 0d. | ||
Total | 554.85 | £46 7s. 1d. | £119 13s. 0d. |
Details | Holding | Farm Name | Field Name | Landowner | Occupier | Sheet-Plan | Cultivation | Acres | Aggregated with | Vicar's rent | Impropriator's rent | notes |
Barn and Pightle | John Abbott Snr   | John Abbott Jnr | 345 | 0.169 | ||||||||
House, Barn and Gardens | John Abbott   | John Abbott Snr | 492 | 0.419 | ||||||||
Airy & others, | Cottages etc. | John Chevallier | Rumbold, Airy & others | 274a | 0.275 | |||||||
Cottages etc. | John Chevallier | Savage & others | 274b | 0.150 | ||||||||
Cottages and Gardens | John Chevallier | Peck & Collins | 379 | 0.413 | ||||||||
Town House School | Sir R. H. Fornden | John Palmer | 506 | 0.013 | ||||||||
Cottage and Garden | Edward Locke | John Hunt | 316 | 0.169 | ||||||||
Late Poor House etc. | Edward Locke | John Hunt | 359 | 0.331 | ||||||||
Cottages and Gardens | John Neville | Bunning & Clements | 511 | 0.275 | ||||||||
Houses and Gardens | John Palmer   | John Palmer | 499 | 0.438 | ||||||||
Cottage and Garden | Nathaniel M. Steptoe | John Peck | 240 | 0.463 | ||||||||
Pollard & others, | Unknown | Col. Mr John Wodehouse Smith | Page & Wade | 521 | 0.575 | |||||||
Unknown | John Smith   | Page & Wade | 508 | 0.244 | ||||||||
unknown | Upper Burnt House Field | John Abbott Snr | John Abbott Jnr | 1/250 | Arable | 7.950 | 251 | |||||
unknown | Lower Burnt House Field | John Abbott Snr | John Abbott Jnr | 1/251 | Arable | 9.600 | 251 | £1 14s. 2d. | ||||
unknown | Burnt House Meadow | John Abbott Snr | John Abbott Jnr | 1/254 | Grass | 1.600 | 251 | |||||
unknown | Upper Mead | John Abbott Snr | John Abbott Jnr | 1/258 | Grass | 4.225 | ||||||
unknown | Cures Hill | John Abbott Snr | John Abbott Jnr | 1/262 | Arable | 4.769 | ||||||
unknown | Further Stable Pightle | John Abbott Snr | John Abbott Jnr | 1/337 | Grass | 0.388 | PNE: town | |||||
unknown | Barn and Pightle | John Abbott Snr | John Abbott Jnr | 1/343 | Grass | 0.231 | 349 | PNE: town | ||||
unknown | Middle Piece | John Abbott Snr | John Abbott Jnr | 1/349 | Grass | 1.538 | 349 | PNE: town | ||||
unknown | Home Piece | John Abbott Snr | John Abbott Jnr | 1/490 | Arable | 1.000 | PNE: town | |||||
unknown | Home Piece | John Abbott Snr | John Abbott Jnr | 1/490H | Arable | 1.000 | PNE: town | |||||
unknown | Barn Close | John Abbott Snr | John Abbott Snr | 1/491 | Arable | 0.663 | ||||||
unknown | House and Garden | John Abbott Jnr | Michael Houghton | 1/498 | 0.413 | |||||||
unknown | Cottage and Garden | John Abbott Jnr | John Abbott Jnr | 1/358 | 0.550 | |||||||
unknown | Garden - part of | Revs. Aldrich, Edgar & Kitchen | John Peck | 1/237a | Garden | 0.131 | SH: Rev. John Cobbold Aldrich 1807-1874, Rev. Mileson Gery Edgar 1784-1853, memorial St. Margaret's Ipswich and Rev. J. Kitchen of St. Stephen, Ipswich | |||||
unknown | Potash Field | Revs. Aldrich, Edgar & Kitchen | John Peck | 1/234 | Arable | 7.738 | SH: Rev. John Cobbold Aldrich 1807-1874, Rev. Mileson Gery Edgar 1784-1853, memorial St. Margaret's Ipswich and Rev. J. Kitchen of St. Stephen, Ipswich | |||||
unknown | Behind Churchyard | Revs. Aldrich, Edgar & Kitchen | John Peck | 1/236 | Arable | 7.619 | SH: Rev. John Cobbold Aldrich 1807-1874, Rev. Mileson Gery Edgar 1784-1853, memorial St. Margaret's Ipswich and Rev. J. Kitchen of St. Stephen, Ipswich | |||||
unknown | Six Acres | Revs. Aldrich, Edgar & Kitchen | John Peck | 2/372 | Arable | 6.750 | SH: Rev. John Cobbold Aldrich 1807-1874, Rev. Mileson Gery Edgar 1784-1853, memorial St. Margaret's Ipswich and Rev. J. Kitchen of St. Stephen, Ipswich | |||||
unknown | New Land Piece | Revs. Aldrich, Edgar & Kitchen | John Peck | 2/373 | Arable | 3.306 | ||||||
unknown | Seven Acres | Revs. Aldrich, Edgar & Kitchen | John Peck | 2/374 | Arable | 7.488 | ||||||
unknown | The Clamp | Revs. Aldrich, Edgar & Kitchen | John Peck | 2/381 | Arable | 8.063 | ||||||
unknown | The Hill | Revs. Aldrich, Edgar & Kitchen | John Peck | 2/382 | Arable | 15.738 | ||||||
Brice's Farm ? | Brice's Farm ? | Garden Piece | Messrs. Thomas & Edmund Barker | John Andrews | 4/351 | Arable | 1.356 | |||||
Gull Farm? | Gull Farm? | Mixed Soil Piece | John Barnes | William Thurkettle | 4/362 | Arable | 7.306 | PNE: Hitcham Trust pencilled in | ||||
Gull Farm? | Gull Farm? | Gull Piece | John Barnes | William Thurkettle | 4/363 | Grass | 0.869 | PNE: Hitcham Trust pencilled in | ||||
Gull Farm? | Gull Farm? | Garden Field | John Barnes | William Thurkettle | 4/481 | Arable | 3.913 | |||||
Gull Farm? | Gull Farm? | Little Down | John Barnes | William Thurkettle | 4/482 | Arable | 1.638 | |||||
Gull Farm? | Gull Farm? | Buildings Etc. | John Barnes | William Thurkettle | 4/483 | Arable | 1.200 | PNE: Pencilled in | ||||
Gull Farm? | Gull Farm? | Buildings Etc. | John Barnes | William Thurkettle | 4/483H | Arable | 1.200 | PNE: Pencilled in | ||||
unknown | Town Pightle | Bedingfield Parish | John Clarke | 4/411 | Arable | 2.906 | ||||||
unknown | Great Town Field | Bedingfield Parish | John Clarke | 4/412 | Arable | 16.113 | ||||||
unknown | Town Meadow | Bedingfield Parish | John Clarke | 4/413 | Grass | 4.013 | ||||||
Goslings Hall & other lands | Goslings Hall & other lands | The Grove | Dr John Chevallier | Dr John Chevallier | 5/160 | Arable | 14.188 | |||||
Goslings Hall & other lands | Goslings Hall & other lands | Great Sprangles | Dr John Chevallier | Dr John Chevallier | 5/161 | Arable | 13.363 | |||||
Goslings Hall & other lands | Goslings Hall & other lands | Ox Close | Dr John Chevallier | Dr John Chevallier | 5/162 | Grass | 9.325 | |||||
Goslings Hall & other lands | Goslings Hall & other lands | Long Meadow | Dr John Chevallier | Dr John Chevallier | 5/163 | Grass | 10.813 | |||||
Goslings Hall & other lands | Goslings Hall & other lands | Nonsuch Field | Dr John Chevallier | Dr John Chevallier | 5/164 | Arable | 9.300 | |||||
Goslings Hall & other lands | Goslings Hall & other lands | Watering Hill Close | Dr John Chevallier | Dr John Chevallier | 5/165 | Arable | 16.144 | |||||
Goslings Hall & other lands | Goslings Hall & other lands | Neathouse Piece | Dr John Chevallier | Dr John Chevallier | 5/166 | Arable | 5.275 | |||||
Goslings Hall & other lands | Goslings Hall & other lands | Stack Yard | Dr John Chevallier | Dr John Chevallier | 5/167 | 0.519 | ||||||
Goslings Hall & other lands | Goslings Hall & other lands | Pightle | Dr John Chevallier | Dr John Chevallier | 5/168 | Grass | 1.381 | |||||
Goslings Hall & other lands | Goslings Hall & other lands | Homestead | Dr John Chevallier | Dr John Chevallier | 5/169 | 2.156 | ||||||
Goslings Hall & other lands | Goslings Hall & other lands | Stable Pightle | Dr John Chevallier | Dr John Chevallier | 5/170 | 0.969 | ||||||
Goslings Hall & other lands | Goslings Hall & other lands | Home Close | Dr John Chevallier | Dr John Chevallier | 5/171 | 6.300 | ||||||
Goslings Hall & other lands | Goslings Hall & other lands | Plantation | Dr John Chevallier | Dr John Chevallier | 5/172 | Planted | 0.138 | |||||
Goslings Hall & other lands | Goslings Hall & other lands | Plantation | Dr John Chevallier | Dr John Chevallier | 5/173 | Planted | 0.538 | |||||
Goslings Hall & other lands | Goslings Hall & other lands | Calves Pightle | Dr John Chevallier | Dr John Chevallier | 5/174 | Grass | 1.413 | |||||
Goslings Hall & other lands | Goslings Hall & other lands | Plantation | Dr John Chevallier | Dr John Chevallier | 5/175 | Arable | 1.225 | |||||
unknown | First Chamberlain's | John Chevallier | William Hayward | 7/197 | Arable | 6.238 | ||||||
unknown | Cottage and Garden | John Chevallier | William Hayward | 7/198 | 0.331 | |||||||
unknown | Middle Chamberlain's | John Chevallier | William Hayward | 7/199 | Arable | 2.313 | ||||||
unknown | Further Chamberlain's | John Chevallier | William Hayward | 7/200 | Arable | 6.188 | ||||||
Cottage and Garden | Cottage and Garden | John Chevallier | Elizabeth Fosdyke | 7/378 | Garden | 0.306 | ||||||
unknown | Burial Ground | Chapel - Trustees of | John Abbott Jnr | 7/344 | Grass | 0.338 | ||||||
unknown | Little Road Piece | John Freeman Snr | George Freeman | 8/400 | Grass | 0.069 | ||||||
unknown | Debenham Field | John Freeman Snr | George Freeman | 8/404 | Arable | 9.869 | ||||||
unknown | Further Great Bellwells | John Freeman Snr | George Freeman | 8/408 | Arable | 8.494 | ||||||
unknown | Hither Great Bellwells | John Freeman Snr | George Freeman | 8/409 | Arable | 8.225 | ||||||
unknown | Middle Sally's | John Freeman Snr | George Freeman | 8/410 | Arable | 6.931 | 410 | PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in | ||||
unknown | Further Sally's | John Freeman Snr | George Freeman | 8/415 | Arable | 6.938 | 410 | PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in | ||||
unknown | First Cottage Field | John Freeman Snr | George Freeman | 8/417 | Arable | 2.994 | ||||||
unknown | Second Cottage Field | John Freeman Snr | George Freeman | 8/418 | Arable | 2.375 | ||||||
unknown | Third Cottage Field | John Freeman Snr | George Freeman | 8/419 | Arable | 2.894 | ||||||
unknown | Romewood Green Field | Rebekah Johnson | John Firman | 16/209 | Arable | 7.056 | ||||||
unknown | Pond Field | Rebekah Johnson | John Firman | 16/210 | Arable | 6.819 | ||||||
unknown | Little Bridge Ark | Rebekah Johnson | John Summers | 16/229 | Arable | 5.775 | ||||||
unknown | Great Bridge Ark | Rebekah Johnson | John Summers | 16/238 | Arable | 9.369 | ||||||
unknown | Hempland | Rebekah Johnson | John Summers | 16/239 | Arable | 0.219 | ||||||
unknown | Upper Ox Close | The Rev. William Kirby | John Abbott Jnr | 18/510 | Grass | 4.538 | PNE: Pencilled "Neave" | |||||
unknown | Middle Close | The Rev. William Kirby | John Abbott Jnr | 18/512 | Grass | 3.725 | PNE: Pencilled "Neave" | |||||
unknown | Little Close | The Rev. William Kirby | John Abbott Jnr | 18/518 | Grass | 1.613 | PNE: Pencilled "Howes" | |||||
Cottage and Garden | Cottage and Garden | ? ? ? | John Driver | 18/517 | Garden | 0.281 | PNE: Pencilled "Howes" [Sue's note: not clear whether this belongs to Rev. W. Kirby. No further totals at end of page.] | |||||
Blood House Farm | Blood House Farm | The Spring | William Mills | John Bloomfield | 22/420 | Coppice | 0.594 | |||||
Blood House Farm | Blood House Farm | Spring and Meadow | William Mills | John Bloomfield | 22/421 | Arable | 6.831 | |||||
Blood House Farm | Blood House Farm | Thirteen Acres | William Mills | John Bloomfield | 22/422 | Arable | 13.619 | |||||
Blood House Farm | Blood House Farm | Eleven Acres | William Mills | John Bloomfield | 22/423 | Arable | 10.225 | |||||
Blood House Farm | Blood House Farm | First Blood Hill | William Mills | John Bloomfield | 22/429 | Arable | 13.631 | |||||
Blood House Farm | Blood House Farm | Stabbins | William Mills | John Bloomfield | 22/430 | Arable | 8.038 | |||||
Blood House Farm | Blood House Farm | The Ley (part of) | William Mills | John Bloomfield | 22/431 | Arable | 11.350 | |||||
Blood House Farm | Blood House Farm | The Ley (part of) | William Mills | John Bloomfield | 22/431a | Grass | 3.238 | |||||
Blood House Farm | Blood House Farm | Home Meadow | William Mills | John Bloomfield | 22/432 | Grass | 11.319 | |||||
Blood House Farm | Blood House Farm | The Pightle | William Mills | John Bloomfield | 22/433 | Grass | 2.125 | |||||
Blood House Farm | Blood House Farm | Homestead | William Mills | John Bloomfield | 22/434 | 1.363 | ||||||
Blood House Farm | Blood House Farm | Stable Meadow | William Mills | John Bloomfield | 22/435 | Grass | 6.106 | |||||
Blood House Farm | Blood House Farm | Cartshed Meadow | William Mills | John Bloomfield | 22/436 | Grass | 6.056 | |||||
Blood House Farm | Blood House Farm | Further Meadow | William Mills | John Bloomfield | 22/438 | Arable | 6.169 | |||||
Blood House Farm | Blood House Farm | Four Acres | William Mills | John Bloomfield | 22/439 | Arable | 5.031 | |||||
Blood House Farm | Blood House Farm | Nine Acres | William Mills | John Bloomfield | 22/440 | Arable | 9.738 | |||||
Blood House Farm | Blood House Farm | The Lane | William Mills | John Bloomfield | 22/441 | Waste | 0.581 | |||||
Blood House Farm | Blood House Farm | Plantation | William Mills | John Bloomfield | 22/442 | Plantation | 0.163 | |||||
Blood House Farm | Blood House Farm | First Low Meadow | William Mills | John Bloomfield | 22/445 | Grass | 8.256 | |||||
Blood House Farm | Blood House Farm | Slades | William Mills | John Bloomfield | 22/446 | Arable | 10.888 | |||||
Blood House Farm | Blood House Farm | Dorans | William Mills | John Bloomfield | 22/447 | Arable | 13.750 | |||||
Blood House Farm | Blood House Farm | Further Low Meadow | William Mills | John Bloomfield | 22/448 | Grass | 4.569 | |||||
Blood House Farm | Blood House Farm | Eight Acres | William Mills | John Bloomfield | 22/449 | Arable | 8.425 | |||||
Blood House Farm | Blood House Farm | Six Acres | William Mills | John Bloomfield | 22/450 | Arable | 5.650 | |||||
Blood House Farm | Blood House Farm | New Jessop | William Mills | John Bloomfield | 22/451 | Arable | 10.838 | |||||
Blood House Farm | Blood House Farm | Further Jessop | William Mills | John Bloomfield | 22/452 | Arable | 9.813 | |||||
Blood House Farm | Blood House Farm | Second Blood Hill | William Mills | John Bloomfield | 22/453 | Arable | 13.219 | |||||
Blood House Farm | Blood House Farm | Long Meadow | William Mills | John Bloomfield | 22/457 | Grass | 6.200 | |||||
Blood House Farm | Blood House Farm | Thirteen Acres | William Mills | John Bloomfield | 22/422H | Arable | 13.619 | |||||
unknown | Upper Gardens | Poole - Executors of John Palmer | Robert Simpson | 23/278 | Arable | 6.925 | ||||||
unknown | Lower Gardens | Poole - Executors of John Palmer | Robert Simpson | 23/280 | Arable | 5.550 | ||||||
unknown | Garden Meadow | Poole - Executors of John Palmer | Robert Simpson | 23/281 | Grass | 5.050 | ||||||
unknown | Barn Yards etc. | Poole - Executors of John Palmer | Robert Simpson | 23/282 | 0.200 | |||||||
Town Cottage Piece | Town Cottage Piece | Poole - Executors of John Palmer | William Amass | 23/361 | Grass | 2.750 | ||||||
unknown | Mixed Soil Piece | William Ringe | John Ringe | 23/376 | Arable | 7.631 | PNE: Primary School | |||||
unknown | The Gull | William Ringe | John Ringe | 23/377 | Grass | 2.313 | PNE: Opposite Draper | |||||
unknown | Upper Meadow | William Ringe | John Ringe | 23/454 | Grass | 3.300 | ||||||
unknown | Barn and Yard | William Ringe | John Ringe | 23/455 | 0.263 | |||||||
unknown | Lower Meadow | William Ringe | John Ringe | 23/456 | Grass | 3.156 | PNE: Bloodhall | |||||
unknown | Great Blood Field | William Ringe | John Ringe | 23/457a | Arable | 8.625 | PNE: Bloodhall | |||||
unknown | Harrows | William Ringe | John Ringe | 23/458 | Arable | 5.919 | ||||||
unknown | Little Blood Field | William Ringe | John Ringe | 23/480 | Arable | 6.563 | ||||||
unknown | Bridge Ash | Nathaniel Mosling Steptoe | John Peck | 24/212 | Arable | 4.100 | PNE: Potash Farm (Aldred) note in pencil. | |||||
unknown | Clay Pits | Nathaniel Mosling Steptoe | John Peck | 24/217 | Arable | 3.875 | PNE: Potash Farm (Aldred) note in pencil. | |||||
unknown | Home Close | Nathaniel Mosling Steptoe | John Peck | 24/218 | Arable | 7.725 | PNE: Potash Farm (Aldred) note in pencil. | |||||
unknown | Four Acres | Nathaniel Mosling Steptoe | John Peck | 24/219 | Arable | 4.575 | PNE: Potash Farm (Aldred) note in pencil. | |||||
unknown | Five Acres | Nathaniel Mosling Steptoe | John Peck | 24/220 | Arable | 5.006 | PNE: Potash Farm (Aldred) note in pencil. | |||||
unknown | Church Hill | Nathaniel Mosling Steptoe | John Peck | 24/221 | Arable | 7.150 | PNE: Potash Farm (Aldred) note in pencil. | |||||
unknown | Orchard | Nathaniel Mosling Steptoe | John Peck | 24/225 | Grass | 0.788 | PNE: Potash Farm (Aldred) note in pencil. | |||||
unknown | Homestead etc. | Nathaniel Mosling Steptoe | John Peck | 24/226 | 0.756 | PNE: Potash Farm (Aldred) note in pencil. | ||||||
unknown | Back Meadow | Nathaniel Mosling Steptoe | John Peck | 24/227 | Grass | 2.931 | PNE: Potash Farm (Aldred) note in pencil. | |||||
unknown | Further Meadow | Nathaniel Mosling Steptoe | John Peck | 24/228 | Grass | 2.763 | PNE: Potash Farm (Aldred) note in pencil. | |||||
unknown | Potash Yard | Nathaniel Mosling Steptoe | John Peck | 24/230 | Arable | 1.219 | PNE: Potash Farm (Aldred) note in pencil. | |||||
unknown | Three Corner Piece | Nathaniel Mosling Steptoe | John Peck | 24/231 | Grass | 4.513 | PNE: Potash Farm (Aldred) note in pencil. | |||||
unknown | Square Meadow | Nathaniel Mosling Steptoe | John Peck | 24/233 | Grass | 4.631 | PNE: Potash Farm (Aldred) note in pencil. | |||||
unknown | Potash Meadow | Nathaniel Mosling Steptoe | John Peck | 24/235 | Grass | 2.506 | PNE: Potash Farm (Aldred) note in pencil. | |||||
Angel Inn and Yards | The Pightle | Tacon & Co. | John Summers | 25/495 | Arable | 1.506 | SH: Queried Tacon or Lacon - brewers who owned Angel. Tacon of Eye, Brewers, recorded 1839-40 Pigot's & 1844 White's directories. | |||||
Angel Inn and Yards | Angel Inn and Yards | Tacon & Co. | John Summers | 25/497 | 0.375 | SH: Queried Tacon or Lacon - brewers who owned Angel. Tacon of Eye, Brewers, recorded 1839-40 Pigot's & 1844 White's directories. | ||||||
Knotts (or Knolls) Field | Knotts (or Knolls) Field | William Mills | John Clarke | 21/414 | Arable | 11.656 | £3 1s. 0d. | |||||
Total | 677.877 | £1 14s. 2d. | £3 1s. 0d. |
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