The Village Show - Debenham presented by Paul Barnes, first broadcast by Anglia Television in 1996, [Paul Barnes], [Keith Patterson] (Irvine Plastics), [Jane Roberts], [Tom Dallison], [David Allen] (Neaves Butchers), [Rhona Allen], [Lynden Jackson] (clock mender), [Will Hutt] (Armourer), [Crawford Balch] (Osiers), [John Arbon], [Trevor Arbon], [Barry Chevallier-Guild], [Lawrence LeMay], [Caroline Hutt] (widow of Dr [Charles Hutt]), [Jack Holman], [Pam Vinten], [Tony Mowles] (shoemaker)
Date: 1996
Playing debenhamvillageshow.mp4
by Anglia Television
Donated by Leila Anani
Ⓒ Anglia Television