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The History of Longbows and Arrows

United Reformed Church 21 Chancery Lane, Debenham, Suffolk, United Kingdom

Professional bow maker, Willy Rackham, details the history of longbows and arrows. A selection of bows and arrows will be on display to support this talk.


Celebrating Suffolk Women

United Reformed Church 21 Chancery Lane, Debenham, Suffolk, United Kingdom

Sarah Doig will look at the fascinating lives of the county’s heroines, including Suffolk artists, suffragettes, medical pioneers, dare-devils and writers.


The Unique Vernacular Architecture of North Suffolk

United Reformed Church 21 Chancery Lane, Debenham, Suffolk, United Kingdom

John Walker, architectural historian, details the unique architectural styles and building techniques to be found in North Suffolk.


Orlando Whistlecraft – Suffolk Weather Prophet

United Reformed Church 21 Chancery Lane, Debenham, Suffolk, United Kingdom

Kevin Pulford tells of the life and work of Suffolk born, Victorian weather predictor Orlando Whistlecraft.


Everything you Wanted to Know about Heraldry

United Reformed Church 21 Chancery Lane, Debenham, Suffolk, United Kingdom

Chris Broome provides an introduction to the fascinating world of heraldry and how it can be used to further family history research.


Suffolk’s Lost Architecture

United Reformed Church 21 Chancery Lane, Debenham, Suffolk, United Kingdom

Stephen Poulter recreates vanished architectural gems using surviving period prints and the reports from travellers who visited the towns and villages during the past 400 years either for personal curiosity… Read More »Suffolk’s Lost Architecture
