Card | Date | Type | Name | Event | 03/10/1638 | Burial | Ann Smith | Ann Smith wife of Walter Smith was buried on 3rd October 1638 | 10/09/1641 | Burial | Walter Smith | Walter Smith was buried on 10th September 1641 | 14/02/1867 | Burial | Walter Smith | Walter Smith was buried on 14th February 1867 aged 24 | 01/09/1884 | Baptism | Walter Thomas Smith | Walter Thomas Smith a son of John Smith (Labourer) and Mary Ann Smith was said to be born in September 1884 and was baptised on 19th January 1890 |
Grave | Date | Name | Event | Comments |
24/12/1948 | Walter Thomas Smith | Was buried on Friday 24th December 1948 aged 64 and is buried in the Cemetary |
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