Card |
Date | Type |
Event |
28/03/1612 |
Burial |
Thomas Tayller |
Thomas Tayller was buried on 28th March 1612 |
10/07/1720 |
Baptism |
Thomas Taylor |
Thomas Taylor a son of James Taylor and Susanna Taylor was baptised on 10th July 1720 |
01/05/1770 |
Baptism |
Thomas Taylor |
Thomas Taylor a son of David Taylor and Sarah Taylor was baptised on 1st May 1770 |
12/06/1778 |
Burial |
Thomas Taylor |
Thomas Taylor was buried on 12th June 1778 |
25/02/1811 |
Marriage |
Mary Chapman |
Mary Chapman Single of Debenham was married on 25th February 1811 to Thomas Taylor Single of Debenham |
25/02/1811 |
Marriage |
Thomas Taylor |
Thomas Taylor Single of Debenham was married on 25th February 1811 to Mary Chapman Single of Debenham |
29/10/1818 |
Burial |
Mary Taylor |
Mary Taylor wife of Thomas Taylor was buried on 29th October 1818 aged 28 |
18/07/1819 |
Marriage |
Frances Sawyer |
Frances Sawyer of Debenham was married on 18th July 1819 to Thomas Taylor Widower of Debenham |
18/07/1819 |
Marriage |
Thomas Taylor |
Thomas Taylor Widower of Debenham was married on 18th July 1819 to Frances Sawyer of Debenham |
05/11/1819 |
Baptism & Burial |
John Taylor |
John Taylor son of Thomas Taylor (Thatcher) and Frances Taylor nee Sawyer aka "Fanny Taylor" was born on 5th November 1819 and was baptised on 29th February 1820 and was buried on 1st April 1820 - an infant |
18/03/1820 |
Burial |
Frances Taylor |
Frances Taylor was buried on 18th March 1820 aged 26 |
27/08/1837 |
Marriage |
Caroline Osborn |
Caroline Osborn a daughter of John Osborn was married on 27th August 1837 aged 31 to Thomas Taylor (Thatcher) aged 45, son of John Taylor (Thatcher) |
27/08/1837 |
Marriage |
Thomas Taylor |
Thomas Taylor (Thatcher) a son of John Taylor (Thatcher) was married on 27th August 1837 aged 45 to Caroline Osborn aged 31, daughter of John Osborn |
20/10/1837 |
Burial |
Thomas Taylor |
Thomas Taylor was buried on 20th October 1837 aged 2 weeks |
01/03/1857 |
Marriage |
John Andrews |
John Andrews (Labourer) Batchelor of Debenham a son of Moses Andrews (Shoemaker) was married on 1st March 1857 of full age to Susannah Taylor (Servant) Spinster of Debenham aged 18, daughter of Thomas Taylor (Thatcher) |
01/03/1857 |
Marriage |
Susannah Taylor |
Susannah Taylor (Servant) Spinster of Debenham a daughter of Thomas Taylor (Thatcher) was married on 1st March 1857 aged 18 to John Andrews (Labourer) Batchelor of Debenham of full age, son of Moses Andrews (Shoemaker) |
29/03/1857 |
Burial |
Thomas Taylor |
Thomas Taylor was buried on 29th March 1857 aged 68 |