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Dove book Samuel Alexander is mentioned on page(s) 5  Samuel Alexander
Dove book Samuel Amass is mentioned on page(s) 138  Samuel Amass
Dove book Samuel Bannister is mentioned on page(s) 116  Samuel Bannister
Dove book Samuel Damant is mentioned on page(s) 82  Samuel Damant
Dove book Samuel Davie is mentioned on page(s) 67  Samuel Davie
Dove book Samuel Day is mentioned on page(s) 121  Samuel Day
Dove book Samuel Dove is mentioned on page(s) ix, 2, 29-33, 99, 136, 138  Samuel Dove
Dove book Samuel Godbold is mentioned on page(s) 119  Samuel Godbold
Dove book Capt Samuel Green is mentioned on page(s) 69  Capt Samuel Green
Dove book Samuel Kilderbee is mentioned on page(s) 119, 120  Samuel Kilderbee
Dove book Samuel Lummis is mentioned on page(s) 82  Samuel Lummis
Dove book Samuel Mayhew is mentioned on page(s) 82  Samuel Mayhew
Dove book Samuel Mullinger is mentioned on page(s) 108  Samuel Mullinger
Dove book Samuel Noler is mentioned on page(s) 29  Samuel Noler
Dove book Samuel Orford is mentioned on page(s) 68  Samuel Orford
Dove book Samuel Parker is mentioned on page(s) 100  Samuel Parker
Dove book Samuel Peck is mentioned on page(s) 2  Samuel Peck
Dove book Samuel Simpson is mentioned on page(s) 109  Samuel Simpson
Dove book Samuel Taylor is mentioned on page(s) 33  Samuel Taylor
Dove book Samuel Waller is mentioned on page(s) 118  Samuel Waller
Peter Northeast extract from the 1621 survey of Butley ManorButley Manor James Aldrich, John Aldrich, Thomas Aldrich, John Alefounder, John Allen, Robert Allfounder, William Allome, Robert Applewayte, Peter Ardely, Robert Ashwell, Charles Assey, William Awstyn, Robert Ballard, William Banister, Samuel Bannister, Paul Banyngs, Anna BardweIl, Robert BardweIl, James Bardwell, Barnaby Barker, John Barker, John Barker, Thomas Barker, Robert Barrett, William Batts, Jonathan Beadwell, Philip Bedingfeld, Robert Bedingfeld, Thomas Bedingfelde, Nicholas Bell, William Bence, Simon Bennett, John Bertlott, Walter Blower, John Bobbett, Elizabeth Bond, James Bond, John Bond, Robert Bond, Thomas Bond, William Bond, Richard Bonde, Thomas Bonde, Robert Braham, Mary Bransby, George Brcoke, Robert Brewster, John Britton, Francis Brooke, George Brooke, John Brytten, Thomas Buck, Henry Bucknam, Robert Bucknam, William Bunnan, Samuel Bury, Edward Calver, Alan Catchpoll, Allan Catchpoll, Elizabeth Catchpoll, Mark Catchpoll, Nicholas Chandler, John Chapman, Stephen Chechely, Ralph Cheeke, Robert Cheeke, Robert Chester, Temple Chevelier, James Chrispe, Jane Clodd, Thomas Clodd, John Cock, Andrew Conyngham, Edward Corbold, Thomas Corbold, Christopher Cowper, William Cracknell, James Culham, John Culham, Richard Culharn, John Cully, Margaret Curdy, John Curtyes, Thomas Dade, Dorothy Daldy, Dorothy Daldy, Samuel Daldy, Thomas Dandy, Sara Davie, John Davy, John Davy, John Dawling, Susan Dawling, Robert de Hoo, John Dobbes, John Dobbs, Frances Dove, William Dove, William Drane, John Dunckon, Reginald Eade, John Easterson, William Edgar, John Fayerweather, Thomas Fen, Charles Fenn, Reuben Feveryere, Rubin Feveryere, Lawrence Fideon, Charles Flowerdewe, John Flowerdewe, John Folkard, William Folkard, Lionel Fosdick, Gregory Frinde, James Fuller, John Fuller, Joseph Fuller, Nicholas Game, Henry Gardiner, John Gardiner, Jane Garneys, Nicholas Garnies, Robert Garnies, Wentworth Garnies, Charles Garnys, Thomas Garwood, Charles Gaudy, Barnaby Gibson, Charles Gibson, Richard Girling, John Girlyng, Robert Girlyng, Sarah Glamfeld, John Glamlfeld, John Godbold, Simon Goddard, George Goody, John Gowen, Robert Gowen, Thomas Gowen, John Gowyn, Harbottle Grimston, Robert Grymble, Edward Grymston, William Gwuys, James Harison, George Harrison, Henry Harrison, James Harrison, James Harrison, William Harrison, John Harsant, Thomas Harvy, Walter Harvy, Robert Hastings, Thomas Hayes, Robert Hempson, Roger Holbecks, Roger Holberts, John Hoo, Thomas Horseman, Geoffrey Howlett, Mary Howlett, Thomas Howlett, John Hubberd, Francis Hunting, Francis Huntyng, Jnhn Ide, Robert Jackson, Nicholas Jeffery, Richard Jefferyes, Simon Jefferyes, John Jeffrey, Simon Jeffreys, Margery Karsy, Margery Kempe, Joseph Kersey, Jane Kettle, Francis Kilderbey, Mary King, Phil King, Roger Lake, Robert Lance, Martha Leader, John List , Robert List, William List, Fenhias Lock, John Lock, Thomas Lockwood, John Lomax, Elizabeth Lorde, Thomas Maddock, Edward Major, Andrew Manns, Francis Masham, William Masham, Howes Mayhewe, John Mayhewe, Lawrence Mayhewe, Reginald Mayhewe, Edward Mayor, Richard Motts, William Motts, Alice Moyse, Richard Moyse, Smauel Moyse, William Moyse, Richard Mutley, Thomas Nichols, Margery Nunn, Anthony Ocle, William Ownys, Grace Peake, Thomas Peake, Thomas Pecke, Thomas Pecke, Anthony Pennyng, Robert Pett, George Philips, Isaac Phillips, James Phillips, Nicholas Phillips, John Picknott, Osbert Picknott, George Potter, John Pulham, John Punchard, John Purpelt, John Purpett, John Pyne, Robert Reade, Christopher Rivett, Thomas Rodbard, Robert Runkattle, Henry Runkettle, John Salmon, George Savage, Francis Shardelowe, Richard Sharman, Thomas Sharman, Francis Shennan, Christopher Shepe, Martha Sherman, Nicholas Sherman, Thomas Sherman, John Shulvard, Peter Sidebottom, Sarah Sidebottom, John Simpson, Agnes Skargate, Anne Smith, Christopher Smith, Henry Smith, John Smith, Riseing Smith, Anne Smyth, John Smyth, Nicholas Smyth, John Smythe, Robert Sparham, Nicholas Sparhawke, Richard Sparhawkes, John Spech, Thomas Spillisby, Richard Sponer, Simon Sponer, John Stele, William Stevens, Ralph Styles, John Tanen, Oliver Taster, John Thresher, Robert Thrower, William Thwayt, Thomas Tillet, John Toke, George Tovell, Robert Tovell, John Turbald, Hannah Turner, William Turpetine, Samuel Tuthill, Peter Tyler, Edward Unger, Elizabeth Unger, Elizabeth Utting, Rev. Walton, Sarah Walton, John Warde, John Warren, John Webber, Robert Whaymond, Thomas Whaymond, Thomas Wills, Thomas Willson, John Wilson, James Woode, James Woode, John Woode, Margaret Woode, Robert Woode, Thomasin Woode, Thomasine Woode, John Woodeard, Anne Woods, George Woods, William Woods, Anthony Wrethoke, John Wrethoke, Edward Yellopp, Alston, Browne, Glascock, Turpen  
Thumbnail "Great Fire Story retold, 250 years on" - article detailing the publication and content of Samuel Dove book by the Debenham Vernacular Architecture Group. The book includes an eye witness account of the 1744 fire that swept through the village.  Lennie Knowland From the The List Collection.  

Parish Records

Card Date Type Name  Event
20/05/1571 Baptism & Burial Samuell Harrison Samuell Harrison son of George Harrison and Elizabeth Harrison was baptised on 20th May 1571 and was buried on 20th September 1574
01/10/1597 Burial Payne The wife of Samuell Payne was buried on 1st October 1597
07/12/1598 Burial Samuell Lune Samuell Lune son of Ffrancis Lune was buried on 7th December 1598
21/04/1609 Baptism Margaret Milner Margaret Milner a daughter of Samuel Milner was baptised on 21st April 1609
16/03/1615 Burial Samuel Millner Samuel Millner was buried on 16th March 1615/1616
10/07/1616 Burial Samuell Buckenham Samuell Buckenham son of John Buckenham was buried on 10th July 1616
27/05/1619 Baptism Samuell Buckenham Samuell Buckenham a son of John Buckenham was baptised on 27th May 1619
14/02/1629 Baptism Samuell Pevance Samuell Pevance a son of Jeryme Pevance was baptised on 14th February 1629/1630
05/07/1629 Baptism & Burial Samuell Godball Samuell Godball son of James Godball was baptised on 5th July 1629 and was buried on 4th October 1629
04/10/1629 Baptism Samuell Stallery Samuell Stallery a son of Miles Stallery was baptised on 4th October 1629
09/10/1636 Baptism Samuell Shelly Samuell Shelly a son of Henrye Shelly and Katherin Shelly was baptised on 9th October 1636
01/04/1639 Baptism Samuell Simpson Samuell Simpson a son of George Simpson and Elizabeth Simpson was baptised on 1st April 1639
29/12/1639 Baptism Samuell Page Samuell Page a son of Thomas Page and Ffinet Page was baptised on 29th December 1639
29/08/1641 Baptism Samuel Clarke Samuel Clarke a son of Jhon Clarke and Margaret Clarke was baptised on 29th August 1641
17/05/1653 Baptism Samuel Blumfield Samuel Blumfield a son of John Blumfield and Sarah Blumfield was baptised on 17th May 1653/1654
01/04/1658 Marriage Ruth Gladden Ruth Gladden Single of Monks Some was married on 1st April 1658 to Samuel Shemen Single of Sackstedd
01/04/1658 Marriage Samuel Shemen Samuel Shemen Single of Sackstedd was married on 1st April 1658 to Ruth Gladden Single of Monks Some
01/02/1669 Burial Mary Bonnett Mary Bonnett daughter of Samuel Bonnett was buried in February 1669/1670
30/04/1669 Burial Samuel Quinton Samuel Quinton was buried on 30th April 1669/1670
06/02/1672 Burial Elizabeth Bonnett Elizabeth Bonnett daughter of Samuel Bonnett and Mary Bonnett was buried on 6th February 1672 Note: the second daughter of Samuel and Mary his wife was borne
12/04/1672 Baptism Elizabeth Moyse Elizabeth Moyse a daughter of Samuell Moyse and Phebe Moyse was baptised on 12th April 1672
26/06/1672 Baptism Samuell Fisher Samuell Fisher a son of Amas Fisher and Martha Fisher was baptised on 26th June 1672 Note: Mrs Martha, wife of Mr Amas Fisher buried 9 Apr 1698 - Mr Fisher buried 24 Mar 1701/1702 See F45-8
26/06/1672 Baptism Samuell Fisher Samuell Fisher a son of Amas Fisher and Martha Fisher was baptised on 26th June 1672 Note: See F45-7
25/01/1674 Baptism Samuell Curtis Samuell Curtis a son of John Curtis and Mary Curtis was baptised on 25th January 1674/1675
25/01/1674 Baptism Samuell Curtise Samuell Curtise a son of John Curtise and Mary Curtise was baptised on 25th January 1674/1675
27/10/1674 Marriage Samuel Jones Samuel Jones (Gentleman) was married on 27th October 1674 to Elizabeth Tavell
27/10/1674 Marriage Elizabeth Tavell Elizabeth Tavell was married on 27th October 1674 to Samuel Jones (Gent)
26/02/1675 Burial Samuel Bunnett Samuel Bunnett son of Samuel Bunnett and Mary Bunnett was buried on 26th February 1675
16/07/1675 Burial Martha Bunnett Martha Bunnett daughter of Samuell Bunnett was buried on 16th July 1675
11/01/1676 Marriage Samuel Bannister Samuel Bannister aka "samuell" was married on 11th January 1676/1677 to Joan Haine
11/01/1676 Marriage Joan Haine Joan Haine was married on 11th January 1676/1677 to Samuel Bannister
07/09/1676 Baptism Mary Reve Mary Reve a daughter of Samuell Reve and Mary Reve was baptised on 7th September 1676
01/04/1678 Baptism Samuell Jessop Samuell Jessop a son of Samuell Jessop and Margaret Jessop was baptised on 1st April 1678
14/09/1678 Baptism Susanna Mayhew Susanna Mayhew a daughter of Samuel Mayhew and Mary Mayhew was baptised on 14th September 1678
13/11/1678 Marriage Margaret Allen Margaret Allen was married on 13th November 1678 to Samuel Jessup
13/11/1678 Marriage Samuel Jessup Samuel Jessup was married on 13th November 1678 to Margaret Allen
01/05/1679 Baptism Samuel Banister Samuel Banister a son of Samuell Banister aka "samuel" and Joan Banister aka "joana" was baptised on 1st May 1679
09/06/1679 Baptism Elizabeth Jessup Elizabeth Jessup a daughter of Samuel Jessup and Margaret Jessup was baptised on 9th June 1679
25/03/1680 Baptism Ann Dammant Ann Dammant a daughter of Samuell Dammant and Ann Dammant was baptised on 25th March 1680 Note: See D31-2
25/03/1680 Baptism & Burial Ann Dammant Ann Dammant daughter of Samuell Dammant and Ann Dammant was baptised on 25th March 1680 and was buried on 27th May 1699 Note: See D31-1
17/09/1680 Burial Samuel Bunnett Samuel Bunnett was buried on 17th September 1680
15/01/1681 Burial Samuel Bunnett Samuel Bunnett son of Samuell Bunnett (Deceased) was buried on 15th January 1681/1682
15/02/1681 Baptism Elizabeth Banister Elizabeth Banister a daughter of Samuel Banister aka "Samuell" and Joan Banister aka "joana" was baptised on 15th February 1681/1682
12/03/1681 Baptism Samuell Dammant Samuell Dammant a son of Samuell Dammant and Ann Dammant was baptised on 12th March 1681/1682
10/06/1681 Baptism Samuell Mayhew Samuell Mayhew a son of Samuel Mayhew and Mary Mayhew was baptised on 10th June 1681
25/09/1682 Burial Samuell Bunnett Samuell Bunnett son of Samuel Bunnet (Deceased) was buried on 25th September 1682
09/06/1683 Baptism & Burial Elizabeth Mayhew Elizabeth Mayhew daughter of Samuel Mayhew and Mary Mayhew was baptised on 9th June 1683 and was buried on 26th October 1683
03/03/1684 Baptism Samuell Berry Samuell Berry a son of John Berry and Sarah Berry was baptised on 3rd March 1684/1685
15/03/1684 Baptism Samuel Harvie Samuel Harvie a son of Walter Harvie and Rose Harvie was baptised on 15th March 1684/1685
20/05/1684 Baptism Mary Jessup Mary Jessup a daughter of Samuell Jessup and Margaret Jessup was baptised on 20th May 1684
20/03/1685 Baptism Hannah Banister Hannah Banister a daughter of Samuel Banister aka "Samuell" and Joana Banister aka "joan" was baptised on 20th March 1685/1686
12/07/1685 Baptism Samuell Johnson Samuell Johnson a son of Thomas Johnson and Anne Johnson was baptised on 12th July 1685
14/11/1685 Baptism Thomas Jessup Thomas Jessup a son of Samuel Jessup and Margaret Jessup was baptised on 14th November 1685
22/06/1687 Baptism Samuel Sadd Samuel Sadd a son of Samuel Sadd and Mary Sadd was baptised on 22nd June 1687
20/08/1689 Baptism Samuel Pells Samuel Pells a son of Thomas Pells and Catherine Pells was baptised on 20th August 1689
02/05/1691 Baptism Samuel Ashford Samuel Ashford a son of John Ashford and Mary Ashford was baptised on 2nd May 1691
30/01/1693 Baptism Samuel Damunt Samuel Damunt a son of John Damunt and Sarah Damunt was baptised on 30th January 1693/1694
06/05/1694 Burial Samuell Harrison Samuell Harrison son of Samuell Harrison was buried on 6th May 1694
21/09/1694 Burial Samuell Dammant Samuell Dammant son of John Dammant was buried on 21st September 1694
07/06/1695 Baptism Samuell Smith Samuell Smith a son of Samuel Smith and Mary Smith was baptised on 7th June 1695
29/11/1696 Burial Samuel Godbold Samuel Godbold son of James Godbold and Mary Godbold was buried on 29th November 1696
06/12/1696 Burial Samuel Godbold Samuel Godbold son of James Godbold and Mary Godbold was buried on 6th December 1696 Note: 'buried only in woolen'
26/06/1697 Burial Smith A child of Samuel Smith and Mary Smith was buried on 26th June 1697
03/02/1700 Baptism Johanna Gyfer Johanna Gyfer a daughter of Samuel Gyfer and Johanna Gyfer was baptised on 3rd February 1700/1701 Note: See G118-3
03/02/1700 Baptism Johanna Gyfer Johanna Gyfer a daughter of Samuel Gyfer and Johanna Gyfer was baptised on 3rd February 1700/1701 Note: See G118-2
16/02/1700 Baptism Samuel Smith Samuel Smith a son of Thomas Smith and Alice Smith was baptised on 16th February 1700/1701
02/02/1702 Baptism Samuel Buxton Samuel Buxton a son of Thomas Buxton was baptised on 2nd February 1702/1703
20/09/1702 Baptism Samuel Harvey Samuel Harvey a son of Robert Harvey and Susan Harvey was baptised on 20th September 1702
27/09/1702 Baptism Samuel Barker Samuel Barker a son of Jonathan Barker and Elizabeth Barker was baptised on 27th September 1702
13/06/1703 Burial Jessop The wife of Samuel Jessop was buried on 13th June 1703
11/07/1703 Burial Samuel Buxton Samuel Buxton son of Thomas Buxton was buried on 11th July 1703
12/07/1703 Burial Samuel Jessop Samuel Jessop was buried on 12th July 1703
27/08/1703 Baptism & Burial Samuel Reeve Samuel Reeve son of John Reeve and Anne Reeve was baptised on 27th August 1703 and was buried on 16th February 1704 Note: burial date may be 1703
25/10/1703 Marriage Samuel Gooding Samuel Gooding was married on 25th October 1703 to Sarah Sprunt Note: Sarah Gooding was buried 6/4/1710
25/10/1703 Marriage Sarah Sprunt Sarah Sprunt was married on 25th October 1703 to Samuel Gooding
05/11/1704 Baptism Samuel Gooding Samuel Gooding a son of Samuel Gooding and Sarah Gooding was baptised on 5th November 1704
08/11/1704 Baptism Margaret Gyfer Margaret Gyfer a daughter of Samuel Gyfer and Johanna Gyfer was baptised on 8th November 1704
07/03/1705 Baptism Sarah Gooding Sarah Gooding a daughter of Samuel Gooding and Sarah Gooding was baptised on 7th March 1705/1706
09/04/1705 Marriage Samuel Gascoin Samuel Gascoin of Creeting All Saints was married on 9th April 1705 to Elizabeth Saye of Creeting All Saints
09/04/1705 Marriage Elizabeth Saye Elizabeth Saye of Creeting All Saints was married on 9th April 1705 to Samuel Gascoin of Creeting All Saints
02/05/1705 Burial Katherine Smith Katherine Smith daughter of Samuel Smith and Mary Smith was buried on 2nd May 1705
04/02/1706 Baptism Samuel Gyfer Samuel Gyfer a son of Samuel Gyfer and Hanna Gyfer was baptised on 4th February 1706/1707
09/05/1706 Baptism Samuel Gyfer Samuel Gyfer a son of James Gyfer and Johanna Gyfer was baptised on 9th May 1706
31/08/1706 Baptism Samuel Worlidge Samuel Worlidge a son of Nicholas Worlidge and Margaret Worlidge was baptised on 31st August 1706
01/10/1706 Baptism Elizabeth Mayhew Elizabeth Mayhew a daughter of Samuel Mayhew and Elizabeth Mayhew was baptised on 1st October 1706
15/11/1707 Baptism Elizabeth Goodwin Elizabeth Goodwin a daughter of Samuel Goodwin and Sarah Goodwin was baptised on 15th November 1707
10/02/1708 Burial Smith A child of Samuel Smith and Mary Smith was buried on 10th February 1708/1709
27/03/1708 Burial Samuel Glanvil Samuel Glanvil was buried on 27th March 1708
03/02/1709 Burial Samuel Mayse Samuel Mayse widower was buried on 3rd February 1709/1710
17/02/1709 Burial Savage The wife of Samuel Savage was buried on 17th February 1709/1710
27/03/1709 Burial Hanna Gifer Hanna Gifer daughter of Samuel Gifer and Hanna Gifer was buried on 27th March 1709
28/03/1709 Burial Phoebe Mayse Phoebe Mayse wife of Samuel Mayse was buried on 28th March 1709
21/08/1709 Baptism & Burial Mary Goodwin Mary Goodwin daughter of Samuel Goodwin and Sarah Goodwin was baptised on 21st August 1709 and was buried on 29th March 1710
01/10/1709 Burial Samuel Lock Samuel Lock son of Phineas Lock and Elizabeth Lock was buried on 1st October 1709/1710
02/10/1710 Baptism Susan Mayhew Susan Mayhew a daughter of Samuel Mayhew and Elizabeth Mayhew was baptised on 2nd October 1710
22/05/1711 Baptism Rebecca Goodwin Rebecca Goodwin a daughter of Samuel Goodwin and Elizabeth Goodwin was baptised on 22nd May 1711 Note: See G67-3
22/05/1711 Baptism Rebecca Goodwin Rebecca Goodwin a daughter of Samuel Goodwin and Elizabeth Goodwin was baptised on 22nd May 1711 Note: See G67-2
20/06/1711 Burial Joan Banister Joan Banister wife of Samuel Banister was buried on 20th June 1711
03/09/1711 Baptism John Gifford John Gifford a son of Samuell Gifford and Hannah Gifford was baptised on 3rd September 1711
26/04/1713 Baptism Susanna Mayo Susanna Mayo a daughter of Samuel Mayho and Elizabeth Mayho was baptised on 26th April 1713
16/07/1713 Burial Mary Smith Mary Smith wife of Samuel Smith was buried on 16th July 1713
31/10/1713 Baptism Mary Gooden Mary Gooden a daughter of Samuel Gooden and Elizabeth Gooden was baptised on 31st October 1713
03/10/1714 Baptism Samuel Harvy Samuel Harvy a son of Samuel Harvy and Elizabeth Harvy was baptised on 3rd October 1714
08/01/1715 Baptism John Gooden John Gooden a son of Samuel Gooden and Elizabeth Gooden was baptised on 8th January 1715/1716
24/04/1715 Baptism Sarah Gifford Sarah Gifford a daughter of Samuel Gifford and Hannah Gifford was baptised on 24th April 1715
24/04/1715 Baptism Sarah Mayho Sarah Mayho a daughter of Samuel Mayho and Elizabeth Mayho was baptised on 24th April 1715
27/05/1716 Baptism Samuel Barrett Samuel Barrett a son of Thomas Barrett and Sarah Barrett was baptised on 27th May 1716
27/06/1716 Baptism Elizabeth Jessop Elizabeth Jessop a daughter of Samuel Jessop and Sarah Jessop was baptised on 27th June 1716
29/07/1716 Baptism Samuel Mayho Samuel Mayho a son of Samuel Mayho and Elizabeth Mayho was baptised on 29th July 1716
19/11/1716 Baptism Elizabeth Harvy Elizabeth Harvy a daughter of Samuel Harvy and Elizabeth Harvy was baptised on 19th November 1716
12/06/1717 Burial Elizabeth Gooden Elizabeth Gooden wife of Samuel Gooden was buried on 12th June 1717
05/03/1718 Baptism Samuel Fox Samuel Fox a son of Lovett Fox and Mary Fox was baptised on 5th March 1718/1719
16/06/1718 Baptism Samuel Langley Samuel Langley a son of Thomas Langley and Mary Langley was baptised on 16th June 1718
14/09/1718 Baptism John Gooding John Gooding a son of Samuel Gooding and Anne Gooding was baptised on 14th September 1718 Note: See G67-8
14/09/1718 Baptism John Gooding John Gooding a son of Samuel Gooding and Anne Gooding was baptised on 14th September 1718 Note: See G67-7
10/05/1719 Baptism & Burial Samuel Jessop Samuel Jessop son of Samuel Jessop and Sarah Jessop was baptised on 10th May 1719 and was buried on 4th November 1719
08/11/1719 Baptism Anne Gooding Anne Gooding a daughter of Samuel Gooding and Anne Gooding was baptised on 8th November 1719
09/11/1719 Marriage Samuel Godbold Samuel Godbold was married on 9th November 1719 to Hanna Sayer
09/11/1719 Marriage Hanna Sayer Hanna Sayer was married on 9th November 1719 to Samuel Godbold
15/01/1721 Burial Samuel Smith Samuel Smith was buried on 15th January 1721/1722
19/11/1721 Baptism Robert Gooding Robert Gooding a son of Samuel Gooding and Anne Gooding was baptised on 19th November 1721
03/12/1721 Baptism Robert Mayhew Robert Mayhew a son of Samuel Mayhew and Elizabeth Mayhew was baptised on 3rd December 1721
01/01/1722 Baptism Samuel Smith Samuel Smith a son of Samuel Smith and Anne Smith was baptised on 1st January 1722/1723
25/03/1722 Baptism Samuel Peck Samuel Peck a son of Roger Peck and Thomason Peck was baptised on 25th March 1722
01/08/1722 Marriage Anne Harvey Anne Harvey was married in August 1722 to Samuel Smith
01/08/1722 Marriage Samuel Smith Samuel Smith was married in August 1722 to Anne Harvey
23/09/1722 Burial Mary Goodwin Mary Goodwin daughter of Samuel Goodwin and Anne Goodwin was buried on 23rd September 1722
23/02/1723 Baptism Mary Smith Mary Smith a daughter of Samuel Smith and Anne Smith was baptised on 23rd February 1723/1724
15/06/1723 Burial Samuel Mayhew Samuel Mayhew was buried on 15th June 1723
30/07/1723 Burial Anne Gooding Anne Gooding wife of Samuel Gooding was buried on 30th July 1723
17/11/1723 Baptism Sarah Gorbold Sarah Gorbold a daughter of Samuel Gorbold and Elizabeth Gorbold was baptised on 17th November 1723
17/11/1723 Baptism Sarah Gorbold Sarah Gorbold a daughter of Samuel Gorbold and Elizabeth Gorbold was baptised on 17th November 1723
04/07/1725 Baptism Samuel Somers Samuel Somers a son of Thomas Somers and Priscilla Somers was baptised on 4th July 1725
23/12/1725 Burial James Godbold James Godbold son of Samuel Godbold and Hannah Godbold was buried on 23rd December 1725
03/07/1726 Baptism Henry Smith Henry Smith a son of Samuel Smith and Anne Smith was baptised on 3rd July 1726
25/07/1726 Burial Anne Smith Anne Smith daughter of Samuel Smith and Anne Smith was buried on 25th July 1726
21/01/1727 Burial Samuel Haws Samuel Haws was buried on 21st January 1727/1728
16/02/1727 Baptism & Burial Samuel Slythe Samuel Slythe son of Noy Slythe and Alice Slythe was baptised on 16th February 1727/1728 and was buried on 21st February 1727
19/03/1727 Baptism Samuell Taylor Samuell Taylor a son of James Taylor and Mary Taylor was baptised on 19th March 1727/1728
17/09/1727 Baptism John Smith John Smith a son of Samuel Smith and Anne Smith was baptised on 17th September 1727
18/02/1728 Marriage Samuel Damant Samuel Damant of Debenham was married on 18th February 1728 to Sarah Padderson of Debenham
18/02/1728 Marriage Sarah Padderson Sarah Padderson of Debenham was married on 18th February 1728 to Samuel Damant of Debenham
09/04/1728 Baptism Anne Jessop Anne Jessop a daughter of Samuel Jessop and Sarah Jessop was baptised on 9th April 1728
14/05/1728 Burial Samuell Banister Samuell Banister aka "samuel" was buried on 14th May 1728
09/09/1728 Burial Samuel Davye Samuel Davye was buried on 9th September 1728
19/04/1729 Baptism Samuel Hawes Samuel Hawes a son of Benjamin Hawes and Eleanor Hawes was baptised on 19th April 1729
14/03/1730 Baptism Lydia Godard Lydia Godard a daughter of Samuel Godard was baptised on 14th March 1730/1731 Note: See G53-9
14/03/1730 Baptism Lydia Godard Lydia Godard a daughter of Samuel Godard was baptised on 14th March 1730/1731 Note: See G53-8
30/11/1730 Baptism Samuel Sheldrick Samuel Sheldrick a son of John Sheldrick was baptised on 30th November 1730
06/02/1732 Marriage Elisabeth Lockwood Elisabeth Lockwood Single was married on 6th February 1732/1733 to Samuel Main Single
06/02/1732 Marriage Samuel Main Samuel Main Single was married on 6th February 1732/1733 to Elisabeth Lockwood Single
19/02/1732 Burial Samuel Walters Samuel Walters was buried on 19th February 1732/1733
29/06/1732 Burial Samuel Godbold Samuel Godbold was buried on 29th June 1732
03/11/1732 Baptism Martha Smith Martha Smith a daughter of Samuel Smith and Ann Smith was baptised on 3rd November 1732
03/02/1733 Baptism Susan Gorbold Susan Gorbold a daughter of Samuel Gorbold and Elizabeth Gorbold was baptised on 3rd February 1733/1734
29/06/1733 Baptism Samuell Mean Samuell Mean a son of Samuell Mean and Elizabeth Mean was baptised on 29th June 1733
26/12/1733 Baptism Aaron Smith Aaron Smith a son of Samuel Smith and Ann Smith was baptised on 26th December 1733
06/02/1734 Burial Samuell Gyfer Samuell Gyfer was buried on 6th February 1734/1735
17/07/1735 Burial Samuel Hawes Samuel Hawes was buried on 17th July 1735
20/10/1736 Burial Anne Gorbel Anne Gorbel wife of Samuel Gorbel was buried on 20th October 1736
18/03/1737 Baptism Samuel Harvey Samuel Harvey a son of James Harvey and Elizabeth Harvey was baptised on 18th March 1737/1738
26/05/1737 Burial Samuel Mayhew Samuel Mayhew son of Samuel Mayhew and Elizabeth Mayhew was buried on 26th May 1737
21/08/1737 Burial Mary Mayhew Mary Mayhew daughter of Samuel Mayhew and Elizabeth Mayhew was buried on 21st August 1737
17/07/1738 Burial Sarah Mayhew Sarah Mayhew daughter of Samuel Mayhew and Elizabeth Mayhew was buried on 17th July 1738
06/10/1738 Baptism Ann Harvey Ann Harvey a daughter of Samuel Harvey and Ann Harvey was baptised on 6th October 1738
26/11/1738 Baptism Mary Smith Mary Smith a daughter of Samuel Smith and Ann Smith was baptised on 26th November 1738
28/02/1739 Burial Corbel A child of Samuel Corbel was buried on 28th February 1739/1740 Note: 29th Feb recorded
01/07/1739 Baptism John Mean John Mean a son of Samuel Mean and Elizabeth Mean was baptised on 1st July 1739
27/07/1740 Burial Mary Smith Mary Smith daughter of Samuel Smith and Ann Smith was buried on 27th July 1740
23/12/1740 Baptism Daniel Harvey Daniel Harvey a son of Samuel Harvey aka "Samuel Harvey Snr" and Ann Harvey was baptised on 23rd December 1740
17/01/1741 Baptism William Mean William Mean a son of Samuel Mean and Elizabeth Mean was baptised on 17th January 1741/1742
03/06/1741 Burial Mary Gorble Mary Gorble wife of Samuel Gorble aka "Samuel Gorble Snr" was buried on 3rd June 1741
25/11/1741 Baptism Ann Smith Ann Smith a daughter of Samuel Smith and Ann Smith was baptised on 25th November 1741
01/01/1742 Baptism Sarah Goodwin Sarah Goodwin a daughter of Samuel Goodwin aka "Samuel Goodwin Jnr" and Hannah Goodwin was baptised on 1st January 1742/1743
11/02/1742 Burial Samuel Garbel Samuel Garbel aka "Samuel Garbel Snr" was buried on 11th February 1742/1743
31/05/1742 Burial Sarah Jessop Sarah Jessop wife of Samuel Jessop was buried on 31st May 1742
18/06/1742 Burial Samuel Jessop Samuel Jessop was buried on 18th June 1742
10/10/1742 Marriage Mary More Mary More Single of Debenham was married on 10th October 1742 to Samuel Robinson Single of Framlingham
10/10/1742 Marriage Samuel Robinson Samuel Robinson Single of Framlingham was married on 10th October 1742 to Mary More Single of Debenham
02/12/1742 Baptism Thomas Harvey Thomas Harvey a son of Samuel Harvey aka "Samuel Harvey Snr" and Ann Harvey was baptised on 2nd December 1742
05/01/1744 Baptism Nicholas Worlidge Nicholas Worlidge a son of Samuel Worlidge and Ann Worlidge was baptised on 5th January 1744/1745
28/06/1744 Burial Harvey A child of Samuel Harvey aka "Samuel Harvey Snr" was buried on 28th June 1744
05/12/1744 Burial Wallage A son of Samuel Wallage was buried on 5th December 1744
24/05/1745 Baptism Samuel Bolton Samuel Bolton a son of Henry Bolton and Sarah Bolton was baptised on 24th May 1745
08/08/1745 Baptism John Harvey John Harvey a son of Samuel Harvey aka "Samuel Harvey Snr" and Ann Harvey was baptised on 8th August 1745
17/08/1746 Marriage Elizabeth Forster Elizabeth Forster Single of Debenham was married on 17th August 1746 to Samuel Smith Single of Debenham
17/08/1746 Marriage Samuel Smith Samuel Smith Single of Debenham was married on 17th August 1746 to Elizabeth Forster Single of Debenham
11/01/1747 Baptism Samuel Smith Samuel Smith a son of Samuel Smith and Elizabeth Smith was baptised on 11th January 1747/1748
25/10/1747 Baptism Rose Harvey Rose Harvey a daughter of Samuel Harvey aka "Samuel Harvey Snr" and Ann Harvey was baptised on 25th October 1747
10/11/1747 Baptism Samuel Abbot Samuel Abbot a son of Robert Abbot and Elizabeth Abbot was baptised on 10th November 1747
17/05/1748 Burial Smith The wife of Samuel Smith was buried on 17th May 1748
29/06/1749 Baptism Samuel Fulsher Samuel Fulsher a son of Thomas Fulsher and Elizabeth Fulsher was baptised on 29th June 1749
11/10/1749 Burial Samuel Smith Samuel Smith aka "Samuel Smith Snr" was buried on 11th October 1749
19/10/1749 Baptism Elizabeth Worlidge Elizabeth Worlidge a daughter of Samuel Worlidge and Ann Worlidge was baptised on 19th October 1749
16/11/1749 Baptism Samuel Abbot Samuel Abbot a son of Robert Abbot and Elizabeth Abbot was baptised on 16th November 1749
29/04/1750 Baptism Samuel Jessop Samuel Jessop a son of John Jessop and Ann Jessop was baptised on 29th April 1750
06/05/1750 Baptism Sarah Harvey Sarah Harvey a daughter of Samuel Harvey aka "Samuel Harvey Snr" and Anne Harvey was baptised on 6th May 1750
10/09/1750 Burial Samuel Goodwin Samuel Goodwin aka "Samuel Goodwin the Eldest" was buried on 10th September 1750
12/01/1751 Baptism John Hill John Hill a son of Samuel Hill and Susanna Hill was baptised on 12th January 1751/1752
08/05/1751 Baptism Aaron Smith Aaron Smith a son of Samuel Smith and Elizabeth Smith was baptised on 8th May 1751
29/10/1751 Marriage Samuel Harvey Samuel Harvey aka "Samuel Harvey Jnr" Single of Debenham was married on 29th October 1751 to Judith Plampyn Single of Debenham
29/10/1751 Marriage Judith Plampyn Judith Plampyn Single of Debenham was married on 29th October 1751 to Samuel Harvey aka "Samuel Harvey Jnr" Single of Debenham
05/07/1752 Baptism Samuel Keer Samuel Keer an illegitmate son of Sarah Keer was baptised on 5th July 1752
11/10/1752 Marriage Samuel Sheldrake Samuel Sheldrake was married on 11th October 1752
22/10/1752 Baptism Samuel Goodwin Samuel Goodwin a son of Thomas Goodwin and Mary Goodwin was baptised on 22nd October 1752
26/12/1752 Baptism Samuel Harvey Samuel Harvey a son of Samuel Harvey and Mary Harvey was baptised on 26th December 1752
05/01/1753 Baptism Samuel Cockerell Samuel Cockerell a son of Richard Cockerell and Elizabeth Cockerell was baptised on 5th January 1753
25/02/1753 Baptism Samuel Worlidge Samuel Worlidge a son of Samuel Worlidge and Jane Worlidge was baptised on 25th February 1753
01/07/1753 Baptism Mary Harvey Mary Harvey a daughter of Samuel Harvey aka "Samuel Harvey Jnr" and Judith Harvey was baptised on 1st July 1753
09/07/1753 Marriage Samuel Flick Samuel Flick Single of Debenham was married on 9th July 1753 to Anne Smith Single of Debenham
09/07/1753 Marriage Anne Smith Anne Smith Single of Debenham was married on 9th July 1753 to Samuel Flick Single of Debenham
26/10/1753 Burial Sheldrake A child of Samuel Sheldrake of Mickfield was buried on 26th October 1753
12/02/1754 Baptism & Burial Susanna Flick Susanna Flick daughter of Samuel Flick and Ann Flick was baptised on 12th February 1754 and was buried on 1st March 1754 - an infant
08/04/1754 Burial Susanna Bacon Susanna Bacon wife of Samuel Bacon was buried on 8th April 1754
15/05/1754 Baptism Elizabeth Smith Elizabeth Smith a daughter of Samuel Smith and Elizabeth Smith was baptised on 15th May 1754
24/06/1754 Baptism Samuel Godbould Samuel Godbould a son of William Godbould and Anne Godbould was baptised on 24th June 1754
11/11/1754 Marriage Samuel Keeble Samuel Keeble Single of Debenham was married on 11th November 1754 to Margaret Paltridge Single of Debenham
11/11/1754 Marriage Margaret Paltridge Margaret Paltridge Single of Debenham was married on 11th November 1754 to Samuel Keeble Single of Debenham
12/11/1754 Burial John Hill John Hill son of Samuel Hill was buried on 12th November 1754 - an infant
23/01/1755 Baptism Samuel Goodrum Samuel Goodrum a son of William Goodrum and Anne Goodrum was baptised on 23rd January 1755
21/09/1755 Baptism Mary Harvey Mary Harvey a daughter of Samuel Harvey aka "Samuel Harvey Jnr" and Mary Harvey was baptised on 21st September 1755
11/01/1756 Marriage Jane Bolton Jane Bolton Single of Debenham was married on 11th January 1756 to Samuel Taylor Single of Debenham
11/01/1756 Marriage Samuel Taylor Samuel Taylor Single of Debenham was married on 11th January 1756 to Jane Bolton Single of Debenham
18/05/1756 Baptism & Burial Sarah Worlidge Sarah Worlidge daughter of Samuel Worlidge and Anne Worlidge was baptised on 18th May 1756 and was buried on 23rd May 1756 - an infant
29/06/1756 Baptism Samuel Harvey Samuel Harvey a son of Samuel Harvey and Judith Harvey was baptised on 29th June 1756
06/12/1756 Burial Samuel Gorbould Samuel Gorbould was buried on 6th December 1756 - an infant
09/01/1757 Baptism John Sheldrake John Sheldrake a son of Samuel Sheldrake and Clemence Sheldrake was baptised on 9th January 1757
28/03/1757 Burial Samuel Kersey Samuel Kersey son of Peter Kersey of Winston was buried on 28th March 1757
31/07/1757 Baptism Thomas Smith Thomas Smith a son of Samuel Smith and Elizabeth Smith was baptised on 31st July 1757
23/04/1758 Baptism Susan Flick Susan Flick a daughter of Samuel Flick and Anne Flick was baptised on 23rd April 1758
24/07/1758 Baptism John Harvey John Harvey a son of Samuel Harvey aka "Samuel Harvey Jnr" and Mary Harvey was baptised on 24th July 1758
11/10/1758 Marriage Samuel Upson Samuel Upson Single of Winston was married on 11th October 1758 to Margaret Worlidge Single of Debenham
11/10/1758 Marriage Margaret Worlidge Margaret Worlidge Single of Debenham was married on 11th October 1758 to Samuel Upson Single of Winston
29/10/1758 Baptism Lydia Sheldrake Lydia Sheldrake a daughter of Samuel Sheldrake and Clemence Sheldrake was baptised on 29th October 1758
12/11/1758 Baptism & Burial Walter Harvey Walter Harvey son of Samuel Harvey aka "Samuel Harvey the Younger" and Judith Harvey was baptised on 12th November 1758 and was buried on 22nd November 1758
27/05/1759 Baptism John Flick John Flick a son of Samuel Flick and Anne Flick was baptised on 27th May 1759
04/12/1759 Baptism Nicholas Harvey Nicholas Harvey a son of Samuel Harvey and Mary Harvey was baptised on 4th December 1759
16/12/1759 Baptism Moses Smith Moses Smith a son of Samuel Smith and Elizabeth Smith was baptised on 16th December 1759
24/12/1759 Marriage Mary Latters Mary Latters Single of Debenham was married on 24th December 1759 to Samuel Ling Single of Debenham
24/12/1759 Marriage Samuel Ling Samuel Ling Single of Debenham was married on 24th December 1759 to Mary Latters Single of Debenham
25/12/1759 Baptism Robert Taylor Robert Taylor a son of Samuel Taylor and Jane Taylor was baptised on 25th December 1759
15/06/1760 Baptism Lot Ling Lot Ling a son of Samuel Ling and Ann Ling was baptised on 15th June 1760
22/06/1760 Baptism Samuel Worlidge Samuel Worlidge a son of George Worlidge and Elizabeth Worlidge was baptised on 22nd June 1760
30/11/1760 Baptism Sarah Hill Sarah Hill a daughter of Samuel Hill was baptised on 30th November 1760
10/05/1761 Baptism Samuel Flick Samuel Flick a son of Samuel Flick and Ann Flick was baptised on 10th May 1761
10/06/1761 Burial Samuel Bacon Samuel Bacon was buried on 10th June 1761
23/06/1761 Baptism Elizabeth Harvey Elizabeth Harvey a daughter of Samuel Harvey and Judith Harvey was baptised on 23rd June 1761
23/07/1761 Baptism Thomas Harvy Thomas Harvy a son of Samuel Harvy and Mary Harvy was baptised on 23rd July 1761
30/07/1761 Baptism Samuel Harvy Samuel Harvy a son of John Harvy and Beatrice Harvy was baptised on 30th July 1761
25/12/1761 Baptism Samuel Godbold Samuel Godbold a son of William Godbold and Ann Godbold was baptised on 25th December 1761
Maxumum number of rows exceeded (250), please refine your search

Burial details

Grave Date Name  Event Comments
  10/05/1772 Samuel Fulcher Died on Sunday 10th May 1772 aged 23 and is buried in the Churchyard
20/07/1773 Samuel Harvey Died on Tuesday 20th July 1773 aged 56 and is buried in the Churchyard
  20/08/1779 Samuel Flick Died on Friday 20th August 1779 aged 46 and is buried in the Churchyard
01/09/1785 Samuel Thurkettle Died on Thursday 1st September 1785 aged 11 and is buried in the Churchyard
  03/08/1788 Mary Harvey Died on Sunday 3rd August 1788 aged 65 and is buried in the Churchyard
  27/11/1789 Samuel Summers Died on Friday 27th November 1789 aged 64 and is buried in the Churchyard from SRO
  12/01/1792 Samuel Harvey Died on Thursday 12th January 1792 aged 47 and is buried in the Churchyard
  02/01/1795 Samuel Stopher Died on Friday 2nd January 1795 aged 69 and is buried in the Churchyard
  06/01/1795 Mary Stopher Died on Tuesday 6th January 1795 aged 63 and is buried in the Churchyard
  26/10/1795 Samuel Orford Died on Monday 26th October 1795 aged 27 and is buried in the Churchyard Internal, church floor
29/12/1796 Samuel Cutting Died on Thursday 29th December 1796 aged 27 and is buried in the Churchyard
  19/03/1801 Samuel Green Died on Thursday 19th March 1801 aged 47 and is buried in the Churchyard
06/05/1803 Samuel Kersey Died on Friday 6th May 1803 aged 4 and is buried in the Churchyard
30/03/1804 Sarah Kersey Died on Friday 30th March 1804 aged 26 and is buried in the Churchyard
30/03/1806 Samuel Davie Died on Sunday 30th March 1806 aged 21 and is buried in the Churchyard
  25/06/1811 Mary Ann Flick Died on Tuesday 25th June 1811 aged 80 and is buried in the Churchyard
19/11/1813 Mary Orford Died on Friday 19th November 1813 aged 79 and is buried in the Churchyard
  20/08/1820 Samuel Taylor Died on Sunday 20th August 1820 aged 48 and is buried in the Churchyard
  20/07/1824 Samuel Harvey Died on Tuesday 20th July 1824 aged 74 and is buried in the Churchyard
19/04/1826 Samuel Amass Died on Wednesday 19th April 1826 aged 17 and is buried in the Churchyard
  24/11/1827 Mary Harvey Died on Saturday 24th November 1827 aged 28 and is buried in the Churchyard
  11/07/1829 Isabella Smalley Died on Saturday 11th July 1829 aged 8w and is buried in the Churchyard from SRO
  07/11/1831 Susannah Smalley Died on Monday 7th November 1831 aged 2m and is buried in the Churchyard from SRO
  30/05/1832 Sarah Harvey Died on Wednesday 30th May 1832 aged 68 and is buried in the Churchyard
  25/10/1837 Mary Green Died on Wednesday 25th October 1837 aged 81 and is buried in the Churchyard
12/05/1838 Martha Orford Died on Saturday 12th May 1838 aged 64 and is buried in the Churchyard Internal, church floor
  11/03/1839 Sarah Collins Died on Monday 11th March 1839 aged 24 and is buried in the Churchyard
  12/07/1840 George Smalley Died on Sunday 12th July 1840 aged 42 and is buried in the Churchyard Internal, church floor
  27/07/1842 Samuel Davie Died on Wednesday 27th July 1842 aged 29 and is buried in the Churchyard
  24/04/1845 Samuel Amass Died on Thursday 24th April 1845 aged 67 and is buried in the Churchyard
  19/01/1860 Samuel Dove Died on Thursday 19th January 1860 aged 77 and is buried in the Churchyard
  10/03/1860 Maria Pollard Died on Saturday 10th March 1860 aged 62 and is buried in the Churchyard
  03/02/1861 Samuel Blasby Died on Sunday 3rd February 1861 aged 72 and is buried in the Churchyard
  17/07/1866 Mary Collins Died on Tuesday 17th July 1866 aged 71 and is buried in the Churchyard
  13/10/1868 Samuel Collins Died on Tuesday 13th October 1868 aged 77 and is buried in the Churchyard 11/3/1791
  26/03/1869 Samuel Pollard Died on Friday 26th March 1869 aged 71 and is buried in the Churchyard
  29/09/1878 Elizabeth Blasby Died on Sunday 29th September 1878 aged 87 and is buried in the Churchyard
  20/04/1883 Benjamin Baynham Died on Friday 20th April 1883 aged 66 and is buried in the Churchyard
02/06/1901 Samuel Hewton Parker Was buried on Sunday 2nd June 1901 aged 1 and is buried in the Cemetary
01/05/1902 Samuel Hewton Smith Was buried on Thursday 1st May 1902 aged 79 and is buried in the Cemetary
10/04/1904 Samuel Balaam Was buried on Sunday 10th April 1904 aged 84 and is buried in the Cemetary
26/04/1906 Samuel Hatcher Was buried on Thursday 26th April 1906 aged 69 and is buried in the Cemetary
03/02/1910 Samuel Kersey Was buried on Thursday 3rd February 1910 aged 78 and is buried in the Cemetary
16/07/1912 Samuel George Sparrow Was buried on Tuesday 16th July 1912 aged 37 and is buried in the Cemetary
24/02/1913 Samuel Clarke Was buried on Monday 24th February 1913 aged 72 and is buried in the Cemetary
31/01/1914 Samuel Airey Was buried on Saturday 31st January 1914 aged 88 and is buried in the Cemetary
15/05/1915 Samuel Cullum Was buried on Saturday 15th May 1915 aged 63 and is buried in the Cemetary
24/08/1915 Minnie Ada Snell Was buried on Tuesday 24th August 1915 aged 21 and is buried in the Cemetary
31/10/1918 Samuel Moyse Was buried on Thursday 31st October 1918 aged 62 and is buried in the Cemetary
28/03/1919 Samuel Taylor Was buried on Friday 28th March 1919 aged 82 and is buried in the Cemetary
19/07/1921 James Snell Was buried on Tuesday 19th July 1921 aged 69 and is buried in the Cemetary
21/11/1922 Samuel Clarke Was buried on Tuesday 21st November 1922 aged 57 and is buried in the Cemetary
13/10/1923 Samuel Crowfoot Was buried on Saturday 13th October 1923 aged 85 and is buried in the Cemetary
11/04/1924 Samuel Robert Jay Was buried on Friday 11th April 1924 aged 75 and is buried in the Cemetary
15/04/1929 Percy Samuel Woods Was buried on Monday 15th April 1929 aged 5m and is buried in the Cemetary
04/06/1930 Samuel Hurrell Was buried on Wednesday 4th June 1930 aged 70 and is buried in the Cemetary
10/02/1932 Samuel Marjoram Was buried on Wednesday 10th February 1932 aged 80 and is buried in the Cemetary
24/06/1933 Samuel Jay Was buried on Saturday 24th June 1933 aged 63 and is buried in the Cemetary
10/10/1940 Samuel Barrett Was buried on Thursday 10th October 1940 aged 67 and is buried in the Cemetary
22/04/1943 Samuel Rowe Was buried on Thursday 22nd April 1943 aged 79 and is buried in the Cemetary
10/01/1964 Samuel Finbow Was buried on Friday 10th January 1964 aged 81 and is buried in the Cemetary
17/12/1980 Jockey Samuel Jay Was buried on Wednesday 17th December 1980 aged 65 and is buried in the Cemetary
23/01/1981 Harry Samuel George Braid Was buried on Friday 23rd January 1981 aged 80 and is buried in the Cemetary
22/02/1991 Sybil Ada Snell Died on Monday 28th January 1991 and was buried on Friday 22nd February 1991 aged 79 and is buried in the Cemetary
03/03/1996 Harry Samuel George Casey Died on Sunday 3rd March 1996 aged 85 and is buried in the Cemetary
11/09/2002 Jack Albert Snell Died on Thursday 29th August 2002 and was buried on Wednesday 11th September 2002 aged 86 and is buried in the Cemetary

1837 Holding details

Details Landowner Occupier Holding Name Sheet Acres Vicar's rent Impropriator's rent notes
  William Amass   Samuel Hunt House, Orchard etc. 1 0.519 £0 4s. 0d. £0 0s. 0d.
  Elizabeth Crowe Samuel Thurkettle   unknown 7 12.563 £2 10s. 0d. £1 11s. 8d.
  Chapel - Trustees of Samuel Thurkettle   unknown 7 5.381 £0 11s. 6d. £0 14s. 6d.
  Samuel Dove   Samuel Dove   unknown 8 1.494 £0 7s. 0d. £0 0s. 0d.
  Lord The Rt. Hon Henniker Samuel Dove   Old Hall 10 190.775 £13 2s. 3d. £44 18s. 0d.
  Samuel & Sarah Ling Sarah Ling Boarded House Farm 20 46.419 £6 2s. 0d. £8 18s. 6d.
  Samuel Gowing Palmer Samuel Gowing Palmer unknown 23 11.125 £0 14s. 6d. £2 19s. 6d.
  The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   Vicarage 25 3.269 £0 13s. 3d. £0 0s. 0d.
  Hooper Wilkinson Samuel Darby unknown 27 5.088 £1 7s. 9d. £0 0s. 0d.
Total276.633£25 12s. 3d.£59 2s. 2d.

1837 Field details

Details Holding Farm Name Field Name Landowner Occupier Sheet-Plan Cultivation Acres Aggregated with Vicar's rent Impropriator's rent notes
Unknown  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Unknown  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Unknown  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Cottage and Garden Messrs Barker Samuel Parker 112 0.269
Unknown Samuel Thurkettle   Samuel Thurkettle & others   336 0.306
Unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
unknown  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
unknown  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
unknown  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
Mill House  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Mill House  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Mill House  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Mill House  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Mill House  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
House, Orchard etc.  House, Orchard etc. William Amass   Samuel Hunt 1/334 0.519
House, Orchard etc.  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
House, Orchard etc.  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
House, Orchard etc.  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
House, Orchard etc.  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
House, Orchard etc.  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
unknown  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
Poplar Hall Farm  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Poplar Hall Farm  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Poplar Hall Farm  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Poplar Hall Farm  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Poplar Hall Farm  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
unknown  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
Houses and Gardens  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Houses and Gardens  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Houses and Gardens  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Houses and Gardens  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Houses and Gardens  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
Brice's Farm  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Brice's Farm  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Brice's Farm  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Brice's Farm  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Brice's Farm  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
Brice's Farm ?  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Brice's Farm ?  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Brice's Farm ?  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Brice's Farm ?  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Brice's Farm ?  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
Brice's Farm ?  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Brice's Farm ?  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Brice's Farm ?  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Brice's Farm ?  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Brice's Farm ?  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
Gull Farm?  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Gull Farm?  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Gull Farm?  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Gull Farm?  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Gull Farm?  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
unknown  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
House, Shop and Garden  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
House, Shop and Garden  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
House, Shop and Garden  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
House, Shop and Garden  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
House, Shop and Garden  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
Goslings Hall & other lands  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Goslings Hall & other lands  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Goslings Hall & other lands  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Goslings Hall & other lands  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Goslings Hall & other lands  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
unknown  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
Cottage and Garden  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Cottage and Garden  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Cottage and Garden  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Cottage and Garden  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Cottage and Garden  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
unknown  Upper Field Elizabeth Crowe Samuel Thurkettle 7/248 Arable 3.906
unknown  Mount Piece Elizabeth Crowe Samuel Thurkettle 7/249 Grass 4.719
unknown  Barn and Yard Elizabeth Crowe Samuel Thurkettle 7/249a 0.113
unknown  London Field Elizabeth Crowe Samuel Thurkettle 7/368 Arable 0.088
  unknown  The Down Elizabeth Crowe Samuel Thurkettle 7/485 Grass 3.738
unknown  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
unknown  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
unknown  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
unknown  Further Piece Chapel - Trustees of Samuel Thurkettle 7/246 Arable 0.688
unknown  Long Meadow Chapel - Trustees of Samuel Thurkettle 7/247 Grass 2.556
unknown  Road Field Chapel - Trustees of Samuel Thurkettle 7/255 Arable 2.138
unknown  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
Spong piece  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Spong piece  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Spong piece  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Spong piece  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Spong piece  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
unknown  House and Garden Samuel Dove   Samuel Dove   8/500 Garden 0.475
unknown  Pond Piece Samuel Dove   Samuel Dove   8/501 Arable 0.463
unknown  Garden Samuel Dove   Samuel Dove   8/502 Garden 0.556
unknown  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
Minter's Field  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Minter's Field  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Minter's Field  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Minter's Field  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Minter's Field  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
unknown  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
Cottage Piece  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Cottage Piece  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Cottage Piece  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Cottage Piece  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Cottage Piece  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
Barn and Meadow  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Barn and Meadow  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Barn and Meadow  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Barn and Meadow  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Barn and Meadow  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
Mill Yards  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Mill Yards  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Mill Yards  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Mill Yards  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Mill Yards  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
White House Yards etc.  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
White House Yards etc.  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
White House Yards etc.  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
White House Yards etc.  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
White House Yards etc.  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
unknown  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
unknown  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
Orchard  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Orchard  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Orchard  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Orchard  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Orchard  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
unknown  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
Old Hall  Old Hall Berry's Pightle The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Samuel Dove   10/73 Arable 10.725
Old Hall  Old Hall Great Whites The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Samuel Dove   10/74 Arable 10.244
Old Hall  Old Hall Fourteen Acres The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Samuel Dove   10/75 Arable 12.563
Old Hall  Old Hall Ten Acres The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Samuel Dove   10/85 Arable 12.144
Old Hall  Old Hall Little Home Close The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Samuel Dove   10/86 Grass 3.113
Old Hall  Old Hall Homestead etc. The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Samuel Dove   10/87 2.600
Old Hall  Old Hall Neathouse Pightle The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Samuel Dove   10/88 Grass 2.606
Old Hall  Old Hall Little Neathouse Field The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Samuel Dove   10/89 Arable 5.156
Old Hall  Old Hall New Ley The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Samuel Dove   10/90 Arable 8.856
Old Hall  Old Hall Great Neathouse Field The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Samuel Dove   10/91 Grass 9.325
Old Hall  Old Hall Witherinsett The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Samuel Dove   10/92 Arable 6.175
Old Hall  Old Hall Backhouse Mead The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Samuel Dove   10/96 Arable 9.463
Old Hall  Old Hall Backhouse Field The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Samuel Dove   10/97 Arable 11.825
Old Hall  Old Hall Home Close The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Samuel Dove   10/114 Arable 7.000
Old Hall  Old Hall Little Barn Close The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Samuel Dove   10/115 Grass 2.119
Old Hall  Old Hall Barn Close The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Samuel Dove   10/116 Arable 7.425
Old Hall  Old Hall Whites The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Samuel Dove   10/118 Arable 9.775
Old Hall  Old Hall Barn and Yard The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Samuel Dove   10/119 0.550
Old Hall  Old Hall Drift The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Samuel Dove   10/120 Grass 0.656
Old Hall  Old Hall Little Leys The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Samuel Dove   10/121 Grass 3.975
Old Hall  Old Hall Great Leys The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Samuel Dove   10/122 Arable 15.100
Old Hall  Old Hall Stewards Meadow The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Samuel Dove   10/123 Grass 7.156
Old Hall  Old Hall Plantation The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Samuel Dove   10/188 Planted 0.569
Old Hall  Old Hall Upper Stewards The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Samuel Dove   10/189 Arable 5.544
Old Hall  Old Hall First Stewards The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Samuel Dove   10/190 Arable 6.475
Old Hall  Old Hall Further Stewards The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Samuel Dove   10/191 Arable 8.056
Old Hall  Old Hall Fair Field The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Samuel Dove   10/224 Arable 11.831
Old Hall  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Old Hall  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Old Hall  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Old Hall  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Old Hall  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
Crows Hall  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Crows Hall  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Crows Hall  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Crows Hall  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Crows Hall  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
Hogsty Farm  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Hogsty Farm  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Hogsty Farm  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Hogsty Farm  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Hogsty Farm  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
unknown  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
Great Fen  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Great Fen  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Great Fen  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Great Fen  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Great Fen  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
unknown  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
unknown  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Maxumum number of rows exceeded (250), please refine your search


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