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Dove book Martha Orford is mentioned on page(s) 68  Martha Orford
Peter Northeast extract from the 1621 survey of Butley ManorButley Manor James Aldrich, John Aldrich, Thomas Aldrich, John Alefounder, John Allen, Robert Allfounder, William Allome, Robert Applewayte, Peter Ardely, Robert Ashwell, Charles Assey, William Awstyn, Robert Ballard, William Banister, Samuel Bannister, Paul Banyngs, Anna BardweIl, Robert BardweIl, James Bardwell, Barnaby Barker, John Barker, John Barker, Thomas Barker, Robert Barrett, William Batts, Jonathan Beadwell, Philip Bedingfeld, Robert Bedingfeld, Thomas Bedingfelde, Nicholas Bell, William Bence, Simon Bennett, John Bertlott, Walter Blower, John Bobbett, Elizabeth Bond, James Bond, John Bond, Robert Bond, Thomas Bond, William Bond, Richard Bonde, Thomas Bonde, Robert Braham, Mary Bransby, George Brcoke, Robert Brewster, John Britton, Francis Brooke, George Brooke, John Brytten, Thomas Buck, Henry Bucknam, Robert Bucknam, William Bunnan, Samuel Bury, Edward Calver, Alan Catchpoll, Allan Catchpoll, Elizabeth Catchpoll, Mark Catchpoll, Nicholas Chandler, John Chapman, Stephen Chechely, Ralph Cheeke, Robert Cheeke, Robert Chester, Temple Chevelier, James Chrispe, Jane Clodd, Thomas Clodd, John Cock, Andrew Conyngham, Edward Corbold, Thomas Corbold, Christopher Cowper, William Cracknell, James Culham, John Culham, Richard Culharn, John Cully, Margaret Curdy, John Curtyes, Thomas Dade, Dorothy Daldy, Dorothy Daldy, Samuel Daldy, Thomas Dandy, Sara Davie, John Davy, John Davy, John Dawling, Susan Dawling, Robert de Hoo, John Dobbes, John Dobbs, Frances Dove, William Dove, William Drane, John Dunckon, Reginald Eade, John Easterson, William Edgar, John Fayerweather, Thomas Fen, Charles Fenn, Reuben Feveryere, Rubin Feveryere, Lawrence Fideon, Charles Flowerdewe, John Flowerdewe, John Folkard, William Folkard, Lionel Fosdick, Gregory Frinde, James Fuller, John Fuller, Joseph Fuller, Nicholas Game, Henry Gardiner, John Gardiner, Jane Garneys, Nicholas Garnies, Robert Garnies, Wentworth Garnies, Charles Garnys, Thomas Garwood, Charles Gaudy, Barnaby Gibson, Charles Gibson, Richard Girling, John Girlyng, Robert Girlyng, Sarah Glamfeld, John Glamlfeld, John Godbold, Simon Goddard, George Goody, John Gowen, Robert Gowen, Thomas Gowen, John Gowyn, Harbottle Grimston, Robert Grymble, Edward Grymston, William Gwuys, James Harison, George Harrison, Henry Harrison, James Harrison, James Harrison, William Harrison, John Harsant, Thomas Harvy, Walter Harvy, Robert Hastings, Thomas Hayes, Robert Hempson, Roger Holbecks, Roger Holberts, John Hoo, Thomas Horseman, Geoffrey Howlett, Mary Howlett, Thomas Howlett, John Hubberd, Francis Hunting, Francis Huntyng, Jnhn Ide, Robert Jackson, Nicholas Jeffery, Richard Jefferyes, Simon Jefferyes, John Jeffrey, Simon Jeffreys, Margery Karsy, Margery Kempe, Joseph Kersey, Jane Kettle, Francis Kilderbey, Mary King, Phil King, Roger Lake, Robert Lance, Martha Leader, John List , Robert List, William List, Fenhias Lock, John Lock, Thomas Lockwood, John Lomax, Elizabeth Lorde, Thomas Maddock, Edward Major, Andrew Manns, Francis Masham, William Masham, Howes Mayhewe, John Mayhewe, Lawrence Mayhewe, Reginald Mayhewe, Edward Mayor, Richard Motts, William Motts, Alice Moyse, Richard Moyse, Smauel Moyse, William Moyse, Richard Mutley, Thomas Nichols, Margery Nunn, Anthony Ocle, William Ownys, Grace Peake, Thomas Peake, Thomas Pecke, Thomas Pecke, Anthony Pennyng, Robert Pett, George Philips, Isaac Phillips, James Phillips, Nicholas Phillips, John Picknott, Osbert Picknott, George Potter, John Pulham, John Punchard, John Purpelt, John Purpett, John Pyne, Robert Reade, Christopher Rivett, Thomas Rodbard, Robert Runkattle, Henry Runkettle, John Salmon, George Savage, Francis Shardelowe, Richard Sharman, Thomas Sharman, Francis Shennan, Christopher Shepe, Martha Sherman, Nicholas Sherman, Thomas Sherman, John Shulvard, Peter Sidebottom, Sarah Sidebottom, John Simpson, Agnes Skargate, Anne Smith, Christopher Smith, Henry Smith, John Smith, Riseing Smith, Anne Smyth, John Smyth, Nicholas Smyth, John Smythe, Robert Sparham, Nicholas Sparhawke, Richard Sparhawkes, John Spech, Thomas Spillisby, Richard Sponer, Simon Sponer, John Stele, William Stevens, Ralph Styles, John Tanen, Oliver Taster, John Thresher, Robert Thrower, William Thwayt, Thomas Tillet, John Toke, George Tovell, Robert Tovell, John Turbald, Hannah Turner, William Turpetine, Samuel Tuthill, Peter Tyler, Edward Unger, Elizabeth Unger, Elizabeth Utting, Rev. Walton, Sarah Walton, John Warde, John Warren, John Webber, Robert Whaymond, Thomas Whaymond, Thomas Wills, Thomas Willson, John Wilson, James Woode, James Woode, John Woode, Margaret Woode, Robert Woode, Thomasin Woode, Thomasine Woode, John Woodeard, Anne Woods, George Woods, William Woods, Anthony Wrethoke, John Wrethoke, Edward Yellopp, Alston, Browne, Glascock, Turpen  

Parish Records

Card Date Type Name  Event
24/05/1579 Marriage Elizabeth Ffuller Elizabeth Ffuller aka "Fullcher" was married on 24th May 1579 to Robert Marryett
24/05/1579 Marriage Robert Marryett Robert Marryett was married on 24th May 1579 to Elizabeth Ffuller Note: ?fullcher?
24/07/1598 Burial Peggon Peggon child of Martha Peggon was buried on 24th July 1598 Note: very little detail, may not be a child
14/10/1616 Baptism Martha Assey Martha Assey a daughter of Charles Assey was baptised on 14th October 1616
14/10/1616 Baptism Martha Assey Martha Assey a daughter of Charles Assey was baptised on 14th October 1616 Note: See A82-6
27/05/1619 Marriage George Bunnell George Bunnell was married on 27th May 1619 to Martha Ffrend
27/05/1619 Marriage Martha Ffrend Martha Ffrend was married on 27th May 1619 to George Bunnell
02/02/1621 Baptism John Artes John Artes a son of William Artes and Martha Artes was baptised on 2nd February 1621/1622
02/02/1621 Baptism John Artys John Artys a son of Robert Artys and Martha Artys was baptised on 2nd February 1621/1622
06/07/1624 Baptism Marsha Ward Marsha Ward a daughter of John Ward and Marie Ward was baptised on 6th July 1624 Note: ?martha?
22/06/1625 Baptism Benjamin Buckenham Benjamin Buckenham a son of John Buckenham and Martha Buckenham was baptised on 22nd June 1625 Note: See B196-10
22/06/1625 Baptism Benjamin Buckenham Benjamin Buckenham a son of John Buckenham and Martha Buckenham was baptised on 22nd June 1625 Note: See B196-9
03/03/1636 Baptism Martha Wood Martha Wood a daughter of Robert Wood was baptised on 3rd March 1636/1637
11/01/1639 Baptism Martha Bennet Martha Bennet a daughter of Thomas Bennet and Grace Bennet was baptised on 11th January 1639/1640
08/03/1639 Baptism Robert Smith Robert Smith a son of Simon Smith and Martha Smith was baptised on 8th March 1639/1640
06/02/1641 Baptism Robert Leverocke Robert Leverocke a son of John Leveracke and Martha Leveracke was baptised on 6th February 1641/1642
15/07/1641 Baptism Susann Prety Susann Prety an illegitmate daughter of Martha Prety was baptised on 15th July 1641
22/09/1641 Baptism William Abell William Abell a son of Richard Abell and Martha Abell was baptised on 22nd September 1641
19/10/1641 Marriage Martha Annise Martha Annise was married on 19th October 1641 to William Denny
19/10/1641 Marriage William Denny William Denny was married on 19th October 1641 to Martha Annise
18/02/1642 Baptism Edmund Smith Edmund Smith a son of Edmund Smith and Martha Smith was baptised on 18th February 1642/1643
04/09/1642 Burial Martha Artes Martha Artes wife of William Artes was buried on 4th September 1642
28/12/1642 Baptism Ann Denny Ann Denny a daughter of William Denny and Martha Denny was baptised on 28th December 1642
01/01/1651 Baptism Thomas Eliot Thomas Eliot a son of Thomas Eliot and Martha Eliot was baptised on 1st January 1651 Note: date noted 9th ? 1651 See E17-4
01/01/1651 Baptism Thomas Eliot Thomas Eliot a son of Thomas Eliot and Martha Eliot was baptised on 1st January 1651 Note: date noted 9th ? 1651 See E17-3
02/11/1655 Marriage Esther Marret Esther Marret of Monk Soham was married on 2nd November 1655 to Peter Mayhew Widower of Ashfield
02/11/1655 Marriage Peter Mayhew Peter Mayhew Widower of Ashfield was married on 2nd November 1655 to Esther Marret of Monk Soham
11/06/1657 Burial Martha Whaly Martha Whaly was buried on 11th June 1657
08/07/1659 Burial Gregory Prittey Gregory Prittey Illegitmate son of Martha Preetey was buried on 8th July 1659
16/07/1667 Marriage John Bug John Bug of Bury was married on 16th July 1667 to Martha Howlett Single
16/07/1667 Marriage Martha Howlett Martha Howlett Single was married on 16th July 1667 to John Bug of Bury
01/01/1672 Burial Martha Smith Martha Smith daughter of Robard Smith was buried in January 1672
26/06/1672 Baptism Samuell Fisher Samuell Fisher a son of Amas Fisher and Martha Fisher was baptised on 26th June 1672 Note: Mrs Martha, wife of Mr Amas Fisher buried 9 Apr 1698 - Mr Fisher buried 24 Mar 1701/1702 See F45-8
26/06/1672 Baptism Samuell Fisher Samuell Fisher a son of Amas Fisher and Martha Fisher was baptised on 26th June 1672 Note: See F45-7
26/11/1673 Burial Martha Ellet Martha Ellet was buried on 26th November 1673
26/04/1674 Baptism Hannah Fisher Hannah Fisher a daughter of Amas Fisher and Martha Fisher was baptised on 26th April 1674
16/07/1675 Burial Martha Bunnett Martha Bunnett daughter of Samuell Bunnett was buried on 16th July 1675
18/07/1675 Baptism Robert Gedding Robert Gedding a son of Thomas Gedding and Martha Gedding was baptised on 18th July 1675 Note: See G64-3
18/07/1675 Baptism Robert Gedding Robert Gedding a son of Thomas Gedding and Martha Gedding was baptised on 18th July 1675 Note: See G64-2
24/11/1675 Baptism Martha Martin Martha Martin a daughter of William Martin and Martha Martin was baptised on 24th November 1675
02/07/1676 Baptism Thomas Fisher Thomas Fisher a son of Amas Fisher and Martha Fisher was baptised on 2nd July 1676
05/06/1677 Baptism Martha Smyth Martha Smyth a daughter of Robert Smyth and Esther Smyth was baptised on 5th June 1677
20/12/1677 Baptism James Gooding James Gooding a son of Thomas Gooding and Martha Gooding was baptised on 20th December 1677
06/12/1678 Baptism & Burial Rose Fisher Rose Fisher daughter of Amas Fisher and Martha Fisher was baptised on 6th December 1678 and was buried on 12th December 1678
27/07/1679 Marriage Thomas Jeepes Thomas Jeepes was married on 27th July 1679 to Martha Snelling
27/07/1679 Marriage Martha Snelling Martha Snelling was married on 27th July 1679 to Thomas Jeepes
21/02/1680 Baptism James Gooding James Gooding a son of Thomas Gooding and Martha Gooding was baptised on 21st February 1680/1681
29/04/1680 Baptism Martha Taylor Martha Taylor a daughter of Ffrancis Taylor aka "Ffrancis Taylor Jnr" and Mary Taylor was baptised on 29th April 1680
13/07/1680 Baptism Thomas Jeepes Thomas Jeepes a son of Thomas Jeepes and Martha Jeepes was baptised on 13th July 1680
01/05/1681 Baptism Martha Harmon Martha Harmon a daughter of Willyam Harmon and Mary Harmon was baptised on 1st May 1681
29/07/1683 Baptism Mary Goodin Mary Goodin a daughter of Thomas Goodin and Martha Goodin was baptised on 29th July 1683
11/08/1683 Burial Martha Aldridg Martha Aldridg was buried on 11th August 1683
14/10/1683 Marriage Ambrose Caltrup Ambrose Caltrup was married on 14th October 1683 to Martha Lambert Note: Martha was buried 29th April 1722
14/10/1683 Multiple Martha Lambert Martha Lambert was married on 14th October 1683 to Ambrose Caltrup and was buried on 29th April 1722
04/01/1684 Burial Richard Abell Richard Abell son of Abell and Abell was buried on 4th January 1684/1685 Note: Widow Martha Abell buried 14/4/1686 see William Abell baptism on separate card.
01/02/1684 Baptism Martha Last Martha Last a daughter of John Last and Alce Last was baptised on 1st February 1684/1685
19/07/1684 Baptism Ambrose Caltrup Ambrose Caltrup a son of Ambrose Caltrup and Martha Caltrup was baptised on 19th July 1684
23/07/1684 Baptism Martha Taylor Martha Taylor a daughter of Ffrancis Taylor and Mary Taylor was baptised on 23rd July 1684
06/12/1685 Baptism Martha Chilver Martha Chilver a daughter of James Chilver and Susanna Chilver was baptised on 6th December 1685
05/11/1686 Baptism Martha Caltrup Martha Caltrup a daughter of Ambrose Caltrup and Martha Caltrup was baptised on 5th November 1686
07/11/1686 Burial Martha Aldridge Martha Aldridge daughter of John Aldridge was buried on 7th November 1686
10/04/1687 Baptism Abraham Gooding Abraham Gooding a son of Thomas Gooding and Martha Gooding was baptised on 10th April 1687
23/11/1687 Burial Martha Last Martha Last widow was buried on 23rd November 1687
29/11/1688 Baptism Martha Bradley Martha Bradley a daughter of William Bradley and Elizabeth Bradley was baptised on 29th November 1688
19/04/1694 Baptism James Hart James Hart a son of James Hart and Martha Hart was baptised on 19th April 1694 Note: Martha Hart was buried 17/11/1716
19/04/1694 Baptism James Hart James Hart a son of Jeams Hartt and Mather Hartt was baptised on 19th April 1694 Note: Martha Hart ?
03/07/1694 Baptism Matthew Cload Matthew Cload a daughter of Charles Cload and Matthew Cload was baptised on 3rd July 1694 Note: Matthew - Martha? See C48-6
03/07/1694 Baptism & Burial Matthew Cload Matthew Cload son of Charles Cload and Matthew Cload was baptised on 3rd July 1694 and was buried on 18th September 1694 Note: Matthew - Martha? See C48-5
04/04/1697 Baptism Elizabeth Colthrup Elizabeth Colthrup a daughter of Ambrose Colthrup and Martha Colthrup was baptised on 4th April 1697
17/10/1697 Baptism Martha Howlett Martha Howlett a daughter of Thomas Howlett and Elizabeth Howlett was baptised on 17th October 1697
20/03/1698 Baptism Martha Philips Martha Philips a daughter of Joseph Philips and Martha Philips was baptised on 20th March 1698/1699
28/07/1700 Baptism Joseph Phillips Joseph Phillips a son of Joseph Phillips and Martha Phillips was baptised on 28th July 1700
06/10/1700 Burial Martha Bradley Martha Bradley daughter of Bradley was buried on 6th October 1700 Note: Father's first name not noted
22/10/1700 Marriage James Carter James Carter of Creeting All Saints was married on 22nd October 1700 to Martha Cason
22/10/1700 Marriage Martha Cason Martha Cason was married on 22nd October 1700 to James Carter of Creeting All Saints
23/10/1700 Baptism Ann Hart Ann Hart a daughter of James Hart and Martha Hart was baptised on 23rd October 1700
05/05/1701 Baptism Martha Read Martha Read a daughter of William Read and Anne Read was baptised on 5th May 1701
20/10/1701 Marriage Martha Harmon Martha Harmon was married on 20th October 1701 to Francis Howlet
20/10/1701 Marriage Francis Howlet Francis Howlet was married on 20th October 1701 to Martha Harmon
02/04/1702 Baptism Elizabeth Phillips Elizabeth Phillips a daughter of Joseph Phillips and Martha Phillips was baptised on 2nd April 1702
15/07/1702 Baptism & Burial Sarah Hart Sarah Hart daughter of James Hart and Martha Hart was baptised on 15th July 1702 and was buried on 9th September 1702
18/01/1703 Baptism Martha Fisher Martha Fisher a daughter of John Fisher and Mary Fisher was baptised on 18th January 1703/1704
16/01/1704 Baptism Thomas Hart Thomas Hart a son of James Hart and Martha Hart was baptised on 16th January 1704/1705
25/03/1704 Baptism Martha Turpin Martha Turpin a daughter of William Turpin and Anne Turpin was baptised on 25th March 1704/1705
12/03/1706 Baptism Matthew Last Matthew Last an illegitmate son of Martha Last was baptised on 12th March 1706/1717
20/01/1707 Burial Martha Chilvers Martha Chilvers was buried on 20th January 1707/1708
22/09/1707 Marriage John Spindler John Spindler was married on 22nd September 1707 to Martha Warn of Occold And Thornhams
22/09/1707 Marriage Martha Warn Martha Warn of Occold & Thornhams was married on 22nd September 1707 to John Spindler
09/07/1709 Burial Thomas Clod Thomas Clod son of Charles Clod and Martha Clod was buried on 9th July 1709
26/09/1710 Marriage Martha Colthorp Martha Colthorp was married on 26th September 1710 to Devereux Sawyer
26/09/1710 Marriage Devereux Sawyer Devereux Sawyer was married on 26th September 1710 to Martha Colthorp
15/06/1712 Baptism & Burial Elizabeth Sayer Elizabeth Sayer daughter of Devereux Sayer and Martha Sayer was baptised on 15th June 1712 and was buried on 1st June 1718
01/05/1713 Burial Martha Goodwin Martha Goodwin was buried in May 1713
07/10/1716 Baptism Devereux Sayer Devereux Sayer a son of Devereux Sayer and Martha Sayer was baptised on 7th October 1716
13/03/1719 Baptism & Burial Thomas Howlet Thomas Howlet Illegitmate son of Martha Howlet was baptised on 13th March 1719/1720 and was buried on 24th August 1720 Note: Baptism
02/08/1719 Baptism Elizabeth Sayer Elizabeth Sayer a daughter of Devereux Sayer and Martha Sayer was baptised on 2nd August 1719
07/01/1721 Baptism Thomas Gorbold Thomas Gorbold a son of John Gorbold and Martha Gorbold was baptised on 7th January 1721/1722
07/01/1721 Baptism Thomas Gorbold Thomas Gorbold a son of John Gorbold and Martha Gorbold was baptised on 7th January 1721/1722 Note: See G46-2
04/08/1723 Baptism Martha Smith Martha Smith a daughter of Christopher Smith and Mary Smith was baptised on 4th August 1723
18/08/1723 Burial Martha Smith Martha Smith daughter of Christopher Smith and Mary Smith was buried on 18th August 1723
07/11/1723 Baptism Barbara Gorbold Barbara Gorbold a daughter of John Gorbold and Martha Gorbold was baptised on 7th November 1723
25/02/1724 Baptism & Burial Sarah Lyst Sarah Lyst daughter of Christopher Lyst and Martha Lyst was baptised on 25th February 1724/1725 and was buried on 22nd July 1726
12/04/1724 Baptism Mary Sayer Mary Sayer a daughter of Devereux Sayer and Martha Sayer was baptised on 12th April 1724
20/05/1725 Burial Martha Leeder Martha Leeder was buried on 20th May 1725
29/12/1725 Baptism Robert Gorbold Robert Gorbold a son of John Gorbold and Martha Gorbold was baptised on 29th December 1725
08/05/1726 Baptism Francis Taylor Francis Taylor a son of Francis Taylor and Martha Taylor was baptised on 8th May 1726
09/11/1726 Burial Elizabeth Gorbold Elizabeth Gorbold daughter of John Gorbold and Martha Gorbold was buried on 9th November 1726
23/10/1727 Baptism & Burial John Taylor John Taylor son of Francis Taylor and Martha Taylor was baptised on 23rd October 1727 and was buried on 23rd October 1727
17/12/1727 Baptism John Sayer John Sayer a son of Devereux Sayer and Martha Sayer was baptised on 17th December 1727
21/04/1728 Baptism Anne Godbold Anne Godbold a daughter of John Godbold and Martha Godbold was baptised on 21st April 1728
12/06/1729 Baptism Martha Ling Martha Ling a daughter of John Ling and Martha Ling was baptised on 12th June 1729
26/10/1729 Baptism Jane Hart Jane Hart a daughter of James Hart and Martha Hart was baptised on 26th October 1729
27/10/1729 Baptism John Howlet John Howlet an illegitmate son of Martha Howlet was baptised on 27th October 1729 Note: Also Thomas Howlet
09/11/1729 Burial Martha Howlet Martha Howlet was buried on 9th November 1729
01/11/1732 Burial Martha Smith Martha Smith was buried on 1st November 1732
03/11/1732 Baptism Martha Smith Martha Smith a daughter of Samuel Smith and Ann Smith was baptised on 3rd November 1732
22/04/1733 Baptism Martha Shearman Martha Shearman a daughter of Thomas Shearman and Mary Shearman was baptised on 22nd April 1733
20/05/1733 Burial Martha Sharman Martha Sharman was buried on 20th May 1733
24/07/1734 Burial Martha Garbold Martha Garbold was buried on 24th July 1734
01/01/1735 Baptism Martha Cutting Martha Cutting a daughter of Simon Cutting and Mary Cutting was baptised on 1st January 1735/1736
13/04/1735 Baptism William Lithers William Lithers a son of William Lithers and Martha Lithers was baptised on 13th April 1735
11/09/1735 Burial Lancelot Davie Lancelot Davie son of Jonathan Davie and Martha Davie was buried on 11th September 1735
07/07/1737 Burial Jonathan Davy Jonathan Davy son of Jonathan Davy and Martha Davy was buried on 7th July 1737
25/02/1738 Baptism Edward Buckenham Edward Buckenham a son of Robert Buckenham and Martha Buckenham was baptised on 25th February 1738/1739 Note: See B202-4
24/07/1738 Burial Martha Davy Martha Davy daughter of Thomas Davy and Sarah Davy was buried on 24th July 1738
24/08/1738 Baptism Martha Marvel Martha Marvel a daughter of William Marvel and Martha Marvel was baptised on 24th August 1738
15/01/1739 Burial Martha Sawyer Martha Sawyer wife of Devereux Sawyer was buried on 15th January 1739/1740
27/07/1740 Baptism Elizabeth Leeder Elizabeth Leeder a daughter of William Leeder aka "William Leeder Jnr" and Martha Leeder was baptised on 27th July 1740
31/08/1740 Baptism Martha Sharman Martha Sharman a daughter of Thomas Sharman and Mary Sharman was baptised on 31st August 1740
11/11/1740 Marriage Daniel Barker Daniel Barker Single of Debenham was married on 11th November 1740 to Ann Marret Single of Debenham
11/11/1740 Marriage Ann Marret Ann Marret Single of Debenham was married on 11th November 1740 to Daniel Barker Single of Debenham
12/04/1741 Baptism Martha Buckenham Martha Buckenham a daughter of Robert Buckenham and Martha Buckenham was baptised on 12th April 1741
08/07/1742 Burial Martha Phillips Martha Phillips was buried on 8th July 1742
22/08/1742 Burial Martha Hart Martha Hart was buried on 22nd August 1742
17/10/1743 Burial Lydia Davye Lydia Davye daughter of Jonathan Davye and Martha Davye was buried on 17th October 1743
10/03/1744 Baptism Ann Leader Ann Leader a daughter of William Leader aka "William Leader Jnr" and Martha Leader was baptised on 10th March 1744/1745
05/05/1744 Burial Martha Freeman Martha Freeman daughter of William Freeman of Winston was buried on 5th May 1744
11/05/1746 Baptism Robert Pettit Robert Pettit a son of Robert Pettit and Martha Pettit was baptised on 11th May 1746
03/10/1746 Burial Martha Butcher Martha Butcher wife of Giles Butcher aka "Giles Butcher Senior" was buried on 3rd October 1746
25/12/1747 Baptism John Pettit John Pettit a son of Robert Pettit and Martha Pettit was baptised on 25th December 1747
25/12/1748 Burial Martha Cutting Martha Cutting was buried on 25th December 1748
10/04/1749 Baptism Martha Pettit Martha Pettit a daughter of Robert Pettit and Martha Pettit was baptised on 10th April 1749
28/07/1751 Baptism & Burial Mary Pettit Mary Pettit daughter of Robert Pettit and Martha Pettit was baptised on 28th July 1751 and was buried on 2nd November 1759
16/06/1752 Baptism William Leader William Leader a son of William Leader and Martha Leader was baptised on 16th June 1752 Note: also twin Sarah Leader
02/09/1753 Marriage Robert Marsh Robert Marsh Single of Debenham was married on 2nd September 1753 to Martha Whistlecraft Single of Debenham Note: Martha Whistlecraft was buried 2/5/1754
02/09/1753 Marriage Martha Whistlecraft Martha Whistlecraft Single of Debenham was married on 2nd September 1753 to Robert Marsh Single of Debenham
09/04/1754 Baptism Mary Marsh Mary Marsh a daughter of Robert Marsh and Martha Marsh was baptised on 9th April 1754
17/07/1756 Burial Sarah Davie Sarah Davie daughter of Martha was buried on 17th July 1756 
13/01/1758 Baptism Hugh Till Hugh Till a son of Hugh Till and Martha Till was baptised on 13th January 1758
06/06/1758 Marriage Martha Davie Martha Davie of Debenham was married on 6th June 1758 to Daniel Ripper of Debenham
06/06/1758 Marriage Daniel Ripper Daniel Ripper Single of Debenham was married on 6th June 1758 to Martha Davie Single of Debenham
18/07/1759 Burial John Gardiner John Gardiner son of John Gardiner and Martha Gardiner was buried on 18th July 1759 - an infant
18/07/1759 Burial John Gardiner John Gardiner son of John Gardiner and Martha Gardiner was buried on 18th July 1759 - an infant
19/08/1759 Baptism Martha Smith Martha Smith a daughter of Henry Smith and Sarah Smith was baptised on 19th August 1759
09/09/1759 Baptism & Burial Anthony Pettit Anthony Pettit son of Robert Pettit and Martha Pettit was baptised on 9th September 1759 and was buried on 28th February 1761 - an infant
18/06/1760 Marriage James Bennet James Bennet Widower of Debenham was married on 18th June 1760 to Martha Taylor Widow of Debenham
18/06/1760 Marriage Martha Taylor Martha Taylor Widow of Debenham was married on 18th June 1760 to James Bennet Widower of Debenham
26/10/1760 Baptism Martha Elliot Martha Elliot a daughter of Oliver Elliot and Anne Elliot was baptised on 26th October 1760
25/01/1761 Baptism William Till William Till a son of Hugh Till and Martha Till was baptised on 25th January 1761
02/02/1761 Baptism John Blomfield John Blomfield a son of William Blomfield and Martha Blomfield was baptised on 2nd February 1761
01/05/1761 Baptism Christopher Till Christopher Till a son of Hugh Till and Martha Till was baptised on 1st May 1761
04/07/1762 Baptism Martha Pyatt Martha Pyatt a daughter of Joseph Pyatt and Elizabeth Pyatt was baptised on 4th July 1762
10/01/1763 Marriage Martha Buckingham Martha Buckingham Single of Debenham was married on 10th January 1763 to James King Single of Debenham
10/01/1763 Marriage James King James King Single of Debenham was married on 10th January 1763 to Martha Buckingham Single of Debenham
29/01/1763 Baptism Abraham Blomfield Abraham Blomfield a son of William Blomfield and Martha Blomfield was baptised on 29th January 1763 Note: See B117-8
29/01/1763 Baptism Abraham Blomfield Abraham Blomfield a son of William Blomfield and Martha Blomfield was baptised on 29th January 1763 Note: See B117-7
25/07/1764 Baptism John Till John Till a son of Hugh Till and Martha Till was baptised on 25th July 1764
04/03/1765 Burial Martha Ling Martha Ling was buried on 4th March 1765
20/09/1766 Baptism Hugh Till Hugh Till a son of Hugh Till and Martha Till was baptised on 20th September 1766 Note: Duplicate See T33-2
04/01/1767 Baptism Martha Clements Martha Clements a daughter of Henry Clements and Ann Clements was baptised on 4th January 1767 Note: See C62-1
04/01/1767 Baptism Martha Clements Martha Clements a daughter of Henry Clements and Ann Clements was baptised on 4th January 1767 Note: See C61-10
04/01/1767 Baptism Martha Clements Martha Clements a daughter of Henry Clements and Ann Clements nee Holmes was baptised on 4th January 1767
05/01/1767 Marriage Thomas Haward Thomas Haward Single of Crettingham was married on 5th January 1767 to Martha Pettit Spinster of Debenham a minor
05/01/1767 Marriage Martha Pettit Martha Pettit Spinster of Debenham was married on 5th January 1767 a minor to Thomas Haward Single of Cretingham Note: see Hayward
08/11/1767 Baptism Mary Haywood Mary Haywood a daughter of Thomas Haywood and Martha Haywood was baptised on 8th November 1767
10/01/1768 Baptism Rachel Ambros Rachel Ambros a daughter of Joseph Ambros and Martha Ambros was baptised on 10th January 1768
10/01/1768 Baptism Rachel Ambros Rachel Ambros a daughter of Joseph Ambros and Martha Ambros was baptised on 10th January 1768
19/08/1768 Burial Martha Haywood Martha Haywood was buried on 19th August 1768
02/07/1769 Baptism Lydia Howlett Lydia Howlett a daughter of John Howlett and Ann Howlett was baptised on 2nd July 1769 Note: also Martha Howlet See H102-6
02/07/1769 Baptism Martha Howlett Martha Howlett a daughter of John Howlett and Ann Howlett was baptised on 2nd July 1769 Note: also Lydia Howlet See H102-4
05/08/1770 Baptism Thomas Hayward Thomas Hayward a son of Thomas Hayward and Martha Hayward was baptised on 5th August 1770
02/02/1772 Baptism Martha Haywood Martha Haywood a daughter of Thomas Haywood and Martha Haywood was baptised on 2nd February 1772
05/11/1772 Marriage Thomas Haward Thomas Haward Widower of Debenham was married on 5th November 1772 to Martha Pettit Single of Debenham
05/11/1772 Marriage Martha Pettit Martha Pettit Single of Debenham was married on 5th November 1772 to Thomas Haward Widower of Debenham
09/01/1774 Baptism Martha Keen Martha Keen a daughter of Robert Keen and Sarah Keen was baptised on 9th January 1774
02/01/1775 Marriage Martha Harnes Martha Harnes Spinster of Debenham was married on 2nd January 1775 to Ebenezer Wallace aka "Ebeazar Wallace" Single of Wetheringsett
02/01/1775 Marriage Ebenezer Wallace Ebenezer Wallace Single of Wetheringsett was married on 2nd January 1775 to Martha Harnes Spinster of Debenham
06/01/1775 Baptism Marcia Hayward Marcia Hayward a daughter of Thomas Hayward and Martha Hayward was baptised on 6th January 1775
22/01/1775 Baptism Martha Lord Martha Lord a daughter of William Lord and Martha Lord was baptised on 22nd January 1775
31/01/1775 Marriage Martha Bridges Martha Bridges Spinster of Worlingworth was married on 31st January 1775 to James Taylor Single
31/01/1775 Marriage James Taylor James Taylor Single was married on 31st January 1775 to Martha Bridges Spinster of Worlingworth
01/04/1776 Baptism Robert Hayward Robert Hayward a son of Thomas Hayward and Martha Hayward was baptised on 1st April 1776
15/05/1776 Burial Martha Leeder Martha Leeder was buried on 15th May 1776
31/05/1776 Baptism Charity Aldis Charity Aldis a daughter of William Aldis and Martha Alexander was baptised on 31st May 1776
31/05/1776 Baptism Charity Alexander Charity Alexander a daughter of William Aldis and Martha Alexander was baptised on 31st May 1776
29/05/1777 Baptism John Hayward John Hayward a son of Thomas Hayward and Martha Hayward was baptised on 29th May 1777
15/02/1778 Baptism & Burial William Aldis William Aldis son of William Aldis and Martha Alexander was baptised on 15th February 1778 and was buried on 20th February 1778 - an infant
15/02/1778 Baptism & Burial William Alexander William Alexander son of William Aldis and Martha Alexander was baptised on 15th February 1778 and was buried on 20th February 1778 - an infant
28/02/1778 Burial Martha Alexander Martha Alexander was buried on 28th February 1778
23/07/1778 Baptism Mary Penney Mary Penney a daughter of Martha Penney was baptised on 23rd July 1778
25/12/1778 Baptism Edward Hayward Edward Hayward a son of Thomas Hayward and Martha Hayward was baptised on 25th December 1778
28/01/1779 Burial Martha Kersey Martha Kersey of Framsden was buried on 28th January 1779 - an infant
17/06/1779 Baptism Martha Barret Martha Barret a daughter of Cornelius Barret and Priscilla Barret was baptised on 17th June 1779
17/06/1779 Baptism Martha Barrett Martha Barrett a daughter of Cornelius Barrett and Priscilla Barrett nee Upson was baptised on 17th June 1779
22/06/1779 Burial Martha Barrett Martha Barrett was buried on 22nd June 1779
09/12/1779 Burial Martha Leathers Martha Leathers was buried on 9th December 1779
21/05/1780 Baptism William Carter William Carter a son of John Carter and Martha Carter was baptised on 21st May 1780
04/02/1781 Baptism Robert Hayward Robert Hayward a son of Thomas Hayward and Martha Hayward was baptised on 4th February 1781
03/12/1782 Baptism William Haward William Haward a son of Thomas Haward and Martha Haward was baptised on 3rd December 1782
18/05/1783 Baptism Elizabeth Penny Elizabeth Penny a daughter of Martha Penny was baptised on 18th May 1783
09/06/1784 Baptism Elizabeth Hayward Elizabeth Hayward a daughter of Thomas Hayward and Martha Hayward nee Pettit was baptised on 9th June 1784
26/06/1784 Baptism Ann Hayward Ann Hayward a daughter of George Hayward and Martha Hayward nee Buxton was baptised on 26th June 1784
26/06/1784 Baptism Ann Hayward Ann Hayward a daughter of George Hayward and Martha Hayward nee Buxton was baptised on 26th June 1784
12/08/1785 Burial Martha Davie Martha Davie of Framsden was buried on 12th August 1785 Note: buried in ye church 
04/06/1786 Baptism Susanna Elliot Susanna Elliot an illegitmate daughter of Martha Elliott was baptised on 4th June 1786
07/06/1786 Marriage Martha Elliott Martha Elliott Spinster of Debenham was married on 7th June 1786 to James Potter Single of Helmingham
07/06/1786 Marriage James Potter James Potter Single of Helmingham was married on 7th June 1786 to Martha Elliott Spinster of Debenham
12/10/1786 Baptism Edward Hayward Edward Hayward a son of Thomas Hayward and Martha Hayward nee Pettit was baptised on 12th October 1786
18/11/1787 Marriage Benjamin Legget Benjamin Legget Widower of Debenham was married on 18th November 1787 to Martha Penney of Debenham
18/11/1787 Marriage Martha Penney Martha Penney of Debenham was married on 18th November 1787 to Benjamin Legget Widower of Debenham
18/07/1788 Baptism Dolly Hayward Dolly Hayward a daughter of Thomas Hayward and Martha Hayward nee Pettit was baptised on 18th July 1788
29/08/1788 Burial Martha Pettit Martha Pettit was buried on 29th August 1788
25/01/1789 Baptism Mary Clemens Mary Clemens an illegitmate daughter of Martha Clemens was baptised on 25th January 1789
15/02/1789 Baptism Samuel Legget Samuel Legget an illegitmate son of Benjamin Legget and Martha Legget nee Penny was baptised on 15th February 1789
15/03/1789 Baptism Martha Blomfield Martha Blomfield an illegitmate daughter of Elizabeth Blomfield was baptised on 15th March 1789
22/06/1789 Burial Martha Smith Martha Smith was buried on 22nd June 1789
18/07/1790 Burial Martha Hearn Martha Hearn was buried on 18th July 1790 - an infant
25/07/1790 Baptism Martha Pyet Martha Pyet a daughter of James Pyet and Frances Pyet nee Levil was baptised on 25th July 1790
30/01/1792 Baptism Martha Harvey Martha Harvey an illegitmate daughter of Ann Harvey was baptised on 30th January 1792
12/07/1793 Burial Martha Gardiner Martha Gardiner widow of Winston was buried on 12th July 1793 
11/05/1794 Burial Martha Blomfield Martha Blomfield widow was buried on 11th May 1794
07/09/1794 Baptism John Clements John Clements an illegitmate son of Martha Clements was baptised on 7th September 1794
07/07/1795 Baptism Martha Parker Martha Parker a daughter of Edmund Parker and Martha Parker nee Durrant was baptised on 7th July 1795
07/07/1795 Baptism Martha Parker Martha Parker a daughter of Edmund Parker and Mary Parker nee Durrant was baptised on 7th July 1795
29/06/1797 Marriage William Moore William Moore Widower of Framsden was married on 29th June 1797 to Martha Offord Widow of Debenham
29/06/1797 Marriage Martha Offord Martha Offord Widow of Debenham was married on 29th June 1797 to William Moore Widower of Framsden
19/08/1797 Baptism Martha Parker Martha Parker wife of John Warne was baptised on 19th August 1797
19/08/1797 Baptism William Warne William Warne a son of John Warne and Martha Warne nee Parker was baptised on 19th August 1797
09/06/1800 Baptism Martha Ling Martha Ling a daughter of John Ling and Martha Ling nee Smith was baptised on 9th June 1800
09/06/1800 Baptism Martha Ling Martha Ling a daughter of John Ling and Martha Ling nee Smith was baptised on 9th June 1800
14/07/1800 Baptism Martha Moore Martha Moore a daughter of William Moore and Marthe Moore nee Pettit was baptised on 14th July 1800
14/07/1800 Baptism Martha Moore Martha Moore a daughter of William Moore and Martha Moore nee Pettit was baptised on 14th July 1800
11/03/1801 Burial Martha Moore Martha Moore daughter of William Moore and Mary Moore nee Pettit was buried on 11th March 1801 - an infant
06/05/1802 Baptism Anna Moore Anna Moore a daughter of William Moore and Martha Moore nee Pettit was baptised on 6th May 1802
09/07/1802 Baptism Henry Clements Henry Clements an illegitmate son of Martha Clements was baptised on 9th July 1802
14/12/1802 Marriage Giles Butcher Giles Butcher Single of Debenham was married on 14th December 1802 to Martha Wright Single of Debenham
14/12/1802 Marriage Martha Wright Martha Wright Single of Debenham was married on 14th December 1802 to Giles Butcher Single of Debenham
15/05/1803 Baptism Hannah Ling Hannah Ling a daughter of John Ling and Martha Ling nee Smith was baptised on 15th May 1803
28/08/1804 Private Baptism & Burial Rachel Ling Rachel Ling daughter of John Ling and Martha Ling nee Smith was born on 28th August 1804 and was privately baptised on 10th November 1804 and was buried on 1st December 1810 aged 6 
10/11/1804 Baptism Martha Smith Martha Smith wife of John Ling was baptised on 10th November 1804
Maxumum number of rows exceeded (250), please refine your search

Burial details

Grave Date Name  Event Comments
07/04/1698 Martha Fisher Died on Monday 7th April 1698 aged 56 and is buried in the Churchyard
  13/07/1756 Sarah Davie Died on Tuesday 13th July 1756 aged 14 and is buried in the Churchyard
  28/03/1760 Elizabeth Davie Died on Friday 28th March 1760 aged 15 and is buried in the Churchyard
  10/07/1770 Mary Reeve Died on Tuesday 10th July 1770 aged 30 and is buried in the Churchyard
  25/11/1780 Henry Gardener Died on Saturday 25th November 1780 aged 26 and is buried in the Churchyard
  07/08/1786 Martha Davie Died on Monday 7th August 1786 aged 81 and is buried in the Churchyard Internal, church floor
  15/09/1788 Mary Gardener Died on Monday 15th September 1788 aged 28 and is buried in the Churchyard
  08/07/1795 Martha Gardener Died on Wednesday 8th July 1795 aged 66 and is buried in the Churchyard
  26/10/1795 Samuel Orford Died on Monday 26th October 1795 aged 27 and is buried in the Churchyard Internal, church floor
  02/09/1802 Daniel Ripper Died on Thursday 2nd September 1802 aged 72 and is buried in the Churchyard
  06/12/1804 Martha Warren Died on Thursday 6th December 1804 aged 61 and is buried in the Churchyard
  18/05/1807 Catherine Ling Died on Monday 18th May 1807 aged 0d and is buried in the Churchyard
  16/07/1808 Rebecca Ling Died on Saturday 16th July 1808 aged 3w and is buried in the Churchyard
  05/11/1810 Martha Ling Died on Monday 5th November 1810 aged 9 and is buried in the Churchyard
  05/11/1810 Hannah Ling Died on Monday 5th November 1810 aged 7 and is buried in the Churchyard
  05/11/1810 Martha Ling Died on Monday 5th November 1810 aged 9 and is buried in the Churchyard
  28/11/1810 Rachel Ling Died on Wednesday 28th November 1810 aged 6 and is buried in the Churchyard
  10/03/1811 Ann Ling Died on Sunday 10th March 1811 aged 3 and is buried in the Churchyard
  08/12/1813 Martha Ripper Died on Wednesday 8th December 1813 aged 83 and is buried in the Churchyard
  25/04/1816 John Ling Died on Thursday 25th April 1816 aged 17 and is buried in the Churchyard
  17/05/1823 Mary Ling Died on Saturday 17th May 1823 aged 6 and is buried in the Churchyard
  01/03/1829 Martha Ling Died on Sunday 1st March 1829 aged 58 and is buried in the Churchyard
  01/05/1829 Lavinia Ling Died on Friday 1st May 1829 aged 1 and is buried in the Churchyard
  31/12/1830 John Ling Died on Friday 31st December 1830 aged 66 and is buried in the Churchyard
12/05/1838 Martha Orford Died on Saturday 12th May 1838 aged 64 and is buried in the Churchyard Internal, church floor
  31/01/1845 Martha Jeffries Died on Friday 31st January 1845 aged 44 and is buried in the Churchyard
  12/12/1855 William Gooding Died on Wednesday 12th December 1855 aged 57 and is buried in the Churchyard
  25/12/1857 Martha Gooding Died on Friday 25th December 1857 aged 58 and is buried in the Churchyard
13/10/1905 Martha Hails Was buried on Friday 13th October 1905 aged 4m and is buried in the Cemetary
31/01/1920 Martha Jay Was buried on Saturday 31st January 1920 aged 48 and is buried in the Cemetary
14/07/1920 Martha Farrow Was buried on Wednesday 14th July 1920 aged 73 and is buried in the Cemetary
17/08/1920 Martha Pallant Was buried on Tuesday 17th August 1920 aged 84 and is buried in the Cemetary
24/06/1931 Anna Martha Thompson Was buried on Wednesday 24th June 1931 aged 83 and is buried in the Cemetary
07/06/1938 Martha Sterry Was buried on Tuesday 7th June 1938 aged 83 and is buried in the Cemetary
08/03/1949 Rosanna Martha Bretton Was buried on Tuesday 8th March 1949 aged 72 and is buried in the Cemetary
26/03/1959 Martha Jane Hobling Was buried on Thursday 26th March 1959 aged 80 and is buried in the Cemetary
26/07/1960 Laura Martha Sutton Was buried on Tuesday 26th July 1960 aged 86 and is buried in the Cemetary
02/01/1965 Gladys Martha Hewitt Was buried on Saturday 2nd January 1965 aged 68 and is buried in the Cemetary
10/04/1976 Margaret Martha Brett Was buried on Saturday 10th April 1976 aged 78 and is buried in the Cemetary
25/10/2002 Martha Smith Died on Sunday 6th October 2002 and was buried on Friday 25th October 2002 aged 90 and is buried in the Cemetary
Unknown Martha Smith Was buried in the Churchyard
Unknown John Smith aged 21 and is buried in the Churchyard

1837 Holding details

Details Landowner Occupier Holding Name Sheet Acres Vicar's rent Impropriator's rent notes
  Martha Kersey George Amass   unknown 18 24.500 £1 16s. 3d. £4 4s. 4d.
Total24.5£1 16s. 3d.£4 4s. 4d.

1837 Field details

Details Holding Farm Name Field Name Landowner Occupier Sheet-Plan Cultivation Acres Aggregated with Vicar's rent Impropriator's rent notes
Cottages etc. Martha Clements Martha Clements 301 0.250
unknown  Second Priory Martha Kersey George Amass 18/469 Arable 3.438
unknown  Further Meadow Martha Kersey George Amass 18/470 Grass 2.375
unknown  Four Acres Martha Kersey George Amass 18/472 Arable 3.988
unknown  Broad Field Martha Kersey George Amass 18/473 Grass 4.600
unknown  First Priory Martha Kersey George Amass 18/474 Arable 3.550
unknown  Spong Drift Martha Kersey George Amass 18/513 Grass 1.000
unknown  Spong Field Martha Kersey George Amass 18/514 Arable 5.550


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