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Dove book George Allen is mentioned on page(s) 26  George Allen
Dove book George Amass is mentioned on page(s) 24, 138  George Amass
Dove book Minister George Archer is mentioned on page(s) 100  Minister George Archer
Dove book George Curtis is mentioned on page(s) 15, 82  George Curtis
Dove book George Edmunds is mentioned on page(s) 24, 81, 111, 130  George Edmunds
Dove book George Pearce is mentioned on page(s) 98, 101  George Pearce
Dove book George Pitt is mentioned on page(s) 115  George Pitt
Peter Northeast extract from the 1621 survey of Butley ManorButley Manor James Aldrich, John Aldrich, Thomas Aldrich, John Alefounder, John Allen, Robert Allfounder, William Allome, Robert Applewayte, Peter Ardely, Robert Ashwell, Charles Assey, William Awstyn, Robert Ballard, William Banister, Samuel Bannister, Paul Banyngs, Anna BardweIl, Robert BardweIl, James Bardwell, Barnaby Barker, John Barker, John Barker, Thomas Barker, Robert Barrett, William Batts, Jonathan Beadwell, Philip Bedingfeld, Robert Bedingfeld, Thomas Bedingfelde, Nicholas Bell, William Bence, Simon Bennett, John Bertlott, Walter Blower, John Bobbett, Elizabeth Bond, James Bond, John Bond, Robert Bond, Thomas Bond, William Bond, Richard Bonde, Thomas Bonde, Robert Braham, Mary Bransby, George Brcoke, Robert Brewster, John Britton, Francis Brooke, George Brooke, John Brytten, Thomas Buck, Henry Bucknam, Robert Bucknam, William Bunnan, Samuel Bury, Edward Calver, Alan Catchpoll, Allan Catchpoll, Elizabeth Catchpoll, Mark Catchpoll, Nicholas Chandler, John Chapman, Stephen Chechely, Ralph Cheeke, Robert Cheeke, Robert Chester, Temple Chevelier, James Chrispe, Jane Clodd, Thomas Clodd, John Cock, Andrew Conyngham, Edward Corbold, Thomas Corbold, Christopher Cowper, William Cracknell, James Culham, John Culham, Richard Culharn, John Cully, Margaret Curdy, John Curtyes, Thomas Dade, Dorothy Daldy, Dorothy Daldy, Samuel Daldy, Thomas Dandy, Sara Davie, John Davy, John Davy, John Dawling, Susan Dawling, Robert de Hoo, John Dobbes, John Dobbs, Frances Dove, William Dove, William Drane, John Dunckon, Reginald Eade, John Easterson, William Edgar, John Fayerweather, Thomas Fen, Charles Fenn, Reuben Feveryere, Rubin Feveryere, Lawrence Fideon, Charles Flowerdewe, John Flowerdewe, John Folkard, William Folkard, Lionel Fosdick, Gregory Frinde, James Fuller, John Fuller, Joseph Fuller, Nicholas Game, Henry Gardiner, John Gardiner, Jane Garneys, Nicholas Garnies, Robert Garnies, Wentworth Garnies, Charles Garnys, Thomas Garwood, Charles Gaudy, Barnaby Gibson, Charles Gibson, Richard Girling, John Girlyng, Robert Girlyng, Sarah Glamfeld, John Glamlfeld, John Godbold, Simon Goddard, George Goody, John Gowen, Robert Gowen, Thomas Gowen, John Gowyn, Harbottle Grimston, Robert Grymble, Edward Grymston, William Gwuys, James Harison, George Harrison, Henry Harrison, James Harrison, James Harrison, William Harrison, John Harsant, Thomas Harvy, Walter Harvy, Robert Hastings, Thomas Hayes, Robert Hempson, Roger Holbecks, Roger Holberts, John Hoo, Thomas Horseman, Geoffrey Howlett, Mary Howlett, Thomas Howlett, John Hubberd, Francis Hunting, Francis Huntyng, Jnhn Ide, Robert Jackson, Nicholas Jeffery, Richard Jefferyes, Simon Jefferyes, John Jeffrey, Simon Jeffreys, Margery Karsy, Margery Kempe, Joseph Kersey, Jane Kettle, Francis Kilderbey, Mary King, Phil King, Roger Lake, Robert Lance, Martha Leader, John List , Robert List, William List, Fenhias Lock, John Lock, Thomas Lockwood, John Lomax, Elizabeth Lorde, Thomas Maddock, Edward Major, Andrew Manns, Francis Masham, William Masham, Howes Mayhewe, John Mayhewe, Lawrence Mayhewe, Reginald Mayhewe, Edward Mayor, Richard Motts, William Motts, Alice Moyse, Richard Moyse, Smauel Moyse, William Moyse, Richard Mutley, Thomas Nichols, Margery Nunn, Anthony Ocle, William Ownys, Grace Peake, Thomas Peake, Thomas Pecke, Thomas Pecke, Anthony Pennyng, Robert Pett, George Philips, Isaac Phillips, James Phillips, Nicholas Phillips, John Picknott, Osbert Picknott, George Potter, John Pulham, John Punchard, John Purpelt, John Purpett, John Pyne, Robert Reade, Christopher Rivett, Thomas Rodbard, Robert Runkattle, Henry Runkettle, John Salmon, George Savage, Francis Shardelowe, Richard Sharman, Thomas Sharman, Francis Shennan, Christopher Shepe, Martha Sherman, Nicholas Sherman, Thomas Sherman, John Shulvard, Peter Sidebottom, Sarah Sidebottom, John Simpson, Agnes Skargate, Anne Smith, Christopher Smith, Henry Smith, John Smith, Riseing Smith, Anne Smyth, John Smyth, Nicholas Smyth, John Smythe, Robert Sparham, Nicholas Sparhawke, Richard Sparhawkes, John Spech, Thomas Spillisby, Richard Sponer, Simon Sponer, John Stele, William Stevens, Ralph Styles, John Tanen, Oliver Taster, John Thresher, Robert Thrower, William Thwayt, Thomas Tillet, John Toke, George Tovell, Robert Tovell, John Turbald, Hannah Turner, William Turpetine, Samuel Tuthill, Peter Tyler, Edward Unger, Elizabeth Unger, Elizabeth Utting, Rev. Walton, Sarah Walton, John Warde, John Warren, John Webber, Robert Whaymond, Thomas Whaymond, Thomas Wills, Thomas Willson, John Wilson, James Woode, James Woode, John Woode, Margaret Woode, Robert Woode, Thomasin Woode, Thomasine Woode, John Woodeard, Anne Woods, George Woods, William Woods, Anthony Wrethoke, John Wrethoke, Edward Yellopp, Alston, Browne, Glascock, Turpen  
Hilda Rowe's Prayer Book  Hilda Madge Rowe, George Rowe, Annie Rowe, Richard E Hammond  
Thumbnail The Goodings of Debenham.   Back Row L-R is Mabel Edith, William George, Leonard Elworthy and John Frederick. Seated is Frederick (the tailor) and his wife Grace, with their youngest daughter Freda Grace.  

Parish Records

Card Date Type Name  Event
23/02/1560 Baptism William Harrison William Harrison a son of George Harrison was baptised on 23rd February 1560/1561
03/09/1560 Baptism George Wood George Wood a son of Rychard Wood was baptised on 3rd September 1560
01/03/1561 Baptism Elizabeth Harryson Elizabeth Harryson aka "Mercer" a daughter of George Harryson and Elizabeth Harryson was baptised on 1st March 1561/1562
01/03/1561 Baptism Elizabeth Harryson Elizabeth Harryson a daughter of George Harrison aka "Meers or Mercer" was baptised on 1st March 1561/1562
05/01/1562 Burial George Harrison George Harrison was buried on 5th January 1562/1563
22/02/1562 Baptism George Savage George Savage a son of John Savage (Carpenter) was baptised on 22nd February 1562/1563
13/04/1562 Baptism George Myddelton George Myddelton a son of Henrye Myddelton was baptised on 13th April 1562
26/04/1562 Marriage John Bardwell John Bardwell aka "Skotte" was married on 26th April 1562 to Ann Harrison , daughter of George Harrison
26/04/1562 Marriage Ann Harrison Ann Harrison a daughter of George Harrison aka "George Harrison Snr" was married on 26th April 1562 to John Bardwell aka "Skotte" Note: See H15-6 and H15-9
26/04/1562 Marriage Ann Harrison Ann Harrison a daughter of George Harrison aka "George Harrison Snr" was married on 26th April 1562 to John Bardwell aka "Skotte" Note: See H15-8 and H15-6
26/04/1562 Marriage Anne Harrison Anne Harrison a daughter of George Harrison aka "George Harrison Snr" was married on 26th April 1562 to John Skotte aka "Bardwell" Note: See H15-8 and H15-9
26/04/1562 Marriage John Skotte John Skotte aka "Bardwell" was married on 26th April 1562 to Anne Harrison , daughter of George Harrison
30/05/1562 Baptism Margaret Jefferye Margaret Jefferye aka "Margaret Spon" a daughter of George Jefferye aka "George Spon" was baptised on 30th May 1562
05/10/1562 Baptism George Whittinge George Whittinge a son of Jo Whittinge was baptised on 5th October 1562
31/10/1562 Baptism George Ffrynde George Ffrynde a son of Jo Ffrynde was baptised on 31st October 1562
06/12/1562 Baptism George Shearman George Shearman a son of Thomas Shearman was baptised on 6th December 1562
04/02/1563 Baptism Elizabeth Savage Elizabeth Savage a daughter of George Savage and Katheringe Savage was baptised on 4th February 1563/1564
09/05/1563 Baptism George Bardwell George Bardwell aka "Skott" a son of James Skott aka "Bardwell" and Johanne Skott aka "Bardwell" was baptised on 9th May 1563 Note: See B21-2
09/05/1563 Baptism George Skott George Skott aka "Bardwell" a son of James Skott and Johan Skott was baptised on 9th May 1563 Note: See Bardwell
14/05/1563 Burial Elizabeth Savage Elizabeth Savage daughter of George Savage and Kathering Savage was buried on 14th May 1563
21/05/1563 Burial George Savage George Savage son of Walter Savage and Margaret Savage was buried on 21st May 1563
07/06/1563 Marriage George Dobbes George Dobbes was married on 7th June 1563 to Johanne Warden Note: Johanne, ye wyffe of George Dobbes buried 14th Dec 1563
07/06/1563 Multiple Johanne Warden Johanne Warden was married on 7th June 1563 to George Dobbes and was buried on 14th December 1563
28/08/1563 Baptism George Harryson George Harryson a son of George Harryson and Elizabeth Harryson was baptised on 28th August 1563
18/04/1564 Baptism Grace Jefferye Grace Jefferye aka "Grace Sponner" a daughter of George Jefferye and Elizabeth Jefferye was baptised on 18th April 1564 Note: See J6-7
18/04/1564 Baptism Grace Jefferye Grace Jefferye aka "Grace Sponner" a daughter of George Jefferye and Elizabeth Jefferye was baptised on 18th April 1564 Note: See J6-6
18/04/1564 Baptism Grace Sponner Grace Sponner aka "Jefferye" a daughter of George Sponner and Elizabeth Sponner was baptised on 18th April 1564
16/03/1565 Baptism & Burial William Harrison William Harrison son of George Harrison and Elizabeth Harrison was baptised on 16th March 1565/1566 and was buried on 12th April 1566
30/09/1565 Baptism George Bond George Bond a son of John Bond and Johanne Bond was baptised on 30th September 1565 Note: See B127-7
30/09/1565 Baptism George Bond George Bond a son of John Bond and Johanne Bond was baptised on 30th September 1565 Note: See B127-6
06/02/1566 Baptism George Ffyller George Ffyller a son of Robert Ffyller and Agnes Ffyller was baptised on 6th February 1566/1567
25/06/1566 Baptism George Colson George Colson aka "Scevey" was baptised on 25th June 1566 Note: Frevenly
25/06/1566 Baptism George Scevey George Scevey aka "Colson" a son of John Scevey and Margaret Scevey was baptised on 25th June 1566 Note: see Colson, Frevenly and Stevens
27/03/1567 Baptism George Lacye George Lacye a son of John Lacye and Elizabeth Lacye was baptised on 27th March 1567 Note: Also Cystelye Lacye
03/07/1567 Burial George Laccye George Laccye son of John Laccye and Elizabeth Laccye was buried on 3rd July 1567
07/07/1567 Marriage Elizabeth Jefferye Elizabeth Jefferye aka "Elizabeth Spoon" a daughter of George Jefferye and Elizabeth Jefferye was married on 7th July 1567 to Luke Meltone
07/07/1567 Marriage Elizabeth Jefferye Elizabeth Jefferye aka "Elizabeth Spooner" a daughter of George Spooner aka "Jefferye" and Elizabeth Spooner aka "Jefferye" was married on 7th July 1567 to Luke Meltone
07/07/1567 Marriage Luke Meltone Luke Meltone was married on 7th July 1567 to Elizabeth Jefferye nee Spoon , daughter of George Jefferye Note: Spouse's mother was Elizabeth Jefferye
12/08/1567 Baptism Mary Harrison Mary Harrison a daughter of George Harrison and Elizabeth Harrison was baptised on 12th August 1567
06/03/1568 Baptism Elizabeth Fflower Elizabeth Fflower a daughter of George Fflower and Marye Fflower was baptised on 6th March 1568/1569
24/03/1568 Baptism James Harryson James Harryson a son of George Harryson and Elizabeth Harryson was baptised on 24th March 1568/1569
03/05/1568 Marriage George Fflower George Fflower was married on 3rd May 1568 to Marye Marchant
03/05/1568 Marriage Marye Marchant Marye Marchant was married on 3rd May 1568 to George Fflower
16/05/1568 Baptism George Harrison George Harrison a son of John Harrison and Marryon Harrison was baptised on 16th May 1568
29/08/1569 Burial George Fflower George Fflower was buried on 29th August 1569
01/06/1570 Marriage Anne Harrison Anne Harrison Widow was married on 1st June 1570 to George Tavell
01/06/1570 Marriage George Tavell George Tavell was married on 1st June 1570 to Anne Harrison Widow
17/05/1571 Marriage George Lorde George Lorde was married on 17th May 1571 to Margaret Warde Note: see Mother Hill
17/05/1571 Marriage Margaret Warde Margaret Warde was married on 17th May 1571 to George Lorde
20/05/1571 Baptism & Burial Samuell Harrison Samuell Harrison son of George Harrison and Elizabeth Harrison was baptised on 20th May 1571 and was buried on 20th September 1574
06/07/1572 Baptism George Walker George Walker a son of Nycholas Walker and Alycce Walker was baptised on 6th July 1572
08/08/1574 Baptism Dorrrytie Marshall Dorrrytie Marshall a daughter of George Marshall and Dorrrytie Marshall was baptised on 8th August 1574
08/05/1575 Baptism George Stockwell George Stockwell a son of Jeffery Stockwell and Margarett Stockwell was baptised on 8th May 1575
03/09/1575 Baptism Elizabeth Tavell Elizabeth Tavell a daughter of George Tavell and Anne Tavell was baptised on 3rd September 1575
07/07/1576 Burial George Duxe George Duxe (Stranger) was buried on 7th July 1576
06/03/1577 Baptism & Burial Robert Tovell Robert Tovell son of George Tovell and Anne Tovell was baptised on 6th March 1577 and was buried on 14th March 1577 Note: Date may be 1578 Also Marye Tavell who was buried 16th Mar 1577/8.
09/04/1577 Marriage Dow Dow was married on 9th April 1577 to George Mawer Note: Spouse made X mark
09/04/1577 Marriage George Mawer George Mawer was married on 9th April 1577 to Dow Note: ?X was her mark?
20/08/1579 Baptism John Tovell John Tovell a son of George Tovell and Anne Tovell was baptised on 20th August 1579 Note: Also Mary Tovell
04/10/1579 Baptism Agnes Wells Agnes Wells a daughter of George Wells and Agnes Wells was baptised on 4th October 1579
20/10/1579 Baptism Elizabeth Williams Elizabeth Williams a daughter of George Williams and Johane Williams was baptised on 20th October 1579
02/02/1580 Baptism Rychard Williams Rychard Williams a son of George Williams was baptised on 2nd February 1580/1581 Note: also Elizabeth Williams
06/08/1580 Marriage George Johnson George Johnson was married on 6th August 1580 to Christen Wood
06/08/1580 Marriage Christen Wood Christen Wood was married on 6th August 1580 to George Johnson
16/10/1580 Baptism George Marshall George Marshall a son of George Marshall was baptised on 16th October 1580
12/11/1581 Baptism Anne Brame Anne Brame a daughter of George Brame and Jane Brame was baptised on 12th November 1581 Note: See B179-6
12/11/1581 Baptism Anne Brame Anne Brame a daughter of George Brame and Jane Brame was baptised on 12th November 1581 Note: See B179-5
12/11/1581 Baptism Anne Brame Anne Brame a daughter of George Brame and Jane Brame was baptised on 12th November 1581 Note: See B165-5
12/11/1581 Baptism Anne Brame Anne Brame a daughter of George Brame and Jane Brame was baptised on 12th November 1581 Note: See B165-6
01/03/1582 Baptism Sara Tovell Sara Tovell a daughter of George Tovell and Anne Tovell was baptised on 1st March 1582/1583
27/02/1583 Baptism Dyrricke Dyrricke a son of George Dyrricke was baptised on 27th February 1583/1584 Note: George Dyrricke sone & daughter baptized
27/02/1583 Baptism James Dyrricke James Dyrricke a son of George Dyrricke was baptised on 27th February 1583/1584 Note: baptised with sister Tamison See D67-9
27/02/1583 Baptism Tamison Dyrricke Tamison Dyrricke a daughter of George Dyrricke was baptised on 27th February 1583/1584 Note: baptised with brother James See D67-8
02/03/1583 Baptism George Moots George Moots a son of Rychard Moots and Siblye Moots was baptised on 2nd March 1583/1584
18/07/1585 Baptism George Ffrynd George Ffrynd a son of Gregory Ffrynd and Ann Ffrynd was baptised on 18th July 1585/1586 Note: See F89-5
18/07/1585 Baptism George Ffrynd George Ffrynd a son of Gregory Ffrynd and Ann Ffrynd was baptised on 18th July 1585/1586 Note: See F89-4
12/04/1587 Baptism George An Illegitmate daughter of John George was baptised on 12th April 1587
11/07/1587 Baptism Elizabeth Harrison Elizabeth Harrison a daughter of George Harrison was baptised on 11th July 1587
16/04/1590 Baptism George Phillippes George Phillippes a son of George Phillippes was baptised on 16th April 1590
10/02/1593 Baptism George Piggott George Piggott a son of Anthonye Piggott was baptised on 10th February 1593
20/12/1593 Baptism James Phillippes James Phillippes a son of George Phillippes was baptised on 20th December 1593
22/12/1593 Baptism Rychard Phillippes Rychard Phillippes a son of George Phillippes was baptised on 22nd December 1593
28/02/1594 Baptism George Jefferye George Jefferye aka "George Spon" a son of Symond Jefferye and Johane Jefferye was baptised on 28th February 1594
28/02/1594 Baptism George Spon George Spon aka "Jefferye" a son of Symond Spon and Johane Spon was baptised on 28th February 1594
06/04/1595 Baptism Anne Ffrynd Anne Ffrynd a daughter of George Ffrynd was baptised on 6th April 1595 Note: See F89-8
06/04/1595 Baptism Anne Ffrynde Anne Ffrynde a daughter of George Ffrynd was baptised on 6th April 1595 Note: See F89-7
01/04/1596 Baptism George Gowyne George Gowyne a son of John Gowyne was baptised on 1st April 1596 Note: See G100-6
01/04/1596 Baptism George Gowyne George Gowyne a son of John Gowyne was baptised on 1st April 1596 Note: See G100-5
28/06/1596 Burial George Hareson George Hareson was buried on 28th June 1596
26/10/1596 Marriage Anne Kenyngall Anne Kenyngall was married on 26th October 1596 to George Whyttinge
26/10/1596 Marriage George Whyttinge George Whyttinge was married on 26th October 1596 to Anne Kenyngall
25/01/1597 Burial George Marshall George Marshall was buried on 25th January 1597/1598
27/01/1597 Burial George Sealler George Sealler was buried on 27th January 1597/1598
29/01/1597 Baptism Margaret Ffrynde Margaret Ffrynde a daughter of George Ffrynde was baptised on 29th January 1597/1598
29/01/1597 Baptism Larrance Whittinge Larrance Whittinge a son of George Whyttinge was baptised on 29th January 1597/1598
05/10/1597 Baptism John Phillippes John Phillippes a son of George Phillippes was baptised on 5th October 1597
19/02/1598 Baptism Nicholas Whiting Nicholas Whiting a son of George Whiting was baptised on 19th February 1598/1599
05/12/1598 Baptism George Harryson George Harryson a son of James Harryson was baptised on 5th December 1598
05/12/1598 Baptism James Harryson James Harryson a son of George Harryson was baptised on 5th December 1598
08/01/1599 Baptism Phillippe A son of George Phillippe was baptised on 8th January 1599/1600 Note: first name ends ...arde
16/03/1599 Baptism & Burial George Ffrende George Ffrende son of George Ffrende was baptised on 16th March 1599/1600 and was buried on 28th November 1600
16/07/1599 Marriage Anne Brown Anne Brown was married on 16th July 1599 to George Philow aka "Filoe"
16/07/1599 Marriage Anne Brown Anne Brown was married on 16th July 1599 to George Philow aka "Filoe"
16/07/1599 Marriage George Philow George Philow was married on 16th July 1599 to Anne Brown Note: see Filoe
10/05/1600 Burial Harryson The wife of George Harryson was buried on 10th May 1600
24/06/1600 Baptism Priscilla Whiting Priscilla Whiting a daughter of George Whiting was baptised on 24th June 1600
02/12/1601 Marriage Margaret Jeffrey Margaret Jeffrey was married on 2nd December 1601 to George Tovell
02/12/1601 Marriage George Tovell George Tovell was married on 2nd December 1601 to Margaret Jeffrey
19/12/1601 Burial William Dirricke William Dirricke son of George Dirricke was buried on 19th December 1601
22/12/1601 Burial George Harrysone George Harrysone was buried on 22nd December 1601
19/01/1602 Burial George Savage George Savage was buried on 19th January 1602/1603
10/10/1602 Baptism Margaret Tovell Margaret Tovell a daughter of George Tovell and Margaret Tovell was baptised on 10th October 1602
11/10/1602 Marriage Mary Boare Mary Boare was married on 11th October 1602 to George Manninge
11/10/1602 Marriage George Manninge George Manninge was married on 11th October 1602 to Mary Boare
07/12/1602 Baptism George Ffrind George Ffrind a son of George Ffrind and Mathew Ffrind was baptised on 7th December 1602
27/03/1603 Baptism George Savage George Savage a son of George Savage was baptised on 27th March 1603
10/08/1603 Baptism George Mannying George Mannying a son of George Mannying was baptised on 10th August 1603
20/11/1604 Baptism Anne Tovell Anne Tovell a daughter of George Tovell and Margaret Tovell was baptised on 20th November 1604
19/05/1605 Burial Merable Goodwin Merable Goodwin daughter of George Goodwin was buried on 19th May 1605/1606 Note: See G63-2
19/05/1605 Burial Merable Goodwin Merable Goodwin daughter of George Goodwin was buried on 19th May 1605/1606 Note: See G63-1
30/06/1605 Burial George The wife of John George was buried on 30th June 1605
07/07/1605 Baptism George Whitinge George Whitinge a son of George Whitinge and An Whitinge was baptised on 7th July 1605
17/08/1606 Baptism Priscilla Mainge Priscilla Mainge a daughter of George Mainge and Mary Mainge was baptised on 17th August 1606
26/08/1606 Baptism Grace Savage Grace Savage a daughter of George Savadge was baptised on 26th August 1606
06/09/1606 Baptism Edmund Whitinge Edmund Whitinge a son of George Whitinge and An Whitinge was baptised on 6th September 1606
21/12/1606 Baptism Grace Philipes Grace Philipes a daughter of George Phillips was baptised on 21st December 1606
03/01/1607 Baptism Ffrancis Savadge Ffrancis Savadge a son of George Savadge and Grace Savadge was baptised on 3rd January 1607/1608
08/02/1607 Marriage George Lewcoke George Lewcoke was married on 8th February 1607/1608 to Elizabeth Strickland
08/02/1607 Marriage Elizabeth Strickland Elizabeth Strickland was married on 8th February 1607/1608 to George Lewcoke
06/03/1607 Burial George Nun George Nun was buried on 6th March 1607/1608
06/05/1607 Baptism Ann Tovell Ann Tovell a daughter of George Tovell and Margaret Tovell was baptised on 6th May 1607
02/08/1607 Marriage Precilla Harvye Precilla Harvye was married on 2nd August 1607 to George Jaques
02/08/1607 Marriage George Jaques George Jaques was married on 2nd August 1607 to Precilla Harvye Note: Priscilla wife of Georg Jaques of Winston, buried in Debenham 13 May 1657
03/12/1607 Baptism John Stockdale John Stockdale a son of George Stockdale and Susan Stockdale was baptised on 3rd December 1607
03/10/1608 Baptism George Tovell George Tovell a son of Stephen Tovell and Lydia Tovell was baptised on 3rd October 1608
11/03/1609 Baptism George Manninge George Manninge a son of John Manninge and Mary Manninge was baptised on 11th March 1609/1610
13/01/1610 Burial George Browne George Browne was buried on 13th January 1610/1611
13/01/1610 Burial George Browne George Browne was buried on 13th January 1610/1611
26/02/1610 Baptism Margaret Savage Margaret Savage a daughter of George Savage and Elizabeth Savage was baptised on 26th February 1610/1611
13/05/1610 Baptism Elizabeth Tovill Elizabeth Tovill a daughter of George Tovill and Margaret Tovill was baptised on 13th May 1610
18/01/1611 Baptism George Blower George Blower a son of Blowers aka "The Widow Blower" was baptised on 18th January 1611/1612
23/02/1611 Baptism William Savage William Savage a son of George Savage and Grace Savage was baptised on 23rd February 1611/1612
30/06/1611 Burial George Manninge George Manninge was buried on 30th June 1611
25/03/1612 Baptism George Tovell George Tovell a son of George Tovell aka "George Tovell Jnr" was baptised on 25th March 1612/1613
30/03/1613 Baptism George Jefferie George Jefferie a son of Rychard Jefferie was baptised on 30th March 1613
07/04/1614 Marriage George Howlett George Howlett was married on 7th April 1614 to Rachel Whittinge
07/04/1614 Marriage Rachel Whittinge Rachel Whittinge was married on 7th April 1614 to George Howlett
11/05/1614 Burial George Blower George Blower Illegitmate son of Isbell Blower was buried on 11th May 1614 Note: See B121-3
11/05/1614 Burial George Blower George Blower Illegitmate son of Isbell Blower was buried on 11th May 1614 Note: See B121-2
10/08/1614 Burial Ann Savedge Ann Savedge daughter of George Savedge was buried on 10th August 1614
31/10/1614 Baptism George Daldy George Daldy a son of Thomas Daldy was baptised on 31st October 1614
17/09/1615 Baptism Ann Savedge Ann Savedge a daughter of George Savedge was baptised on 17th September 1615
03/03/1616 Baptism John Tavell John Tavell a son of George Tavell aka "George Tavell Jnr" was baptised on 3rd March 1616/1617
10/10/1616 Burial George Savage George Savage (Butcher) was buried on 10th October 1616
10/11/1616 Baptism George Harrison George Harrison a daughter of James Harrison was baptised on 10th November 1616 Note: Daughter
08/02/1617 Baptism Alice Howlet Alice Howlet a daughter of George Howlet and Rachell Howlet was baptised on 8th February 1617/1618
24/04/1617 Burial George Baker George Baker was buried on 24th April 1617
03/06/1617 Burial George Bond George Bond was buried on 3rd June 1617
12/10/1617 Baptism Robert Jaques Robert Jaques a son of George Jaques and Pricilla Jaques was baptised on 12th October 1617
21/03/1618 Baptism John Howlet John Howlet a son of George Howlet was baptised on 21st March 1618/1619
26/02/1619 Burial George Wyard George Wyard son of Nycholas Wyard was buried on 26th February 1619/1620
27/05/1619 Marriage George Bunnell George Bunnell was married on 27th May 1619 to Martha Ffrend
27/05/1619 Marriage Martha Ffrend Martha Ffrend was married on 27th May 1619 to George Bunnell
20/06/1619 Baptism Paule Bunnell Paule Bunnell a son of George Bunnell was baptised on 20th June 1619
10/10/1619 Baptism George Wyarde George Wyarde a son of Nicholas Wyarde was baptised on 10th October 1619
18/01/1620 Burial Anne Tavell Anne Tavell wife of George Tavell was buried on 18th January 1620/1621
18/02/1620 Burial George Gerrard George Gerrard was buried on 18th February 1620/1621
09/07/1620 Baptism Rebecca Astyne Rebecca Astyne a daughter of George Astyne was baptised on 9th July 1620
09/07/1620 Baptism Rebecca Astyne Rebecca Astyne a daughter of George Astyne was baptised on 9th July 1620
22/11/1620 Baptism George Harvie George Harvie a son of George Harvie was baptised on 22nd November 1620
17/08/1621 Burial George Tavell George Tavell aka "George Tavell Snr" was buried on 17th August 1621
06/02/1622 Baptism Ann Harvy Ann Harvy a daughter of George Harvy was baptised on 6th February 1622/1623
22/08/1622 Baptism George Dode George Dode a son of Nicholas Dode was baptised on 22nd August 1622
07/10/1622 Baptism Nicholas Howlet Nicholas Howlet a son of George Howlet was baptised on 7th October 1622
08/12/1622 Burial John George John George was buried on 8th December 1622
15/03/1623 Baptism Grace Glascocke Grace Glascocke a daughter of George Glascocke was baptised on 15th March 1623/1624
02/08/1623 Baptism George Ffyloe George Ffyloe a son of Gilbert Ffyloe was baptised on 2nd August 1623
09/01/1624 Baptism George Aston George Aston a son of George Aston and Rose Aston was baptised on 9th January 1624/1625
09/01/1624 Baptism George Aston George Aston a son of George Aston and Rose Aston was baptised on 9th January 1624/1625 Note: See A83-10
06/02/1624 Baptism Thomas Howlett Thomas Howlett a son of George Howlet and Rachell Howlet was baptised on 6th February 1624/1625
25/09/1624 Burial George Harison George Harison was buried on 25th September 1624
25/09/1624 Burial George Leucoke George Leucoke was buried on 25th September 1624
08/09/1625 Burial George Cooper George Cooper was buried on 8th September 1625
27/04/1626 Burial George Lewcocke George Lewcocke was buried on 27th April 1626
30/07/1626 Baptism & Burial George Whiteinge George Whiteinge son of Robert Whiteinge and Mary Whiteinge was baptised on 30th July 1626 and was buried on 25th April 1627
16/10/1626 Burial George Philips George Philips son of Jeams Philips was buried on 16th October 1626
24/01/1627 Marriage Margaret Harvy Margaret Harvy was married on 24th January 1627/1628 to George Left
24/01/1627 Marriage George Left George Left was married on 24th January 1627/1628 to Margrat Harvy
26/01/1627 Burial George Avsten George Avsten was buried on 26th January 1627/1628
21/10/1627 Baptism & Burial Marye Howlet Marye Howlet daughter of George Howlet was baptised on 21st October 1627/1630 and was buried on 16th March 1629
04/12/1628 Burial George Austen George Austen was buried on 4th December 1628
14/12/1628 Burial Simson The wife of George Simson was buried on 14th December 1628
11/09/1629 Burial George Hare George Hare was buried on 11th September 1629
25/05/1631 Burial George Philips George Philips was buried on 25th May 1631
05/09/1631 Baptism George Philips George Philips a son of Jhon Philips and Amy Philips was baptised on 5th September 1631
04/09/1633 Baptism Mathew Simson Mathew Simson a son of George Simson and Elizabeth Simson was baptised on 4th September 1633
01/12/1633 Baptism George Ling George Ling a son of Thomas Ling and Dorithy Ling was baptised on 1st December 1633
23/04/1635 Burial George Tavell George Tavell was buried on 23rd April 1635
31/12/1635 Baptism Thomas Simson Thomas Simson a son of George Simson and Elizabeth Simson was baptised on 31st December 1635
24/02/1637 Baptism George Simpson George Simpson a son of Danyell Simpson and Jane Simpson was baptised on 24th February 1637/1638
01/04/1639 Baptism Samuell Simpson Samuell Simpson a son of George Simpson and Elizabeth Simpson was baptised on 1st April 1639
23/09/1639 Burial George Glascock George Glascock was buried on 23rd September 1639
25/07/1640 Baptism Susan Simson Susan Simson a daughter of George Simson and Elizabeth Simson was baptised on 25th July 1640
08/12/1640 Burial George Tavell George Tavell was buried on 8th December 1640
06/03/1641 Baptism George Andrews George Andrews a son of Robert Andrews and Margery Andrews was baptised on 6th March 1641 Note: See A59-2
13/03/1641 Baptism George Ducke George Ducke a son of Edward Ducke and Margaret Ducke was baptised on 13th March 1641/1642
06/04/1641 Baptism George Andrews George Andrews a son of Robert Andrews and Margery Andrews was baptised on 6th April 1641/1642
06/07/1641 Burial George Freind George Freind was buried on 6th July 1641
24/02/1645 Baptism George Doole George Doole a son of George Doole and Jane Doole was baptised on 24th February 1645 Note: See D40-4
24/02/1645 Baptism George Doole George Doole a son of George Doole and Jane Doole was baptised on 24th February 1645 Note: See D40-3
20/04/1648 Baptism Edmun Doole Edmun Doole a son of George Doole and Jane Doole was baptised on 20th April 1648
16/10/1650 Baptism Diany Doole Diany Doole a son of George Doole and Jane Doole was baptised on 16th October 1650 Note: Also sister Jane Doole
16/10/1650 Baptism Jane Doole Jane Doole a daughter of George Doole and Jane Doole was baptised on 16th October 1650 Note: baptised with brother Diany
15/09/1653 Baptism Nicholas Doole Nicholas Doole a son of George Doole and Jane Doole was baptised on 15th September 1653
29/01/1655 Marriage George Ringe George Ringe Widower of Barham was married on 29th January 1655/1656 to Elizabeth Turriel Single of Kenton
01/11/1655 Marriage George Ringe George Ringe Widower of Gosbeck was married on 1st November 1655 to Margaret Gaul Single of Kenton
17/01/1656 Burial Elizabeth Linge Elizabeth Linge wife of George Linge was buried on 17th January 1656/1657
15/12/1656 Marriage George Linge George Linge Single of Debenham was married on 15th December 1656 to Elizabeth Scotiestoman of Woodbridge
15/12/1656 Marriage Elizabeth Scotiestoman Elizabeth Scotiestoman of Woodbridge was married on 15th December 1656 to George Linge Single of Debenham
29/04/1658 Burial George Ffarmer George Ffarmer (Gentleman) was buried on 29th April 1658
25/01/1659 Burial Rebeckah Brame Rebeckah Brame wife of George Brame was buried on 25th January 1659/1660
25/01/1659 Burial Rebeckah Brame Rebeckah Brame wife of George Brame was buried on 25th January 1659/1660
25/09/1660 Burial George Brame George Brame was buried on 25th September 1660
25/09/1660 Burial George Brame George Brame was buried on 25th September 1660
31/10/1660 Burial Ann Harrison Ann Harrison wife of George Harrison was buried on 31st October 1660
01/01/1671 Burial George Silverstone George Silverstone was buried in 1671
04/01/1674 Baptism & Burial George Sharman George Sharman son of Ffrancis Sharman and Mary Sharman was baptised on 4th January 1674/1675 and was buried on 16th June 1675
14/05/1675 Burial George Doole George Doole was buried on 14th May 1675
11/06/1678 Marriage Mary Spencer Mary Spencer was married on 11th June 1678 to George Walton
11/06/1678 Marriage George Walton George Walton was married on 11th June 1678 to Mary Spencer
10/08/1679 Baptism Mary Walton Mary Walton a daughter of George Walton and Mary Walton was baptised on 10th August 1679
22/04/1680 Marriage George Paddisson George Paddisson was married on 22nd April 1680 to Susannah Rose
22/04/1680 Marriage Susanna Rose Susanna Rose was married on 22nd April 1680 to George Paddisson
26/05/1681 Baptism George Herne George Herne a son of John Herne and Amy Herne was baptised on 26th May 1681
08/01/1685 Baptism George George a son of James and Mary was baptised on 8th January 1685/1686
05/03/1686 Baptism George Jessup George Jessup a son of Sam Jessup and Margaret Jessup was baptised on 5th March 1686/1687
04/04/1687 Baptism George Arnold George Arnold a son of Thomas Arnold and Grace Arnold was baptised on 4th April 1687
01/01/1688 Baptism George Howlett George Howlett a son of Thomas Howlett and Elizabeth Howlett was baptised in 1688
07/03/1688 Burial George Crowe George Crowe of Eye was buried on 7th March 1688/1689
07/03/1689 Baptism George Cook George Cook a son of Thomas Cook and Anne Cook was baptised on 7th March 1689/1690 Note: See C86-1
07/03/1689 Baptism George Cook George Cook a son of Thomas Cook and Anne Cook was baptised on 7th March 1689/1690 Note: See C85-10
15/10/1693 Baptism George King George King a son of George King was baptised on 15th October 1693
03/08/1694 Baptism & Burial George Allin George Allin son of John Allin and Mary Allin was baptised on 3rd August 1694 and was buried on 29th September 1694
04/10/1695 Baptism George Rose George Rose a son of William Rose and Anne Rose was baptised on 4th October 1695
04/11/1696 Baptism George Pells George Pells a son of Thomas Pells and Catherine Pells was baptised on 4th November 1696
14/10/1697 Marriage Anne Goodwin Anne Goodwin was married on 14th October 1697 to George Wood Note: see Spalding Double wedding See S157-8 and G64-5
14/10/1697 Marriage Sarah Goodwin Sarah Goodwin was married on 14th October 1697 to Charles Spalding Note: Double wedding see George Wood See S157-8 and G64-1
14/10/1697 Marriage Charles Spalding Charles Spalding was married on 14th October 1697 to Sarah Goodwin Note: double wedding - see George Wood See G64-1
14/10/1697 Marriage George Wood George Wood was married on 14th October 1697 to Anne Goodwin Note: see Spalding double wedding
27/12/1699 Baptism James King James King a son of George King and Mary King was baptised on 27th December 1699
Maxumum number of rows exceeded (250), please refine your search

Burial details

Grave Date Name  Event Comments
  14/02/1798 Francis Kersey Died on Wednesday 14th February 1798 aged 80 and is buried in the Churchyard
29/12/1809 George Kersey Died on Friday 29th December 1809 aged 84 and is buried in the Churchyard
  23/07/1816 Susan Allen Died on Tuesday 23rd July 1816 aged 17 and is buried in the Churchyard
  11/02/1824 George Curtis Died on Wednesday 11th February 1824 aged 17 and is buried in the Churchyard
  18/12/1824 John Curtis Died on Saturday 18th December 1824 aged 22 and is buried in the Churchyard
  24/11/1827 Mary Harvey Died on Saturday 24th November 1827 aged 28 and is buried in the Churchyard
  11/07/1829 Isabella Smalley Died on Saturday 11th July 1829 aged 8w and is buried in the Churchyard from SRO
  03/04/1830 Rebecca Cook Died on Saturday 3rd April 1830 aged 3 and is buried in the Churchyard
  11/08/1830 George Amass Died on Wednesday 11th August 1830 aged 19 and is buried in the Churchyard
  07/11/1831 Susannah Smalley Died on Monday 7th November 1831 aged 2m and is buried in the Churchyard from SRO
  20/07/1832 Sarah Curtis Died on Friday 20th July 1832 aged 26 and is buried in the Churchyard
  14/04/1833 Ann Cook Died on Sunday 14th April 1833 aged 29 and is buried in the Churchyard
  19/07/1833 George Cook Died on Friday 19th July 1833 and is buried in the Churchyard 6 months
  12/07/1840 George Smalley Died on Sunday 12th July 1840 aged 42 and is buried in the Churchyard Internal, church floor
  20/02/1847 Elizabeth Cook Died on Saturday 20th February 1847 aged 49 and is buried in the Churchyard
  22/02/1847 George Howlett Died on Monday 22nd February 1847 aged 27 and is buried in the Churchyard
  07/01/1853 Mary Amass Died on Friday 7th January 1853 aged 64 and is buried in the Churchyard
  15/04/1857 George Amass Died on Wednesday 15th April 1857 aged 75 and is buried in the Churchyard
  07/03/1859 Edward Cook Died on Monday 7th March 1859 aged 58 and is buried in the Churchyard
  10/09/1866 Maria Norris Died on Monday 10th September 1866 aged 39 and is buried in the Churchyard
  06/12/1868 George Norris Died on Sunday 6th December 1868 aged 40 and is buried in the Churchyard
  09/01/1883 George Archer Died on Tuesday 9th January 1883 aged 50 and is buried in the Churchyard
26/04/1895 Emma Gooding Died on Friday 26th April 1895 aged 83 and is buried in the Churchyard Flat in front of church porch
21/03/1900 George Smith Was buried on Wednesday 21st March 1900 aged 1 and is buried in the Cemetary
24/03/1900 George Gooding Died on Saturday 24th March 1900 aged 88 and is buried in the Churchyard Flat in front of church porch
15/05/1901 George Sparrow Was buried on Wednesday 15th May 1901 aged 0d and is buried in the Cemetary
04/07/1902 Francis George Gooding Was buried on Friday 4th July 1902 aged 1m and is buried in the Cemetary
24/05/1903 Stanley George Mills Was buried on Sunday 24th May 1903 aged 6 and is buried in the Cemetary
20/03/1905 George Aldous Was buried on Monday 20th March 1905 aged 46 and is buried in the Cemetary
29/01/1906 George Sparrow Was buried on Monday 29th January 1906 aged 52 and is buried in the Cemetary
24/10/1908 George Ellis Was buried on Saturday 24th October 1908 aged 71 and is buried in the Cemetary
13/01/1911 George Taylor Was buried on Friday 13th January 1911 aged 0d and is buried in the Cemetary
16/01/1911 George Kersey Was buried on Monday 16th January 1911 aged 75 and is buried in the Cemetary
07/06/1911 Leslie George Freeman Was buried on Wednesday 7th June 1911 aged 6m and is buried in the Cemetary
13/03/1912 George Rumsey Was buried on Wednesday 13th March 1912 aged 64 and is buried in the Cemetary
16/07/1912 Samuel George Sparrow Was buried on Tuesday 16th July 1912 aged 37 and is buried in the Cemetary
15/01/1915 Arthur George Bond Was buried on Friday 15th January 1915 aged 7m and is buried in the Cemetary
09/03/1915 George William Kerry Was buried on Tuesday 9th March 1915 aged 1 and is buried in the Cemetary
19/04/1916 Albert George Lusted Was buried on Wednesday 19th April 1916 aged 4m and is buried in the Cemetary
08/12/1916 George Spall Was buried on Friday 8th December 1916 aged 35 and is buried in the Cemetary
05/02/1921 George Wade Was buried on Saturday 5th February 1921 aged 77 and is buried in the Cemetary
26/03/1923 George Theobald Was buried on Monday 26th March 1923 aged 81 and is buried in the Cemetary
17/12/1923 George Staff Was buried on Monday 17th December 1923 aged 76 and is buried in the Cemetary
22/12/1923 Lottie Ella Grice Was buried on Saturday 22nd December 1923 aged 30 and is buried in the Cemetary
05/12/1925 George Moulton Was buried on Saturday 5th December 1925 aged 82 and is buried in the Cemetary
11/12/1925 George Pratt Was buried on Friday 11th December 1925 aged 84 and is buried in the Cemetary
07/08/1926 George Last Was buried on Saturday 7th August 1926 aged 57 and is buried in the Cemetary
17/09/1926 George Hunt Was buried on Friday 17th September 1926 aged 63 and is buried in the Cemetary
25/11/1927 George Rowe Was buried on Friday 25th November 1927 aged 74 and is buried in the Cemetary
06/04/1929 Bertie George Cullum Was buried on Saturday 6th April 1929 aged 23 and is buried in the Cemetary
18/03/1932 George Last Was buried on Friday 18th March 1932 aged 79 and is buried in the Cemetary
24/10/1932 William George Fisk Was buried on Monday 24th October 1932 aged 68 and is buried in the Cemetary
27/11/1933 George Henry Smyth Was buried on Monday 27th November 1933 aged 82 and is buried in the Cemetary
08/02/1934 George Whiting Was buried on Thursday 8th February 1934 aged 66 and is buried in the Cemetary
29/10/1934 Arthur George Goodwin Was buried on Monday 29th October 1934 aged 68 and is buried in the Cemetary
09/07/1936 George Chappell Was buried on Thursday 9th July 1936 aged 90 and is buried in the Cemetary
27/01/1938 George Copping Was buried on Thursday 27th January 1938 aged 74 and is buried in the Cemetary
23/03/1938 George Maughan Knight Was buried on Wednesday 23rd March 1938 aged 77 and is buried in the Cemetary
20/03/1941 Henry George Cook Was buried on Thursday 20th March 1941 aged 64 and is buried in the Cemetary
21/10/1942 George Rowe Was buried on Wednesday 21st October 1942 aged 69 and is buried in the Cemetary
17/09/1943 George Rowe Was buried on Friday 17th September 1943 aged 73 and is buried in the Cemetary
23/05/1953 George Smith Was buried on Saturday 23rd May 1953 aged 87 and is buried in the Cemetary
01/03/1962 George Smith Was buried on Thursday 1st March 1962 aged 87 and is buried in the Cemetary
09/12/1965 George Martin Ellis Was buried on Thursday 9th December 1965 aged 87 and is buried in the Cemetary
05/05/1969 George Henry Shulver Was buried on Monday 5th May 1969 aged 75 and is buried in the Cemetary
02/03/1970 David George Wilby Was buried on Monday 2nd March 1970 aged 87 and is buried in the Cemetary
13/04/1970 Bertram George Halliday Was buried on Monday 13th April 1970 aged 65 and is buried in the Cemetary
15/03/1973 Herbert George Burlingham Was buried on Thursday 15th March 1973 aged 78 and is buried in the Cemetary
26/11/1977 George Seymour Payne Was buried on Saturday 26th November 1977 aged 71 and is buried in the Cemetary
16/12/1977 George Edward Rosher Was buried on Friday 16th December 1977 aged 66 and is buried in the Cemetary
07/03/1978 George Henry Gillings Was buried on Tuesday 7th March 1978 aged 69 and is buried in the Cemetary
07/10/1978 Edward George Hall Was buried on Saturday 7th October 1978 aged 76 and is buried in the Cemetary
10/06/1980 George James Goodbrey Was buried on Tuesday 10th June 1980 aged 65 and is buried in the Cemetary
23/01/1981 Harry Samuel George Braid Was buried on Friday 23rd January 1981 aged 80 and is buried in the Cemetary
10/02/1981 Alfred George Keighley Was buried on Tuesday 10th February 1981 aged 74 and is buried in the Cemetary
10/03/1982 Spenser George Sparrow Was buried on Wednesday 10th March 1982 aged 82 and is buried in the Cemetary
19/08/1982 Roland George Heaton Was buried on Thursday 19th August 1982 aged 66 and is buried in the Cemetary
26/11/1982 Frederick George Hayward Was buried on Friday 26th November 1982 aged 66 and is buried in the Cemetary
01/10/1986 George William Alcock Died on Monday 22nd September 1986 and was buried on Wednesday 1st October 1986 aged 80 and is buried in the Cemetary
07/10/1987 Anthony George Rowe Died on Wednesday 30th September 1987 and was buried on Wednesday 7th October 1987 aged 57 and is buried in the Cemetary
09/11/1987 Norman George S Hall Died on Thursday 5th November 1987 and was buried on Monday 9th November 1987 aged 82 and is buried in the Cemetary
06/02/1991 Frederick George Hatcher Died on Friday 18th January 1991 and was buried on Wednesday 6th February 1991 aged 79 and is buried in the Cemetary
07/08/1991 George William Bullen Died on Friday 2nd August 1991 and was buried on Wednesday 7th August 1991 aged 80 and is buried in the Cemetary
03/03/1996 Harry Samuel George Casey Died on Sunday 3rd March 1996 aged 85 and is buried in the Cemetary
21/02/1997 George Leslie Booth Died on Thursday 13th February 1997 and was buried on Friday 21st February 1997 aged 78 and is buried in the Cemetary
27/05/1999 George Spurling Died on Sunday 23rd May 1999 and was buried on Thursday 27th May 1999 aged 87 and is buried in the Cemetary
07/07/2000 Kennith Walter George Smith Died on Sunday 2nd July 2000 and was buried on Friday 7th July 2000 aged 69 and is buried in the Cemetary
21/01/2002 George John Akenhead Wardlaw Died on Wednesday 16th January 2002 and was buried on Monday 21st January 2002 aged 76 and is buried in the Cemetary
29/11/2004 Harold George Jeffrey Died on Tuesday 23rd November 2004 and was buried on Monday 29th November 2004 aged 88 and is buried in the Cemetary
21/09/2007 George AW Barlow Died on Tuesday 18th September 2007 and was buried on Friday 21st September 2007 aged 72 and is buried in the Cemetary
23/06/2010 George Payne Died on Sunday 6th June 2010 and was buried on Wednesday 23rd June 2010 aged 76 and is buried in the Cemetary
04/11/2010 Eric George Jackson Died on Friday 30th July 2010 and was buried on Thursday 4th November 2010 aged 94 and is buried in the Cemetary
20/08/2012 David George Sparrow Died on Thursday 2nd August 2012 and was buried on Monday 20th August 2012 aged 76 and is buried in the Cemetary
23/12/2015 Margaret Elizabeth Grigg Died on Tuesday 30th July 2013 and was buried on Wednesday 23rd December 2015 aged 71 and is buried in the Cemetary
04/06/2015 George William Hawkins Died on Tuesday 24th February 2015 and was buried on Thursday 4th June 2015 aged 91 and is buried in the Cemetary
23/12/2015 Arthur George Grigg Died on Wednesday 9th December 2015 and was buried on Wednesday 23rd December 2015 aged 80 and is buried in the Cemetary
29/06/2017 Philip George Barrett Died on Sunday 7th May 2017 and was buried on Thursday 29th June 2017 aged 66 and is buried in the Cemetary
20/02/2018 David Joseph George Martin Died on Saturday 24th November 2018 and was buried on Tuesday 20th February 2018 aged 80 and is buried in the Cemetary
26/04/2018 Herbert George Knibb Died on Tuesday 3rd April 2018 and was buried on Thursday 26th April 2018 aged 96 and is buried in the Cemetary

1837 Holding details

Details Landowner Occupier Holding Name Sheet Acres Vicar's rent Impropriator's rent notes
  John Freeman Snr George Freeman unknown 8 48.725 £1 18s. 0d. £12 12s. 10d.
  Ipswich Corporation of George Cook   unknown 16 92.069 £9 15s. 9d. £16 11s. 10d.
  Martha Kersey George Amass   unknown 18 24.500 £1 16s. 3d. £4 4s. 4d.
  Henry Pells Kersey George Amass   Little Field 18 2.525 £0 3s. 3d. £0 13s. 0d.
  The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   Vicarage 25 3.269 £0 13s. 3d. £0 0s. 0d.
Total171.088£14 6s. 6d.£34 2s. 0d.

1837 Field details

Details Holding Farm Name Field Name Landowner Occupier Sheet-Plan Cultivation Acres Aggregated with Vicar's rent Impropriator's rent notes
House and Gardens Girling & others George Fairweather 493 0.519
unknown  Little Road Piece John Freeman Snr George Freeman 8/400 Grass 0.069
unknown  Debenham Field John Freeman Snr George Freeman 8/404 Arable 9.869
unknown  Further Great Bellwells John Freeman Snr George Freeman 8/408 Arable 8.494
unknown  Hither Great Bellwells John Freeman Snr George Freeman 8/409 Arable 8.225
unknown  Middle Sally's John Freeman Snr George Freeman 8/410 Arable 6.931 410 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Further Sally's John Freeman Snr George Freeman 8/415 Arable 6.938 410 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  First Cottage Field John Freeman Snr George Freeman 8/417 Arable 2.994
unknown  Second Cottage Field John Freeman Snr George Freeman 8/418 Arable 2.375
unknown  Third Cottage Field John Freeman Snr George Freeman 8/419 Arable 2.894
unknown  The Hoppit Ipswich Corporation George Cook   16/461 Arable 8.431 PNE: Vicar's rent 18/- is pencilled.
unknown  Seven Acres Ipswich Corporation George Cook   16/468 Arable 7.450 468 £1 5s. 6d. PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled. Impropriator is pencilled "Ipswich School".
unknown  First Mead Ipswich Corporation George Cook   16/471 Grass 4.556 468 PNE: Vicar's rent £1 5s 6d pencilled. Now Camp Green 1991.
unknown  First Fen Ipswich Corporation George Cook   16/535 Grass 4.056 PNE: Vicar's rent 8s 6d pencilled.
unknown  Home Pasture Ipswich Corporation George Cook   16/546 Grass 8.850
unknown  Five Acres Ipswich Corporation George Cook   16/547 Arable 5.294
unknown  Back House Field Ipswich Corporation George Cook   16/548 Arable 5.150
unknown  Homestead Ipswich Corporation George Cook   16/549 0.738
unknown  The Green Ipswich Corporation George Cook   16/550 Grass 0.963
unknown  Stack Yard Ipswich Corporation George Cook   16/551 0.300
unknown  Stack Yard Field Ipswich Corporation George Cook   16/552 Arable 5.369
unknown  Seven Acres Ipswich Corporation George Cook   16/553 Arable 7.519
unknown  Lower Mead Ipswich Corporation George Cook   16/554 Grass 4.700
unknown  Little Field Ipswich Corporation George Cook   16/555 Arable 2.463
unknown  Hill Field Ipswich Corporation George Cook   16/561 Arable 13.406 £1 8s. 6d. £7 2s. 0d. PNE: Rent amounts pencilled. Impropriator is "Ipswich School".
unknown  Further Fen Ipswich Corporation George Cook   16/565 Grass 4.838
unknown  Eight Acres Ipswich Corporation George Cook   16/595 Arable 7.988 PNE: Impropriator is pencilled "Ipswich School".
unknown  Homestead Ipswich Corporation George Cook   16/549H 0.738
unknown  Second Priory Martha Kersey George Amass 18/469 Arable 3.438
unknown  Further Meadow Martha Kersey George Amass 18/470 Grass 2.375
unknown  Four Acres Martha Kersey George Amass 18/472 Arable 3.988
unknown  Broad Field Martha Kersey George Amass 18/473 Grass 4.600
unknown  First Priory Martha Kersey George Amass 18/474 Arable 3.550
unknown  Spong Drift Martha Kersey George Amass 18/513 Grass 1.000
unknown  Spong Field Martha Kersey George Amass 18/514 Arable 5.550
Little Field  Little Field Henry Pells Kersey George Amass 18/515 Arable 2.525 £0 13s. 0d.
Vicarage  Road Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/315 Arable 0.156 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Vicarage  Vicarage and Gardens The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/319 Garden 0.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Vicarage  Vicarage Piece The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/320 Grass 1.063 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Vicarage  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507 Grass 1.525 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Vicarage  Church and Yard The Rev. George Smalley   The Rev. George Smalley   25/507H Grass 1.525 GGB: Added duplicate of the field
Total173.937£2 14s. 0d.£7 15s. 0d.


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