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Peter Northeast extract from the 1621 survey of Butley ManorButley Manor James Aldrich, John Aldrich, Thomas Aldrich, John Alefounder, John Allen, Robert Allfounder, William Allome, Robert Applewayte, Peter Ardely, Robert Ashwell, Charles Assey, William Awstyn, Robert Ballard, William Banister, Samuel Bannister, Paul Banyngs, Anna BardweIl, Robert BardweIl, James Bardwell, Barnaby Barker, John Barker, John Barker, Thomas Barker, Robert Barrett, William Batts, Jonathan Beadwell, Philip Bedingfeld, Robert Bedingfeld, Thomas Bedingfelde, Nicholas Bell, William Bence, Simon Bennett, John Bertlott, Walter Blower, John Bobbett, Elizabeth Bond, James Bond, John Bond, Robert Bond, Thomas Bond, William Bond, Richard Bonde, Thomas Bonde, Robert Braham, Mary Bransby, George Brcoke, Robert Brewster, John Britton, Francis Brooke, George Brooke, John Brytten, Thomas Buck, Henry Bucknam, Robert Bucknam, William Bunnan, Samuel Bury, Edward Calver, Alan Catchpoll, Allan Catchpoll, Elizabeth Catchpoll, Mark Catchpoll, Nicholas Chandler, John Chapman, Stephen Chechely, Ralph Cheeke, Robert Cheeke, Robert Chester, Temple Chevelier, James Chrispe, Jane Clodd, Thomas Clodd, John Cock, Andrew Conyngham, Edward Corbold, Thomas Corbold, Christopher Cowper, William Cracknell, James Culham, John Culham, Richard Culharn, John Cully, Margaret Curdy, John Curtyes, Thomas Dade, Dorothy Daldy, Dorothy Daldy, Samuel Daldy, Thomas Dandy, Sara Davie, John Davy, John Davy, John Dawling, Susan Dawling, Robert de Hoo, John Dobbes, John Dobbs, Frances Dove, William Dove, William Drane, John Dunckon, Reginald Eade, John Easterson, William Edgar, John Fayerweather, Thomas Fen, Charles Fenn, Reuben Feveryere, Rubin Feveryere, Lawrence Fideon, Charles Flowerdewe, John Flowerdewe, John Folkard, William Folkard, Lionel Fosdick, Gregory Frinde, James Fuller, John Fuller, Joseph Fuller, Nicholas Game, Henry Gardiner, John Gardiner, Jane Garneys, Nicholas Garnies, Robert Garnies, Wentworth Garnies, Charles Garnys, Thomas Garwood, Charles Gaudy, Barnaby Gibson, Charles Gibson, Richard Girling, John Girlyng, Robert Girlyng, Sarah Glamfeld, John Glamlfeld, John Godbold, Simon Goddard, George Goody, John Gowen, Robert Gowen, Thomas Gowen, John Gowyn, Harbottle Grimston, Robert Grymble, Edward Grymston, William Gwuys, James Harison, George Harrison, Henry Harrison, James Harrison, James Harrison, William Harrison, John Harsant, Thomas Harvy, Walter Harvy, Robert Hastings, Thomas Hayes, Robert Hempson, Roger Holbecks, Roger Holberts, John Hoo, Thomas Horseman, Geoffrey Howlett, Mary Howlett, Thomas Howlett, John Hubberd, Francis Hunting, Francis Huntyng, Jnhn Ide, Robert Jackson, Nicholas Jeffery, Richard Jefferyes, Simon Jefferyes, John Jeffrey, Simon Jeffreys, Margery Karsy, Margery Kempe, Joseph Kersey, Jane Kettle, Francis Kilderbey, Mary King, Phil King, Roger Lake, Robert Lance, Martha Leader, John List , Robert List, William List, Fenhias Lock, John Lock, Thomas Lockwood, John Lomax, Elizabeth Lorde, Thomas Maddock, Edward Major, Andrew Manns, Francis Masham, William Masham, Howes Mayhewe, John Mayhewe, Lawrence Mayhewe, Reginald Mayhewe, Edward Mayor, Richard Motts, William Motts, Alice Moyse, Richard Moyse, Smauel Moyse, William Moyse, Richard Mutley, Thomas Nichols, Margery Nunn, Anthony Ocle, William Ownys, Grace Peake, Thomas Peake, Thomas Pecke, Thomas Pecke, Anthony Pennyng, Robert Pett, George Philips, Isaac Phillips, James Phillips, Nicholas Phillips, John Picknott, Osbert Picknott, George Potter, John Pulham, John Punchard, John Purpelt, John Purpett, John Pyne, Robert Reade, Christopher Rivett, Thomas Rodbard, Robert Runkattle, Henry Runkettle, John Salmon, George Savage, Francis Shardelowe, Richard Sharman, Thomas Sharman, Francis Shennan, Christopher Shepe, Martha Sherman, Nicholas Sherman, Thomas Sherman, John Shulvard, Peter Sidebottom, Sarah Sidebottom, John Simpson, Agnes Skargate, Anne Smith, Christopher Smith, Henry Smith, John Smith, Riseing Smith, Anne Smyth, John Smyth, Nicholas Smyth, John Smythe, Robert Sparham, Nicholas Sparhawke, Richard Sparhawkes, John Spech, Thomas Spillisby, Richard Sponer, Simon Sponer, John Stele, William Stevens, Ralph Styles, John Tanen, Oliver Taster, John Thresher, Robert Thrower, William Thwayt, Thomas Tillet, John Toke, George Tovell, Robert Tovell, John Turbald, Hannah Turner, William Turpetine, Samuel Tuthill, Peter Tyler, Edward Unger, Elizabeth Unger, Elizabeth Utting, Rev. Walton, Sarah Walton, John Warde, John Warren, John Webber, Robert Whaymond, Thomas Whaymond, Thomas Wills, Thomas Willson, John Wilson, James Woode, James Woode, John Woode, Margaret Woode, Robert Woode, Thomasin Woode, Thomasine Woode, John Woodeard, Anne Woods, George Woods, William Woods, Anthony Wrethoke, John Wrethoke, Edward Yellopp, Alston, Browne, Glascock, Turpen  

Parish Records

Card Date  Type Name  Event
29/06/1801 Baptism Susan Susan a daughter of Richard and Elizabeth nee Potter was baptised on 29th June 1801 Note: See A66-6
11/02/1787 Baptism Susanna Susanna a daughter of John and Sarah nee Reynolds was baptised on 11th February 1787
23/09/1849 Baptism Susannah Adelaide Susannah Adelaide a daughter of Dennis (Wheelwright) and Anne was baptised on 23rd September 1849
14/10/1801 Marriage Susannah Abbot Susannah Abbot Single of Debenham was married on 14th October 1801 to Lenny Bennet Single of Debenham
08/10/1748 Marriage Thomas Abbot Thomas Abbot Single of Helmingham was married on 8th October 1748 to Susanna Buxton Single of Debenham
22/07/1805 Burial Susan Abbott Susan Abbott widow was buried on 22nd July 1805 aged 80
01/06/1845 Baptism Eleanor Aldis Eleanor Aldis a daughter of William Aldis (Shoemaker) and Susan Aldis was baptised on 1st June 1845
01/06/1845 Baptism Louisa Aldis Louisa Aldis a daughter of William Aldis (Shoemaker) and Susan Aldis was baptised on 1st June 1845
01/06/1845 Baptism Mary Ann Aldis Mary Ann Aldis a daughter of William Aldis (Shoemaker) and Susan Aldis was baptised on 1st June 1845
01/06/1845 Baptism Susannah Aldis Susannah Aldis a daughter of William Aldis (Shoemaker) and Susan Aldis was baptised on 1st June 1845
22/09/1850 Marriage Susannah Aldous Susannah Aldous Widow of Debenham a daughter of John Aldous (Labourer) was married on 22nd September 1850 of full age to John Long (Labourer) Batchelor of Debenham of full age, son of Christopher Long (Labourer)
01/06/1857 Marriage Susannah Aldous Susannah Aldous Spinster of Debenham a daughter of William Aldous (Shoemaker) was married on 1st June 1857 of full age to Arthur Chenery (Carpenter) Batchelor of Debenham of full age, son of Robert Chenery (Carpenter)
07/10/1824 Marriage Robert Aldred Robert Aldred Widower of Wisset was married on 7th October 1824 to Susan Seaman Spinster of Debenham
13/03/1834 Marriage John Allen John Allen Single of Debenham was married on 13th March 1834 to Susannah Taylor Spinster of Debenham
28/06/1638 Burial Susan Allen Susan Allen was buried on 28th June 1638
27/02/1725 Baptism Susan Allen Susan Allen a daughter of Joseph Allen and Elizabeth Allen was baptised on 27th February 1725/1726
09/10/1799 Baptism Susan Allen Susan Allen a daughter of George Allen and Hannah Allen was baptised on 9th October 1799
09/10/1799 Baptism Susan Allen Susan Allen a daughter of George Allen and Hannah Allen nee Holmes was baptised on 9th October 1799 Note: See A48-9
20/04/1680 Marriage Susanna Allen Susanna Allen was married on 20th April 1680 to James Chilver Note: see James Shilver
09/05/1681 Burial Susanna Allen Susanna Allen widow was buried on 9th May 1681
31/05/1682 Burial Susanna Allen Susanna Allen daughter of Thomas Allen and Susannah Allen was baptised on 31st May 1682 and was buried on 24th April 1689 Note: Daughter Susanna Allen buried 31/5/1682 See A39-10
31/05/1682 Baptism & Burial Susanna Allen Susanna Allen daughter of Thomas Allen and Susanna Allen was baptised on 31st May 1682 and was buried on 19th August 1683
11/03/1759 Baptism Susanna Allen Susanna Allen an illegitmate daughter of Elizabeth Allen was baptised on 11th March 1759
27/07/1816 Burial Susannah Allen Susannah Allen daughter of George Allen and Hannah Allen was buried on 27th July 1816 aged 17 
25/07/1847 Baptism Susan Amass Susan Amass a daughter of William Amass (Butcher) and Marianne Amass was baptised on 25th July 1847
13/02/1710 Marriage William Amesson William Amesson was married on 13th February 1710 to Susan Elliott of Thwaite
20/07/1884 Baptism Fanny Andrews Fanny Andrews a daughter of Richard Andrews (Porter) and Susannah Andrews was baptised on 20th July 1884 aged 17 Note: Adult
09/12/1753 Baptism Hannah Andrews Hannah Andrews a daughter of James Andrews and Susanna Andrews was baptised on 9th December 1753
02/02/1748 Baptism James Andrews James Andrews a son of James Andrews and Susannah Andrews was baptised on 2nd February 1748/1749 Note: Susanna Andrews buried 2/7/1770
02/02/1748 Baptism James Andrews James Andrews a son of James Andrews and Susan Andrews was baptised on 2nd February 1748/1749 Note: See A59-10
27/02/1757 Baptism John Andrews John Andrews a son of James Andrews and Susanna Andrews was baptised on 27th February 1757
01/03/1857 Marriage John Andrews John Andrews (Labourer) Batchelor of Debenham a son of Moses Andrews (Shoemaker) was married on 1st March 1857 of full age to Susannah Taylor (Servant) Spinster of Debenham aged 18, daughter of Thomas Taylor (Thatcher)
20/07/1884 Baptism Lydia Andrews Lydia Andrews a daughter of Richard Andrews (Porter) and Susannah Andrews was baptised on 20th July 1884 aged 15 Note: Adult
18/12/1764 Marriage Susan Andrews Susan Andrews Single of Debenham was married on 18th December 1764 to Ambrose Pallant Single of Debenham
21/06/1795 Baptism Susan Andrews Susan Andrews a daughter of John Andrews and Sarah Andrews nee Theobold was baptised on 21st June 1795
29/06/1801 Baptism Susan Arbin Susan Arbin a daughter of Richard Arbin and Elizabeth Arbin nee Potter was baptised on 29th June 1801
29/06/1801 Baptism Susan Arbin Susan Arbin a daughter of Richard Arbin and Elizabeth Arbin nee Potter was baptised on 29th June 1801
08/04/1754 Burial Susanna Bacon Susanna Bacon wife of Samuel Bacon was buried on 8th April 1754
08/05/1701 Baptism Susan Baker Susan Baker a daughter of Thomas Baker and Sarah Baker was baptised on 8th May 1701
11/04/1833 Marriage Susanna Baker Susanna Baker Spinster of Debenham was married on 11th April 1833 to William Smith Batchelor of Debenham
20/07/1828 Baptism Eleanor Balaam Eleanor Balaam a daughter of William Balaam (Labourer) and Susan Balaam was baptised on 20th July 1828
15/04/1826 Baptism & Burial George Balaam George Balaam son of William Balaam (Labourer) and Susan Balaam was baptised on 15th April 1826 and was buried on 22nd April 1826 aged 5 days
29/01/1877 Burial Susan Balaam Susan Balaam was buried on 29th January 1877 aged 73
21/09/1825 Marriage William Balaam William Balaam Batchelor of Aspall was married on 21st September 1825 to Susan Perry Spinster of Debenham
29/11/1618 Marriage Elizabeth Balls Elizabeth Balls was married on 29th November 1618 to William Swayne
05/10/1803 Burial John Barker John Barker son of John Barker and Susan Barker nee Kersey was buried on 5th October 1803 - an infant Note: See B45-7
05/10/1803 Burial John Barker John Barker son of John Barker and Susan Barker nee Kersey was buried on 5th October 1803 Note: See B45-6
07/01/1621 Baptism Susan Barker Susan Barker a daughter of Thomas Barker and Alice Barker was baptised on 7th January 1621/1621
02/10/1709 Burial Susan Barker Susan Barker daughter of John Barker was buried on 2nd October 1709
02/04/1680 Burial Susanna Barker Susanna Barker was buried on 2nd April 1680
07/09/1735 Baptism Susan Barkewey Susan Barkewey a daughter of Robert Barkewey and Susan Barkewey was baptised on 7th September 1735 Note: See B48-5
07/09/1735 Baptism Susan Barkewey Susan Barkewey a daughter of Robert Barkewey and Sarah Barkewey was baptised on 7th September 1735 Note: See B48-5
27/02/1778 Baptism Mark Barrett Mark Barrett a son of Mark Barrett and Susan Barrett was baptised on 27th February 1778
03/03/1785 Baptism Sarah Barrett Sarah Barrett a daughter of William Barrett and Ann Barrett nee Berry was baptised on 3rd March 1785 Note: also listed is baptism of additional daughter Susan Barrett - See B56-4
03/03/1785 Baptism Susan Barrett Susan Barrett a daughter of William Barrett and Ann Barrett nee Berry was baptised on 3rd March 1785 Note: also listed is baptism of additional daughter Sarah Barrett - See B56-5
25/12/1775 Baptism William Barrett William Barrett a son of Mark Barrett and Susan Barrett was baptised on 25th December 1775 Note: See B56-8
25/12/1775 Baptism William Barrett William Barrett a son of Mark Barrett and Susan Barrett was baptised on 25th December 1775 Note: See B56-7
06/07/1846 Burial Susan Barrit Susan Barrit was buried on 6th July 1846 aged 71
26/11/1813 Marriage Thomas Barritt Thomas Barritt Widower of Debenham was married on 26th November 1813 to Susannah Wright Single of Debenham
16/05/1772 Baptism Susanna Baterbee Susanna Baterbee a daughter of Edward Baterbee and Elizabeth Baterbee was baptised on 16th May 1772
21/04/1722 Baptism Susan Battley Susan Battley a daughter of William Battley and Elizabeth Battley was baptised on 21st April 1722
21/05/1786 Baptism Mary Bedingfield Mary Bedingfield an illegitmate daughter of Susan Bedingfield was baptised on 21st May 1786 Note: See B77-9 for more detail
21/05/1786 Baptism & Burial Mary Bedingfield Mary Bedingfield Illegitmate daughter of Susan Bedingfield was baptised on 21st May 1786 and was buried on 25th January 1788 - an infant
10/05/1826 Burial Susan Bendal Susan Bendal was buried on 10th May 1826 aged 18 
06/03/1866 Burial Susanna Bendall Susanna Bendall was buried on 6th March 1866 aged 18 
08/09/1839 Baptism & Burial Susanna Amass Bendall Susanna Amass Bendall daughter of Dennis Bendall (Wheelwright) and Ann Bendall was baptised on 8th September 1839 and was buried on 22nd April 1842 aged 3
17/01/1815 Burial Amass Bennet Amass Bennet son of Susan Bennet was buried on 17th January 1815 - an infant
14/10/1801 Marriage Lenny Bennet Lenny Bennet Single of Debenham was married on 14th October 1801 to Susannah Abbot Single of Debenham
16/10/1827 Marriage Thomas Berry Thomas Berry Batchelor of Benfleet, Essex was married on 16th October 1827 to Susan Sharman Spinster of Debenham
23/11/1630 Marriage Susan Betts Susan Betts was married on 23rd November 1630 to John Dove
24/09/1657 Marriage William Boar William Boar Single of Debenham was married on 24th September 1657 to Susan Nunn Widow of Debenham
01/05/1669 Burial Susanna Boarne Susanna Boarne was buried on 1st May 1669/1670
18/01/1665 Marriage Susan Bolton Susan Bolton was married on 18th January 1665/1666 to Robert Wood
01/01/1658 Marriage Susan Bond Susan Bond was married in 1658 to Charles Gibson Widower
13/06/1678 Baptism Susanna Bond Susanna Bond a daughter of Thomas Bond and Susanna Bond was baptised on 13th June 1678 Note: See B132-3
13/06/1678 Baptism Susanna Bond Susanna Bond a daughter of Thomas Bond and Susanna Bond was baptised on 13th June 1678 Note: See B132-2
29/11/1678 Burial Susanna Bond Susanna Bond daughter of Susanna Bond a widow was buried on 29th November 1678
11/01/1803 Marriage Susannah Bond Susannah Bond Spinster of Debenham was married on 11th January 1803 to John Lamb Widower of Cretingham
16/09/1680 Burial Susanna Bore Susanna Bore wife of William was buried on 16th September 1680
13/02/1792 Baptism Mary Botwright Mary Botwright a daughter of John Botwright and Susan Botwright nee Cooke was baptised on 13th February 1792 Note: See B137-10
13/02/1792 Baptism Mary Botwright Mary Botwright a daughter of John Botwright and Susan Botwright nee Cooke was baptised on 13th February 1792 Note: See B137-9
13/02/1792 Baptism Mary Botwright Mary Botwright a daughter of John Botwright and Susan Botwright nee Cooke was baptised on 13th February 1792
01/10/1633 Marriage Bower Bower was married on 1st October 1633 to Susan Daldy
18/06/1816 Marriage Amos Brown Amos Brown Single of Debenham was married on 18th June 1816 to Susan Buxton Single of Debenham
06/03/1820 Burial Amos Brown Amos Brown son of Amos Brown and Susan Brown was buried on 6th March 1820 - an infant
06/03/1816 Baptism & Burial Robert Brown Robert Brown son of Amos Brown (Labourer) and Susan Brown was baptised on 6th March 1816 and was buried on 11th March 1816
26/08/1819 Burial Robert Brown Robert Brown son of Amos Brown and Susan Brown of Winston was buried on 26th August 1819
13/10/1823 Marriage Susan Brown Susan Brown Widow of Debenham was married on 13th October 1823 to William Warner Batchelor of Ashfield-cum-thorpe Note: married in the presence of George Woolner & John Jacob
25/12/1776 Baptism Mary Browning Mary Browning an illegitmate daughter of Susan Browning was baptised on 25th December 1776 Note: noted as natural daughter
30/04/1854 Baptism Susan Browse Susan Browse a daughter of Willam Browse (Labourer) and Browse was baptised on 30th April 1854 Note: mother's first name not noted
06/07/1600 Burial Susanna Buck Susanna Buck was buried on 6th July 1600
02/10/1568 Baptism Susanne Bucke Susanne Bucke a daughter of Gilbarde Bucke and Katheringe Bucke was baptised on 2nd October 1568
04/10/1831 Marriage Susan Keziah Buckingham Susan Keziah Buckingham Spinster of Debenham was married on 4th October 1831 to John Chenery Batchelor of Holborough
08/11/1638 Marriage Susan Bugg Susan Bugg was married on 8th November 1638 to Robert Bullare
17/09/1629 Marriage Susanna Bugg Susanna Bugg was married on 17th September 1629 to Robert Mayhew
08/11/1638 Marriage Robert Bullare Robert Bullare was married on 8th November 1638 to Susan Bugg
21/09/1639 Baptism Rose Buller Rose Buller a daughter of Robert Buller and Susan Buller was baptised on 21st September 1639
10/12/1823 Marriage Susannah Burges Susannah Burges of Debenham was married on 10th December 1823 to Henry Warner Batchelor of Debenham
19/12/1641 Baptism Elizabeth Butcher Elizabeth Butcher a daughter of Giles Butcher and Susan Butcher was baptised on 19th December 1641
09/08/1639 Baptism Giles Butcher Giles Butcher a son of Giles Butcher and Susan Butcher was baptised on 9th August 1639
04/10/1780 Baptism Giles Butcher Giles Butcher a son of Giles Butcher and Susan Butcher was baptised on 4th October 1780
22/04/1794 Baptism Hannah Butcher Hannah Butcher a daughter of Giles Butcher and Susan Butcher nee Harvey was baptised on 22nd April 1794
07/04/1783 Baptism James Butcher James Butcher a son of Giles Butcher and Susan Butcher was baptised on 7th April 1783
03/07/1785 Baptism James Butcher James Butcher a son of Giles Butcher and Susan Butcher nee Harvey was baptised on 3rd July 1785
17/04/1780 Marriage John Butcher John Butcher Single of Debenham was married on 17th April 1780 to Susan Harvey Single of Debenham
05/02/1810 Private Baptism Robert Butcher Robert Butcher an illegitmate son of Susan Butcher was born on 5th February 1810 and was privately baptised on 24th February 1810
13/06/1815 Burial Robert Butcher Robert Butcher son of Susan Butcher was buried on 13th June 1815
05/05/1795 Baptism Samuel Butcher Samuel Butcher a son of Giles Butcher and Susannah Butcher nee Harvey was baptised on 5th May 1795
26/01/1657 Burial Susan Butcher Susan Butcher daughter of Gyles Butcher was buried on 26th January 1657/1658
03/02/1840 Burial Susan Butcher Susan Butcher was buried on 3rd February 1840 aged 84
09/08/1639 Baptism William Butcher William Butcher a son of Giles Butcher and Susan Butcher was baptised on 9th August 1639
17/07/1766 Marriage John Butler John Butler Single of Debenham was married on 17th July 1766 to Susan Kent Widow of Debenham
05/01/1778 Burial Susan Butler Susan Butler was buried on 5th January 1778
27/06/1797 Baptism David Buxton David Buxton an illegitmate son of Susan Buxton was baptised on 27th June 1797
20/12/1785 Baptism Mary Buxton Mary Buxton an illegitmate daughter of Susan Baxter was baptised on 20th December 1785
18/07/1725 Baptism Susan Buxton Susan Buxton a daughter of Thomas Buxton and Mary Buxton was baptised on 18th July 1725
21/12/1758 Burial Susan Buxton Susan Buxton was buried on 21st December 1758
26/02/1797 Baptism Susan Buxton Susan Buxton a daughter of David Buxton and Rebecca Buxton nee Nesling was baptised on 26th February 1797
15/02/1813 Baptism Susan Buxton Susan Buxton an illegitmate daughter of Mary Buxton was born on 15th February 1813 and was baptised on 17th April 1813 Note: mother noted as spinster
18/06/1816 Marriage Susan Buxton Susan Buxton Single of Debenham was married on 18th June 1816 to Amos Brown Single of Debenham
January 1816 Banns Susan Buxton Banns were read for the marriage of Susan Buxton Single of Great Thornham to Thomas Stopher Single of Debenham in January 1816
08/10/1748 Marriage Susanna Buxton Susanna Buxton Single of Debenham was married on 8th October 1748 to Thomas Abbot Single of Helmingham
13/10/1792 Marriage Susanna Buxton Susanna Buxton Single of Debenham was married on 13th October 1792 to John Warner Single of Debenham
02/10/1748 Baptism Thomas Buxton Thomas Buxton an illegitmate son of Susanna Buxton was baptised on 2nd October 1748
28/05/1843 Baptism & Burial John Henry Calthorp John Henry Calthorp son of Charles Calthorp and Susanner Calthorp nee Crapnell was baptised on 28th May 1843 and was buried on 9th June 1843 aged 7 weeks Note: certificate in 1862 part of register, district of Coddenham, signed by John Simpson
06/02/1842 Baptism Eliza Calthorpe Eliza Calthorpe a daughter of Hailes Calthorpe (Labourer) and Susannah Calthorpe nee Cracpnell was baptised on 6th February 1842
06/02/1842 Baptism Susannah Calthorpe Susannah Calthorpe nee Crapnell wife of Hailes Calthorpe was baptised on 6th February 1842 Note: from baptisms 6 Feb 1842
03/01/1811 Marriage Susannah Canham Susannah Canham Single of Debenham was married on 3rd January 1811 to John Kent Single of Debenham
07/04/1785 Baptism Francis Caphen Francis Caphen an illegitmate son of Susan was baptised on 7th April 1785 Note: See C2-5
07/04/1785 Baptism Francis Caphen Francis Caphen an illegitmate son of Susan was baptised on 7th April 1785 Note: See C2-4
03/11/1784 Burial Susan Carpenter Susan Carpenter was buried on 3rd November 1784 - an infant
22/11/1802 Baptism Susan Carpenter Susan Carpenter a daughter of John Carpenter and Mary Carpenter nee Scarlet was baptised on 22nd November 1802 Note: also noted as buried with no date maybe See C13-10
03/04/1780 Burial Susan Cary Susan Cary was buried on 3rd April 1780
27/01/1638 Baptism Susan Catchpoll Susan Catchpoll a daughter of John Catchpoll and Brigett Catchpoll was baptised on 27th January 1638/1639
25/04/1699 Baptism Susanna Cavall Susanna Cavall a daughter of Charles Cavall and Anne Cavall was baptised on 25th April 1699
25/04/1699 Baptism Susanna Cavill Susanna Cavill a daughter of Charles Cavill and Anne Cavill was baptised on 25th April 1699
18/03/1811 Marriage William Chapman William Chapman Widower of Wetheringsett was married on 18th March 1811 to Susannah Smith Widow of Debenham
01/06/1857 Marriage Arthur Chenery Arthur Chenery (Carpenter) Batchelor of Debenham a son of Robert Chenery (Carpenter) was married on 1st June 1857 of full age to Susannah Aldous Spinster of Debenham of full age, daughter of William Aldous (Shoemaker)
04/10/1831 Marriage John Chenery John Chenery Batchelor of Holborough, Suffolk was married on 4th October 1831 to Susan Keziah Buckingham Spinster of Debenham
30/07/1799 Marriage Susan Chenery Susan Chenery Spinster of Debenham was married on 30th July 1799 to Thomas Mark Widower of Winston
27/12/1687 Baptism Elizabeth Chilver Elizabeth Chilver a daughter of James Chilver and Susanna Chilver was baptised on 27th December 1687
13/06/1682 Marriage James Chilver James Chilver was married on 13th June 1682 to Susanna Allen Note: see Shilver
06/12/1685 Baptism Martha Chilver Martha Chilver a daughter of James Chilver and Susanna Chilver was baptised on 6th December 1685
24/05/1683 Baptism Susanna Chilver Susanna Chilver a daughter of James Chilver and Susanna Chilver was baptised on 24th May 1683 Note: see Shilver
03/05/1699 Baptism Thomas Chilvers Thomas Chilvers a son of James Chilvers and Susanna Chilvers was baptised on 3rd May 1699
12/03/1876 Baptism Chinery A child of Arthur Chinery (Sawyer) and Susannah Chinery was baptised on 12th March 1876
05/07/1857 Baptism Dennis Chinery Dennis Chinery a son of Arthur Chinery (Carpenter) and Susannah Chinery was baptised on 5th July 1857
13/06/1869 Baptism Edward Chinery Edward Chinery a son of Arthur Chinery (Carpenter) and Susannah Chinery was baptised on 13th June 1869
14/01/1883 Baptism Frederick Chinery Frederick Chinery a son of Arthur Chinery (Militia Man) and Susannah Chinery was baptised on 14th January 1883
24/05/1874 Baptism Polly Chinery Polly Chinery a daughter of Arthur Chinery (Sawyer) and Susannah Chinery was baptised on 24th May 1874 Note: sawyer - carpenter
14/01/1883 Baptism Walter Chinery Walter Chinery a son of Arthur Chinery (Militia Man) and Susannah Chinery was baptised on 14th January 1883
01/07/1866 Baptism William Chinery William Chinery a son of Arthur Chinery (Carpenter and Militia Private) and Susannah Chinery was baptised on 1st July 1866
26/08/1634 Burial Susan Clark Susan Clark was buried on 26th August 1634 aged a littel childe
25/09/1701 Marriage Susan Clark Susan Clark was married on 25th September 1701 to Daniel Pissey of Winston
15/04/1627 Baptism Susan Clarke Susan Clarke a daughter of Thomas Clarke and Joane Clarke was baptised on 15th April 1627
11/06/1634 Baptism Susan Clarke Susan Clarke a daughter of Ffrancis Clarke and Anne Clarke was baptised on 11th June 1634
22/09/1852 Marriage Susan Clemence Susan Clemence nee Rogers Widow a daughter of Edward Rogers (Labourer) was married on 22nd September 1852 to Edward Curtis
22/09/1852 Marriage Susan Clemence Susan Clemence nee Rogers Widow of Debenham a daughter of Edward Rogers (Labourer) was married on 22nd September 1852 of full age to Edward Curtis Batchelor of Winstone of full age, son of James Curtis (deceased)
25/01/1782 Baptism Susan Clemens Susan Clemens a daughter of Henry Clemens and Ann Clemens was baptised on 25th January 1782
17/07/1853 Baptism Henry Clements Henry Clements a son of Charles Clements (Labourer) and Susan Clements was baptised on 17th July 1853
17/07/1853 Baptism John Clements John Clements a son of Charles Clements (Labourer) and Susan Clements was baptised on 17th July 1853
25/06/1799 Marriage Susannah Clements Susannah Clements of Debenham was married on 25th June 1799 to George Curtis Single of Debenham
04/11/1759 Baptism William Clements William Clements a son of Philip Clements and Susanna Clements was baptised on 4th November 1759 Note: See C61-4
04/11/1759 Baptism William Clements William Clements a son of Philip Clements and Susanna Clements was baptised on 4th November 1759 Note: See C61-3
09/04/1871 Baptism Phebe Collins Phebe Collins a daughter of James Collins (Innkeeper) and Susan Collins was baptised on 9th April 1871
26/12/1864 Marriage Susan Maryann Collins Susan Maryann Collins Spinster of Debenham a daughter of James Collins (Grocer and Alehouse Keeper) was married on 26th December 1864 aged 21 to Charles Smith (Cooper) Batchelor of Debenham, son of William Smith (Farmer)
20/12/1865 Burial Susannah Collins Susannah Collins was buried on 20th December 1865 aged 55
17/10/1900 Marriage Elijah Cook Elijah Cook (Pensioner) Widower a son of John Cook (Carpenter) was married on 17th October 1900 aged 65 to Susan Durrant nee Lambert Widow of Winston aged 45, daughter of Ephraim Lambert (Labourer)
30/11/1851 Baptism Elvina Cook Elvina Cook a daughter of Robert Cook (Labourer) and Susan Cook was baptised on 30th November 1851
30/11/1851 Baptism George Cook George Cook a son of Robert Cook (Labourer) and Susan Cook was baptised on 30th November 1851
23/04/1854 Baptism Maryanne Cook Maryanne Cook a daughter of Robert Cook (Labourer) and Susan Cook was baptised on 23rd April 1854
16/04/1700 Baptism Susan Cook Susan Cook a daughter of William Cook and Elizabeth Cook was baptised on 16th April 1700
24/03/1707 Burial Susan Cook Susan Cook daughter of William Cook and Elizabeth Cook was buried on 24th March 1707/1708
13/05/1771 Burial Susanna Cook Susanna Cook was buried on 13th May 1771
30/11/1851 Baptism Susannah Cook Susannah Cook a daughter of Robert Cook (Labourer) and Susan Cook was baptised on 30th November 1851
13/01/1856 Baptism John Cooke John Cooke a son of Robert Cooke (Carpenter) and Susan Cooke was baptised on 13th January 1856
08/04/1739 Baptism Susanna Cooke Susanna Cooke a daughter of Thomas Cooke and Elizabeth Cooke was baptised on 8th April 1739
16/12/1641 Burial Susan Cooper Susan Cooper was buried on 16th December 1641
19/07/1607 Baptism Susan Corbould Susan Corbould a daughter of Edward Corbould and Christian Corbould was baptised on 19th July 1607
21/02/1825 Baptism Caroline Theobald Corner Caroline Theobald Corner a daughter of William Corner (Malster) and Susan Corner was baptised on 21st February 1825
30/12/1826 Baptism Charles Theobald Corner Charles Theobald Corner a son of William Corner (Malster) and Susan Corner was baptised on 30th December 1826
21/04/1819 Baptism Clement Theobald Corner Clement Theobald Corner a son of William Corner (Malster) and Susan Corner nee Theobald was born on 21st April 1819 and was baptised on 29th April 1819
07/04/1820 Baptism Clement Theobald Corner Clement Theobald Corner a son of William Corner (Malster) and Susan Corner nee Theobald was born on 7th April 1820 and was baptised on 7th April 1820 Note: Twin of Edward Theobald baptised on same day
15/10/1823 Baptism Clement Theobald Corner Clement Theobald Corner a son of William Corner (Malster) and Susanna Corner was baptised on 15th October 1823
11/12/1817 Baptism John Theobald Corner John Theobald Corner a son of William Corner (Malster) and Susan Corner nee Theobald was born on 11th December 1817 and was baptised on 31st January 1818
13/04/1815 Baptism Samuel Theobald Corner Samuel Theobald Corner a son of William Corner (Malster) and Susan Corner nee Theobald was born on 13th April 1815 and was baptised on 20th August 1815
07/12/1821 Baptism Susanna Theobald Corner Susanna Theobald Corner a daughter of William Corner (Malster) and Susanna Corner nee Theobald was born on 7th December 1821 and was baptised on 4th January 1822
18/10/1814 Marriage Susannah Corner Susannah Corner Single of Debenham was married on 18th October 1814 to Mark Noble Single of Debenham
10/06/1816 Baptism William Theobald Corner William Theobald Corner a son of William Corner (Malster) and Susan Corner nee Theobald was born on 10th June 1816 and was baptised on 22nd June 1816
15/10/1874 Marriage Anne Susan Craske Anne Susan Craske (Farmer) Single of Debenham a daughter of Edward Craske (Farmer) was married on 15th October 1874 aged 24 to John Gooderham (Farmer) Batchelor of Monewden aged 28, son of William Gooderham (Farmer)
13/02/1859 Baptism & Burial Arthur Edward Crowfoot Arthur Edward Crowfoot son of Henry Crowfoot (Labourer) and Susan Crowfoot was baptised on 13th February 1859 and was buried on 30th March 1859 aged 7 months
03/07/1870 Baptism Horace Frederick Crowfoot Horace Frederick Crowfoot a son of Henry Crowfoot (Labourer) and Susan Crowfoot was baptised on 3rd July 1870
30/11/1873 Baptism Laura Martha Crowfoot Laura Martha Crowfoot a daughter of Henry Crowfoot (Labourer) and Susan Crowfoot was baptised on 30th November 1873
18/07/1706 Baptism Curtis A daughter of Philip Curtis and Susan Curtis was baptised on 18th July 1706 Note: See C127-3
18/07/1706 Baptism Curtis A daughter of Philip Curtis and Susan Curtis was baptised on 18th July 1706 Note: See C127-2
22/03/1804 Private Baptism Ann Curtis Ann Curtis a daughter of George Curtis and Susan Curtis nee Clements was born on 22nd March 1804 and was privately baptised on 13th April 1804
20/11/1821 Baptism Edward Curtis Edward Curtis a son of George Curtis (Tailor) and Susan Curtis nee Clemence was born on 20th November 1821 and was baptised on 9th February 1822
22/09/1852 Marriage Edward Curtis Edward Curtis (Labourer) Batchelor of Winstone a son of James Curtis (Deceased) was married on 22nd September 1852 of full age to Susan Clemence nee Rogers Widow of Debenham of full age, daughter of Edward Rogers (Labourer)
17/07/1853 Baptism Frederick Curtis Frederick Curtis a son of Edward Curtis (Labourer) and Susan Curtis was baptised on 17th July 1853
13/10/1808 Baptism Geoffrey Curtis Geoffrey Curtis a son of George Curtis (Tailor) and Susannah Curtis nee Clemence was born on 13th October 1808 and was baptised on 11th July 1813
25/06/1799 Marriage George Curtis George Curtis Single of Debenham was married on 25th June 1799 to Susannah Clements Single of Debenham
03/07/1806 Private Baptism & Burial George Curtis George Curtis son of George Curtis and Susan Curtis nee Clemence was born on 3rd July 1806 and was privately baptised on 11th August 1806 and was buried on 19th February 1824 aged 17 
16/04/1710 Burial John Curtis John Curtis son of Philip Curtis and Susan Curtis was buried on 16th April 1710
25/10/1711 Baptism John Curtis John Curtis a son of Phillip Curtis and Susannah Curtis was baptised on 25th October 1711
06/04/1802 Baptism John Curtis John Curtis a son of George Curtis and Susan Curtis was baptised on 6th April 1802
23/12/1824 Burial John Curtis John Curtis son of George Curtis of Debenham and Susan Curtis was buried on 23rd December 1824 aged 22 
30/12/1707 Baptism Joshua Curtis Joshua Curtis a son of Philip Curtis and Susan Curtis was baptised on 30th December 1707
25/11/1713 Baptism Leonard Curtis Leonard Curtis a son of Philip Curtis and Susan Curtis was baptised on 25th November 1713
04/01/1815 Baptism Lucy Curtis Lucy Curtis a daughter of George Curtis (Taylor) and Susanna Curtis nee Clements was born on 4th January 1815 and was baptised on 15th May 1815
27/02/1800 Baptism Mary Curtis Mary Curtis a daughter of George Curtis and Susan Curtis nee Clements was baptised on 27th February 1800
31/10/1709 Baptism Philip Curtis Philip Curtis a son of Philip Curtis and Susanna Curtis was baptised on 31st October 1709
18/06/1813 Baptism Sarah Curtis Sarah Curtis a daughter of George Curtis (Tailor) and Susannah Curtis nee Clemence was born on 18th June 1813 and was baptised on 11th July 1813
21/04/1869 Burial Sarah Curtis Sarah Curtis was buried on 21st April 1869 aged 83 Note: 'sarah on coffin, susan in register' 
03/12/1706 Burial Susan Curtis Susan Curtis daughter of Philip Curtis and Susan Curtis was buried on 3rd December 1706
13/04/1804 Baptism Susan Curtis Susan Curtis nee Clements wife of George Curtis was baptised on 13th April 1804 Note: taken from baptisms 13 Apr 1804
17/12/1806 Private Baptism & Burial Susan Curtis Susan Curtis daughter of Samuel Curtis and Sarah Curtis nee Woods was born on 17th December 1806 and was privately baptised on 17th December 1807 and was buried on 22nd March 1821 aged 14
14/07/1821 Baptism Susan Curtis Susan Curtis a daughter of William Curtis (Labourer) and Lydia Curtis nee Sawyer was baptised on 14th July 1821 Note: date of birth 23rd August?
02/07/1843 Baptism Susan Curtis Susan Curtis a daughter of Fanny Curtis was baptised on 2nd July 1843 Note: ?Saiar?
04/03/1844 Burial Susan Curtis Susan Curtis was buried on 4th March 1844 aged 1
24/03/1847 Baptism Susan Curtis Susan Curtis a daughter of Jeffery Curtis (Tailor) and Mary Curtis was baptised on 24th March 1847
05/04/1869 Burial Susan Curtis Susan Curtis was buried on 5th April 1869 aged 88
01/01/1715 Baptism Thomas Curtis Thomas Curtis a son of Philip Curtis and Susan Curtis was baptised in January 1715/1716
18/03/1718 Baptism Bridget Dade Bridget Dade an illegitmate daughter of Susan Dade was baptised on 18th March 1718 Note: See D1-8
18/05/1718 Baptism Bridget Dade Bridget Dade an illegitmate daughter of Susan Dade was baptised on 18th May 1718 Note: See D1-7
29/10/1805 Marriage Abraham Dains Abraham Dains Widower of Debenham was married on 29th October 1805 to Susanna Leggett Single of Debenham
03/11/1632 Burial Daldy An Illegitmate child of Susan Daldy was buried on 3rd November 1632
01/10/1633 Marriage Susan Daldy Susan Daldy was married on 1st October 1633 to Bower
06/08/1685 Marriage Susanna Dammont Susanna Dammont was married on 6th August 1685 to John Wyeth
05/10/1685 Baptism Susanna Danford Susanna Danford a daughter of Jasper Danford and Mary Danford was baptised on 5th October 1685
30/05/1691 Burial Susanna Danford Susanna Danford daughter of Jasper Danford and Anne Danford was buried on 30th May 1691
06/02/1624 Baptism Easter Dawe Easter Dawe a daughter of Thomas Dowe and Susan Dowe was baptised on 6th February 1624/1625
27/08/1657 Burial Susan Dawe Susan Dawe wife of John Dowe was buried on 27th August 1657
26/11/1676 Baptism & Burial Edward Howlet Denny Edward Howlet Denny Illegitmate son of Susan Denny was baptised on 26th November 1676 and was buried on 10th August 1679 Note: See D20-6
09/05/1687 Burial Susanna Denny Susanna Denny was buried on 9th May 1687
21/02/1841 Baptism Susannah Diaper Susannah Diaper a daughter of Daniel Diaper (Labourer) and Rebecca Diaper nee Mutimer was baptised on 21st February 1841
02/11/1845 Baptism Susannah Diaper Susannah Diaper a daughter of Daniel Diaper (Jobber) and Rebecca Diaper was baptised on 2nd November 1845
20/05/1850 Baptism Caroline Dove Caroline Dove a daughter of William Dove (Gentleman) and Elizabeth Susannah Dove was baptised on 20th May 1850
23/11/1630 Marriage John Dove John Dove was married on 23rd November 1630 to Susan Betts
28/05/1854 Baptism Lionel Dove Lionel Dove a son of William Dove (Farmer) and Susannah Dove was baptised on 28th May 1854
23/11/1855 Baptism Marianne Dove Marianne Dove a daughter of William Dove (Farmer) and Elizabeth Susannah Dove was baptised on 23rd November 1855
17/06/1863 Baptism Ofsant Robert Fincham Dove Ofsant Robert Fincham Dove a son of William Dove (Farmer) and Elizabeth Susannah Dove was baptised on 17th June 1863
15/08/1630 Baptism & Burial Rose Dove Rose Dove daughter of Thomas Dove and Susan Dove was baptised on 15th August 1630 and was buried on 30th October 1630
12/04/1753 Baptism Susan Dove Susan Dove a daughter of Edward Dove and Mary Dove was baptised on 12th April 1753
27/05/1777 Marriage Susan Dove Susan Dove Spinster of Debenham was married on 27th May 1777 to John Rogers Single of Elmswell
07/04/1622 Baptism Suzan Dove Suzan Dove a daughter of Thomas Dove and Suzan Dove was baptised on 7th April 1622 Note: Susan, wife of Thomas Dove buried 7th May 1634 See D45-8
25/11/1847 Marriage William Dove William Dove (Gentleman) Batchelor of Debenham a son of Lionel Dove (Deceased) was married on 25th November 1847 of full age to Elisabeth Susannah Locke Spinster of Debenham of full age, daughter of Edward Locke (Surgeon) Note: in the presence of Edward Locke & Mary Dove.
04/01/1849 Baptism William Edward Dove William Edward Dove a son of William Dove (Gentleman) and Elisabeth Susannah Dove was baptised on 4th January 1849
19/02/1631 Baptism & Burial Katherine Dow Katherine Dow daughter of Thomas Dow and Susan Dow was baptised on 19th February 1631/1632 and was buried on 26th January 1634 Note: buried maybe 1635
07/03/1641 Burial Susan Dow Susan Dow was buried on 7th March 1641/1642
16/10/1681 Marriage Susanna Dowe Susanna Dowe was married on 16th October 1681 to Richard Farrow
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Burial details

Grave Date Name  Event Comments
  01/02/1804 Mary Seaman Died on Wednesday 1st February 1804 aged 38 and is buried in the Churchyard
  23/07/1816 Susan Allen Died on Tuesday 23rd July 1816 aged 17 and is buried in the Churchyard
  01/05/1818 Susan Sheppard Died on Friday 1st May 1818 aged 13 and is buried in the Churchyard
  01/05/1820 Susan Bendall Died on Monday 1st May 1820 aged 18 and is buried in the Churchyard
  11/02/1824 George Curtis Died on Wednesday 11th February 1824 aged 17 and is buried in the Churchyard
  18/12/1824 John Curtis Died on Saturday 18th December 1824 aged 22 and is buried in the Churchyard
  07/11/1831 Susannah Smalley Died on Monday 7th November 1831 aged 2m and is buried in the Churchyard from SRO
  12/04/1832 Susan Giles Died on Thursday 12th April 1832 aged 5 and is buried in the Churchyard
  20/07/1832 Sarah Curtis Died on Friday 20th July 1832 aged 26 and is buried in the Churchyard
  14/04/1833 Ann Cook Died on Sunday 14th April 1833 aged 29 and is buried in the Churchyard
  15/10/1839 Maria Seamen Died on Tuesday 15th October 1839 aged 36 and is buried in the Churchyard
  07/03/1859 Edward Cook Died on Monday 7th March 1859 aged 58 and is buried in the Churchyard
  06/03/1866 Susanna Bendall Died on Tuesday 6th March 1866 aged 18 and is buried in the Churchyard
  05/09/1881 John Gooding Died on Monday 5th September 1881 aged 57 and is buried in the Churchyard
  03/05/1889 Louisa Gooding Died on Friday 3rd May 1889 aged 32 and is buried in the Churchyard
  23/12/1891 Giles Gooding Died on Wednesday 23rd December 1891 aged 44 and is buried in the Churchyard
28/06/1895 Edna Gooding Died on Friday 28th June 1895 aged 44 and is buried in the Churchyard
10/09/1895 Susan Rumsey Died on Tuesday 10th September 1895 aged 49 and is buried in the Churchyard
28/05/1901 Susan Mills Was buried on Tuesday 28th May 1901 aged 77 and is buried in the Cemetary
03/04/1904 Susanna Capon Was buried on Sunday 3rd April 1904 aged 85 and is buried in the Cemetary
10/02/1911 Susan Crowfoot Was buried on Friday 10th February 1911 aged 79 and is buried in the Cemetary
07/04/1916 Susan Howes Was buried on Friday 7th April 1916 aged 75 and is buried in the Cemetary
19/01/1917 Susan Parker Was buried on Friday 19th January 1917 aged 82 and is buried in the Cemetary
25/04/1919 Susan Gooding Died on Friday 25th April 1919 aged 80 and is buried in the Churchyard
21/02/1921 Susannah Andrews Was buried on Monday 21st February 1921 aged 86 and is buried in the Cemetary
17/05/1921 Susan Perry Was buried on Tuesday 17th May 1921 aged 89 and is buried in the Cemetary
23/12/1924 Susannah Gillings Was buried on Tuesday 23rd December 1924 aged 43 and is buried in the Cemetary
24/03/1925 Susannah Pallant Was buried on Tuesday 24th March 1925 aged 67 and is buried in the Cemetary
16/07/1927 Susannah Smith Was buried on Saturday 16th July 1927 aged 47 and is buried in the Cemetary
26/01/1931 Susan List Was buried on Monday 26th January 1931 aged 84 and is buried in the Cemetary
13/06/1934 Susannah Crane Was buried on Wednesday 13th June 1934 aged 87 and is buried in the Cemetary
05/11/1934 Susan Cullum Was buried on Monday 5th November 1934 aged 82 and is buried in the Cemetary
17/04/1937 Susan Laflin Was buried on Saturday 17th April 1937 aged 85 and is buried in the Cemetary
07/11/2005 James Robert Smy Died on Sunday 30th October 2005 and was buried on Monday 7th November 2005 aged 21 and is buried in the Cemetary
25/11/2011 Susan Bower Brodribb Died on Saturday 12th November 2011 and was buried on Friday 25th November 2011 aged 56 and is buried in the Cemetary
21/02/2013 Susan Jane Stribling Died on Wednesday 26th September 2012 and was buried on Thursday 21st February 2013 aged 64 and is buried in the Cemetary
01/10/2019 Eleanor Marie Susan "Lena" Read Died on Thursday 5th September 2019 and was buried on Tuesday 1st October 2019 aged 95 and is buried in the Cemetary

1837 Field details

Details Holding Farm Name Field Name Landowner Occupier Sheet-Plan Cultivation Acres Aggregated with Vicar's rent Impropriator's rent notes
Cottages and Gardens Rev William Kirby & Ms. Susan Howlett Knight & others 509 0.344


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