Card |
| Type |
Name |
Event |
29/06/1726 |
Burial |
Robert Marton |
Robert Marton was buried on 29th June 1726 |
18/09/1707 |
Burial |
Murton |
The wife of Robert Murton was buried on 18th September 1707 |
09/02/1676 |
Burial |
Ann Murton |
Ann Murton daughter of Robert Murton and Elizabeth Murton was buried on 9th February 1676/1677 |
20/06/1682 |
Burial |
John Murton |
John Murton son of Robert Murton and Elizabeth Murton was buried on 20th June 1682 |
16/02/1674 |
Baptism & Burial |
Roger Murton |
Roger Murton son of Robert Murton and Elizabeth Murton was baptised on 16th February 1674/1675 and was buried on 30th April 1682 Note: burial date says 31/4/1682 |