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Description of a summer excursion to Debenham in 1905 by members of the Suffolk Institute hosted by MSLR Unknown  F. S. Stevenson , Philip Turner , W Freeman , H Capon , Rev. G Allan , Rev. C W D Chevallier , V B Redstone , Robert Cheke ,William Baldewyn , Charles Gawdy , John Sheppard ,Mrs. Moore , J B T Chevallier , Description of a visit hosted by Mid Suffolk Light Railway
Dove book Robert Aguillon is mentioned on page(s) 5, 8  Robert Aguillon
Dove book Robert Andrews is mentioned on page(s) 104  Robert Andrews
Dove book Robert Borrow is mentioned on page(s) 104  Robert Borrow
Dove book Robert de Boxford is mentioned on page(s) 42  Robert de Boxford
Dove book Robert Brown is mentioned on page(s) 104  Robert Brown
Dove book Robert Buckenham is mentioned on page(s) 133, 135  Robert Buckenham
Dove book Robert Bullar is mentioned on page(s) 104  Robert Bullar
Dove book Robert Capel is mentioned on page(s) 28  Robert Capel
Dove book Robert Dove is mentioned on page(s) ix  Robert Dove
Dove book Robert Foulger is mentioned on page(s) 33  Robert Foulger
Dove book Lt Robert Green is mentioned on page(s) 69  Lt Robert Green
Dove book Sir Robert Hitcham is mentioned on page(s) 6, 8, 81, 111-120  Sir Robert Hitcham
Dove book Robert Keers is mentioned on page(s) 11  Robert Keers
Dove book Robert Kent is mentioned on page(s) 115, 120, 121  Robert Kent
Dove book Robert de Kenton is mentioned on page(s) 43  Robert de Kenton
Dove book Robert Knights is mentioned on page(s) 119, 138  Robert Knights
Dove book Rev Robert Lewin is mentioned on page(s) 100  Rev Robert Lewin
Dove book Robert Love is mentioned on page(s) 66  Robert Love
Dove book Robert Mullett is mentioned on page(s) 17, 18  Robert Mullett
Dove book Robert Pett is mentioned on page(s) 116  Robert Pett
Dove book Robert Pettitt is mentioned on page(s) 30  Robert Pettitt
Dove book Robert Pitt is mentioned on page(s) 30, 86  Robert Pitt
Dove book Robert Pyett is mentioned on page(s) 18, 131  Robert Pyett
Dove book Robert Ripper is mentioned on page(s) 119  Robert Ripper
Dove book Robert Stockdale is mentioned on page(s) 121  Robert Stockdale
Dove book Robert Underwood is mentioned on page(s) 66  Robert Underwood
Dove book Robert Wythe is mentioned on page(s) 115, 119–121  Robert Wythe
Peter Northeast extract from the 1621 survey of Butley ManorButley Manor James Aldrich, John Aldrich, Thomas Aldrich, John Alefounder, John Allen, Robert Allfounder, William Allome, Robert Applewayte, Peter Ardely, Robert Ashwell, Charles Assey, William Awstyn, Robert Ballard, William Banister, Samuel Bannister, Paul Banyngs, Anna BardweIl, Robert BardweIl, James Bardwell, Barnaby Barker, John Barker, John Barker, Thomas Barker, Robert Barrett, William Batts, Jonathan Beadwell, Philip Bedingfeld, Robert Bedingfeld, Thomas Bedingfelde, Nicholas Bell, William Bence, Simon Bennett, John Bertlott, Walter Blower, John Bobbett, Elizabeth Bond, James Bond, John Bond, Robert Bond, Thomas Bond, William Bond, Richard Bonde, Thomas Bonde, Robert Braham, Mary Bransby, George Brcoke, Robert Brewster, John Britton, Francis Brooke, George Brooke, John Brytten, Thomas Buck, Henry Bucknam, Robert Bucknam, William Bunnan, Samuel Bury, Edward Calver, Alan Catchpoll, Allan Catchpoll, Elizabeth Catchpoll, Mark Catchpoll, Nicholas Chandler, John Chapman, Stephen Chechely, Ralph Cheeke, Robert Cheeke, Robert Chester, Temple Chevelier, James Chrispe, Jane Clodd, Thomas Clodd, John Cock, Andrew Conyngham, Edward Corbold, Thomas Corbold, Christopher Cowper, William Cracknell, James Culham, John Culham, Richard Culharn, John Cully, Margaret Curdy, John Curtyes, Thomas Dade, Dorothy Daldy, Dorothy Daldy, Samuel Daldy, Thomas Dandy, Sara Davie, John Davy, John Davy, John Dawling, Susan Dawling, Robert de Hoo, John Dobbes, John Dobbs, Frances Dove, William Dove, William Drane, John Dunckon, Reginald Eade, John Easterson, William Edgar, John Fayerweather, Thomas Fen, Charles Fenn, Reuben Feveryere, Rubin Feveryere, Lawrence Fideon, Charles Flowerdewe, John Flowerdewe, John Folkard, William Folkard, Lionel Fosdick, Gregory Frinde, James Fuller, John Fuller, Joseph Fuller, Nicholas Game, Henry Gardiner, John Gardiner, Jane Garneys, Nicholas Garnies, Robert Garnies, Wentworth Garnies, Charles Garnys, Thomas Garwood, Charles Gaudy, Barnaby Gibson, Charles Gibson, Richard Girling, John Girlyng, Robert Girlyng, Sarah Glamfeld, John Glamlfeld, John Godbold, Simon Goddard, George Goody, John Gowen, Robert Gowen, Thomas Gowen, John Gowyn, Harbottle Grimston, Robert Grymble, Edward Grymston, William Gwuys, James Harison, George Harrison, Henry Harrison, James Harrison, James Harrison, William Harrison, John Harsant, Thomas Harvy, Walter Harvy, Robert Hastings, Thomas Hayes, Robert Hempson, Roger Holbecks, Roger Holberts, John Hoo, Thomas Horseman, Geoffrey Howlett, Mary Howlett, Thomas Howlett, John Hubberd, Francis Hunting, Francis Huntyng, Jnhn Ide, Robert Jackson, Nicholas Jeffery, Richard Jefferyes, Simon Jefferyes, John Jeffrey, Simon Jeffreys, Margery Karsy, Margery Kempe, Joseph Kersey, Jane Kettle, Francis Kilderbey, Mary King, Phil King, Roger Lake, Robert Lance, Martha Leader, John List , Robert List, William List, Fenhias Lock, John Lock, Thomas Lockwood, John Lomax, Elizabeth Lorde, Thomas Maddock, Edward Major, Andrew Manns, Francis Masham, William Masham, Howes Mayhewe, John Mayhewe, Lawrence Mayhewe, Reginald Mayhewe, Edward Mayor, Richard Motts, William Motts, Alice Moyse, Richard Moyse, Smauel Moyse, William Moyse, Richard Mutley, Thomas Nichols, Margery Nunn, Anthony Ocle, William Ownys, Grace Peake, Thomas Peake, Thomas Pecke, Thomas Pecke, Anthony Pennyng, Robert Pett, George Philips, Isaac Phillips, James Phillips, Nicholas Phillips, John Picknott, Osbert Picknott, George Potter, John Pulham, John Punchard, John Purpelt, John Purpett, John Pyne, Robert Reade, Christopher Rivett, Thomas Rodbard, Robert Runkattle, Henry Runkettle, John Salmon, George Savage, Francis Shardelowe, Richard Sharman, Thomas Sharman, Francis Shennan, Christopher Shepe, Martha Sherman, Nicholas Sherman, Thomas Sherman, John Shulvard, Peter Sidebottom, Sarah Sidebottom, John Simpson, Agnes Skargate, Anne Smith, Christopher Smith, Henry Smith, John Smith, Riseing Smith, Anne Smyth, John Smyth, Nicholas Smyth, John Smythe, Robert Sparham, Nicholas Sparhawke, Richard Sparhawkes, John Spech, Thomas Spillisby, Richard Sponer, Simon Sponer, John Stele, William Stevens, Ralph Styles, John Tanen, Oliver Taster, John Thresher, Robert Thrower, William Thwayt, Thomas Tillet, John Toke, George Tovell, Robert Tovell, John Turbald, Hannah Turner, William Turpetine, Samuel Tuthill, Peter Tyler, Edward Unger, Elizabeth Unger, Elizabeth Utting, Rev. Walton, Sarah Walton, John Warde, John Warren, John Webber, Robert Whaymond, Thomas Whaymond, Thomas Wills, Thomas Willson, John Wilson, James Woode, James Woode, John Woode, Margaret Woode, Robert Woode, Thomasin Woode, Thomasine Woode, John Woodeard, Anne Woods, George Woods, William Woods, Anthony Wrethoke, John Wrethoke, Edward Yellopp, Alston, Browne, Glascock, Turpen  
Thumbnail Sir Robert Hitcham Primary School’s first Book DaySir Robert Hitcham Primary School 1 of 2   could be Oct ’87
Thumbnail Sir Robert Hitcham Primary School’s first Book Day, 2 of 2Sir Robert Hitcham Primary School   could be Oct ’87
Thumbnail Sir Robert Hitcham Primary School’s BBQ Sir Robert Hitcham Primary School   This shows the old swimming pool that is no longer there.
Thumbnail Out of the Past - Newspaper article and picture of Debenham & Ipswich passenger & mail coach run by Robert List in the 1890's  Robert List From the The List Collection.  
Thumbnail Looking towards Sir Robert Hitcham School    From the The List Collection.  
Thumbnail Postcard view of The School, Debenham. Image shows Sir Robert Hitcham School. Inscription dated 22 Aug 44    From the The List Collection.  
Thumbnail Photo of River Deben looking towards Sir Robert Hitcham School, 1972    From the The List Collection.  
Thumbnail Newspaper article marked 9 May 1985 - School "grandad" retires on a song. Recounts the retirement of Alex Crooke, 20 years the caretaker at Sir Robert Hitcham School.  Alex Crooke From the The List Collection. extracted from Mrs's List Scrapbook (see separate item in the Archive).
Thumbnail Article from Norfolk and Suffolk Journal and Diss Express 4th January 1957 - Photo showing children from the Sir Robert Hitcham School carol singing in St Mary's Church. Vicar, the Rev. CT Musgrave-Brown.    From the The List Collection. extracted from Mrs's List Scrapbook (see separate item in the Archive).
Thumbnail Newspaper article "Debenham and Its History". Description of an exhibition put on by the staff and pupils of Sir Robert Hitcham's School. Over 200 articles showing the changing life and customs of Debenham over the centuries.    From the The List Collection. extracted from Mrs's List Scrapbook (see separate item in the Archive).
Thumbnail EADT article dated 25th July 1961 "New swimming pool at Debenham". Official opening of the swimming pool at Sir Robert Hitch's School.    From the The List Collection. extracted from Mrs's List Scrapbook (see separate item in the Archive).

Parish Records

Card Date  Type Name  Event
26/12/1683 Baptism Margarett Margarett a daughter of Robert and Margarett was baptised on 26th December 1683 Note: See C113-1
04/01/1562 Baptism Robert Johnson Robert Johnson a son of William Johnson was baptised on 4th January 1562/1563
31/01/1747 Burial Abbot A child of Robert Abbot and Elizabeth Abbot was buried on 31st January 1747/1748
08/04/1750 Burial Abbot A child of Robert Abbot and Elizabeth Abbot was buried on 8th April 1750
08/05/1744 Baptism Elizabeth Abbot Elizabeth Abbot a daughter of Robert Abbot and Elizabeth Abbot was baptised on 8th May 1744
26/01/1770 Baptism Elizabeth Abbot Elizabeth Abbot a daughter of Robert Abbot and Esther Abbot was baptised on 26th January 1770
25/12/1767 Baptism James Abbot James Abbot a son of Robert Abbot and Esther Abbot was baptised on 25th December 1767
27/12/1741 Baptism John Abbot John Abbot a son of Robert Abbot and Elizabeth Abbot was baptised on 27th December 1741
24/02/1765 Baptism John Abbot John Abbot a son of Robert Abbot and Esther Abbot was baptised on 24th February 1765
25/07/1757 Baptism Robert Abbot Robert Abbot a son of Robert Abbot and Esther Abbot was baptised on 25th July 1757
25/07/1757 Baptism Robert Abbot Robert Abbot a son of Robert Abbot and Esther Abbot was baptised on 25th July 1757 Note: See A7-1
26/10/1768 Marriage Robert Abbot Robert Abbot Single of Debenham was married on 26th October 1768 to Elizabeth Harvey Single of Debenham
10/11/1747 Baptism Samuel Abbot Samuel Abbot a son of Robert Abbot and Elizabeth Abbot was baptised on 10th November 1747
16/11/1749 Baptism Samuel Abbot Samuel Abbot a son of Robert Abbot and Elizabeth Abbot was baptised on 16th November 1749
11/12/1759 Baptism Thomas Abbot Thomas Abbot a son of Robert Abbot and Esther Abbott was baptised on 11th December 1759
06/12/1822 Burial Elizabeth Abbott Elizabeth Abbott widow of Robert Abbott was buried on 6th December 1822 aged 77 
01/01/1773 Baptism Esther Abbott Esther Abbott a daughter of Robert Abbott and Esther Abbott was baptised on 1st January 1773
27/12/1741 Baptism John Abbott John Abbott a son of Robert Abbott and Elizabeth Abbott was baptised on 27th December 1741 Note: Elizabeth Abbott buried 7-12-1759
19/07/1812 Private Baptism Mary Sophia Abbott Mary Sophia Abbott a daughter of Robert Abbott and Mary Abbott nee Makin was born on 19th July 1812 and was privately baptised on 9th September 1812
01/04/1656 Marriage Robert Abbott Robert Abbott of Debenham was married on 1st April 1656 to Margaret Campe of Debenham
09/03/1807 Burial Robert Abbott Robert Abbott a married man was buried on 9th March 1807 aged 67 
23/04/1812 Burial Robert Abbott Robert Abbott widower was buried on 23rd April 1812 aged 80
29/04/1762 Baptism William Abbott William Abbott a son of William Abbot and Esther Abbot was baptised on 29th April 1762 Note: record card says father is Robert
01/12/1604 Baptism Sara Adams Sara Adams a daughter of Robert Adams was baptised on 1st December 1604 Note: See A16-5
01/12/1604 Baptism Sarah Adams Sarah Adams a daughter of Robert Adams was baptised on 1st December 1604
06/04/1890 Baptism Ernest Robert Airey Ernest Robert Airey a son of Robert Airey (Labourer) of Crowfield and Emily Airey was said to be born on 6th April 1890 and was baptised on 4th May 1890
07/12/1884 Baptism Ethel Airey Ethel Airey a daughter of Robert Airey (Horseman) and Emily Airey was baptised on 7th December 1884
14/03/1893 Baptism Lily Airey Lily Airey a daughter of Robert Airey (Labourer) and Emily Airey was said to be born on 14th March 1893 and was baptised on 4th June 1893
26/07/1857 Baptism Robert Airey Robert Airey a son of Samuel Airey (Labourer) and Rachel Airey was baptised on 26th July 1857
03/12/1894 Baptism Samuel Airey Samuel Airey a son of Robert Airey (Labourer) and Emily Airey was said to be born on 3rd December 1894 and was baptised on 21st April 1895
02/05/1836 Baptism Emma Airy Emma Airy a daughter of Robert Airy (Labourer) and Martha Airy was born on 2nd May 1836 and was baptised on 28th February 1838
28/10/1891 Burial Ernest Robert Airy Ernest Robert Airy was buried on 28th October 1891 aged 1
04/06/1834 Baptism Marianne Airy Marianne Airy a daughter of Robert Airy (Labourer) and Martha Airy was born on 4th June 1834 and was baptised on 28th February 1838
02/05/1830 Baptism Robert Airy Robert Airy a son of William Airy (Labourer) and Ann Airy was baptised on 2nd May 1830
28/02/1838 Baptism William Airy William Airy a son of Robert Airy (Labourer) and Martha Airy was baptised on 28th February 1838
07/02/1790 Baptism Hannah Alden Hannah Alden a daughter of Robert Alden and Mary Alden aka "Mary Moore" was baptised on 7th February 1790 Note: see Ollis Mary Moore
07/02/1790 Baptism Hannah Alden Hannah Alden a daughter of Robert Alden and Mary Alden was baptised on 7th February 1790 Note: See A17-9
07/02/1790 Baptism Hannah Alden Hannah Alden a daughter of Robert Alden and Mary Alden nee Moore was baptised on 7th February 1790
21/02/1822 Baptism Kezia Gunn Aldis Kezia Gunn Aldis a daughter of Robert Aldis (Gardener) and Harriet Aldis nee Gunn was born on 21st February 1822 and was baptised on 18th May 1823
01/06/1819 Marriage Robert Aldis Robert Aldis Single of Debenham was married on 1st June 1819 to Harriett Gunn Single
11/12/1862 Burial Robert Aldous Robert Aldous was buried on 11th December 1862 aged 3
07/12/1862 Baptism Robert Edward Aldous Robert Edward Aldous a son of Edward Aldous (Chimney Sweep) and Sarah Aldous was baptised on 7th December 1862
01/06/1857 Marriage Susannah Aldous Susannah Aldous Spinster of Debenham a daughter of William Aldous (Shoemaker) was married on 1st June 1857 of full age to Arthur Chenery (Carpenter) Batchelor of Debenham of full age, son of Robert Chenery (Carpenter)
07/10/1824 Marriage Robert Aldred Robert Aldred Widower of Wisset was married on 7th October 1824 to Susan Seaman Spinster of Debenham
25/10/1710 Baptism & Burial Mary Alefounder Mary Alefounder daughter of Robert Alefounder and Mary Alefounder was baptised on 25th October 1710 and was buried on 15th May 1713
25/10/1710 Baptism Mary Alefounder Mary Alefounder a daughter of Robert Alefounder and Mary Alefounder was baptised on 25th October 1710
10/11/1714 Baptism Mary Alefounder Mary Alefounder a daughter of Robert Alefounder and Mary Alefounder was baptised on 10th November 1714
09/09/1705 Burial Robert Alefounder Robert Alefounder was buried on 9th September 1705
18/02/1712 Burial Robert Alefounder Robert Alefounder son of Robert Alefounder and Mary Alefounder was buried on 18th February 1712/1713
22/03/1712 Baptism & Burial Robert Alefounder Robert Alefounder son of Robert Alefounder and Mary Alefounder was baptised on 22nd March 1712/1712 and was buried on 18th February 1713
10/11/1714 Burial Robert Alefounder Robert Alefounder was buried on 10th November 1714
29/03/1839 Baptism Eliza Alexander Eliza Alexander a daughter of Robert Alexander (Carrier) and Mary Ann Alexander was baptised on 29th March 1839
31/03/1844 Baptism Rachel Alexander Rachel Alexander a daughter of Robert Alexander (Labourer) and Marianne Alexander nee Thurkettle aka "Mary Anne" was baptised on 31st March 1844
30/03/1838 Marriage Robert Alexander Robert Alexander (Carrier) Batchelor of Winston a son of Anthony Alexander (Farmer And Carrier) was married on 30th March 1838 of full age to Marianne Thurkettle Spinster of Debenham of full age, daughter of William Thurkettle (Blacksmith)
03/05/1844 Marriage Mahala Allard Mahala Allard nee Strange Widow of Debenham a daughter of Robert Strange (Labourer) was married on 3rd May 1844 of full age to Thomas Last (Labourer) Widower of Debenham of full age, son of William Last (Cooper)
03/05/1844 Marriage Mahala Allard Mahala Allard nee Strange Widow of Debenham a daughter of Robert Strange was married on 3rd May 1844 to Thomas Last Widower of Debenham
09/01/1894 Burial Robert Ernest Allard Robert Ernest Allard was buried on 9th January 1894 aged 16 months
12/11/1879 Marriage Sarah Allard Sarah Allard Spinster of Debenham a daughter of William Allard (Labourer) was married on 12th November 1879 aged 25 to Robert Rose (Labourer) Batchelor of Wetheringsett aged 25, son of John Rose
27/03/1684 Burial Robert Allen Robert Allen son of John Allen was buried on 27th March 1684
26/01/1700 Baptism & Burial Robert Allen Robert Allen son of John Allen and Elizabeth Allen was baptised on 26th January 1700 and was buried on 22nd December 1706 Note: ? baptised 1701?
11/03/1738 Baptism Robert Allen Robert Allen a son of William Allen and Jemima Allen was baptised on 11th March 1738/1739
08/10/1846 Marriage Elizabeth Amass Elizabeth Amass Spinster of Debenham a daughter of George Amass (Butcher) was married on 8th October 1846 of full age to Alfred Durham (Farmer) Batchelor of Mickfield of full age, son of Robert Durham (Farmer)
04/09/1892 Marriage Robert Anderson Robert Anderson (Brewers Drayman) Batchelor of London a son of James Anderson (Miller) was married on 4th September 1892 aged 29 to Mary Kersey Spinster of Debenham aged 19, daughter of George Kersey (Labourer)
06/03/1641 Baptism George Andrews George Andrews a son of Robert Andrews and Margery Andrews was baptised on 6th March 1641 Note: See A59-2
06/04/1641 Baptism George Andrews George Andrews a son of Robert Andrews and Margery Andrews was baptised on 6th April 1641/1642
30/12/1627 Baptism Grace Andrews Grace Andrews a daughter of Robert Andrews was baptised on 30th December 1627
13/10/1719 Marriage Katherine Andrews Katherine Andrews was married on 13th October 1719 to Robert Wyth
16/10/1625 Baptism Mary Andrews Mary Andrews a daughter of Robert Andrews and Grace Andrews was baptised on 16th October 1625
15/07/1623 Marriage Robert Andrews Robert Andrews was married on 15th July 1623 to Grace Sparhauke
12/05/1799 Baptism Robert Andrews Robert Andrews a son of John Andrews and Sarah Andrews nee Theobold was baptised on 12th May 1799
19/09/1819 Marriage Robert Andrews Robert Andrews Single of Debenham was married on 19th September 1819 to Elizabeth Turner Widow of Debenham
22/02/1565 Burial Robert Applewhayte Robert Applewhayte was buried on 22nd February 1565/1566
18/04/1851 Marriage Edmund Archer Edmund Archer (Labourer) Batchelor of Winston a son of Joseph Archer (Labourer) was married on 18th April 1851 of full age to Elisa Crowfoot Spinster of Debenham of full age, daughter of Robert Crowfoot (Deceased)
17/10/1841 Marriage William Archer William Archer (Labourer) Widower of Debenham a son of William Archer (Labourer) was married on 17th October 1841 of full age to Charlotte Clements Spinster of Debenham of full age, daughter of Robert Clements (Labourer)
12/06/1768 Baptism John Arnold John Arnold a son of Robert Arnold and Margaret Arnold was baptised on 12th June 1768
12/06/1768 Baptism John Arnold John Arnold a son of Robert Arnold and Margaret Arnold was baptised on 12th June 1768 Note: See A76-4
02/02/1621 Baptism John Artys John Artys a son of Robert Artys and Martha Artys was baptised on 2nd February 1621/1622
20/03/1803 Baptism Robert Ary Robert Ary aka "Ery" a son of June Ary and Sarah Ary nee Clarke was baptised on 20th March 1803
25/02/1693 Baptism Robert Baker Robert Baker a son of Thomas Baker and Sarah Baker was baptised on 25th February 1693/1694
07/04/1708 Burial Robert Baker Robert Baker son of Thomas Baker was buried on 7th April 1708
25/12/1840 Marriage Robert Baker Robert Baker (Labourer) Batchelor of Debenham a son of Samuel Baker (Labourer) was married on 25th December 1840 of full age to Harriet Last Spinster of Debenham of full age, daughter of John Last (Labourer)
03/01/1879 Marriage Thomas Baker Thomas Baker (Labourer) of Stutton a son of George Baker (Labourer) was married on 3rd January 1879 aged 21 to Maria Wade of Debenham aged 21, daughter of Robert Wade (Labourer)
14/06/1835 Marriage Robert Baldwin Robert Baldwin Batchelor of Debenham was married on 14th June 1835 to Harriet Churchill Spinster of Debenham
02/06/1560 Baptism Margaret Bambrige Margaret Bambrige a daughter of Robert Bambrige was baptised on 2nd June 1560
02/06/1560 Baptism Margaret Bambrige Margaret Bambrige a daughter of Robert Bambrige was baptised on 2nd June 1560
14/10/1888 Marriage Hannah Banham Hannah Banham Spinster of Debenham a daughter of Robert Banham (Harness Maker) was married on 14th October 1888 aged 25 to Arthur Kerridge (Labourer) Batchelor of Debenham aged 27, son of Charles Kerridge (Labourer)
15/01/1698 Baptism Elizabeth Banister Elizabeth Banister a daughter of Robert Banister and Mary Banister was baptised on 15th January 1698/1699
19/03/1731 Baptism Elizabeth Banister Elizabeth Banister a daughter of Robert Banister aka "Bannister" and Clear Banister aka "Clara/Clare Bannister" was baptised on 19th March 1731
27/03/1732 Burial Elizabeth Banister Elizabeth Banister wife of Robert Banister was buried on 27th March 1732
23/09/1722 Baptism Hannah Banister Hannah Banister a daughter of Robert Banister and Elizabeth Banister was baptised on 23rd September 1722
11/12/1722 Burial Hannah Banister Hannah Banister daughter of Robert Banister and Elizabeth Banister was buried on 11th December 1722
29/04/1716 Marriage Mary Banister Mary Banister was married on 29th April 1716 to Robert Harvey
10/01/1724 Baptism Mary Banister Mary Banister a daughter of Robert Banister and Clear Banister aka "Clare/Clara" was baptised on 10th January 1724/1725
16/06/1726 Burial Mary Banister Mary Banister daughter of Robert Banister and Clare Banister aka "Clear/Clara" was buried on 16th June 1726
21/02/1640 Baptism Robert Banister Robert Banister a son of William Banister and Ellin Banister was baptised on 21st February 1640/1641
30/03/1703 Baptism Robert Banister Robert Banister a son of Robert Banister and Mary Banister was baptised on 30th March 1703
14/01/1723 Marriage Robert Banister Robert Banister was married on 14th January 1723/1724 to Clare Buxton
21/05/1723 Burial Robert Banister Robert Banister was buried on 21st May 1723
05/01/1737 Burial Robert Banister Robert Banister son of Robert Banister aka "Bannister" and Clear Banister aka "Clara/Clare Bannisterr" was buried on 5th January 1737/1738
07/07/1706 Baptism Sarah Banister Sarah Banister a daughter of Robert Banister and Mary Banister was baptised on 7th July 1706
05/03/1727 Baptism Sarah Banister Sarah Banister a daughter of Robert Banister and Clear Banister aka "Clare/Clara" was baptised on 5th March 1727/1728
09/05/1726 Baptism William Banister William Banister a son of Robert Banister and Clear Banister aka "Clare/Clara" was baptised on 9th May 1726
15/04/1727 Burial William Banister William Banister son of Robert Banister and Clear Banister aka "Clare/Clara" was buried on 15th April 1727
21/03/1762 Baptism John Bannister John Bannister a son of Robert Bannister and Mary Bannister was baptised on 21st March 1762
05/08/1722 Marriage Robert Bannister Robert Bannister Widower was married on 5th August 1722 to Elizabeth Danford
09/12/1737 Baptism Robert Bannister Robert Bannister a son of Robert Bannister aka "Banister" and Clear Bannister aka "Clara/clare Banister" was baptised on 9th December 1737
11/02/1738 Baptism Robert Bannister Robert Bannister a son of Robert Bannister and Clear Bannister aka "Clara/Clare Bannister" was baptised on 11th February 1738 Note: /1739?
15/05/1752 Burial Robert Bannister Robert Bannister was buried on 15th May 1752
02/01/1756 Marriage Robert Bannister Robert Bannister aka "Robert Banister" Single of Debenham was married on 2nd January 1756 to Mary Lambert Single of Debenham
18/04/1759 Baptism Robert Bannister Robert Bannister a son of Robert Bannister and Mary Bannister was baptised on 18th April 1759
20/04/1746 Burial Sarah Bannister Sarah Bannister daughter of Robert Banister aka "Banister" and Clara Bannnister aka "Clare / Clear Banister" was buried on 20th April 1746
22/09/1730 Burial Robert Banyard Robert Banyard was buried on 22nd September 1730
05/09/1686 Burial Elizabeth Bardwell Elizabeth Bardwell wife of Robert Bardwell of Kenton was buried on 5th September 1686 Note: See B25-6
05/09/1686 Burial Elizabeth Bardwell Elizabeth Bardwell wife of Robert Bardwell of Kenton was buried on 5th September 1686 Note: See B25-5
15/09/1612 Baptism Robert Bardwell Robert Bardwell a son of John Bardwell was baptised on 15th September 1612
23/08/1661 Burial Robert Bardwell Robert Bardwell was buried on 23rd August 1661
01/01/1605 Baptism Issac Bare Issac Bare aka "Boare" a son of Robert Boare was baptised in 1605
11/05/1811 Private Baptism Robert Barfield Robert Barfield a son of John Barfield and Sarah Barfield nee Goodram was born on 11th May 1811 and was privately baptised on 6th July 1811 Note: Also recorded Robert Barfield , son of Sarah Barfield (widow) age 10, buried 24th June 1821
17/05/1608 Baptism Alice Barker Alice Barker a daughter of Roberte Barker and An Barker was baptised on 17th May 1608 Note: See B30-6
17/05/1608 Baptism Alice Barker Alice Barker a daughter of Roberte Barker and An Barker was baptised on 17th May 1608 Note: See B30-5
30/10/1623 Baptism Ann Barker Ann Barker a daughter of Robert Barker and Johan Barker was baptised on 30th October 1623
27/03/1587 Baptism Anne Barker Anne Barker a daughter of Robert Barker and Agnys Barker was baptised on 27th March 1587
19/04/1596 Baptism Charrelles Barker Charrelles Barker a son of Robert Barker and Agnyes Barker was baptised on 19th April 1596
14/07/1598 Baptism Elizabeth Barker Elizabeth Barker a daughter of Robert Barker and Agnyes Barker was baptised on 14th July 1598
10/11/1602 Baptism Grace Barker Grace Barker a daughter of Robert Barker and Agnes Barker was baptised on 10th November 1602
03/06/1593 Baptism John Barker John Barker a son of Robert Barker and Agnes Barker was baptised on 3rd June 1593
22/09/1615 Baptism John Barker John Barker a son of Robert Barker was baptised on 22nd September 1615
16/03/1583 Baptism Katherine Barker Katherine Barker a daughter of Robert Barker and Agnes Barker was baptised on 16th March 1583/1584 Note: See B29-4
28/08/1600 Baptism Margarete Barker Margarete Barker a daughter of Roberte Barker was baptised on 28th August 1600
04/02/1620 Baptism Margarite Barker Margarite Barker a daughter of Robert Barker was baptised on 4th February 1620/1621 Note: baptised 'same day'
29/03/1624 Baptism Marie Barker Marie Barker a daughter of Robert Barker and Johan Barker was baptised on 29th March 1624/1625
07/04/1589 Baptism Robert Barker Robert Barker a son of Robert Barker and Agnes Barker was baptised on 7th April 1589
13/04/1614 Baptism Robert Barker Robert Barker a son of Robert Barker and Johan Barker was baptised on 13th April 1614 Note: See B30-9
13/04/1614 Baptism Robert Barker Robert Barker a son of Robert Barker and Johan Barker was baptised on 13th April 1614 Note: See B30-8
03/10/1637 Marriage Robert Barker Robert Barker was married on 3rd October 1637 to Rose Selfe
20/11/1737 Baptism Robert Barker Robert Barker a son of Robert Barker and Sarah Barker was baptised on 20th November 1737 Note: See B41-10
20/11/1737 Baptism Robert Barker Robert Barker a son of Robert Barker and Sarah Barker was baptised on 20th November 1737 Note: See B41-09
27/09/1613 Burial Roberte Barker Roberte Barker was buried on 27th September 1613
04/04/1592 Baptism Thomas Barker Thomas Barker a son of Robert Barker and Agnes Barker was baptised on 4th April 1592
07/09/1735 Baptism Susan Barkewey Susan Barkewey a daughter of Robert Barkewey and Susan Barkewey was baptised on 7th September 1735 Note: See B48-5
07/09/1735 Baptism Susan Barkewey Susan Barkewey a daughter of Robert Barkewey and Sarah Barkewey was baptised on 7th September 1735 Note: See B48-5
07/04/1634 Burial Robert Barnard Robert Barnard was buried on 7th April 1634
05/06/1862 Marriage Elizabeth Barnes Elizabeth Barnes Single of Needham Market a daughter of Robert Barnes (Miller) was married on 5th June 1862 aged 20 to Albert Wythe (Joiner) Batchelor of Needham Market, son of John (Farmer)
15/11/1610 Marriage Robert Barrett Robert Barrett was married on 15th November 1610 to Grace Vngar
11/06/1818 Baptism Robert Barrett Robert Barrett a son of John Barrett (Butcher) and Vittrice Barrett nee Harvey was born on 11th June 1818 and was baptised on 2nd August 1818
01/10/1611 Baptism Margaret Barrit Margaret Barrit a daughter of Robert Barrit was baptised on 1st October 1611 Note: See B49-8 baptism date incomplete
01/11/1831 Marriage Robert Barritt Robert Barritt Batchelor of Debenham was married on 1st November 1831 to Hannah Last Spinster of Debenham
01/09/1883 Marriage Charles Edward Beaumont Charles Edward Beaumont (Bricklayer) Batchelor of Baylham a son of Robert Beaumont (Labourer) was married on 1st September 1883 aged 24 to Rosa Cracknell Spinster of Debenham aged 24, daughter of Thomas Cracknell (Labourer)
22/09/1675 Marriage Elizabeth Beddall Elizabeth Beddall was married on 22nd September 1675 to Robert Wood
11/05/1842 Baptism Robert Bedingfeld Robert Bedingfeld a son of James Bedingfeld (Vicar) and Isoble Frances Bedingfeld nee Henniker aka "Honourable Isoble Frances Bedingfeld" was baptised on 11th May 1842
22/09/1851 Marriage Robert Bedwell Robert Bedwell (Hairdresser) Batchelor of Debenham a son of Thomas Bedwell (Deceased) was married on 22nd September 1851 of full age to Charlotte Hinds Spinster of Debenham of full age, daughter of Jonathan
17/04/1785 Baptism Robert Beecroft Robert Beecroft a son of Francis Beecroft and Elizabeth Beecroft nee Fairweather was baptised on 17th April 1785
06/05/1560 Marriage Robert Bemont Robert Bemont was married on 6th May 1560 to Barbara Tyleuwage
03/07/1579 Baptism Agnes Bendes Agnes Bendes a daughter of Robert Bendes and Marye Bendes was baptised on 3rd July 1579 Note: See B83-6
03/07/1579 Baptism Agnes Bendes Agnes Bendes a daughter of Robert Bendes and Marye Bendes was baptised on 3rd July 1579 Note: See B83-5
29/09/1736 Marriage Robert Benham Robert Benham Single was married on 29th September 1736 to Elizabeth Thorndike Single
12/01/1801 Burial Robert Benham Robert Benham widower was buried on 12th January 1801
25/09/1628 Marriage Mary Berks (?) Mary Berks (?) was married on 25th September 1628 to Robert Last
23/07/1795 Burial Robert Berry Robert Berry son of Richard Berry and Sarah Berry was buried on 23rd July 1795 - an infant
26/10/1560 Baptism Marye Berrye Marye Berrye a daughter of Robert Berrye was baptised on 26th October 1560 Note: See B92-5
26/10/1560 Baptism Marye Berrye Marye Berrye a daughter of Robert Berrye was baptised on 26th October 1560 Note: See B92-4
05/02/1562 Burial Robert Berrye Robert Berrye (Servant Of Thomas Palmer) was buried on 5th February 1562/1563
05/02/1562 Burial Robert Berrye Robert Berrye (Servant Of Thomas Palmer) was buried on 5th February 1562/1563
25/10/1586 Marriage Margaret Betts Margaret Betts was married on 25th October 1586 to Robert Meekes
12/10/1802 Marriage Dinah Bickers Dinah Bickers Single of Debenham was married on 12th October 1802 to Robert Crowfoot Single of Debenham
11/02/1805 Baptism Dinah Bickers Dinah Bickers wife of Robert Crowfoot was baptised on 11th February 1805 Note: noted from baptisms
25/10/1807 Burial Elizabeth Bickers Elizabeth Bickers nee Corley wife of Robert Bickers of Eye was buried on 25th October 1807 aged 29
25/10/1807 Burial Elizabeth Bickers Elizabeth Bickers nee Corley wife of Robert Bickers of Eye was buried on 25th October 1807 aged 29 
30/06/1801 Marriage Robert Bickers Robert Bickers Single of Debenham was married on 30th June 1801 to Elizabeth Corley Single of Debenham
21/12/1810 Private Baptism Robert Bickers Robert Bickers a son of Hart Bickers and Lydia Bickers nee Goldsmith was born on 21st December 1810 and was privately baptised on 27th November 1811
21/06/1864 Marriage Robert Bixby Robert Bixby (Clerk) Batchelor of St Margarets, Ipswich a son of William Martin Bixby (Machine Maker) was married on 21st June 1864 of full age to Emily Keziah Fisk Spinster of Debenham of full age, daughter of William Fisk (Upholsterer)
08/10/1627 Marriage Dinah Bixy Dinah Bixy was married on 8th October 1627 to Robert Wast
22/10/1635 Marriage Dinah Bixy Dinah Bixy of Debenham was married on 22nd October 1635 to Robert Burrow of Debenham
06/10/1560 Marriage Robert Blackshall Robert Blackshall was married on 6th October 1560 to Johanne Boldike
07/12/1741 Marriage Sarah Blois Sarah Blois Widow of Debenham was married on 7th December 1741 to Robert Noble Widower of Gislingham
08/11/1792 Marriage Ann Blomfield Ann Blomfield Single of Debenham was married on 8th November 1792 to Robert Keene Single of Debenham
01/05/1603 Baptism Grace Board Grace Board a daughter of Robert Board was baptised on 1st May 1603
22/02/1606 Baptism Mary Board Mary Board a daughter of Robert Board was baptised on 22nd February 1606/1607
16/10/1608 Baptism John Boare John Boare a son of Robert Boare and Grace Boare was baptised on 16th October 1608 Note: See B122-4
16/10/1608 Baptism John Boare John Boare a son of Robert Boare and Grace Boare was baptised on 16th October 1608 Note: See B122-3
26/04/1610 Baptism Sarah Boare Sarah Boare a daughter of Robert Boare and Rouse Boare was baptised on 26th April 1610
06/10/1560 Marriage Johanne Boldike Johanne Boldike was married on 6th October 1560 to Robert Blackshall
13/01/1593 Baptism Robert Boller Robert Boller a son of Robert Bowller and Margaret Bowller was baptised on 13th January 1593/1594
11/12/1659 Marriage Elizabeth Bolton Elizabeth Bolton Single of Debenham was married on 11th December 1659 to Robert Keeble Single of Creeting
21/11/1818 Baptism Robert Bolton Robert Bolton a son of William Bolton (Blacksmith) and Rachel Bolton was born on 21st November 1818 and was baptised on 18th January 1819
18/01/1665 Marriage Susan Bolton Susan Bolton was married on 18th January 1665/1666 to Robert Wood
09/01/1582 Baptism Ffaythe Bond Ffaythe Bond a daughter of Robert Bond and Parnall Bond was baptised on 9th January 1582/1583
11/09/1580 Baptism Henrye Bond Henrye Bond a son of Robert Bond and Parnall Bond was baptised on 11th September 1580
12/07/1610 Baptism Robert Bond Robert Bond a son of Edward Bond and Johane Bond was baptised on 12th July 1610 Note: See B134-3
12/07/1610 Baptism Robert Bond Robert Bond a son of Edward Bond and Johane Bond was baptised on 12th July 1610 Note: See B134-4
26/07/1612 Burial Robert Bond Robert Bond was buried on 26th July 1612
17/02/1783 Baptism Robert Bond Robert Bond a son of John Bond and Elizabeth Bond was baptised on 17th February 1783 Note: See B134-10
17/02/1783 Baptism Robert Bond Robert Bond a son of John Bond and Elizabeth Bond was baptised on 17th February 1783 Note: See B134-9
25/01/1816 Baptism Robert Bond Robert Bond an illegitmate son of Catherine Bond was born on 25th January 1816 and was baptised on 4th June 1816
06/11/1575 Baptism Thomas Bond Thomas Bond a son of Robert Bond and Parnell Bond was baptised on 6th November 1575
27/07/1572 Baptism Charles Bonde Charles Bonde a son of Robert Bonde and Parnell Bonde was baptised on 27th July 1572
12/03/1564 Baptism Robert Bonde Robert Bonde a son of John Bond (Miller) and Margaret Bond was baptised on 12th March 1564
03/12/1568 Marriage Robert Bonde Robert Bonde was married on 3rd December 1568 to Parnell Kendall
27/11/1608 Baptism Robert Bonde Robert Bonde a son of John Bonde and Eale Bonde was baptised on 27th November 1608
05/02/1768 Marriage Robert Bontwell Robert Bontwell Single of Debenham was married on 5th February 1768 to Sarah Foster Single of Debenham
30/08/1612 Burial Boore A daughter of Robert Boore was buried on 30th August 1612 Note: no first name given
21/09/1613 Baptism Grace Boore Grace Boore a daughter of Robert Boore and Grace Boore was baptised on 21st September 1613
08/07/1623 Burial Robert Boore Robert Boore son of Robert Boore was buried on 8th July 1623
14/01/1639 Burial Robert Boore Robert Boore was buried on 14th January 1639/1640
20/07/1617 Baptism Margarete Bore Margarete Bore a daughter of Robert Bore and Grace Bore was baptised on 20th July 1617
14/05/1605 Burial Robert Boteman Robert Boteman son of Thomas Boteman was buried on 14th May 1605/1606 Note: See B137-8
14/05/1605 Burial Robert Boteman Robert Boteman son of Thomas Boteman was buried on 14th May 1605/1606 Note: See B137-7
05/06/1634 Baptism Mary Bradley Mary Bradley a daughter of Robert Bradley and Mary Bradley was baptised on 5th June 1634 Note: See B156-6
05/06/1634 Baptism Mary Bradley Mary Bradley a daughter of Robert Bradley and Mary Bradley was baptised on 5th June 1634 Note: See B156-5
10/10/1638 Burial Mary Bradley Mary Bradley wife of Robert Bradley was buried on 10th October 1638
15/08/1636 Baptism Isack Bradlye Isack Bradlye a son of Robert Bradlye and Mary Bradlye was baptised on 15th August 1636
17/09/1879 Burial Robert Brett Robert Brett was buried on 17th September 1879 aged 56
02/11/1708 Baptism Robert Brook Robert Brook a son of Robert Brook and Sarah Brook was baptised on 2nd November 1708 Note: See B164-6
02/11/1708 Baptism Robert Brook Robert Brook a son of Robert Brook and Sarah Brook was baptised on 2nd November 1708 Note: See B164-5
01/02/1709 Burial Robert Brook Robert Brook was buried on 1st February 1709/1710
31/03/1683 Baptism Edward Brooke Edward Brooke a son of Robert Brooke (Gentleman) and Amy Brooke was baptised on 31st March 1683 Note: See B164-1
31/03/1683 Baptism Edward Brooke Edward Brooke a son of Robert Brooke (Gentleman) and Amy Brooke was baptised on 31st March 1683 Note: See B163-10
09/01/1684 Burial Robert Brooke Robert Brooke (Gentleman) was buried on 9th January 1684/1685
12/04/1685 Baptism Robert Brooke Robert Brooke a son of Robert Brooke (Gentleman) and Amy Brooke was baptised on 12th April 1685
16/07/1707 Baptism John Broom John Broom a son of Robert Broom and Anne Broom was baptised on 16th July 1707
16/07/1707 Baptism John Broom John Broom a son of Robert Broom and Anne Broom was baptised on 16th July 1707
17/07/1704 Baptism Mary Broom Mary Broom a daughter of Robert Broom and Anne Broom was baptised on 17th July 1704
17/07/1704 Baptism Mary Broom Mary Broom a daughter of Robert Broom and Anne Broom was baptised on 17th July 1704
26/11/1700 Marriage Robert Broom Robert Broom was married on 26th November 1700 to Amy Allen
30/10/1701 Baptism Robert Broom Robert Broom a son of Robert Broom and Anne Broom was baptised on 30th October 1701
23/01/1803 Baptism Abel Brown Abel Brown a son of Robert Brown and Mary Brown nee Coates was baptised on 23rd January 1803
01/07/1794 Baptism Abraham Brown Abraham Brown a son of Robert Brown and Mary Brown nee Coats was baptised on 1st July 1794
01/07/1794 Baptism Abraham Brown Abraham Brown a son of Robert Brown and Mary Brown nee Coats was baptised on 1st July 1794
17/01/1796 Baptism Amas Brown Amas Brown a son of Robert Brown and Mary Brown nee Coats was baptised on 17th January 1796
01/01/1632 Baptism Elizabeth Brown Elizabeth Brown a daughter of Robert Brown and Anne Brown was baptised on 1st January 1632/1633
01/01/1632 Baptism Elizabeth Brown Elizabeth Brown a daughter of Robert Brown and Anne Brown was baptised on 1st January 1632/1633
05/07/1635 Baptism Elizabeth Brown Elizabeth Brown a daughter of Robert Brown and Anne Brown was baptised on 5th July 1635
05/07/1635 Baptism Elizabeth Brown Elizabeth Brown a daughter of Robert Brown and Anne Brown was baptised on 5th July 1635
26/01/1801 Baptism Hannah Brown Hannah Brown a daughter of Robert Brown and Mary Brown nee Coates was baptised on 26th January 1801
05/07/1808 Burial Hannah Brown Hannah Brown daughter of Robert Brown and Mary Brown nee Coats was buried on 5th July 1808 - an infant
28/05/1871 Marriage John Brown John Brown (Labourer) Batchelor of Debenham a son of Robert Brown (Labourer) was married on 28th May 1871 aged 27 to Caroline Clements Widow of Debenham aged 39, daughter of George Runacres (Gardener) Note: age of John Brown maybe 23
17/03/1805 Baptism Mary Brown Mary Brown nee Coates wife of Robert Brown was baptised on 17th March 1805 Note: from baptisms 17 March 1805
09/03/1808 Burial Mary Brown Mary Brown nee Coutts wife of Robert Brown was buried on 9th March 1808 aged 45
24/08/1630 Marriage Robert Brown Robert Brown was married on 24th August 1630 Note: no spouse details noted
24/08/1630 Marriage Robert Brown Robert Brown was married on 24th August 1630 Note: spouse details not noted
30/12/1809 Burial Robert Brown Robert Brown widower was buried on 30th December 1809 aged 72
06/03/1816 Baptism & Burial Robert Brown Robert Brown son of Amos Brown (Labourer) and Susan Brown was baptised on 6th March 1816 and was buried on 11th March 1816
26/08/1819 Burial Robert Brown Robert Brown son of Amos Brown and Susan Brown of Winston was buried on 26th August 1819
21/02/1805 Baptism William Brown William Brown a son of Robert Brown and Mary Brown nee Coates was born on 21st February 1805 and was baptised on 17th March 1805
05/08/1745 Burial Browne A child of Robert Browne of Crowfield was buried on 5th August 1745
18/03/1630 Baptism Anne Browne Anne Browne a daughter of Robert Browne and Ann Browne was baptised on 18th March 1630/1631
18/03/1630 Baptism Anne Browne Anne Browne a daughter of Robert Browne and Ann Browne was baptised on 18th March 1630/1631
04/07/1797 Baptism Lydia Browne Lydia Browne a daughter of Robert Browne and Mary Browne nee Coates was baptised on 4th July 1797
16/10/1580 Marriage Robert Browne Robert Browne was married on 16th October 1580 to Raynolde Note: spouse first name not noted
16/10/1580 Marriage Robert Browne Robert Browne was married on 16th October 1580 to Raynolde Note: spouse first name not noted
Maxumum number of rows exceeded (250), please refine your search

Burial details

Grave Date Name  Event Comments
  02/04/1732 Robert Ripper Died on Wednesday 2nd April 1732 aged 42 and is buried in the Churchyard
  21/06/1752 Sarah List Died on Wednesday 21st June 1752 aged 32 and is buried in the Churchyard
16/10/1755 Alice Ripper Died on Thursday 16th October 1755 aged 62 and is buried in the Churchyard
01/02/1759 Robert Kersey Died on Thursday 1st February 1759 aged 74 and is buried in the Churchyard
  29/01/1767 John Harvey Died on Thursday 29th January 1767 and is buried in the Churchyard
01/07/1768 Mary Kersey Died on Friday 1st July 1768 aged 88 and is buried in the Churchyard
01/10/1782 Mary Kersey Died on Tuesday 1st October 1782 and is buried in the Churchyard
  03/03/1784 Elizabeth Fairweather Died on Wednesday 3rd March 1784 aged 26 and is buried in the Churchyard from SRO
01/02/1785 illegible (MK 1785) illegible Died on Tuesday 1st February 1785 aged 69 and is buried in the Churchyard from SRO
  22/10/1785 Robert Kent Died on Saturday 22nd October 1785 aged 72 and is buried in the Churchyard
  05/12/1793 Mary Harvey Died on Thursday 5th December 1793 aged 70 and is buried in the Churchyard
  24/06/1794 Mary Mullett Died on Tuesday 24th June 1794 aged 41 and is buried in the Churchyard
  02/08/1803 Mary Mullett Died on Tuesday 2nd August 1803 aged 46 and is buried in the Churchyard
21/10/1806 Robert Green Died on Tuesday 21st October 1806 aged 21 and is buried in the Churchyard Flat slab. There is another memorial in the church for Robert and his brother Samuel
  20/10/1807 Elizabeth Corley Died on Tuesday 20th October 1807 aged 29 and is buried in the Churchyard nee Bickers
  03/08/1810 Robert Kersey Died on Friday 3rd August 1810 aged 30 and is buried in the Churchyard
  27/07/1811 Robert Kersey Died on Saturday 27th July 1811 aged 74 and is buried in the Churchyard
26/12/1813 Sarah Kersey Died on Sunday 26th December 1813 aged 30 and is buried in the Churchyard
  06/06/1815 Robert Mullett Died on Tuesday 6th June 1815 aged 63 and is buried in the Churchyard
  01/03/1816 Robert Knights Died on Friday 1st March 1816 aged 58 and is buried in the Churchyard
  19/03/1817 Robert Foulger Died on Wednesday 19th March 1817 aged 73 and is buried in the Churchyard
  20/09/1822 Robert Knights Died on Friday 20th September 1822 aged 29 and is buried in the Churchyard
  02/12/1822 Elizabeth Abbott Died on Monday 2nd December 1822 aged 77 and is buried in the Churchyard
  02/10/1830 Robert Pooley Died on Saturday 2nd October 1830 aged 22 and is buried in the Churchyard
  08/05/1831 Mary Simpson Died on Sunday 8th May 1831 aged 13 and is buried in the Churchyard
  30/06/1831 Ann Knights Died on Thursday 30th June 1831 aged 74 and is buried in the Churchyard
  18/02/1839 Elizabeth Dove Died on Monday 18th February 1839 aged 66 and is buried in the Churchyard
  07/12/1844 Thomas Simpson Died on Saturday 7th December 1844 aged 18 and is buried in the Churchyard
  31/01/1845 Martha Jeffries Died on Friday 31st January 1845 aged 44 and is buried in the Churchyard
  24/04/1847 Elizabeth Jacob Died on Saturday 24th April 1847 aged 78 and is buried in the Churchyard
  01/05/1849 Jane Howes Died on Tuesday 1st May 1849 aged 74 and is buried in the Churchyard
  12/07/1851 Edward Dove Died on Saturday 12th July 1851 aged 74 and is buried in the Churchyard
  17/07/1851 Robert Mullett Died on Thursday 17th July 1851 aged 63 and is buried in the Churchyard
  20/03/1855 Robert Darby Died on Tuesday 20th March 1855 aged 39 and is buried in the Churchyard
  08/11/1856 John Jacob Died on Saturday 8th November 1856 aged 83 and is buried in the Churchyard
  15/04/1859 Mary Curtis Died on Friday 15th April 1859 aged 35 and is buried in the Churchyard
  09/10/1864 Mary Pallant Died on Sunday 9th October 1864 aged 74 and is buried in the Churchyard
  20/06/1872 Suzanne Pyett Died on Thursday 20th June 1872 aged 63 and is buried in the Churchyard
  27/05/1876 Robert Capon Died on Saturday 27th May 1876 aged 65 and is buried in the Churchyard
15/08/1882 Anna Knights Died on Tuesday 15th August 1882 aged 32 and is buried in the Churchyard
  29/09/1884 Robert Simpson Died on Monday 29th September 1884 aged 66 and is buried in the Churchyard
  17/10/1885 Robert Curtis Died on Saturday 17th October 1885 aged 74 and is buried in the Churchyard
  25/04/1888 Edward Lock Died on Wednesday 25th April 1888 aged 72 and is buried in the Churchyard
  26/02/1892 Lydia List Died on Friday 26th February 1892 aged 61 and is buried in the Churchyard
10/08/1896 Robert Symonds Died on Monday 10th August 1896 aged 80 and is buried in the Churchyard
24/11/1897 Mary Simpson Died on Wednesday 24th November 1897 aged 60 and is buried in the Churchyard
04/01/1900 Robert Tydeman Was buried on Thursday 4th January 1900 aged 65 and is buried in the Cemetary
16/03/1904 William Robert Smith Was buried on Wednesday 16th March 1904 aged 49 and is buried in the Cemetary
02/06/1904 Robert Carpenter Was buried on Thursday 2nd June 1904 aged 74 and is buried in the Cemetary
17/09/1904 Robert Albert Pallant Was buried on Saturday 17th September 1904 aged 3 and is buried in the Cemetary
14/07/1905 Robert Wade Was buried on Friday 14th July 1905 aged 87 and is buried in the Cemetary
02/01/1908 Sarah Lock Died on Thursday 2nd January 1908 aged 81 and is buried in the Churchyard
23/06/1908 Robert Lockwood Was buried on Tuesday 23rd June 1908 aged 62 and is buried in the Cemetary
16/03/1912 Robert Thomas Pallant Was buried on Saturday 16th March 1912 aged 2 and is buried in the Cemetary
29/12/1914 Robert Last Was buried on Tuesday 29th December 1914 aged 81 and is buried in the Cemetary
11/04/1924 Samuel Robert Jay Was buried on Friday 11th April 1924 aged 75 and is buried in the Cemetary
23/04/1924 Robert Burman Was buried on Wednesday 23rd April 1924 aged 68 and is buried in the Cemetary
29/08/1929 Roland Robert Peck Was buried on Thursday 29th August 1929 aged 28 and is buried in the Cemetary
25/10/1935 Robert Miles Was buried on Friday 25th October 1935 aged 82 and is buried in the Cemetary
08/12/1937 Robert Airey Was buried on Wednesday 8th December 1937 aged 81 and is buried in the Cemetary
16/03/1939 Reginald Robert Cullum Was buried on Thursday 16th March 1939 aged 1 and is buried in the Cemetary
05/10/1940 Arthur Robert Cook Was buried on Saturday 5th October 1940 aged 61 and is buried in the Cemetary
27/12/1946 Robert William Gillings Was buried on Friday 27th December 1946 aged 83 and is buried in the Cemetary
02/08/1973 Robert Sydney Turner Was buried on Thursday 2nd August 1973 aged 72 and is buried in the Cemetary
25/07/1975 Robert Denny Was buried on Friday 25th July 1975 aged 80 and is buried in the Cemetary
04/10/1985 Robert Arthur Rowe Was buried on Friday 4th October 1985 aged 74 and is buried in the Cemetary
22/07/1986 Joseph Robert Webb Was buried on Tuesday 22nd July 1986 aged 84 and is buried in the Cemetary
29/05/1987 William Robert Barlow Died on Monday 25th May 1987 and was buried on Friday 29th May 1987 aged 87 and is buried in the Cemetary
22/11/1996 Robert Pratt Died on Friday 22nd November 1996 and was buried on Friday 22nd November 1996 aged 80 and is buried in the Cemetary
11/07/2005 Robert Michael Abbott Died on Monday 4th July 2005 and was buried on Monday 11th July 2005 aged 76 and is buried in the Cemetary
07/11/2005 James Robert Smy Died on Sunday 30th October 2005 and was buried on Monday 7th November 2005 aged 21 and is buried in the Cemetary
16/12/2009 Robert Terence Desmond Forsyth Died on Wednesday 16th December 2009 aged 77 and is buried in the Cemetary
04/08/2011 Peter Robert Farrow Died on Friday 22nd July 2011 and was buried on Thursday 4th August 2011 aged 83 and is buried in the Cemetary
09/06/2014 Anthony Robert Charles Bloomfield Died on Monday 26th May 2014 and was buried on Monday 9th June 2014 aged 63 and is buried in the Cemetary
06/10/2015 Robert James Webster Died on Saturday 22nd August 2015 and was buried on Tuesday 6th October 2015 aged 95 and is buried in the Cemetary
06/03/2018 Stephen Robert Whayman Died on Wednesday 14th February 2018 and was buried on Tuesday 6th March 2018 aged 66 and is buried in the Cemetary
Unknown ? Simpson Was buried in the Churchyard

1837 Holding details

Details Landowner Occupier Holding Name Sheet Acres Vicar's rent Impropriator's rent notes
  Henry D'Esterre Hemswoth Robert Hammond unknown 9 34.088 £1 8s. 9d. £8 19s. 9d.
  Lord The Rt. Hon Henniker Robert Lockwood   Great Fen 14 4.000 £0 15s. 3d. £0 0s. 0d. PNE: Impropriator pencilled-in "Redeemed"
  Poole - Executors of John Palmer Robert Simpson   unknown 23 17.725 £1 16s. 0d. £3 6s. 0d.
  Thomas Peck Robert Roper Field Piece 23 2.075 £0 2s. 6d. £0 10s. 8d.
  Robert Simpson   Robert Simpson   Lower Home Farm 25 47.288 £4 6s. 3d. £9 1s. 9d.
Total105.176£8 8s. 9d.£21 18s. 2d.

1837 Field details

Details Holding Farm Name Field Name Landowner Occupier Sheet-Plan Cultivation Acres Aggregated with Vicar's rent Impropriator's rent notes
Cottage and Garden Robert Andrews Thomas Abbott 357 0.219
Field Messrs Barker Robert Keen 113 0.488
Houses, Wheelwright's Shop etc. Robert Howes Robert Howes & others 520 0.669
Cottage and Garden Robert Simpson   Long & Taylor   317 0.300
unknown  Banyards (or Barnyards) Henry D'Esterre Hemswoth Robert Hammond 9/83 Arable 9.038
unknown  Footlocks Henry D'Esterre Hemswoth Robert Hammond 9/93 Arable 13.969
unknown  Red Barn Henry D'Esterre Hemswoth Robert Hammond 9/94 Arable 5.788
unknown  Aspal Field Henry D'Esterre Hemswoth Robert Hammond 9/95 Arable 5.294
Great Fen  Great Fen The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Robert Lockwood 14/574 Grass 4.000 PNE: Impropriator pencilled-in "Redeemed"
unknown  Upper Gardens Poole - Executors of John Palmer Robert Simpson   23/278 Arable 6.925
unknown  Lower Gardens Poole - Executors of John Palmer Robert Simpson   23/280 Arable 5.550
unknown  Garden Meadow Poole - Executors of John Palmer Robert Simpson   23/281 Grass 5.050
unknown  Barn Yards etc. Poole - Executors of John Palmer Robert Simpson   23/282 0.200
Field Piece  Field Piece Thomas Peck Robert Roper 23/82 Arable 2.075 £0 10s. 8d.
Lower Home Farm  Lower Home Farm Homestead etc. Robert Simpson   Robert Simpson   25/288 0.938
Lower Home Farm  Lower Home Farm Garden Mead Robert Simpson   Robert Simpson   25/289 Grass 3.838
Lower Home Farm  Lower Home Farm Packway Close Robert Simpson   Robert Simpson   25/294 Arable 7.256
Lower Home Farm  Lower Home Farm Pightle Robert Simpson   Robert Simpson   25/295 Grass 1.481
Lower Home Farm  Lower Home Farm First Hill Robert Simpson   Robert Simpson   25/297 Arable 5.838
Lower Home Farm  Lower Home Farm Volunteer Mead Robert Simpson   Robert Simpson   25/298 Arable 3.169 305 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Lower Home Farm  Lower Home Farm Second Hill Robert Simpson   Robert Simpson   25/299 Arable 4.644 305 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Lower Home Farm  Lower Home Farm Long Mead Robert Simpson   Robert Simpson   25/300 Grass 5.875 305 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Lower Home Farm  Lower Home Farm Cottage Road Piece Robert Simpson   Robert Simpson   25/302 Arable 0.138 305 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Lower Home Farm  Lower Home Farm Little Field Robert Simpson   Robert Simpson   25/305 Arable 2.250 305 £1 5s. 0d. PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Lower Home Farm  Lower Home Farm Barn Field Robert Simpson   Robert Simpson   25/307 Arable 7.044 305 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Lower Home Farm  Lower Home Farm Barn Yard etc. Robert Simpson   Robert Simpson   25/308 0.363 305 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Lower Home Farm  Lower Home Farm Winding Field Robert Simpson   Robert Simpson   25/318 Arable 3.156 305 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Lower Home Farm  Lower Home Farm Turpins Meadow Robert Simpson   Robert Simpson   25/530 Grass 1.300
Total106.855£1 5s. 0d.£0 10s. 8d.


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