Card | Date | Type | Name | Event | 23/06/1729 | Burial | Mary Shule | Mary Shule was buried on 23rd June 1729 | 13/02/1803 | Burial | Mary Sly | Mary Sly a Spinster was buried on 13th February 1803 aged 78 | 28/03/1731 | Baptism | Mary Slye | Mary Slye a daughter of Noise Slye was baptised on 28th March 1731 | 15/01/1764 | Baptism | Sarah Slye | Sarah Slye an illegitmate daughter of Mary Slye was baptised on 15th January 1764 |
Grave | Date | Name | Event | Comments |
24/10/1994 | Mary Rose Shelley | Died on Monday 10th October 1994 and was buried on Monday 24th October 1994 aged 62 and is buried in the Cemetary |
Icon | Action | Show parish record | Sort | Show grave record |