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Dove book Anne Allen is mentioned on page(s) 104  Anne Allen
Dove book Anne Framlingham is mentioned on page(s) 50  Anne Framlingham
Dove book Dame Anne Henniker is mentioned on page(s) 91  Dame Anne Henniker
Dove book Anne Kent is mentioned on page(s) 10  Anne Kent
Dove book Anne Marshall is mentioned on page(s) 105  Anne Marshall
Dove book Anne Nunn is mentioned on page(s) 105  Anne Nunn
Peter Northeast extract from the 1621 survey of Butley ManorButley Manor James Aldrich, John Aldrich, Thomas Aldrich, John Alefounder, John Allen, Robert Allfounder, William Allome, Robert Applewayte, Peter Ardely, Robert Ashwell, Charles Assey, William Awstyn, Robert Ballard, William Banister, Samuel Bannister, Paul Banyngs, Anna BardweIl, Robert BardweIl, James Bardwell, Barnaby Barker, John Barker, John Barker, Thomas Barker, Robert Barrett, William Batts, Jonathan Beadwell, Philip Bedingfeld, Robert Bedingfeld, Thomas Bedingfelde, Nicholas Bell, William Bence, Simon Bennett, John Bertlott, Walter Blower, John Bobbett, Elizabeth Bond, James Bond, John Bond, Robert Bond, Thomas Bond, William Bond, Richard Bonde, Thomas Bonde, Robert Braham, Mary Bransby, George Brcoke, Robert Brewster, John Britton, Francis Brooke, George Brooke, John Brytten, Thomas Buck, Henry Bucknam, Robert Bucknam, William Bunnan, Samuel Bury, Edward Calver, Alan Catchpoll, Allan Catchpoll, Elizabeth Catchpoll, Mark Catchpoll, Nicholas Chandler, John Chapman, Stephen Chechely, Ralph Cheeke, Robert Cheeke, Robert Chester, Temple Chevelier, James Chrispe, Jane Clodd, Thomas Clodd, John Cock, Andrew Conyngham, Edward Corbold, Thomas Corbold, Christopher Cowper, William Cracknell, James Culham, John Culham, Richard Culharn, John Cully, Margaret Curdy, John Curtyes, Thomas Dade, Dorothy Daldy, Dorothy Daldy, Samuel Daldy, Thomas Dandy, Sara Davie, John Davy, John Davy, John Dawling, Susan Dawling, Robert de Hoo, John Dobbes, John Dobbs, Frances Dove, William Dove, William Drane, John Dunckon, Reginald Eade, John Easterson, William Edgar, John Fayerweather, Thomas Fen, Charles Fenn, Reuben Feveryere, Rubin Feveryere, Lawrence Fideon, Charles Flowerdewe, John Flowerdewe, John Folkard, William Folkard, Lionel Fosdick, Gregory Frinde, James Fuller, John Fuller, Joseph Fuller, Nicholas Game, Henry Gardiner, John Gardiner, Jane Garneys, Nicholas Garnies, Robert Garnies, Wentworth Garnies, Charles Garnys, Thomas Garwood, Charles Gaudy, Barnaby Gibson, Charles Gibson, Richard Girling, John Girlyng, Robert Girlyng, Sarah Glamfeld, John Glamlfeld, John Godbold, Simon Goddard, George Goody, John Gowen, Robert Gowen, Thomas Gowen, John Gowyn, Harbottle Grimston, Robert Grymble, Edward Grymston, William Gwuys, James Harison, George Harrison, Henry Harrison, James Harrison, James Harrison, William Harrison, John Harsant, Thomas Harvy, Walter Harvy, Robert Hastings, Thomas Hayes, Robert Hempson, Roger Holbecks, Roger Holberts, John Hoo, Thomas Horseman, Geoffrey Howlett, Mary Howlett, Thomas Howlett, John Hubberd, Francis Hunting, Francis Huntyng, Jnhn Ide, Robert Jackson, Nicholas Jeffery, Richard Jefferyes, Simon Jefferyes, John Jeffrey, Simon Jeffreys, Margery Karsy, Margery Kempe, Joseph Kersey, Jane Kettle, Francis Kilderbey, Mary King, Phil King, Roger Lake, Robert Lance, Martha Leader, John List , Robert List, William List, Fenhias Lock, John Lock, Thomas Lockwood, John Lomax, Elizabeth Lorde, Thomas Maddock, Edward Major, Andrew Manns, Francis Masham, William Masham, Howes Mayhewe, John Mayhewe, Lawrence Mayhewe, Reginald Mayhewe, Edward Mayor, Richard Motts, William Motts, Alice Moyse, Richard Moyse, Smauel Moyse, William Moyse, Richard Mutley, Thomas Nichols, Margery Nunn, Anthony Ocle, William Ownys, Grace Peake, Thomas Peake, Thomas Pecke, Thomas Pecke, Anthony Pennyng, Robert Pett, George Philips, Isaac Phillips, James Phillips, Nicholas Phillips, John Picknott, Osbert Picknott, George Potter, John Pulham, John Punchard, John Purpelt, John Purpett, John Pyne, Robert Reade, Christopher Rivett, Thomas Rodbard, Robert Runkattle, Henry Runkettle, John Salmon, George Savage, Francis Shardelowe, Richard Sharman, Thomas Sharman, Francis Shennan, Christopher Shepe, Martha Sherman, Nicholas Sherman, Thomas Sherman, John Shulvard, Peter Sidebottom, Sarah Sidebottom, John Simpson, Agnes Skargate, Anne Smith, Christopher Smith, Henry Smith, John Smith, Riseing Smith, Anne Smyth, John Smyth, Nicholas Smyth, John Smythe, Robert Sparham, Nicholas Sparhawke, Richard Sparhawkes, John Spech, Thomas Spillisby, Richard Sponer, Simon Sponer, John Stele, William Stevens, Ralph Styles, John Tanen, Oliver Taster, John Thresher, Robert Thrower, William Thwayt, Thomas Tillet, John Toke, George Tovell, Robert Tovell, John Turbald, Hannah Turner, William Turpetine, Samuel Tuthill, Peter Tyler, Edward Unger, Elizabeth Unger, Elizabeth Utting, Rev. Walton, Sarah Walton, John Warde, John Warren, John Webber, Robert Whaymond, Thomas Whaymond, Thomas Wills, Thomas Willson, John Wilson, James Woode, James Woode, John Woode, Margaret Woode, Robert Woode, Thomasin Woode, Thomasine Woode, John Woodeard, Anne Woods, George Woods, William Woods, Anthony Wrethoke, John Wrethoke, Edward Yellopp, Alston, Browne, Glascock, Turpen  
Thumbnail Debenham Golden Jubilee Street Party  Tracey Hunt, Anne Knowland, Christine Hogg, Sylvie Holman & Ken, Toni & Richard  

Parish Records

Card Date  Type Name  Event
23/09/1849 Baptism Susannah Adelaide Susannah Adelaide a daughter of Dennis (Wheelwright) and Anne was baptised on 23rd September 1849
06/02/1706 Marriage Anne Ackin Anne Ackin was married on 6th February 1706 to Devereux Jessop
10/04/1869 Baptism John Harry Adams John Harry Adams of Thorndon a son of Edmund Adams (Blacksmith) and Anne Adams was baptised on 10th April 1869
03/11/1851 Baptism Mary Anne Airey Mary Anne Airey a daughter of Samuel Airey (Labourer) and Rachel Airey was baptised on 3rd November 1851
07/05/1854 Baptism Sarah Anne Airey Sarah Anne Airey a daughter of John Airey and Anne Airey was baptised on 7th May 1854
04/06/1834 Baptism Marianne Airy Marianne Airy a daughter of Robert Airy (Labourer) and Martha Airy was born on 4th June 1834 and was baptised on 28th February 1838
21/06/1888 Baptism Ethel May Aldous Ethel May Aldous a daughter of Thomas Aldous (Chimney Sweep) and Fanny Mary Anne Aldous was said to be born on 21st June 1888 and was baptised on 7th July 1889
05/07/1857 Baptism Henry Aldous Henry Aldous a son of William Aldous (Labourer) and Mary Anne Aldous was baptised on 5th July 1857
13/04/1879 Baptism Rose Anne Aldous Rose Anne Aldous a daughter of William Aldous (Sweep) and Charlotte Aldous was baptised on 13th April 1879 Note: Easter Day
26/09/1890 Baptism Thomas Edward Aldous Thomas Edward Aldous a son of Thomas Aldous (Chimney sweep) and Fanny Mary Anne Aldous was said to be born on 26th September 1890 and was baptised on 18th September 1892
31/03/1844 Baptism Rachel Alexander Rachel Alexander a daughter of Robert Alexander (Labourer) and Marianne Alexander nee Thurkettle aka "Mary Anne" was baptised on 31st March 1844
30/03/1838 Marriage Robert Alexander Robert Alexander (Carrier) Batchelor of Winston a son of Anthony Alexander (Farmer And Carrier) was married on 30th March 1838 of full age to Marianne Thurkettle Spinster of Debenham of full age, daughter of William Thurkettle (Blacksmith)
21/08/1614 Marriage Allen A daughter was married on 21st August 1614 to Peter Panner Note: see Peter Fanner
14/12/1620 Baptism Anne Allen Anne Allen a daughter of John Allen was baptised on 14th December 1620
05/06/1636 Baptism Anne Allen Anne Allen a daughter of Jeams Allen and Elizabeth Allen was baptised on 5th June 1636/1637 Note: Elizabeth Allen buried 16/4/1637
05/06/1636 Baptism Anne Allen Anne Allen a daughter of Jeams Allen and Elizabeth Allen was baptised on 5th June 1636/1637 Note: See A36-6
01/11/1675 Burial Anne Allen Anne Allen wife of John Allen was buried on 1st November 1675
04/07/1686 Marriage Anne Allen Anne Allen was married on 4th July 1686 to Jasper Danford
04/06/1691 Baptism & Burial Joseph Allen Joseph Allen son of John Allen and Anne Allen was baptised on 4th June 1691 and was buried on 13th June 1691
04/06/1691 Baptism Joseph Allen Joseph Allen a son of John Allen and Anne Allen was baptised on 4th June 1691 Note: Anne Allen buried 15/6/1691
20/07/1574 Burial Anne Allvre Anne Allvre was buried on 20th July 1574
13/03/1579 Baptism Mary Allyne Mary Allyne a daughter of John Allyne and Anne Allyne was baptised on 13th March 1579/1580
13/03/1579 Baptism Mary Allyne Mary Allyne a daughter of John Allyne and Anne Allyne was baptised on 13th March 1579/1580 Note: See A34-6
06/02/1574 Baptism Thomas Allyne Thomas Allyne a son of Jo Allyne and Anne Allyne was baptised on 6th February 1574/1575 Note: See A34-9
06/02/1574 Baptism Thomas Allyne Thomas Allyne a son of Jo Allyne and Anne Allyne was baptised on 6th February 1574/1575 Note: See A34-8
04/03/1655 Marriage Thomas Aman Thomas Aman Widower of Debenham was married on 4th March 1655/1656 to Ann Brown Widow of Debenham
25/09/1859 Baptism Anne Elizabeth Thurston Amass Anne Elizabeth Thurston Amass a daughter of Samuel Amass (Innkeeper) and Marian Amass was baptised on 25th September 1859
06/07/1851 Baptism Arthur Amass Arthur Amass a son of William Amass (Butcher) and Mary Anne Amass was baptised on 6th July 1851
25/07/1847 Baptism Elizabeth Amass Elizabeth Amass a daughter of William Amass (Butcher) and Marianne Amass was baptised on 25th July 1847
14/10/1832 Baptism George Amass George Amass a son of William Amass (Butcher) and Marianne Amass nee Thurston was baptised on 14th October 1832
15/03/1849 Baptism Marian Amass Marian Amass a daughter of William Amass (Butcher) and Mary Anne Amass was baptised on 15th March 1849
19/04/1840 Baptism Marianne Amass Marianne Amass a daughter of William Amass (Butcher) and Marianne Amass was baptised on 19th April 1840
23/03/1829 Baptism Samuel Amass Samuel Amass aka "Thurston" a son of William Amass (Butcher) and Marianne Amass nee Thurston was baptised on 23rd March 1829
25/07/1847 Baptism Susan Amass Susan Amass a daughter of William Amass (Butcher) and Marianne Amass was baptised on 25th July 1847
30/03/1830 Baptism & Burial William Amass William Amass aka "Thurston" son of William Amass (Butcher) and Marianne Amass nee Thurston was baptised on 30th March 1830 and was buried on 7th May 1832 aged 27 months
25/07/1847 Baptism William Amass William Amass a son of William Amass (Butcher) and Marianne Amass was baptised on 25th July 1847
21/05/1774 Marriage Anne Andrews Anne Andrews Single of Debenham was married on 21st May 1774 to Joshua Nunn Single of Debenham
22/04/1759 Baptism John Andrews John Andrews an illegitmate son of Anne was baptised on 22nd April 1759 Note: See A59-5
27/06/1847 Baptism & Burial Sarah King Sarah King daughter of William King and Sarah King was baptised on 27th June 1847 and was buried on 2nd August 1851 aged 6
27/11/1715 Marriage Anne Artess Anne Artess was married on 27th November 1715 to John Freeman Widower
01/01/1669 Burial Anne Baels Anne Baels wife of Frances Baels was buried on 1st January 1669 Note: spouse is a possible suggestion, date buried possibly feb/mar 1669 or 1670
12/12/1602 Baptism Anne Baker Anne Baker a daughter of Daniell Baker was baptised on 12th December 1602
14/08/1851 Burial Sarah Anne Baldwin Sarah Anne Baldwin was buried on 14th August 1851 aged 23
23/10/1792 Marriage Edward Banner Edward Banner Single of Brandeston was married on 23rd October 1792 to Mary Vincent Spinster of Debenham
26/06/1743 Baptism Anne Banyard Anne Banyard an illegitmate daughter of Elizabeth Banyard was baptised on 26th June 1743 Note: See B18-5
26/06/1743 Baptism Anne Banyard Anne Banyard an illegitmate daughter of Elizabeth Banyard was baptised on 26th June 1743 Note: See B18-4
26/05/1566 Baptism Alicce Barbare Alicce Barbare a daughter of Thomas Barbare and Johanne Barbare was baptised on 26th May 1566 Note: See B20-2
26/05/1566 Baptism Alicce Barbare Alicce Barbare a daughter of Thomas Barbare and Johanne Barbare was baptised on 26th May 1566 Note: See B20-1
09/05/1563 Baptism George Bardwell George Bardwell aka "Skott" a son of James Skott aka "Bardwell" and Johanne Skott aka "Bardwell" was baptised on 9th May 1563 Note: See B21-2
26/09/1568 Baptism & Burial James Bardwell James Bardwell son of James Bardwell and Johanne Bardwell was baptised on 26th September 1568 and was buried on 6th October 1568
21/01/1566 Burial Johanne Bardwell Johanne Bardwell aka "Skotte / Skott" wife of James Skott aka "Bardwell" was buried on 21st January 1566/1567
20/07/1573 Baptism Johanne Bardwell Johanne Bardwell a daughter of Thomas Bardwell and Johane Bardwell was baptised on 20th July 1573
30/12/1571 Baptism & Burial Siblye Bardwell Siblye Bardwell daughter of James Bardwell and Johanne Bardwell was baptised on 30th December 1571/1571 and was buried on 4th February 1572
27/03/1587 Baptism Anne Barker Anne Barker a daughter of Robert Barker and Agnys Barker was baptised on 27th March 1587
30/04/1710 Baptism Anne Barker Anne Barker a daughter of Joseph Barker and Anne Barker was baptised on 30th April 1710
18/07/1714 Baptism Anne Barker Anne Barker a daughter of John Barker was baptised on 18th July 1714
27/03/1717 Burial Anne Barker Anne Barker daughter of Joseph Barker and Ann Barker was buried on 27th March 1717
23/06/1717 Baptism Anne Barker Anne Barker a daughter of Joseph Barker and Anne Barker was baptised on 23rd June 1717
19/01/1754 Burial Anne Barker Anne Barker was buried on 19th January 1754
10/04/1758 Burial Anne Barker Anne Barker wife of Joseph Barker aka "Joseph Barker Snr" was buried on 10th April 1758
23/11/1712 Baptism Henry Barker Henry Barker a son of Joseph Barker and Anne Barker was baptised on 23rd November 1712
07/06/1565 Baptism Margaret Barker Margaret Barker a daughter of Johanne Barker aka "Margaret" was baptised on 7th June 1565 Note: See B29-1
07/06/1565 Baptism Margaret Barker Margaret Barker a daughter of Johanne Barker aka "Margaret" was baptised on 7th June 1565 Note: See B28-10
14/09/1707 Baptism Sarah Barker Sarah Barker a daughter of Joseph Barker and Anne Barker was baptised on 14th September 1707
14/09/1707 Baptism Sarah Barker Sarah Barker a daughter of Joseph Barker and Anne Barker was baptised on 14th September 1707
19/09/1722 Burial Sarah Barker Sarah Barker daughter of Joseph Barker and Anne Barker was buried on 19th September 1722
16/01/1714 Baptism Thomas Barker Thomas Barker a son of Joseph Barker and Anne Barker was baptised on 16th January 1714/1715
07/03/1640 Baptism Anne Barrett Anne Barrett a daughter of William Barrett and Anne Barrett was baptised on 7th March 1640/1641
12/10/1852 Marriage Alfred Barrit Alfred Barrit aka "Barritt" (Labourer) Batchelor of Debenham a son of William Barrit (Labourer) was married on 12th October 1852 of full age to Marianne Jennings a minor, daughter of William Jennings (Labourer)
29/09/1605 Baptism Annes Beamond Annes Beamond a daughter of Gyles Beamond and Annes Beamond was baptised on 29th September 1605 Note: See B69-2
29/09/1606 Baptism Annes Beamond Annes Beamond a daughter of Gyles Beamond and Annes Beamond was baptised on 29th September 1606 Note: See B69-1
27/03/1755 Marriage Thomas Beaumont Thomas Beaumont Single of Debenham was married on 27th March 1755 to Anne Smith Single of Debenham
28/12/1578 Baptism Rychard Beckytt Rychard Beckytt a son of William Beckytt and Anne Beckytt was baptised on 28th December 1578 Note: See B71-7
28/12/1578 Baptism Rychard Beckytt Rychard Beckytt a son of William Beckytt and Anne Beckytt was baptised on 28th December 1578 Note: See B71-6
02/02/1840 Baptism Edgar Henry Beecroft Edgar Henry Beecroft a son of William Beecroft (Hairdresser) and Anne Beecroft was born on 2nd February 1840 and was baptised on 4th February 1841
26/07/1843 Baptism Julia Beecroft Julia Beecroft a daughter of William Beecroft (Hairdresser) and Anne Beecroft nee Ablett was baptised on 26th July 1843
15/10/1799 Marriage Thomas Beecroft Thomas Beecroft Widower of Debenham was married on 15th October 1799 to Anne Pilborough Spinster of Debenham
07/05/1838 Baptism William Ablet Beecroft William Ablet Beecroft a son of William Beecroft (Hairdresser) and Anne Beecroft nee Ablet was born on 7th May 1838 and was baptised on 12th April 1841
30/06/1844 Baptism Alfred Amass Bendal Alfred Amass Bendal a son of Dennis Bendal (Innkeeper) and Anne Bendal nee Amass was baptised on 30th June 1844
04/07/1847 Baptism Edgar Amass Bendall Edgar Amass Bendall a son of Dennis Bendall (Beerhouse Keeper) and Anne Bendall was baptised on 4th July 1847
05/03/1853 Baptism & Burial Lydia May Bendall Lydia May Bendall daughter of Dennis Bendall (Assistant Overseer) and Anne Bendall was baptised on 5th March 1853 and was buried on 16th May 1853 - an infant
04/07/1847 Baptism Walter Amass Bendall Walter Amass Bendall a son of Dennis Bendall (Beerhouse Keeper) and Anne Bendall was baptised on 4th July 1847
30/07/1753 Burial Anne Bennet Anne Bennet wife of James Bennet was buried on 30th July 1753
21/04/1757 Burial Anne Bennet Anne Bennet daughter of James Bennet was buried on 21st April 1757
25/07/1725 Baptism Humphrey Bennet Humphrey Bennet a son of John Bennet of Ashfield and Anne Bennet was baptised on 25th July 1725
29/09/1719 Burial James Bennet James Bennet son of James Bennet and Anne Bennet was buried on 29th September 1719 Note: See B87-2
29/09/1719 Burial James Bennet James Bennet son of James Bennet and Anne Bennet was buried on 29th September 1719 Note: See B87-1
13/08/1723 Burial John Bennet John Bennet son of James Bennet and Anne Bennet was buried on 13th August 1723
06/06/1637 Marriage John Berry John Berry of Little Stonham was married on 6th June 1637 to Anne Chapman of Fframlingham
10/05/1841 Baptism Eliza Bickers Eliza Bickers a daughter of Thomas Bickers (Labourer) and Anne Bickers nee Rush was baptised on 10th May 1841
10/05/1841 Baptism Emma Bickers Emma Bickers a daughter of Thomas Bickers (Labourer) and Anne Bickers nee Rush was baptised on 10th May 1841
10/05/1841 Baptism Harriet Bickers Harriet Bickers a daughter of Thomas Bickers (Labourer) and Anne Bickers nee Rush was baptised on 10th May 1841
10/05/1841 Baptism Mahalah Bickers Mahalah Bickers a daughter of Thomas Bickers and Anne Bickers nee Rush was baptised on 10th May 1841
31/08/1653 Baptism John Bilson John Bilson aka "Bilston" a son of John Bilson and Anne Bilson was baptised on 31st August 1653 Note: See B107-5
31/08/1653 Baptism John Bilston John Bilston a son of John Bilston and Anne Bilston was baptised on 31st August 1653 Note: See B107-4
16/11/1744 Baptism Anne Maria Bird Anne Maria Bird a daughter of John Bird and Rose Bird was baptised on 16th November 1744
18/04/1793 Burial Marianne Bird Marianne Bird was buried on 18th April 1793
06/10/1560 Marriage Robert Blackshall Robert Blackshall was married on 6th October 1560 to Johanne Boldike
06/10/1560 Marriage Johanne Boldike Johanne Boldike was married on 6th October 1560 to Robert Blackshall
17/08/1701 Burial Bolton A daughter of James Bolton and Anne Bolton was buried on 17th August 1701 - a child
12/05/1704 Baptism Bolton A daughter of James Bolton and Anne Bolton was baptised on 12th May 1704
04/04/1691 Baptism Anne Bolton Anne Bolton a daughter of James Bolton and Anne Bolton was baptised on 4th April 1691
27/09/1732 Baptism Anne Bolton Anne Bolton a daughter of John Bolton and Elizabeth Bolton was baptised on 27th September 1732
27/01/1733 Burial Anne Bolton Anne Bolton was buried on 27th January 1733/1734
21/05/1702 Baptism Henry Bolton Henry Bolton a son of James Bolton and Anne Bolton was baptised on 21st May 1702
02/10/1706 Burial Henry Bolton Henry Bolton son of James Bolton and Anne Bolton was buried on 2nd October 1706
13/12/1696 Baptism John Bolton John Bolton a son of James Bolton and Anne Bolton was baptised on 13th December 1696
22/09/1700 Baptism Margaret Bolton Margaret Bolton a daughter of James Bolton and Anne Bolton was baptised on 22nd September 1700
01/03/1706 Baptism Thomas Bolton Thomas Bolton a son of James Bolton and Anne Bolton was baptised on 1st March 1706 Note: ?04/1706?
20/08/1570 Baptism Anne Bond Anne Bond a daughter of John Bonde and Cyssely Bonde was baptised on 20th August 1570
02/01/1567 Burial Edenye Bond Edenye Bond daughter of John Bond and Johanne Bond was buried on 2nd January 1567/1568
07/08/1567 Baptism Evenye Bond Evenye Bond aka "edenye" a daughter of John Bond and Johanne Bond was baptised on 7th August 1567
30/09/1565 Baptism George Bond George Bond a son of John Bond and Johanne Bond was baptised on 30th September 1565 Note: See B127-7
30/09/1565 Baptism George Bond George Bond a son of John Bond and Johanne Bond was baptised on 30th September 1565 Note: See B127-6
20/09/1573 Baptism John Bond John Bond a son of John Bond and Johanne Bond was baptised on 20th September 1573
25/12/1575 Baptism Thomas Bond Thomas Bond a son of Thomas Bond and Johanne Bond was baptised on 25th December 1575 Note: See B132-7
19/06/1583 Baptism Barnabye Bonde Barnabye Bonde a son of William Bonde and Johanne Bonde was baptised on 19th June 1583/1584
13/05/1571 Baptism Parnell Bonde Parnell Bonde a daughter of John Bonde and Johanne Bonde was baptised on 13th May 1571
25/12/1575 Baptism & Burial Thomas Bonde Thomas Bonde son of Thomas Bonde and Johanne Bonde was baptised on 25th December 1575/1575 and was buried on 13th January 1576 Note: death
12/01/1636 Burial Anne Bore Anne Bore was buried on 12th January 1636/1637
27/09/1568 Marriage William Borne William Borne was married on 27th September 1568 to Johanne Cooper
27/11/1599 Marriage Anne Bowen Anne Bowen was married on 27th November 1599 to Thomas Whiting
19/10/1571 Marriage Thomas Bradlye Thomas Bradlye was married on 19th October 1571 to Anne Olyver
12/11/1581 Baptism Anne Brame Anne Brame a daughter of George Brame and Jane Brame was baptised on 12th November 1581 Note: See B179-6
12/11/1581 Baptism Anne Brame Anne Brame a daughter of George Brame and Jane Brame was baptised on 12th November 1581 Note: See B179-5
12/11/1581 Baptism Anne Brame Anne Brame a daughter of George Brame and Jane Brame was baptised on 12th November 1581 Note: See B165-5
12/11/1581 Baptism Anne Brame Anne Brame a daughter of George Brame and Jane Brame was baptised on 12th November 1581 Note: See B165-6
16/07/1707 Baptism John Broom John Broom a son of Robert Broom and Anne Broom was baptised on 16th July 1707
16/07/1707 Baptism John Broom John Broom a son of Robert Broom and Anne Broom was baptised on 16th July 1707
17/07/1704 Baptism Mary Broom Mary Broom a daughter of Robert Broom and Anne Broom was baptised on 17th July 1704
17/07/1704 Baptism Mary Broom Mary Broom a daughter of Robert Broom and Anne Broom was baptised on 17th July 1704
30/10/1701 Baptism Robert Broom Robert Broom a son of Robert Broom and Anne Broom was baptised on 30th October 1701
04/03/1655 Marriage Ann Brown Ann Brown Widow of Debenham was married on 4th March 1655/1656 to Thomas Aman Widower of Debenham
04/03/1655 Marriage Ann Brown Ann Brown Widow was married on 4th March 1655/1656 to Thomas Aman Widower
16/07/1599 Marriage Anne Brown Anne Brown was married on 16th July 1599 to George Philow aka "Filoe"
16/07/1599 Marriage Anne Brown Anne Brown was married on 16th July 1599 to George Philow aka "Filoe"
01/01/1632 Baptism Elizabeth Brown Elizabeth Brown a daughter of Robert Brown and Anne Brown was baptised on 1st January 1632/1633
01/01/1632 Baptism Elizabeth Brown Elizabeth Brown a daughter of Robert Brown and Anne Brown was baptised on 1st January 1632/1633
05/07/1635 Baptism Elizabeth Brown Elizabeth Brown a daughter of Robert Brown and Anne Brown was baptised on 5th July 1635
05/07/1635 Baptism Elizabeth Brown Elizabeth Brown a daughter of Robert Brown and Anne Brown was baptised on 5th July 1635
21/04/1605 Burial Anne Browne Anne Browne was buried on 21st April 1605
21/04/1605 Burial Anne Browne Anne Browne was buried on 21st April 1605
18/03/1630 Baptism Anne Browne Anne Browne a daughter of Robert Browne and Ann Browne was baptised on 18th March 1630/1631
18/03/1630 Baptism Anne Browne Anne Browne a daughter of Robert Browne and Ann Browne was baptised on 18th March 1630/1631
30/11/1851 Baptism Elisa Brunning Elisa Brunning a daughter of John Brunning (Labourer) and Anne Brunning was baptised on 30th November 1851
05/11/1842 Baptism Emma Brunning Emma Brunning a daughter of John Brunning (Labourer) and Anne Brunning was baptised on 5th November 1842
30/11/1851 Baptism Fanny Brunning Fanny Brunning a daughter of John Brunning and Anne Brunning was baptised on 30th November 1851
23/07/1830 Baptism Marianne Bryant Marianne Bryant a daughter of Joseph Bryant (Carrier) and Elizabeth Bryant was baptised on 23rd July 1830
30/12/1850 Marriage Mary Anne Bryant Mary Anne Bryant Single of Debenham a daughter of Joseph Bryant (Deceased) was married on 30th December 1850 of full age to Ebeneser Thurmott Batchelor of Crowfield of full age, son of Edward Thurmott (Farmer)
02/10/1568 Baptism Susanne Bucke Susanne Bucke a daughter of Gilbarde Bucke and Katheringe Bucke was baptised on 2nd October 1568
22/04/1576 Baptism Anne Bucknam Anne Bucknam a daughter of Kathenny Buckna (Ffarryner) was baptised on 22nd April 1576 Note: See B196-2
15/11/1619 Marriage William Burmane William Burmane was married on 15th November 1619 to Anne Motts Widow
17/10/1641 Baptism Peter Burrow Peter Burrow a son of William Burrow and Anne Burrow was baptised on 17th October 1641 Note: See B192-2
17/10/1641 Baptism Peter Burrow Peter Burrow a son of William Burrow and Anne Burrow was baptised on 17th October 1641 Note: See B192-1
21/08/1706 Baptism Anne Butcher Anne Butcher a daughter of Giles Butcher was baptised on 21st August 1706
17/08/1715 Burial Anne Butcher Anne Butcher widow was buried on 17th August 1715
22/11/1719 Baptism Anne Butcher Anne Butcher a daughter of Giles Butcher was baptised on 22nd November 1719
23/02/1734 Baptism Anne Buxton Anne Buxton a daughter of Thomas Buxton and Mary Buxton was baptised on 23rd February 1734/1735
25/05/1752 Burial Anne Buxton Anne Buxton daughter of Thomas Buxton was buried on 25th May 1752
06/08/1753 Marriage Anne Buxton Anne Buxton Single of Debenham was married on 6th August 1753 to William Godbould Single of Debenham
07/04/1754 Baptism Anne Buxton Anne Buxton a daughter of William Buxton and Elizabeth Buxton was baptised on 7th April 1754
26/04/1806 Private Baptism Marianne Buxton Marianne Buxton an illegitmate daughter of Mary Buxton was born on 26th April 1806 and was privately baptised on 20th August 1806
03/08/1725 Marriage Anne Calthorp Anne Calthorp Single was married on 3rd August 1725 to Thomas Smith Single
28/05/1843 Baptism & Burial John Henry Calthorp John Henry Calthorp son of Charles Calthorp and Susanner Calthorp nee Crapnell was baptised on 28th May 1843 and was buried on 9th June 1843 aged 7 weeks Note: certificate in 1862 part of register, district of Coddenham, signed by John Simpson
29/06/1575 Baptism Anne Carbolde Anne Carbolde a daughter of Thomas Carbolde and Anne Carbolde was baptised on 29th June 1575 Note: See C102-6
29/06/1575 Baptism Anne Carbolde Anne Carbolde a daughter of Thomas Carbolde and Anne Carbolde was baptised on 29th June 1575 Note: See C102-5
02/12/1832 Baptism Robert Carpenter Robert Carpenter a son of Bryant Carpenter (Labourer) and Marianne Carpenter was baptised on 2nd December 1832
12/01/1633 Baptism Francis Carter Francis Carter a son of Anne Carter was baptised on 12th January 1633/1634 Note: See C16-3
18/01/1624 Baptism Anne Catchpole Anne Catchpole a daughter of John Catchpole and Anne Catchpole was baptised on 18th January 1624/1625 Note: See C24-1
18/01/1624 Baptism Anne Catchpole Anne Catchpole a daughter of John Catchpole and Anne Catchpole was baptised on 18th January 1624/1625 Note: See C23-10
03/01/1636 Baptism Nicholas Catchpoll Nicholas Catchpoll a son of Jhon Catchpoll and Anne Catchpoll was baptised on 3rd January 1636/1637
05/01/1631 Baptism Rose Catchpoll Rose Catchpoll a daughter of Jhon Catchpoll and Anne Catchpoll was baptised on 5th January 1631/1632
25/10/1562 Marriage Thomas Catchpoll Thomas Catchpoll was married on 25th October 1562 to Anne Lynge
02/05/1842 Baptism & Burial Lucy Cattermole Lucy Cattermole daughter of Robert Cattermole and Anne Cattermole nee Sillett was baptised on 2nd May 1842 and was buried on 9th May 1842 aged 10 weeks
20/04/1701 Baptism Charles Cavall Charles Cavall a son of Charles Cavall and Anne Cavall was baptised on 20th April 1701
25/04/1699 Baptism Susanna Cavall Susanna Cavall a daughter of Charles Cavall and Anne Cavall was baptised on 25th April 1699
25/04/1699 Baptism Susanna Cavill Susanna Cavill a daughter of Charles Cavill and Anne Cavill was baptised on 25th April 1699
06/06/1637 Marriage Anne Chapman Anne Chapman of Fframlingham was married on 6th June 1637 to John Berry of Little Stonham
03/11/1577 Marriage Anne Charndler Anne Charndler was married on 3rd November 1577 to John Marshall
05/05/1572 Burial Anne Cheeke Anne Cheeke was buried on 5th May 1572
25/02/1564 Baptism Anne Cheke Anne Cheke a daughter of Robert Cheke and Marye Cheke was baptised on 25th February 1564
05/09/1725 Baptism Anne Cheyney Anne Cheyney a daughter of William Cheyney and Sarah Cheyney was baptised on 5th September 1725
17/10/1797 Baptism Marianne Chittock Marianne Chittock a daughter of Henry Chittock and Frances Chittock nee Pallant was baptised on 17th October 1797
14/04/1844 Baptism Isaac Churchyard Isaac Churchyard a son of James Churchyard (Labourer) and Marianne Churchyard nee Putman was baptised on 14th April 1844
26/11/1691 Baptism Elizabeth Clark Elizabeth Clark a daughter of William Clark and Anne Clark was baptised on 26th November 1691
05/01/1862 Private Baptism Alfred Clarke Alfred Clarke a son of James Clarke (Miller) and Mary Anne Clarke was privately baptised on 5th January 1862
27/05/1632 Baptism Ann Clarke Ann Clarke a daughter of Ffrancis Clarke and Anne Clarke was baptised on 27th May 1632
06/03/1632 Burial Anne Clarke Anne Clarke daughter of Francis Clarke was buried on 6th March 1632/1633
30/05/1630 Baptism Mary Clarke Mary Clarke a daughter of Ffrancis Clarke and Anne Clarke was baptised on 30th May 1630
11/06/1634 Baptism Susan Clarke Susan Clarke a daughter of Ffrancis Clarke and Anne Clarke was baptised on 11th June 1634
03/04/1623 Burial Thomas Clarke Thomas Clarke son of William Clarke and Anne Clarke was buried on 3rd April 1623 Note: See C51-8
03/04/1623 Burial Thomas Clarke Thomas Clarke son of William Clarke and Anne Clarke was buried on 3rd April 1623 Note: See C51-7
10/08/1628 Baptism Thomas Clarke Thomas Clarke a son of Ffrancis Clarke and Anne Clarke was baptised on 10th August 1628 Note: See C54-1
19/09/1630 Baptism Anne Claydon Anne Claydon a daughter of Rolfe Claydon was baptised on 19th September 1630 Note: See C4-6
05/02/1600 Marriage Anne Cocke Anne Cocke was married on 5th February 1600/1601 to Cutberte Marshall
01/06/1753 Baptism Mary Anne Cockerell Mary Anne Cockerell a daughter of Richard Cockerell and Elizabeth Cockerell was baptised on 1st June 1753
05/04/1704 Baptism & Burial Anne Collins Anne Collins daughter of William Collins was baptised on 5th April 1704 and was buried on 20th September 1705
05/01/1893 Baptism William Percy Collins William Percy Collins a son of James Collins (Thatcher) and Mary Anne Collins was born on 5th January 1893 and was baptised on 4th June 1893
04/04/1598 Burial Anne Colson Anne Colson daughter of Thomas Colson was buried on 4th April 1598
06/05/1701 Baptism Anne Cook Anne Cook a daughter of Thomas Cook and Anne Cook was baptised on 6th May 1701
11/10/1730 Baptism Elizabeth Cook Elizabeth Cook a daughter of Saunder Cook and Anne Cook was baptised on 11th October 1730 Note: See C91-7
11/10/1730 Baptism Elizabeth Cook Elizabeth Cook a daughter of Saunder Cook and Anne Cook was baptised on 11th October 1730 Note: See C91-6
07/03/1689 Baptism George Cook George Cook a son of Thomas Cook and Anne Cook was baptised on 7th March 1689/1690 Note: See C86-1
07/03/1689 Baptism George Cook George Cook a son of Thomas Cook and Anne Cook was baptised on 7th March 1689/1690 Note: See C85-10
21/09/1692 Baptism Henry Cook Henry Cook a son of Thomas Cook and Anne Cook was baptised on 21st September 1692/1693
23/04/1854 Baptism Maryanne Cook Maryanne Cook a daughter of Robert Cook (Labourer) and Susan Cook was baptised on 23rd April 1854
13/10/1693 Burial Thomas Cook Thomas Cook son of Thomas Cook and Anne Cook was buried on 13th October 1693
21/05/1699 Burial Anne Cooper Anne Cooper daughter of William Cooper was buried on 21st May 1699
11/05/1697 Baptism Elizabeth Cooper Elizabeth Cooper a daughter of William Cooper and Anne Cooper was baptised on 11th May 1697 Note: See C100-1
11/05/1697 Baptism Elizabeth Cooper Elizabeth Cooper a daughter of William Cooper and Anne Cooper was baptised on 11th May 1697 Note: See C99-10
23/05/1697 Burial Elizabeth Cooper Elizabeth Cooper daughter of William Cooper and Anne Cooper was buried on 23rd May 1697
12/06/1698 Burial Francis Cooper Francis Cooper daughter of William Cooper and Anne Cooper was buried on 12th June 1698
27/09/1568 Marriage Johanne Cooper Johanne Cooper was married on 27th September 1568 to William Borne
31/07/1604 Baptism Anne Corbold Anne Corbold a daughter of Edward Corbold and Corbold was baptised on 31st July 1604 Note: x in place of mother's name
05/08/1573 Baptism Thomas Corbold Thomas Corbold an illegitmate son of Anne Corbold was baptised on 5th August 1573 Note: See C101-7
05/08/1573 Baptism Thomas Corbold Thomas Corbold an illegitmate son of Anne Corbold was baptised on 5th August 1573 Note: See C101-6
05/02/1571 Baptism Maryanne Corbolde Maryanne Corbolde a daughter of Thomas Corbolde and Margaret Corbolde was baptised on 5th February 1571/1572
09/08/1575 Burial Anne Corbould Anne Corbould daughter of Thomas Carbold was buried on 9th August 1575
06/07/1860 Baptism James George Cornish James George Cornish a son of Charles John Cornish (Clerk) and Anne Charlotte Cornish was baptised on 6th July 1860
30/01/1863 Baptism Vaughan Cornish Vaughan Cornish a son of Charles John Cornish (Clerk In Orders) and Anne Charlotte Cornish was baptised on 30th January 1863
14/10/1842 Marriage Grace Anne Cosens Grace Anne Cosens Spinster of Debenham a daughter of John Cosens (Labourer) was married on 14th October 1842 of full age to George Cullum (Labourer) Widower of Debenham of full age, son of Sep Cosens (labourer)
28/04/1578 Baptism Anne Cotterell Anne Cotterell a daughter of John Cotterell and Allice Cotterell was baptised on 28th April 1578
29/12/1732 Burial Anne Cousins Anne Cousins was buried on 29th December 1732
15/10/1874 Marriage Anne Susan Craske Anne Susan Craske (Farmer) Single of Debenham a daughter of Edward Craske (Farmer) was married on 15th October 1874 aged 24 to John Gooderham (Farmer) Batchelor of Monewden aged 28, son of William Gooderham (Farmer)
11/10/1857 Baptism & Burial Mary Anne Cullam Mary Anne Cullam daughter of George Cullam (Labourer) and Rebecca Cullam was baptised on 11th October 1857 and was buried on 17th October 1863 aged 8
14/10/1842 Marriage George Cullum George Cullum (Labourer) Widower of Debenham a son of Sep Cosens (Labourer) was married on 14th October 1842 of full age to Grace Anne Cosens Spinster of Debenham, daughter of John Cosens (Labourer) Note: ? Sep Cosens?
06/01/1573 Baptism Marryanne Cully Marryanne Cully a daughter of Phillip Cullye and Johane Cullye was baptised on 6th January 1573/1574
24/12/1843 Baptism Anne Curtis Anne Curtis a daughter of Edward Curtis (Tailor) and Mary Curtis nee Crapnell was baptised on 24th December 1843
02/05/1844 Burial Anne Curtis Anne Curtis was buried on 2nd May 1844 aged 5 months
29/12/1843 Burial Mary Anne Curtis Mary Anne Curtis was buried on 29th December 1843 aged 29
02/07/1851 Marriage James Murray Dale James Murray Dale (Solicitor) Batchelor of Saint George, Bloomsbury a son of Thomas Dale (Clerk) was married on 2nd July 1851 of full age to Anne Eliza Norris Spinster of Debenham a minor, daughter of James Norris (Gentleman)
23/09/1690 Baptism Mary Dampford Mary Dampford a daughter of Jasper Dampford and Anne Dampford was baptised on 23rd September 1690
18/02/1698 Baptism Anne Danford Anne Danford a daughter of Jasper Danford and Anne Danford was baptised on 18th February 1698/1699
15/12/1710 Baptism Anne Danford Anne Danford a daughter of Danford and Danford was baptised on 15th December 1710
04/07/1686 Marriage Jasper Danford Jasper Danford was married on 4th July 1686 to Anne Allen Note: Goodwife Danford buried 6th August 1713
26/03/1702 Baptism & Burial Nicholas Danford Nicholas Danford son of Jasper Danford and Anne Danford was baptised on 26th March 1702 and was buried on 21st September 1704
30/05/1691 Burial Susanna Danford Susanna Danford daughter of Jasper Danford and Anne Danford was buried on 30th May 1691
29/06/1635 Burial Anne Dawson Anne Dawson wife of Jhon Dawson was buried on 29th June 1635
21/02/1575 Baptism Anne Daynes Anne Daynes a daughter of Adam Daynes and Margaret Daynes was baptised on 21st February 1575/1576 Note: See D16-3
21/02/1575 Baptism Anne Daynes Anne Daynes a daughter of Adam Daynes and Margaret Daynes was baptised on 21st February 1575/1576 Note: See D16-2
04/01/1727 Baptism Anne Debenham Anne Debenham a daughter of John Debenham and Anne Debenham was baptised on 4th January 1727/1728
07/07/1726 Baptism Clement Debenham Clement Debenham a son of John Debenham and Anne Debenham was baptised on 7th July 1726
14/01/1723 Baptism Francis Debenham Francis Debenham a daughter of John Debenham and Anne Debenham was baptised on 14th January 1723/1724
27/09/1729 Baptism & Burial Frederick Debenham Frederick Debenham son of John Debenham and Anne Debenham was baptised on 27th September 1729 and was buried on 15th October 1729
03/10/1722 Baptism John Yull Debenham John Yull Debenham a son of John Debenham and Anne Debenham was baptised on 3rd October 1722 Note: See D16-8
03/10/1722 Baptism John Yull Debenham John Yull Debenham a son of John Debenham and Anne Debenham was baptised on 3rd October 1722 Note: See D16-7
01/01/1723 Baptism Thomas Debenham Thomas Debenham a son of John Debenham and Anne Debenham was baptised on 1st January 1723/1724
18/02/1579 Baptism Anne Dennant Anne Dennant a daughter of Jo Dennant and Margarett Dennant was baptised on 18th February 1579/1580 Note: See D29-1
18/02/1579 Baptism Anne Dennant Anne Dennant a daughter of Jo Dennant and Margarett Dennant was baptised on 18th February 1579/1580 Note: See D28-10
06/06/1673 Burial William Denni William Denni was buried on 6th June 1673 Note: Also Anne Denny buried 6th June 1673 'Williame denni and his Anne'
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Burial details

Grave Date Name  Event Comments
17/10/1812 Suzanne Taylor Died on Saturday 17th October 1812 aged 75 and is buried in the Churchyard
10/01/1838 Marianne Dove Died on Wednesday 10th January 1838 aged 79 and is buried in the Churchyard
  20/09/1867 Marianne Dove Died on Friday 20th September 1867 aged 81 and is buried in the Churchyard
  20/06/1872 Suzanne Pyett Died on Thursday 20th June 1872 aged 63 and is buried in the Churchyard
24/10/1903 Lucy Anne Rollard Was buried on Saturday 24th October 1903 aged 43 and is buried in the Cemetary
03/02/1944 Agnes Anne Cook Was buried on Thursday 3rd February 1944 aged 66 and is buried in the Cemetary
09/03/1945 Anne Balaam Was buried on Friday 9th March 1945 aged 75 and is buried in the Cemetary
06/04/1972 Anne Johnson Was buried on Thursday 6th April 1972 aged 79 and is buried in the Cemetary
01/07/1981 Beatrice Anne Young Was buried on Wednesday 1st July 1981 aged 64 and is buried in the Cemetary
18/01/2002 Rosalie Anne Saych Died on Saturday 29th December 2001 and was buried on Friday 18th January 2002 aged 85 and is buried in the Cemetary
11/04/2013 Clifford Anani Died on Monday 11th March 2013 and was buried on Thursday 11th April 2013 aged 73 and is buried in the Cemetary


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