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Parish Records

Card Date Type Name  Event
08/10/1615 Marriage Mordikewe Chittock Mordikewe Chittock was married on 8th October 1615 to Prudence Steavens
08/10/1615 Marriage Prudence Steavens Prudence Steavens was married on 8th October 1615 to Mordikewe Chittock
02/03/1616 Baptism William Chittock William Chittock a son of Mordica Chittock was baptised on 2nd March 1616/1617
10/10/1620 Baptism Thomas Chittock Thomas Chittock a son of Mordica Chittock was baptised on 10th October 1620
05/05/1622 Baptism Chittock A son of Mordica Chittock and Prudence Chittock was baptised on 5th May 1622
04/03/1625 Burial Chittock The wife of Morderkai Chittock was buried on 4th March 1625/1626
15/02/1626 Baptism Roger Chittock Roger Chittock a son of Mordecay Chitoke and Grace Chitoke was baptised on 15th February 1626/1627
11/05/1626 Marriage Grace Chittock Grace Chittock was married on 11th May 1626 to Mordecay Chittock
11/05/1626 Marriage Mordecay Chittock Mordecay Chittock was married on 11th May 1626 to Grace Chittock
21/09/1628 Baptism An Chitucke An Chitucke a daughter of Mordica Chittucke was baptised on 21st September 1628
11/04/1630 Baptism Mordicau Chittock Mordicau Chittock a son of Mordicai Chittock was baptised on 11th April 1630
06/08/1630 Burial Mordecae Chittock Mordecae Chittock son of Mordecue Chittock was buried on 6th August 1630
24/09/1630 Burial Catche The Widow Catche of Littell Thornham was buried on 24th September 1630 Note: a poore woman, brought from Little Thornham
28/11/1630 Burial Grace Chittock Grace Chittock wife of Mordecue Chittock was buried on 28th November 1630
19/02/1641 Burial Chittock The Widow Chittock was buried on 19th February 1641/1642
23/10/1655 Marriage Richard Chittock Richard Chittock Single of Cretingham was married on 23rd October 1655 to Mary Ffockard Single of Cretingham
23/10/1655 Marriage Mary Ffockard Mary Ffockard Single of Cretingham was married on 23rd October 1655 to Richard Chittock Single of Cretingham
30/10/1763 Marriage Sarah Chittock Sarah Chittock Single of Debenham was married on 30th October 1763 to Robert Ribbins Single of Aldham
30/10/1763 Marriage Robert Ribbins Robert Ribbins Single of Aldham was married on 30th October 1763 to Sarah Chittock Single of Debenham
01/07/1794 Baptism Abraham Brown Abraham Brown a son of Robert Brown and Mary Brown nee Coats was baptised on 1st July 1794
01/07/1794 Baptism Abraham Brown Abraham Brown a son of Robert Brown and Mary Brown nee Coats was baptised on 1st July 1794
17/01/1796 Baptism Amas Brown Amas Brown a son of Robert Brown and Mary Brown nee Coats was baptised on 17th January 1796
08/11/1796 Marriage Samuel Chittock Samuel Chittock Widower of Debenham was married on 8th November 1796 to Mary Walton Single of Debenham
08/11/1796 Marriage Mary Walton Mary Walton Spinster of Debenham was married on 8th November 1796 to Samuel Chittock Widower of Debenham
30/11/1796 Marriage Henry Chittock Henry Chittock Single of Debenham was married on 30th November 1796 to Frances Pallant Single of Debenham
30/11/1796 Marriage Frances Pallant Frances Pallant Single of Debenham was married on 30th November 1796 to Henry Chittock Single of Debenham
04/07/1797 Baptism Lydia Browne Lydia Browne a daughter of Robert Browne and Mary Browne nee Coates was baptised on 4th July 1797
17/10/1797 Baptism Marianne Chittock Marianne Chittock a daughter of Henry Chittock and Frances Chittock nee Pallant was baptised on 17th October 1797
16/04/1800 Baptism William Chittock William Chittock a son of Henry Chittock and Frances Chittock was baptised on 16th April 1800
26/01/1801 Baptism Hannah Brown Hannah Brown a daughter of Robert Brown and Mary Brown nee Coates was baptised on 26th January 1801
22/09/1802 Baptism Samuel Chittock Samuel Chittock a son of Henry Chittock and Frances Chittock nee Pallant was baptised on 22nd September 1802
23/01/1803 Baptism Abel Brown Abel Brown a son of Robert Brown and Mary Brown nee Coates was baptised on 23rd January 1803
21/02/1805 Baptism William Brown William Brown a son of Robert Brown and Mary Brown nee Coates was born on 21st February 1805 and was baptised on 17th March 1805
17/03/1805 Baptism Mary Brown Mary Brown nee Coates wife of Robert Brown was baptised on 17th March 1805 Note: from baptisms 17 March 1805
09/03/1808 Burial Mary Brown Mary Brown nee Coutts wife of Robert Brown was buried on 9th March 1808 aged 45
05/07/1808 Burial Hannah Brown Hannah Brown daughter of Robert Brown and Mary Brown nee Coats was buried on 5th July 1808 - an infant
13/05/1816 Baptism William Chittuck William Chittuck a son of William Chittuck (Labourer) and Hagar Chittuck nee Quinton was born on 13th May 1816 and was baptised on 4th June 1816
04/06/1816 Baptism Hagar Chittuck Hagar Chittuck nee Quinton wife of William Chittuck was baptised on 4th June 1816 Note: from baptisms
02/02/1858 Marriage Caroline Chittock Caroline Chittock Spinster of Debenham a daughter of Samuel Chittock (Labourer) was married on 2nd February 1858 of full age to Edward Fairweather (Labourer) Batchelor of Debenham of full age, son of Samuel Fairweather (Labourer)
02/02/1858 Marriage Edward Fairweather Edward Fairweather (Labourer) Batchelor of Debenham a son of Samuel Fairweather (Labourer) was married on 2nd February 1858 of full age to Caroline Chittock Spinster of Debenham of full age, daughter of Samuel Chittock
01/03/1885 Baptism Julia Chittock Julia Chittock a daughter of Robert Chittock (Labourer) and Hannah Chittock was baptised on 1st March 1885
23/10/1888 Marriage William Chittock William Chittock (Labourer) Batchelor of Debenham a son of Robert Chittock (Labourer) was married on 23rd October 1888 aged 22 to Alice Crowfoot Spinster of Winston aged 20, daughter of James Crowfoot (Labourer)
23/10/1888 Marriage Alice Crowfoot Alice Crowfoot Spinster of Winston a daughter of James Crowfoot (Labourer) was married on 23rd October 1888 aged 20 to William Chittock (Labourer) Batchelor of Debenham aged 22, son of Robert Chittock (Labourer)
09/11/1889 Baptism Arthur James Chittock Arthur James Chittock a son of William Chittock (Labourer) and Alice Chittock was born on 9th November 1889 and was baptised on 6th April 1890

Burial details

Grave Date Name  Event Comments
02/08/1986 Florence Mary Chittock Was buried on Saturday 2nd August 1986 aged 80 and is buried in the Cemetary


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