Card | Date | Type | Name | Event | 28/03/1783 | Burial | Mary Butler | Mary Butler was buried on 28th March 1783 | 08/04/1805 | Baptism | John Butler | John Butler an illegitmate son of Mary Butler was baptised on 8th April 1805 | 27/10/1807 | Private Baptism | William Lecock Kemp | William Lecock Kemp a son of Simon Kemp and Mary Kemp nee Butler was born on 27th October 1807 and was privately baptised on 3rd November 1807 | 03/11/1807 | Baptism | Mary Kemp | Mary Kemp nee Butler wife of Simon Kemp was baptised on 3rd November 1807 |
Grave | Date | Name | Event | Comments |
01/03/1783 | Mary Butler | Died on Saturday 1st March 1783 and is buried in the Churchyard |
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