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Dove book James Bolton is mentioned on page(s) 117  James Bolton
Dove book Rt Hon James Bridges is mentioned on page(s) 39, 57, 83  Rt Hon James Bridges
Dove book James Darby is mentioned on page(s) 128, 138  James Darby
Dove book James Fisher is mentioned on page(s) 64  James Fisher
Dove book James Godbold is mentioned on page(s) 110  James Godbold
Dove book James Hails is mentioned on page(s) 120  James Hails
Dove book James Hillowes is mentioned on page(s) 104  James Hillowes
Dove book Mr James is mentioned on page(s) 101  Mr James
Dove book Mrs James is mentioned on page(s) 101  Mrs James
Dove book James Ling is mentioned on page(s) 72  James Ling
Dove book James List is mentioned on page(s) 105  James List
Dove book James Penant is mentioned on page(s) 105  James Penant
Dove book James Pulham is mentioned on page(s) 1, 2  James Pulham
Dove book James Pyett is mentioned on page(s) 6, 18  James Pyett
Dove book James Scullar is mentioned on page(s) 105  James Scullar
Dove book James Shurman is mentioned on page(s) 105  James Shurman
Dove book James Smith is mentioned on page(s) 9, 10  James Smith
Dove book James Taylor is mentioned on page(s) 25  James Taylor
Dove book James Wilson is mentioned on page(s) 84  James Wilson
Dove book James Woods is mentioned on page(s) 82  James Woods
Peter Northeast extract from the 1621 survey of Butley ManorButley Manor James Aldrich, John Aldrich, Thomas Aldrich, John Alefounder, John Allen, Robert Allfounder, William Allome, Robert Applewayte, Peter Ardely, Robert Ashwell, Charles Assey, William Awstyn, Robert Ballard, William Banister, Samuel Bannister, Paul Banyngs, Anna BardweIl, Robert BardweIl, James Bardwell, Barnaby Barker, John Barker, John Barker, Thomas Barker, Robert Barrett, William Batts, Jonathan Beadwell, Philip Bedingfeld, Robert Bedingfeld, Thomas Bedingfelde, Nicholas Bell, William Bence, Simon Bennett, John Bertlott, Walter Blower, John Bobbett, Elizabeth Bond, James Bond, John Bond, Robert Bond, Thomas Bond, William Bond, Richard Bonde, Thomas Bonde, Robert Braham, Mary Bransby, George Brcoke, Robert Brewster, John Britton, Francis Brooke, George Brooke, John Brytten, Thomas Buck, Henry Bucknam, Robert Bucknam, William Bunnan, Samuel Bury, Edward Calver, Alan Catchpoll, Allan Catchpoll, Elizabeth Catchpoll, Mark Catchpoll, Nicholas Chandler, John Chapman, Stephen Chechely, Ralph Cheeke, Robert Cheeke, Robert Chester, Temple Chevelier, James Chrispe, Jane Clodd, Thomas Clodd, John Cock, Andrew Conyngham, Edward Corbold, Thomas Corbold, Christopher Cowper, William Cracknell, James Culham, John Culham, Richard Culharn, John Cully, Margaret Curdy, John Curtyes, Thomas Dade, Dorothy Daldy, Dorothy Daldy, Samuel Daldy, Thomas Dandy, Sara Davie, John Davy, John Davy, John Dawling, Susan Dawling, Robert de Hoo, John Dobbes, John Dobbs, Frances Dove, William Dove, William Drane, John Dunckon, Reginald Eade, John Easterson, William Edgar, John Fayerweather, Thomas Fen, Charles Fenn, Reuben Feveryere, Rubin Feveryere, Lawrence Fideon, Charles Flowerdewe, John Flowerdewe, John Folkard, William Folkard, Lionel Fosdick, Gregory Frinde, James Fuller, John Fuller, Joseph Fuller, Nicholas Game, Henry Gardiner, John Gardiner, Jane Garneys, Nicholas Garnies, Robert Garnies, Wentworth Garnies, Charles Garnys, Thomas Garwood, Charles Gaudy, Barnaby Gibson, Charles Gibson, Richard Girling, John Girlyng, Robert Girlyng, Sarah Glamfeld, John Glamlfeld, John Godbold, Simon Goddard, George Goody, John Gowen, Robert Gowen, Thomas Gowen, John Gowyn, Harbottle Grimston, Robert Grymble, Edward Grymston, William Gwuys, James Harison, George Harrison, Henry Harrison, James Harrison, James Harrison, William Harrison, John Harsant, Thomas Harvy, Walter Harvy, Robert Hastings, Thomas Hayes, Robert Hempson, Roger Holbecks, Roger Holberts, John Hoo, Thomas Horseman, Geoffrey Howlett, Mary Howlett, Thomas Howlett, John Hubberd, Francis Hunting, Francis Huntyng, Jnhn Ide, Robert Jackson, Nicholas Jeffery, Richard Jefferyes, Simon Jefferyes, John Jeffrey, Simon Jeffreys, Margery Karsy, Margery Kempe, Joseph Kersey, Jane Kettle, Francis Kilderbey, Mary King, Phil King, Roger Lake, Robert Lance, Martha Leader, John List , Robert List, William List, Fenhias Lock, John Lock, Thomas Lockwood, John Lomax, Elizabeth Lorde, Thomas Maddock, Edward Major, Andrew Manns, Francis Masham, William Masham, Howes Mayhewe, John Mayhewe, Lawrence Mayhewe, Reginald Mayhewe, Edward Mayor, Richard Motts, William Motts, Alice Moyse, Richard Moyse, Smauel Moyse, William Moyse, Richard Mutley, Thomas Nichols, Margery Nunn, Anthony Ocle, William Ownys, Grace Peake, Thomas Peake, Thomas Pecke, Thomas Pecke, Anthony Pennyng, Robert Pett, George Philips, Isaac Phillips, James Phillips, Nicholas Phillips, John Picknott, Osbert Picknott, George Potter, John Pulham, John Punchard, John Purpelt, John Purpett, John Pyne, Robert Reade, Christopher Rivett, Thomas Rodbard, Robert Runkattle, Henry Runkettle, John Salmon, George Savage, Francis Shardelowe, Richard Sharman, Thomas Sharman, Francis Shennan, Christopher Shepe, Martha Sherman, Nicholas Sherman, Thomas Sherman, John Shulvard, Peter Sidebottom, Sarah Sidebottom, John Simpson, Agnes Skargate, Anne Smith, Christopher Smith, Henry Smith, John Smith, Riseing Smith, Anne Smyth, John Smyth, Nicholas Smyth, John Smythe, Robert Sparham, Nicholas Sparhawke, Richard Sparhawkes, John Spech, Thomas Spillisby, Richard Sponer, Simon Sponer, John Stele, William Stevens, Ralph Styles, John Tanen, Oliver Taster, John Thresher, Robert Thrower, William Thwayt, Thomas Tillet, John Toke, George Tovell, Robert Tovell, John Turbald, Hannah Turner, William Turpetine, Samuel Tuthill, Peter Tyler, Edward Unger, Elizabeth Unger, Elizabeth Utting, Rev. Walton, Sarah Walton, John Warde, John Warren, John Webber, Robert Whaymond, Thomas Whaymond, Thomas Wills, Thomas Willson, John Wilson, James Woode, James Woode, John Woode, Margaret Woode, Robert Woode, Thomasin Woode, Thomasine Woode, John Woodeard, Anne Woods, George Woods, William Woods, Anthony Wrethoke, John Wrethoke, Edward Yellopp, Alston, Browne, Glascock, Turpen  
Thumbnail The first Cub camp group photo.Thornham Walks From Lesley Wilson - My husband, Andy Wilson was the Akela and is seated middle row fourth from the left (with the collar). I am next to him and my daughter Sarah is next to me. Next to Sarah is Louisa Woby (Walters). On the right of Andy is Phil Sheffield . Third from the end is Ron Walters (Kaa) then Tamara Walters and Nic Carlton-Smith . Both my sons are in the photo. Behind Andy is Andrew and Richard is at the front right at the end on the right hand side. Chris Walters is in the middle of the front row. Karl Ling is behind Andy and Phil. James Boulton is behind Phil and the leader who I cannot remember.  

Parish Records

Card Date Type Name  Event
15/09/1560 Baptism Margarett Beddingfeld Margarett Beddingfeld a daughter of James Beddingfelde was baptised on 15th September 1560
15/09/1560 Baptism James Beddingfelde James Beddingfelde a son of Margarett Beddingfelde was baptised on 15th September 1560
09/03/1561 Baptism James Mayse James Mayse a son of William Mayse aka "De Upland" and Mayse was baptised on 9th March 1561/1562
09/05/1563 Baptism George Bardwell George Bardwell aka "Skott" a son of James Skott aka "Bardwell" and Johanne Skott aka "Bardwell" was baptised on 9th May 1563 Note: See B21-2
09/05/1563 Baptism George Skott George Skott aka "Bardwell" a son of James Skott and Johan Skott was baptised on 9th May 1563 Note: See Bardwell
03/04/1564 Baptism James Palmer James Palmer a son of Thomas Palmer and Johane Palmer was baptised on 3rd April 1564
31/05/1565 Baptism John Bardwell John Bardwell aka "Skott" a son of James Bardwell aka "Skott" and Johane Bardwell aka "Skott" was baptised on 31st May 1565 Note: See B21-2
31/05/1565 Baptism John Skott John Skott aka "Bardwell" a son of James Skott and Johane Skott was baptised on 31st May 1565
21/01/1566 Burial Johanne Bardwell Johanne Bardwell aka "Skotte / Skott" wife of James Skott aka "Bardwell" was buried on 21st January 1566/1567
21/01/1566 Burial Johane Skott Johane Skott aka "Bardwell" wife of James Skott aka "Bardwell" was buried on 21st January 1566/1567
10/04/1566 Burial James Bardwell James Bardwell aka "Skotte" was buried on 10th April 1566
10/04/1566 Burial James Skotte James Skotte son of James Skotte aka "Bardwell" and Johanne Skotte was buried on 10th April 1566
11/02/1567 Baptism James Betts James Betts a son of John Betts and Margaret Betts was baptised on 11th February 1567/1568
01/04/1567 Baptism & Burial James Smythe James Smythe son of Margarett Smythe a single woman was baptised on 1st April 1567 and was buried on 13th April 1567
05/10/1567 Marriage James Bardwell James Bardwell was married on 5th October 1567 to Johane Lynge
05/10/1567 Marriage Johane Lynge Johane Lynge was married on 5th October 1567 to James Bardwell
24/03/1568 Baptism James Harryson James Harryson a son of George Harryson and Elizabeth Harryson was baptised on 24th March 1568/1569
26/09/1568 Baptism & Burial James Bardwell James Bardwell son of James Bardwell and Johanne Bardwell was baptised on 26th September 1568 and was buried on 6th October 1568
26/11/1568 Burial James Bardwell James Bardwell son of James Bardwell and Cyssely Bardwell was buried on 26th November 1568 Note: See B24-9
26/11/1568 Burial James Bardwell James Bardwell son of James Bardwell and Cyssely Bardwell was buried on 26th November 1568 Note: See B24-8
20/01/1569 Baptism James Blomfelde James Blomfelde an illegitmate son of Margerye Blomfelde was baptised on 20th January 1569/1570 Note: See B112-7
20/01/1569 Baptism James Blomfelde James Blomfelde an illegitmate son of Margerye Blomfelde was baptised on 20th January 1569/1570 Note: See B112-6
25/07/1569 Baptism James Cooper James Cooper a son of Thomas Cooper and Elizabeth Cooper was baptised on 25th July 1569
12/08/1571 Baptism James Curdye James Curdye a son of Ffrancis Curdye was baptised on 12th August 1571
12/08/1571 Baptism Francis Cusdye Francis Cusdye a son of James Cusdye and Margaret Cusdye was baptised on 12th August 1571
30/12/1571 Baptism & Burial Siblye Bardwell Siblye Bardwell daughter of James Bardwell and Johanne Bardwell was baptised on 30th December 1571/1571 and was buried on 4th February 1572
16/11/1572 Baptism James Motts James Motts a son of Rychard Motts and Siblye Motts was baptised on 16th November 1572
01/01/1573 Baptism Grace James Grace James a daughter of Thomas James and Grace James was baptised in 1573 Note: Crispe See C45-2
08/08/1573 Burial Grace Chrispe Grace Chrispe daughter of James Chrispe and Grace Chrispe was buried on 8th August 1573
25/02/1576 Baptism Elizabeth Bonde Elizabeth Bonde a daughter of James Bonde and Johane Bonde was baptised on 25th February 1576/1577 Note: See B133-7
25/02/1576 Baptism Elizabeth Bonde Elizabeth Bonde a daughter of James Bonde and Johane Bonde was baptised on 25th February 1576/1577 Note: See B133-6
21/06/1576 Baptism James Crispe James Crispe a son of James Crispe and Grace Crispe was baptised on 21st June 1576
30/06/1576 Burial James Chrispe James Chrispe son of James Chrispe and Grace Chrispe was buried on 30th June 1576
05/07/1576 Baptism James Bardwell James Bardwell a son of Thomas Bardwell and Johane Bardwell was baptised on 5th July 1576
11/11/1576 Baptism & Burial James Harvye James Harvye son of William Harvye and Alyce Harvye was baptised on 11th November 1576 and was buried on 25th November 1576
25/02/1577 Burial James Bonye James Bonye was buried on 25th February 1577/1578
15/03/1577 Burial Nycholas Chrispe Nycholas Chrispe son of James Chrispe and Grace Chrispe was buried on 15th March 1577/1578
09/02/1579 Baptism Prudence Ffludde Prudence Ffludde a daughter of James Ffludde was baptised on 9th February 1579/1580
09/02/1579 Baptism Prudence Ffludde Prudence Ffludde a daughter of James Ffludde was baptised on 9th February 1579/1580
12/04/1579 Baptism James Cullye James Cullye a son of Phillipe Cullye and Johane Cullye was baptised on 12th April 1579
08/07/1579 Baptism Elizabeth Chrispe Elizabeth Chrispe a daughter of James Chrispe and Grace Chrispe was baptised on 8th July 1579
20/08/1579 Baptism Charrls Bell Charrls Bell a son of James Bell was baptised on 20th August 1579
25/09/1579 Baptism Phillipe Pasone Phillipe Pasone a son of James Pason was baptised on 25th September 1579
16/10/1580 Baptism James Bond James Bond a son of William Bond and Johane Bond was baptised on 16th October 1580
24/07/1581 Baptism Elizabeth Bell Elizabeth Bell a daughter of James Bell and Elizabeth Bell was baptised on 24th July 1581
24/07/1581 Baptism Margaret Bell Margaret Bell a daughter of James Bell and Elizabeth Bell was baptised on 24th July 1581
11/10/1582 Baptism Mary Chrispe Mary Chrispe a daughter of James Chrispe was baptised on 11th October 1582
27/02/1583 Baptism James Dyrricke James Dyrricke a son of George Dyrricke was baptised on 27th February 1583/1584 Note: baptised with sister Tamison See D67-9
27/02/1583 Baptism Tamison Dyrricke Tamison Dyrricke a daughter of George Dyrricke was baptised on 27th February 1583/1584 Note: baptised with brother James See D67-8
10/03/1583 Baptism Katheringe Bell Katheringe Bell a daughter of James Bell was baptised on 10th March 1583/1584
17/11/1583 Marriage Rosse Willyams Rosse Willyams was married on 17th November 1583 to James Smythe
20/12/1593 Baptism James Phillippes James Phillippes a son of George Phillippes was baptised on 20th December 1593
07/11/1596 Marriage Margaret Bond Margaret Bond was married on 7th November 1596 to James Note: spouse surname not noted
25/11/1596 Marriage James Colham James Colham was married on 25th November 1596 to Maryan Corbolde
25/11/1596 Marriage Maryan Corbolde Maryan Corbolde was married on 25th November 1596 to James Colham
17/01/1597 Baptism James Shearman James Shearman a son of Roger Shearman was baptised on 17th January 1597/1598
04/12/1597 Baptism Margaret Cusdye Margaret Cusdye a daughter of James Cusdye was baptised on 4th December 1597
16/10/1598 Baptism James Culham James Culham a son of James Culham and Marryene Culham was baptised on 16th October 1598
05/12/1598 Baptism George Harryson George Harryson a son of James Harryson was baptised on 5th December 1598
05/12/1598 Baptism James Harryson James Harryson a son of George Harryson was baptised on 5th December 1598
08/06/1601 Burial Elizabeth Crispe Elizabeth Crispe daughter of James Crispe and Grace Crispe was buried on 8th June 1601
01/07/1601 Baptism James Betts James Betts a son of John Betts was baptised on 1st July 1601
05/02/1602 Baptism James Bond James Bond a son of John Bond was baptised on 5th February 1602/1603 Note: See B133-10
05/02/1602 Baptism John Bond John Bond a son of James Bond was baptised on 5th February 1602/1603 Note: See B133-9
15/08/1602 Baptism James Woode James Woode a son of Thomas Woode and Tamesin Woode was baptised on 15th August 1602
10/10/1602 Baptism James Cusdye James Cusdye a son of James Cusdye and Margaret Cusdye was baptised on 10th October 1602
05/04/1603 Baptism James Coopr James Coopr a son of Xpafer Coopr and Christian Coopr was baptised on 5th April 1603 Note: See C98-8
05/04/1603 Baptism James Coopr James Coopr a son of Xpafer Coopr and Christian Coopr was baptised on 5th April 1603 Note: See C98-7
26/12/1603 Burial James Cowper James Cowper son of Xpafer Cowper was buried on 26th December 1603
26/12/1603 Burial Grace Crispe Grace Crispe wife of James Crispe was buried on 26th December 1603
28/02/1604 Burial James Bond James Bond a single man was buried on 28th February 1604/1605 Note: the last of Ffebruarye
01/12/1604 Baptism Thomas Harryson Thomas Harryson a son of James Harryson was baptised in December 1604
07/04/1605 Baptism Nychalas Cusdye Nychalas Cusdye a son of James Cusdye and Margaret Cusdye was baptised on 7th April 1605
14/04/1605 Baptism Mary Barker Mary Barker a daughter of James Barker was baptised on 14th April 1605 Note: See B30-4
14/04/1605 Baptism Mary Barker Mary Barker a daughter of James Barker was baptised on 14th April 1605 Note: See B30-3
25/06/1605 Baptism James Borne James Borne a son of James Borne and Alice Borne was baptised on 25th June 1605
15/07/1605 Baptism James Ffyler James Ffyler a son of Phillip Phyler and Joane Phyler was baptised on 15th July 1605 Note: ?daughter? Phyler Tyler
07/09/1606 Baptism Susan Ladd Susan Ladd a daughter of James Ladd and Margaret Ladd was baptised on 7th September 1606
06/07/1607 Baptism Henery Harrison Henery Harrison a son of James Harrison and Susan Harrison was baptised on 6th July 1607
25/08/1607 Baptism William Borne William Borne a son of James Borne and Alice Borne was baptised on 25th August 1607
30/01/1609 Baptism Suzan Harrysone Suzan Harrysone a daughter of James Harrysone and Suzanne Harrysone was baptised on 30th January 1609/1610
19/11/1609 Marriage James Hellwys James Hellwys was married on 19th November 1609 to Ann Sheane
19/11/1609 Marriage Ann Sheane Ann Sheane was married on 19th November 1609 to James Hellwys
17/03/1610 Baptism Alice Reyner Alice Reyner a daughter of James Reyner and Marye Reyner was baptised on 17th March 1610/1611
26/03/1610 Baptism Symond Curdye Symond Curdye a son of James Curdye and Margaret Curdye was baptised on 26th March 1610
07/04/1610 Burial James Crispe James Crispe was buried on 7th April 1610
07/01/1611 Marriage James Ffuller James Ffuller was married on 7th January 1611/1612 to Ann Sharack Note: Ann wife of James Ffuller buried 5 May 1611
07/01/1611 Multiple Ann Sharack Ann Sharack was married on 7th January 1611 to James Ffuller Note: Ann Fuller was buried 5/5/1611 ?sparack/sparhawk?
15/03/1611 Baptism Borne A daughter of James Borne and Allis Borne was baptised on 15th March 1611/1612
15/03/1611 Baptism Allis Borne Allis Borne a daughter of James Borne and Allis Borne was baptised on 15th March 1611/1612
20/04/1611 Baptism James Denant James Denant a son of Barnaby Denant and Marye Denant was baptised on 20th April 1611
22/05/1611 Burial Allis Rayner Allis Rayner daughter of James Rayner was buried on 22nd May 1611
28/05/1611 Baptism James Bemont James Bemont a son of James Bemont and Dorithie Bemont was baptised on 28th May 1611
24/09/1612 Burial James Culham James Culham was buried on 24th September 1612 Note: The servant of John Gard
24/09/1612 Burial James Culhm James Culhm (Servant With John Gard) was buried on 24th September 1612 Note: ?servant with John Gardiner?
01/12/1612 Baptism Anne Ffuller Anne Ffuller a daughter of James Ffuller and Anne Ffuller was baptised on 1st December 1612
21/01/1615 Baptism Jeffery Hellwise Jeffery Hellwise a son of James Hellwise was baptised on 21st January 1615/1616
10/11/1616 Baptism George Harrison George Harrison a daughter of James Harrison was baptised on 10th November 1616 Note: Daughter
02/01/1617 Baptism Ann Helwis Ann Helwis a daughter of James Helwis and Ann Helwis was baptised on 2nd January 1617/1618
13/08/1618 Baptism James Phillips James Phillips a son of James Phillips was baptised on 13th August 1618
04/07/1619 Baptism Anne Harrison Anne Harrison a daughter of James Harrison was baptised on 4th July 1619
02/05/1620 Baptism James Godbold James Godbold a son of James Godbold and Elizabeth Godbold was baptised on 2nd May 1620
02/05/1620 Baptism James Godbold James Godbold a son of James Godbold was baptised on 2nd May 1620
07/05/1620 Baptism Robert Phillips Robert Phillips a son of James Phillips and Bridget Phillips was baptised on 7th May 1620
07/05/1620 Baptism James Sealor James Sealor a son of James Sealor was baptised on 7th May 1620
14/05/1620 Burial John Harrison John Harrison son of James Harrison was buried on 14th May 1620
25/05/1620 Burial James Harrison James Harrison was buried on 25th May 1620
07/12/1620 Baptism Oliver Bourne Oliver Bourne a son of James Bourne was baptised on 7th December 1620
25/07/1621 Baptism Mary Ffuller Mary Ffuller a daughter of James Ffuller and An Ffuller was baptised on 25th July 1621
19/05/1622 Baptism John Sealor John Sealor a son of James Sealor was baptised on 19th May 1622
15/09/1622 Baptism Diana Helwish Diana Helwish a daughter of James Helwish was baptised on 15th September 1622
28/10/1622 Marriage James Derrick James Derrick was married on 28th October 1622 to Agnis Mayes
28/10/1622 Marriage Agnis Mayes Agnis Mayes was married on 28th October 1622 to James Derrick
12/11/1622 Baptism John Rayner John Rayner a son of James Rayner was baptised on 12th November 1622
20/07/1624 Baptism James Moyse James Moyse a son of James Moyse and Anne Moyse was baptised on 20th July 1624
01/01/1625 Burial James Dirricke James Dirricke was buried on 1st January 1625/1626
14/02/1625 Baptism John Mayse John Mayse a son of James Mayse and Ann Mayse was baptised on 14th February 1625/1626
15/08/1625 Baptism Alice Eade Alice Eade a daughter of James Eade and Alice Eade was baptised on 15th August 1625 Note: See E4-9
15/08/1625 Baptism Alice Eade Alice Eade a daughter of James Eade and Alice Eade was baptised on 15th August 1625 Note: See E4-8
05/09/1625 Burial James Ffuller James Ffuller was buried on 5th September 1625
12/12/1626 Baptism Alice Harrison Alice Harrison a daughter of James Harrison and Alice Harrison was baptised on 12th December 1626
17/04/1627 Baptism Thomas Godboull Thomas Godboull a son of James Godboull and Elizabeth Godboull was baptised on 17th April 1627
04/11/1627 Baptism James Kinge James Kinge a son of Richard Kinge was baptised on 4th November 1627
29/12/1627 Baptism Thomas Ead Thomas Ead a son of James Ead was baptised on 29th December 1627
01/01/1628 Baptism Thomas Moies Thomas Moies a son of James Moies was baptised in 1628
22/02/1628 Baptism Susan Phillipes Susan Phillipes a daughter of James Phillipes was baptised on 22nd February 1628/1629
28/10/1628 Burial John Moies John Moies son of James Moies was buried on 28th October 1628
21/02/1629 Baptism James Harrison James Harrison a son of James Harrison was baptised on 21st February 1629/1630
05/07/1629 Baptism & Burial Samuell Godball Samuell Godball son of James Godball was baptised on 5th July 1629 and was buried on 4th October 1629
03/12/1629 Baptism Margaret Ead Margaret Ead a daughter of James Ead was baptised on 3rd December 1629
23/01/1630 Baptism Robert Mayse Robert Mayse a son of James Mayse and Anne Mayse was baptised on 23rd January 1630/1631
03/06/1632 Baptism Edward Ead Edward Ead a son of James Ead and Alice Ead was baptised on 3rd June 1632
03/06/1632 Baptism Joane Ead Joane Ead a daughter of James Ead and Alice Ead was baptised on 3rd June 1632
31/07/1632 Baptism James Last James Last a son of Richard Last and Elizabeth Last was baptised on 31st July 1632
04/10/1635 Burial James Frend James Frend was buried on 4th October 1635
26/12/1637 Burial James Hayward James Hayward was buried on 26th December 1637
07/10/1638 Baptism James Ffreind James Ffreind a son of James Ffreind and Margaret Ffreind was baptised on 7th October 1638
29/09/1639 Baptism Mary Moyse Mary Moyse a daughter of James Moyse and Ann Moyse was baptised on 29th September 1639
05/03/1641 Burial James Becket James Becket aka "Jeams" was buried on 5th March 1641/1642
21/02/1642 Burial James Drane James Drane was buried on 21st February 1642/1643
08/07/1649 Baptism John Godboull John Godboull a son of James Godboull and Brigit Godboull was baptised on 8th July 1649 Note: See G40-10
08/07/1649 Baptism John Godboull John Godboull a son of James Godboull and Brigit Godboull was baptised on 8th July 1649 Note: See G40-9
02/02/1650 Baptism James Godboull James Godboull a son of James Godboull and Bridget Godboull was baptised on 2nd February 1650
15/12/1652 Baptism Thomas Godbould Thomas Godbould a son of James Godbould and Bridget Godbould was baptised on 15th December 1652
11/05/1655 Burial James Hellhouse James Hellhouse was buried on 11th May 1655
20/08/1655 Burial James King James King son of James King and Mary King was buried on 20th August 1655
25/08/1655 Burial Mary Becket Mary Becket wife of James Becket was buried on 25th August 1655
08/08/1656 Marriage Ann Cutmar Ann Cutmar Single of Gipping was married on 8th August 1656 to James Stannard Single of Gipping
08/08/1656 Marriage James Stannard James Stannard Single of Gipping was married on 8th August 1656 to Ann Cutman Single of Gipping
29/08/1657 Burial James Godbould James Godbould was buried on 29th August 1657
16/04/1662 Burial James Sealer James Sealer was buried on 16th April 1662
16/09/1668 Burial James Frind James Frind was buried on 16th September 1668
20/12/1671 Burial James Garble James Garble was buried on 20th December 1671
28/10/1672 Baptism John Boulton John Boulton a son of James Boulton and Mary Boulton was baptised on 28th October 1672
28/12/1672 Burial James Beckett James Beckett was buried on 28th December 1672
12/04/1673 Burial Diany Bolton Diany Bolton wife of James Boulton was buried on 12th April 1673
27/10/1674 Marriage Samuel Jones Samuel Jones (Gentleman) was married on 27th October 1674 to Elizabeth Tavell
27/10/1674 Marriage Elizabeth Tavell Elizabeth Tavell was married on 27th October 1674 to Samuel Jones (Gent)
17/04/1675 Baptism Henry Bolton Henry Bolton a son of James Bolton and Mary Bolton was baptised on 17th April 1675
20/06/1675 Burial James King James King was buried on 20th June 1675
27/05/1676 Baptism James Fish James Fish a son of James Fish and Margaret Fish was baptised on 27th May 1676 Note: See F41-4
27/05/1676 Baptism James Fish James Fish a son of James Fish and Margaret Fish was baptised on 27th May 1676 Note: See F41-3
10/10/1676 Marriage James Rayner James Rayner was married on 10th October 1676 to Elizabeth Styles
10/10/1676 Marriage Elizabeth Styles Elizabeth Styles was married on 10th October 1676 to James Rayner
24/03/1677 Burial John Rayner John Rayner son of James Rayner was buried on 24th March 1677/1678
12/04/1677 Baptism Elizabeth Bolton Elizabeth Bolton a daughter of James Bolton and Mary Bolton was baptised on 12th April 1677
19/08/1677 Baptism John Rayner John Rayner a son of James Rayner and Elizabeth Rayner was baptised on 19th August 1677
20/12/1677 Baptism James Gooding James Gooding a son of Thomas Gooding and Martha Gooding was baptised on 20th December 1677
26/01/1678 Baptism James Rayner James Rayner a son of James Rayner and Elizabeth Rayner was baptised on 26th January 1678/1679
30/07/1679 Baptism Sarah Bolton Sarah Bolton a daughter of James Bolton and Mary Bolton was baptised on 30th July 1679
21/02/1680 Baptism James Gooding James Gooding a son of Thomas Gooding and Martha Gooding was baptised on 21st February 1680/1681
20/04/1680 Marriage Susanna Allen Susanna Allen was married on 20th April 1680 to James Chilver Note: see James Shilver
05/10/1680 Marriage James Dammont James Dammont was married on 5th October 1680 to Elizabeth Writhoak
05/10/1680 Marriage Elizabeth Whitoak Elizabeth Whitoak was married on 5th October 1680 to James Dammont
11/12/1680 Baptism Mary Rayner Mary Rayner a daughter of James Rayner and Elizabeth Rayner was baptised on 11th December 1680
07/04/1681 Baptism James Good James Good a son of John Good and Esther Good was baptised on 7th April 1681
10/03/1682 Baptism John Rayner John Rayner a son of James Rayner and Elizabeth Rayner was baptised on 10th March 1682
04/06/1682 Marriage Susanna Spinke Susanna Spinke was married on 4th June 1682 to James Webster
04/06/1682 Marriage James Webster James Webster was married on 4th June 1682 to Susanna Spinke
13/06/1682 Marriage James Chilver James Chilver was married on 13th June 1682 to Susanna Allen Note: see Shilver
17/09/1682 Baptism John Bolton John Bolton a son of James Bolton and Mary Bolton was baptised on 17th September 1682
07/01/1683 Baptism & Burial James Wilson James Wilson son of John Wilson and Bridgett Wilson was baptised on 7th January 1683/1684 and was buried on 31st January 1683
24/05/1683 Baptism Susanna Chilver Susanna Chilver a daughter of James Chilver and Susanna Chilver was baptised on 24th May 1683 Note: see Shilver
08/01/1685 Baptism George George a son of James and Mary was baptised on 8th January 1685/1686
31/05/1685 Baptism Elizabeth Raynor Elizabeth Raynor a daughter of James Raynor and Elizabeth Raynor was baptised on 31st May 1685
14/06/1685 Baptism James Wood James Wood a son of Thomas Wood and Mary Wood was baptised on 14th June 1685
06/12/1685 Baptism Martha Chilver Martha Chilver a daughter of James Chilver and Susanna Chilver was baptised on 6th December 1685
17/12/1685 Baptism Ann Pycraft Ann Pycraft a daughter of James Pycraft and Ann Pycraft was baptised on 17th December 1685 Note: see Beecraft
27/02/1686 Baptism David Rayner David Rayner a son of James Rayner and Elizabeth Rayner was baptised on 27th February 1686/1687
13/11/1686 Baptism James Wood James Wood a son of Robert Wood and Elizabeth Wood was baptised on 13th November 1686
10/01/1687 Marriage James Bolton James Bolton was married on 10th January 1687/1688 to Ann Fairweather
10/01/1687 Marriage Ann Fayrweather Ann Fayrweather was married on 10th January 1687/1688 to James Bolton
29/04/1687 Baptism James Podkin James Podkin a son of Robert Podkin and Clear Podkin was baptised on 29th April 1687
21/05/1687 Baptism James Smyth James Smyth a son of Thomas Smyth and Alice Smyth was baptised on 21st May 1687
22/05/1687 Baptism & Burial Henry Woods Henry Woods son of James Woods and Lydia Woods was baptised on 22nd May 1687 and was buried on 25th May 1687
27/12/1687 Baptism Elizabeth Chilver Elizabeth Chilver a daughter of James Chilver and Susanna Chilver was baptised on 27th December 1687
12/04/1688 Baptism Rayner A daughter of James Rayner and Elizabeth Rayner was baptised on 12th April 1688
25/12/1688 Baptism James Gooding James Gooding a son of John Goodin and Susanna Goodin was baptised on 25th December 1688
28/10/1689 Burial Sane The wife of James Sane was buried on 28th October 1689
08/03/1690 Baptism Anne Rayner Anne Rayner a daughter of James Rayner was baptised on 8th March 1690/1691
13/03/1690 Burial Chilvers An infant daughter of James Chilvers was buried on 13th March 1690/1691 - an infant
03/10/1690 Burial James Goodwin James Goodwin son of John Goodwin was buried on 3rd October 1690
20/10/1690 Burial Godbold A daughter of James Godbold was buried on 20th October 1690
04/04/1691 Baptism Anne Bolton Anne Bolton a daughter of James Bolton and Anne Bolton was baptised on 4th April 1691
20/04/1691 Baptism Anne Hart Anne Hart a daughter of James Hart was baptised on 20th April 1691
28/01/1692 Burial Hanna Godball Hanna Godball daughter of James Godboll was buried on 28th January 1692/1693
04/01/1694 Baptism James Wieth James Wieth a son of Robert Wieth and Joane Wieth was baptised on 4th January 1694/1695
13/01/1694 Baptism Mary Boulton Mary Boulton a daughter of Jeames Boulton aka "James Boulton The Younger" and Ann Boulton was baptised on 13th January 1694/1695
19/04/1694 Baptism James Hart James Hart a son of James Hart and Martha Hart was baptised on 19th April 1694 Note: Martha Hart was buried 17/11/1716
19/04/1694 Baptism James Hart James Hart a son of Jeams Hartt and Mather Hartt was baptised on 19th April 1694 Note: Martha Hart ?
18/08/1695 Baptism Jonathan Godbold Jonathan Godbold a son of James Godbold and Mary Godbold was baptised on 18th August 1695
18/08/1695 Baptism Jonathan Goddbaulls Jonathan Goddbaulls a son of James Goddbaulls and Mary Goddbaulls was baptised on 18th August 1695
29/11/1696 Burial Samuel Godbold Samuel Godbold son of James Godbold and Mary Godbold was buried on 29th November 1696
06/12/1696 Burial Samuel Godbold Samuel Godbold son of James Godbold and Mary Godbold was buried on 6th December 1696 Note: 'buried only in woolen'
13/12/1696 Baptism John Bolton John Bolton a son of James Bolton and Anne Bolton was baptised on 13th December 1696
25/11/1697 Baptism James Rose James Rose a son of William Rose and Anne Rose was baptised on 25th November 1697
20/12/1697 Baptism James Tallagh James Tallagh a son of David Tallagh and Mary Tallagh was baptised on 20th December 1697
14/10/1698 Baptism Elizabeth Bolton Elizabeth Bolton a daughter of James Bolton and Ann Bolton was baptised on 14th October 1698
03/05/1699 Baptism Thomas Chilvers Thomas Chilvers a son of James Chilvers and Susanna Chilvers was baptised on 3rd May 1699
26/06/1699 Baptism Margaret Rayner Margaret Rayner a daughter of James Rayner and Elizabeth Rayner was baptised on 26th June 1699
27/12/1699 Baptism James King James King a son of George King and Mary King was baptised on 27th December 1699
22/09/1700 Baptism Margaret Bolton Margaret Bolton a daughter of James Bolton and Anne Bolton was baptised on 22nd September 1700
22/10/1700 Marriage James Carter James Carter of Creeting All Saints was married on 22nd October 1700 to Martha Cason
22/10/1700 Marriage Martha Cason Martha Cason was married on 22nd October 1700 to James Carter of Creeting All Saints
23/10/1700 Baptism Ann Hart Ann Hart a daughter of James Hart and Martha Hart was baptised on 23rd October 1700
17/08/1701 Burial Bolton A daughter of James Bolton and Anne Bolton was buried on 17th August 1701 - a child
15/09/1701 Burial James Fish James Fish was buried on 15th September 1701
26/10/1701 Baptism James Butcher James Butcher a son of Gyles Butcher was baptised on 26th October 1701
16/11/1701 Baptism Susan Rayner Susan Rayner a daughter of James Rayner and Mary Rayner was baptised on 16th November 1701
21/05/1702 Baptism Henry Bolton Henry Bolton a son of James Bolton and Anne Bolton was baptised on 21st May 1702
15/07/1702 Baptism & Burial Sarah Hart Sarah Hart daughter of James Hart and Martha Hart was baptised on 15th July 1702 and was buried on 9th September 1702
23/10/1702 Baptism Sarah Frost Sarah Frost a daughter of James Frost and Ann Frost was baptised on 23rd October 1702 Note: See F92-5
23/10/1702 Baptism Sarah Frost Sarah Frost a daughter of James Frost and Ann Frost was baptised on 23rd October 1702 Note: See F92-4
17/11/1702 Burial James King James King was buried on 17th November 1702
16/01/1704 Baptism Thomas Hart Thomas Hart a son of James Hart and Martha Hart was baptised on 16th January 1704/1705
12/05/1704 Baptism Bolton A daughter of James Bolton and Anne Bolton was baptised on 12th May 1704
01/03/1706 Baptism Thomas Bolton Thomas Bolton a son of James Bolton and Anne Bolton was baptised on 1st March 1706 Note: ?04/1706?
09/05/1706 Baptism Samuel Gyfer Samuel Gyfer a son of James Gyfer and Johanna Gyfer was baptised on 9th May 1706
02/10/1706 Burial Henry Bolton Henry Bolton son of James Bolton and Anne Bolton was buried on 2nd October 1706
26/11/1706 Burial Jennings The Widow Jennings of Kettleborough was buried on 26th November 1706
24/08/1707 Baptism James Taylor James Taylor a son of James Taylor and Mary Taylor was baptised on 24th August 1707
04/02/1708 Baptism James Taylor James Taylor a son of James Taylor and Susanna Taylor was baptised on 4th February 1708/1709
05/02/1709 Burial James Woods James Woods of Thorp was buried on 5th February 1709/1710
05/11/1709 Burial James Abbot James Abbot son of Jeremiah Abbot and Mary Abbot was buried on 5th November 1709/1710
23/07/1710 Baptism Susan Taylor Susan Taylor a daughter of James Taylor was baptised on 23rd July 1710
19/03/1711 Burial James Rivers James Rivers Illegitmate son of Sarah Rivers was buried on 19th March 1711/1712
24/06/1711 Baptism James Osborn James Osborn a son of George Osborn and Elizabeth Osborn was baptised on 24th June 1711
01/06/1712 Baptism Sarah Taylor Sarah Taylor a daughter of James Taylor and Susanne Taylor was baptised on 1st June 1712 Note: dic p'dict
28/03/1714 Baptism Mary Taylor Mary Taylor a daughter of James Taylor and Susanna Taylor was baptised on 28th March 1714
01/01/1715 Baptism James Fulcher James Fulcher a son of Nathaniel Fulcher and Grace Fulcher was baptised in January 1715/1716
Maxumum number of rows exceeded (250), please refine your search

Burial details

Grave Date  Name  Event Comments
  06/01/1894 Fanny Aldous Died on Saturday 6th January 1894 aged 17 and is buried in the Churchyard
30/01/1968 Arthur James Aldridge Was buried on Tuesday 30th January 1968 aged 85 and is buried in the Cemetary
  09/06/1838 James Arnold Died on Saturday 9th June 1838 aged 46 and is buried in the Churchyard
18/07/1820 James Ashford Died on Tuesday 18th July 1820 aged 43 and is buried in the Churchyard
06/01/1955 Frederick James Baldry Was buried on Thursday 6th January 1955 aged 85 and is buried in the Cemetary
09/01/1969 Edwin James Beale Was buried on Thursday 9th January 1969 aged 69 and is buried in the Cemetary
06/04/1946 James Edward Bloomfield Was buried on Saturday 6th April 1946 aged 24 and is buried in the Cemetary
05/08/1967 Edward James Carver Was buried on Saturday 5th August 1967 aged 67 and is buried in the Cemetary
  01/05/1828 James Clarke Died on Thursday 1st May 1828 aged 52 and is buried in the Churchyard
09/10/1977 James Cobbin Was buried on Sunday 9th October 1977 aged 74 and is buried in the Cemetary
20/05/1886 Eliza Collins Died on Thursday 20th May 1886 aged 45 and is buried in the Churchyard
  27/08/1837 James Collins Died on Sunday 27th August 1837 aged 9 and is buried in the Churchyard
30/10/1915 James Collins Was buried on Saturday 30th October 1915 aged 60 and is buried in the Cemetary
06/02/1945 Arthur James Cook Was buried on Tuesday 6th February 1945 aged 79 and is buried in the Cemetary
23/02/1922 James Cook Was buried on Thursday 23rd February 1922 aged 79 and is buried in the Cemetary
30/01/1949 James Edward Cook Was buried on Sunday 30th January 1949 aged 75 and is buried in the Cemetary
  24/07/1853 Caroline Darby Died on Sunday 24th July 1853 aged 11 and is buried in the Churchyard
  12/10/1861 Emma Darby Died on Saturday 12th October 1861 aged 52 and is buried in the Churchyard
  08/12/1839 James Darby Died on Sunday 8th December 1839 aged 32 and is buried in the Churchyard
  20/07/1841 James Darby Died on Tuesday 20th July 1841 aged 61 and is buried in the Churchyard
  12/06/1857 Maria Darby Died on Friday 12th June 1857 aged 48 and is buried in the Churchyard
  05/05/1861 Maria Darby Died on Sunday 5th May 1861 aged 77 and is buried in the Churchyard
  20/03/1855 Robert Darby Died on Tuesday 20th March 1855 aged 39 and is buried in the Churchyard
  01/01/1868 William Darby Died on Wednesday 1st January 1868 aged 61 and is buried in the Churchyard
21/10/1983 Cecil Edward James Denny Was buried on Friday 21st October 1983 aged 81 and is buried in the Cemetary
18/01/1974 James Edward Denny Was buried on Friday 18th January 1974 aged 73 and is buried in the Cemetary
10/06/1980 George James Goodbrey Was buried on Tuesday 10th June 1980 aged 65 and is buried in the Cemetary
17/09/1935 Frederick James Grimwade Was buried on Tuesday 17th September 1935 aged 74 and is buried in the Cemetary
  14/11/1870 James Gunn Died on Monday 14th November 1870 aged 32 and is buried in the Churchyard
18/02/1901 Edward James Hammond Was buried on Monday 18th February 1901 aged 16 and is buried in the Cemetary
09/02/1910 James Hammond Was buried on Wednesday 9th February 1910 aged 88 and is buried in the Cemetary
21/02/1949 James Arthur Hunt Was buried on Monday 21st February 1949 aged 85 and is buried in the Cemetary
23/06/1899 James Hurren Was buried on Friday 23rd June 1899 aged 78 and is buried in the Cemetary
14/06/1994 Cyril James Died on Tuesday 31st May 1994 and was buried on Tuesday 14th June 1994 aged 73 and is buried in the Cemetary
26/02/1997 Margaret Newham James Died on Monday 27th January 1997 and was buried on Wednesday 26th February 1997 aged 77 and is buried in the Cemetary
13/05/1994 Matlida Alice James Died on Thursday 5th May 1994 and was buried on Friday 13th May 1994 aged 84 and is buried in the Cemetary
13/06/1990 Bertram R Janes Died on Wednesday 6th June 1990 and was buried on Wednesday 13th June 1990 aged 87 and is buried in the Cemetary
08/10/1991 Elsie Alice Janes Died on Wednesday 2nd October 1991 and was buried on Tuesday 8th October 1991 aged 90 and is buried in the Cemetary
31/12/1902 James Jay Was buried on Wednesday 31st December 1902 aged 50 and is buried in the Cemetary
17/04/2000 Grace Olive Jenks Died on Tuesday 4th April 2000 and was buried on Monday 17th April 2000 aged 88 and is buried in the Cemetary
29/12/2000 Noman Stanley Jenks Died on Tuesday 19th December 2000 and was buried on Friday 29th December 2000 aged 90 and is buried in the Cemetary
18/03/1958 Kate Jones Was buried on Tuesday 18th March 1958 aged 88 and is buried in the Cemetary
23/10/1911 James Kerry Was buried on Monday 23rd October 1911 aged 54 and is buried in the Cemetary
  16/09/1809 Jane Knights Died on Saturday 16th September 1809 aged 56 and is buried in the Churchyard
12/01/1908 James Last Was buried on Sunday 12th January 1908 aged 68 and is buried in the Cemetary
20/07/2017 James Edward Mills Died on Saturday 24th June 2017 and was buried on Thursday 20th July 2017 aged 31 and is buried in the Cemetary
19/02/2001 Trevor Kenneth James Moore Died on Tuesday 12th December 2000 and was buried on Monday 19th February 2001 aged 67 and is buried in the Cemetary
  14/07/1790 Bridgette Moyes Died on Wednesday 14th July 1790 aged 33 and is buried in the Churchyard
  25/10/1807 Catherine Moyes Died on Sunday 25th October 1807 aged 21 and is buried in the Churchyard
  13/01/1837 James Moyes Died on Friday 13th January 1837 aged 70 and is buried in the Churchyard
16/08/1935 William James Mutimer Was buried on Friday 16th August 1935 aged 40 and is buried in the Cemetary
02/06/1917 James Pallant Was buried on Saturday 2nd June 1917 aged 66 and is buried in the Cemetary
14/03/1919 James Parker Was buried on Friday 14th March 1919 aged 60 and is buried in the Cemetary
20/03/1973 Leslie James F Parker Was buried on Tuesday 20th March 1973 aged 69 and is buried in the Cemetary
05/01/1973 James Pead Was buried on Friday 5th January 1973 aged 59 and is buried in the Cemetary
23/03/1937 Henry James Peck Was buried on Tuesday 23rd March 1937 aged 77 and is buried in the Cemetary
12/04/1907 James Perry Was buried on Friday 12th April 1907 aged 83 and is buried in the Cemetary
  22/05/1857 Fanny Rumsey Died on Friday 22nd May 1857 aged 13 and is buried in the Churchyard
  04/06/1858 Hannah Rumsey Died on Friday 4th June 1858 aged 39 and is buried in the Churchyard
  08/05/1865 James Rumsey Died on Monday 8th May 1865 aged 50 and is buried in the Churchyard
29/04/2017 James Dennis Russell Died on Monday 20th February 2017 and was buried on Saturday 29th April 2017 aged 94 and is buried in the Cemetary
28/03/1936 James Sharman Was buried on Saturday 28th March 1936 aged 59 and is buried in the Cemetary
26/03/1996 Charles James Skelhorn Died on Monday 18th March 1996 and was buried on Tuesday 26th March 1996 aged 67 and is buried in the Cemetary
07/11/2005 James Robert Smy Died on Sunday 30th October 2005 and was buried on Monday 7th November 2005 aged 21 and is buried in the Cemetary
19/07/1921 James Snell Was buried on Tuesday 19th July 1921 aged 69 and is buried in the Cemetary
18/01/1999 James Alfred Stannard Died on Sunday 10th January 1999 and was buried on Monday 18th January 1999 aged 76 and is buried in the Cemetary
  27/04/1759 James Taylor Died on Friday 27th April 1759 aged 63 and is buried in the Churchyard
  14/08/1772 Mary Taylor Died on Friday 14th August 1772 aged 72 and is buried in the Churchyard
24/10/1979 William James Taylor Was buried on Wednesday 24th October 1979 aged 79 and is buried in the Cemetary
16/10/1900 James Frederick Tayor Died on Tuesday 2nd October 1900 and was buried on Tuesday 16th October 1900 aged 39 and is buried in the Cemetary
23/06/2002 James Edwin Vinton Died on Sunday 23rd June 2002 aged 43 and is buried in the Cemetary
24/04/1908 James Wade Was buried on Friday 24th April 1908 aged 60 and is buried in the Cemetary
  02/01/1861 James Walne Died on Wednesday 2nd January 1861 aged 60 and is buried in the Churchyard
  24/06/1799 Mary Ward Died on Monday 24th June 1799 aged 8 and is buried in the Churchyard
06/10/2015 Robert James Webster Died on Saturday 22nd August 2015 and was buried on Tuesday 6th October 2015 aged 95 and is buried in the Cemetary
14/08/1929 James Weston Was buried on Wednesday 14th August 1929 aged 90 and is buried in the Cemetary
26/04/1928 James Wilby Was buried on Thursday 26th April 1928 aged 70 and is buried in the Cemetary
19/01/1935 William David James Wilby Was buried on Saturday 19th January 1935 aged 28 and is buried in the Cemetary

1837 Holding details

Details Landowner Occupier Holding Name Sheet Acres Vicar's rent Impropriator's rent notes
  Abraham Gardener James Noller White House Yards etc. 9 0.938 £0 7s. 6d. £0 0s. 0d.
  Lord The Rt. Hon Henniker James Darby   Hogsty Farm 13 218.819 £20 3s. 9d. £41 4s. 0d.
  Edward Locke James Norris Boarded House Farm 19 51.069 £4 6s. 9d. £9 15s. 0d.
  Rev William Manning James Tacon Romewood Green Farm 21 200.619 £15 18s. 0d. £43 5s. 0d.
  James Norris James Norris unknown 23 1.456 £0 6s. 6d. £0 0s. 0d.
Total472.901£41 2s. 6d.£94 4s. 0d.

1837 Field details

Details Holding Farm Name Field Name Landowner Occupier Sheet-Plan Cultivation Acres Aggregated with Vicar's rent Impropriator's rent notes
White House Yards etc.  White House Yards etc. Abraham Gardener James Noller 9/543 0.938
White House Yards etc.  White House Yards etc. Abraham Gardener James Noller 9/543H 0.938
Hogsty Farm  Hogsty Farm Little Mead The Rt Hon Lord Henniker James Darby   12/556 Grass 3.569 PNE: "Smyth" pencilled-in under "Occupier".
Hogsty Farm  Hogsty Farm Little Haycroft The Rt Hon Lord Henniker James Darby   12/557 Arable 6.394 PNE: "Smyth" pencilled-in under "Occupier".
Hogsty Farm  Hogsty Farm Long Mead The Rt Hon Lord Henniker James Darby   12/558 Grass 7.025 PNE: "Smyth" pencilled-in under "Occupier".
Hogsty Farm  Hogsty Farm Long Mead Hill The Rt Hon Lord Henniker James Darby   12/559 Arable 8.394 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in. "Smyth" pencilled-in under "Occupier".
Hogsty Farm  Hogsty Farm Little Woolnough The Rt Hon Lord Henniker James Darby   12/587 Arable 13.269
Hogsty Farm  Hogsty Farm Little Shearing Field The Rt Hon Lord Henniker James Darby   12/588 Grass 3.669
Hogsty Farm  Hogsty Farm Further Barn Pightle The Rt Hon Lord Henniker James Darby   12/589 Grass 2.831
Hogsty Farm  Hogsty Farm Home Field Pightle The Rt Hon Lord Henniker James Darby   13/590 Grass 3.600
Hogsty Farm  Hogsty Farm Great Haycroft The Rt Hon Lord Henniker James Darby   13/592 Arable 11.781
Hogsty Farm  Hogsty Farm Mile (or Mill) Mead The Rt Hon Lord Henniker James Darby   13/593 Arable 13.413
Hogsty Farm  Hogsty Farm Debenham Mead The Rt Hon Lord Henniker James Darby   13/594 Grass 8.500 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in 15s 9d. 15s 9d: 15s 9d: Ipswich School - 2s 2d; Smyth 13s 7d Pencilled in "Remarks": Ipswich School 2s 2d vicar's rent & 2s 2d Impr.; Smyth £1 9s 2d vicar £3 17s 0d & Impr.; Capon £18 12s 5d vicar & £16 4s 7d Impr. Totals £20 3s 9d each.
Hogsty Farm  Hogsty Farm Barn Mead The Rt Hon Lord Henniker James Darby   13/596 Grass 4.094
Hogsty Farm  Hogsty Farm Cartshed Pightle The Rt Hon Lord Henniker James Darby   13/598 Grass 2.006
Hogsty Farm  Hogsty Farm Home Field The Rt Hon Lord Henniker James Darby   13/599 Grass 13.100
Hogsty Farm  Hogsty Farm Homestead, Gardens and House The Rt Hon Lord Henniker James Darby   13/600 2.044
Hogsty Farm  Hogsty Farm Stack Yard Pightle The Rt Hon Lord Henniker James Darby   13/601 Grass 1.644
Hogsty Farm  Hogsty Farm Home Mead The Rt Hon Lord Henniker James Darby   13/602 Grass 11.163
Hogsty Farm  Hogsty Farm New Leys The Rt Hon Lord Henniker James Darby   13/608 Arable 13.606
Hogsty Farm  Hogsty Farm First Middle Low The Rt Hon Lord Henniker James Darby   13/609 Arable 18.544
Hogsty Farm  Hogsty Farm Eight Acres The Rt Hon Lord Henniker James Darby   13/610 Arable 9.594
Hogsty Farm  Hogsty Farm Shearing Mead The Rt Hon Lord Henniker James Darby   13/611 Arable 4.863
Hogsty Farm  Hogsty Farm Middle Woolnough The Rt Hon Lord Henniker James Darby   13/612 Arable 11.663
Hogsty Farm  Hogsty Farm Further Woolnough The Rt Hon Lord Henniker James Darby   13/613 Arable 16.750
Hogsty Farm  Hogsty Farm Spring Field The Rt Hon Lord Henniker James Darby   13/637 Arable 11.981
Hogsty Farm  Hogsty Farm Further Middle Low The Rt Hon Lord Henniker James Darby   13/638 Arable 15.325
Boarded House Farm  Boarded House Farm Further part of 10 Acres Edward Locke James Norris 19/1 Arable 5.000
Boarded House Farm  Boarded House Farm Further Mead Edward Locke James Norris 19/2 Grass 0.488
Boarded House Farm  Boarded House Farm Spin Way Piece Edward Locke James Norris 19/3 Arable 2.225
Boarded House Farm  Boarded House Farm Hither part of 10 Acres Edward Locke James Norris 19/4 Arable 3.563
Boarded House Farm  Boarded House Farm Long Field Edward Locke James Norris 19/6 Arable 5.869
Boarded House Farm  Boarded House Farm Further Hill Edward Locke James Norris 19/7 Arable 3.956
Boarded House Farm  Boarded House Farm Long Meadow Edward Locke James Norris 19/8 Grass 3.213
Boarded House Farm  Boarded House Farm Hither Hill Edward Locke James Norris 19/9 Arable 3.881
Boarded House Farm  Boarded House Farm Bantofts Meadow Edward Locke James Norris 19/10 Grass 2.000
Boarded House Farm  Boarded House Farm Bantofts Pightle Edward Locke James Norris 19/11 Arable 2.550
Boarded House Farm  Boarded House Farm Drift Edward Locke James Norris 19/12 Grass 0.406
Boarded House Farm  Boarded House Farm Neathouse Piece Edward Locke James Norris 19/13 Grass 4.644
Boarded House Farm  Boarded House Farm New Piece Edward Locke James Norris 19/14 Arable 1.994
Boarded House Farm  Boarded House Farm Home Field Edward Locke James Norris 19/15 Arable 7.675
Boarded House Farm  Boarded House Farm New Orchard Edward Locke James Norris 19/24 Grass 2.738
Boarded House Farm  Boarded House Farm Homestead Edward Locke James Norris 19/25 0.806
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Wetheringsett Field Rev. William Manning James Tacon 20/98 Arable 6.931
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Back House Mead Rev. William Manning James Tacon 20/100 Grass 2.688
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Orchard Rev. William Manning James Tacon 20/101 Grass 0.813
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Stack Yard etc. Rev. William Manning James Tacon 20/102 0.300
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Homestead etc. Rev William Manning James Tacon 20/103 1.619
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Pightle Rev William Manning James Tacon 20/104 Grass 0.875
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Great Meadow Rev William Manning James Tacon 20/105 Grass 8.669
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Great Meadow (part of) Rev William Manning James Tacon 20/106 Grass 4.975
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Great Meadow (part of) Rev William Manning James Tacon 20/107 Grass 3.100
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Crossway Field Rev William Manning James Tacon 20/108 Arable 8.650
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Coarse Field Rev William Manning James Tacon 20/109 Arable 8.069
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm The Grove Rev William Manning James Tacon 20/110 Arable 5.819
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Keans Field Rev William Manning James Tacon 20/111 Arable 7.919
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Burts Field Rev William Manning James Tacon 21/117 Arable 11.731
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Breeches Piece Rev William Manning James Tacon 21/195 Arable 1.788
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Spotland Meadow Rev William Manning James Tacon 21/202 Arable 2.175
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Romewood Green Field Rev William Manning James Tacon 21/207 Arable 12.863
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Spotland Field Rev William Manning James Tacon 21/208 Arable 10.644
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Coxall Meadow Rev William Manning James Tacon 21/211 Arable 6.094
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Coxall Field Rev William Manning James Tacon 21/213 Arable 13.600
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Nine Acres Rev William Manning James Tacon 21/214 Arable 10.469
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Five Acres Rev William Manning James Tacon 21/215 Arable 5.919
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Packway Pightle Rev William Manning James Tacon 21/216 Arable 2.038 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Upper Field Rev William Manning James Tacon 21/245 Arable 4.769
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Dairy Brook Mead Rev William Manning James Tacon 21/252 Grass 4.038
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Barn and Yard Rev William Manning James Tacon 21/253 0.094
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Dove House Field Rev William Manning James Tacon 21/257 Arable 6.350
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Eight Acres Rev William Manning James Tacon 21/266 Arable 8.919
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Sixteen Acres Rev William Manning James Tacon 21/267 Arable 17.469
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Gardeners Rev William Manning James Tacon 21/279 Arable 6.844 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Knights Close Rev William Manning James Tacon 21/479 Arable 11.731 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Romewood Green Farm  Romewood Green Farm Sheep Wash Fen Rev William Manning James Tacon 21/566 Grass 2.663 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
unknown  Back Field James Norris James Norris 23/503 Arable 1.138
unknown  House and Garden James Norris James Norris 23/504 Garden 0.319


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