Card | Date | Type | Name | Event | 17/07/1747 | Burial | Borley | The wife of Edward Borley was buried on 17th July 1747 | 02/06/1766 | Burial | Edward Borley | Edward Borley was buried on 2nd June 1766 |
Grave | Date | Name | Event | Comments |
21/09/2007 | George AW Barlow | Died on Tuesday 18th September 2007 and was buried on Friday 21st September 2007 aged 72 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
08/02/1988 | Minnie Sarah Barlow | Died on Tuesday 2nd February 1988 and was buried on Monday 8th February 1988 aged 80 and is buried in the Cemetary | ||
29/05/1987 | William Robert Barlow | Died on Monday 25th May 1987 and was buried on Friday 29th May 1987 aged 87 and is buried in the Cemetary |
Icon | Action | Show parish record | Sort | Show grave record |