
Holding Details

1837 Holding details

Map* Holding Name Landowner Occupier Sheet Acres Vicar's rent Impropriator's rent notes
Cherry Tree Edmund Tydeman  Edmund Tydeman  25 5.244 £0 5s. 6d. £1 10s. 3d.

1837 Field details

Map* Farm Name Field Name Landowner Occupier Sheet-Plan Cultivation Acres Aggregated with Vicar's rent Impropriator's rent notes
Cherry Tree Field Edmund Tydeman  Edmund Tydeman  25 - 311 Arable 3.550 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in
Cherry Tree Mead Edmund Tydeman  Edmund Tydeman  25 - 313 Grass 0.838 314 PNE: Vicar's rent pencilled in, Impr. Rents pencilled "G Exors"
Cherry Tree Inn and Yards Edmund Tydeman  Edmund Tydeman  25 - 314 0.856 314 PNE: Tolly


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