
Holding Details

1837 Holding details

Map* Holding Name Landowner Occupier Sheet Acres Vicar's rent Impropriator's rent notes
unknownLord The Rt. Hon Henniker Peter Kersey  14 0.588 £0 2s. 0d. £0 0s. 0d. PNE: Impropriator pencilled-in "Redeemed"

1837 Field details

Map* Farm Name Field Name Landowner Occupier Sheet-Plan Cultivation Acres Aggregated with Vicar's rent Impropriator's rent notes
Field (part of) The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Peter Kersey 14 - 571 Arable 0.200
Meadow (part of) The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Peter Kersey 14 - 572 Grass 0.181
Meadow (part of) The Rt Hon Lord Henniker Peter Kersey 14 - 573 Grass 0.206


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