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The Debenham Dig – SOLD OUT

Leisure centre Debenham Sports and Leisure Centre, Gracechurch St, Debenham, Suffolk, United Kingdom

The annual Knowland Memorial Lecture, presented by Len Middleton from the Cambridge Archaeological Unit presents the final results of the archaeological dig carried out in the village in 2022. The talk details the approach, the technology used and the artefacts found and what these tell us of earlier life on this site. Note that following… Read More »The Debenham Dig – SOLD OUT


The History of Longbows and Arrows

United Reformed Church 21 Chancery Lane, Debenham, Suffolk, United Kingdom

Professional bow maker, Willy Rackham, details the history of longbows and arrows. A selection of bows and arrows will be on display to support this talk.


The Great Thorpe Railway Disaster 1874: Heroes, Victims, Survivors

United Reformed Church 21 Chancery Lane, Debenham, Suffolk, United Kingdom

Phyllida Scrivens provides a unique account of the events that led to head-on collision between two Victorian steam trains outside of Norwich and explores the personalities and lives involved, including the 27 victims.


Voices from the Workhouse – Memories of a Suffolk Workhouse

United Reformed Church 21 Chancery Lane, Debenham, Suffolk, United Kingdom

Janette Robinson’s talk is based on the memoirs written by a lady in her 90s, on growing up in the Wickham Market Workhouse. The talk looks at this family during their time in the workhouse and after leaving.


Celebrating Suffolk Women

United Reformed Church 21 Chancery Lane, Debenham, Suffolk, United Kingdom

Sarah Doig will look at the fascinating lives of the county’s heroines, including Suffolk artists, suffragettes, medical pioneers, dare-devils and writers.


The Unique Vernacular Architecture of North Suffolk

United Reformed Church 21 Chancery Lane, Debenham, Suffolk, United Kingdom

John Walker, architectural historian, details the unique architectural styles and building techniques to be found in North Suffolk.


Orlando Whistlecraft – Suffolk Weather Prophet

United Reformed Church 21 Chancery Lane, Debenham, Suffolk, United Kingdom

Kevin Pulford tells of the life and work of Suffolk born, Victorian weather predictor Orlando Whistlecraft.


Everything you Wanted to Know about Heraldry

United Reformed Church 21 Chancery Lane, Debenham, Suffolk, United Kingdom

Chris Broome provides an introduction to the fascinating world of heraldry and how it can be used to further family history research.


The Dissolution of the Monasteries 

United Reformed Church 21 Chancery Lane, Debenham, Suffolk, United Kingdom

Pip Wright will tell of how, on the orders of Henry VIII, every single abbey and priory in England was dissolved or forcibly closed, and also of other previous royal actions to suppress religious houses.  N.B THIS IS A CHANGE TO THE PUBLISHED PROGRAMME


Lord Nelson and his Suffolk Connections, followed by AGM.

United Reformed Church 21 Chancery Lane, Debenham, Suffolk, United Kingdom

Cathy Shelborne tells of Admiral Lord Nelson who was High Steward of Ipswich and several of the women in his life who had close links with Suffolk, along with other surprising connections. This lecture will be followed at 9:15 by a short Annual General Meeting.


Suffolk’s Lost Architecture

United Reformed Church 21 Chancery Lane, Debenham, Suffolk, United Kingdom

Stephen Poulter recreates vanished architectural gems using surviving period prints and the reports from travellers who visited the towns and villages during the past 400 years either for personal curiosity or in the process of compiling guidebooks for the increasing number of tourists who had leisure time along with cheaper and faster methods of transport… Read More »Suffolk’s Lost Architecture
